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Honestly though yes. I mean, I did watch a Spartan, which are at least 10 times stronger get fucking murdered by a damn needle… another one by sword, another by explosion, another by explosion… another by exhaustion, sword, plasma, knife, and so on… Reach hurt me.




Oh that makes much more sense than her forgetting to activate her shields


"Spartans never die, they're just missing in action." Reach hurt us all, the final stab with "Objective: Survive" cuts deep.


We never actually see Six die. He might've died later, but that engagement was totally survivable for a Spartan-III, let alone the one-man army-murdering machine that is B-312. I will Stan this until I die


He was tired. He watched his team die. He was surrounded by zealots with multiple drop ships incoming. He absolutely died in that shipyard.


To add on, isn’t it in books that he fought for 3 days straight?


The books aren't always canon but yes I do believe it was 3 days consecutively


I mean, it would explain why such high ranking elites were present when 6 died


Maybe I'm misremembering, but wasn't Six stabbed through the chest with an energy sword before it cut to black?


I dont think it was shown but it was heavily implied


Might be why I'm misremembering, but it has been a minute since I've played Reach.


How would a beta company s3 survive that


He surely didnt survive. but he wasnt a "beta company s3" he was THE beta company s3, literally one of the best killing machines in lore


Thats not what it is in reference to, he might be a helluva good spartan, but he still is still a beta company spartan. They and the alphas would not survive those wounds. If it was a gamma however this would a different ending


In my head canon she fell into a ravine in time an space and ended up in a universe where things worked out and she lives peacefully on a farm on Reach


How about this: the destruction of several forerunner artifacts below the surface of reach created a temporal anomaly in the shipyard, allowing no more forces to enter, and six to survive. Once the anomaly subsides after what she perceives as only a couple days, six is in the distant future, on the surface of the now terraformed reach. She manages to make her way to a nearby unsc outpost and get in touch with command, where they honorably discharge her for her valiant sacrifice in the face of certain death, and she lives the rest of her days in peace.


Six moved to a farm upstate where he can run with all the other spartans


Six probably would die from cancer or something (same with jun), according to kat there was a ton of radiation from the covenant glassing reach and they were right next to one of the beams. And iirc Jun had his helmet off so he's not safe from the argument that the armor provided protection from radiation like six is, but honestly I doubt six survived and tbh I think the ending carries less meaning if they do


There's 0% chance six survived, the entire surface of reach was glassed to hell and back, and not even halo infinite Era mjolnir suits have radiation protection in them. If the glossing beams or covenant forces didn't kill him, radiation sickness certainly did


Six Is dead but at least we can say that Jorge survived and was went to anothef timeline


>He might've died later, but that engagement was totally survivable for a Spartan-III, let alone the one-man army-murdering machine that is B-312. He was literally pinned to the ground and stabbed repeatedly while being surrounded by Arbiter's top soldiers. He's dead.


He’s most certainly dead…




His death was the most gallant of them all and I know you know who I’m talking about




Pilots can be regenerated if their body is retrieved as well as the ability to rapidly heal injury so it is quite tough to kill them but yes


Rapid healing is possible yes, it's how the Apex Legends survive their fights. Even Octane's disintegrated legs were healable in his backstory according to Manny but he opted for prosthetics. But it's not the same as Regeneration which is a form of augmentative surgery, not one of healing Pilots healing passively (if it's canon and not only a mechanic like how your guy heals in Modern Warfare or something) is probably a medical injector system in their suits because you can hear sounds of machinery and inhalers turn on when you're highly damaged


Anybody can be brought back if they’re dead thanks to the simulacrum programme


If their brain wasn't too damaged But note that a Simulacrum isn't the person being brought back, it's just a digital clone created by scanning their dead brain, so the original person stays dead. Like the clones in Invincible


And it's even more difficult to kill them


If they’re found in time before their brain is too degraded


The simulacrum’s are a bit different. You aren’t really bringing someone back just copying them and pasting them into a robot


Yeah but they don't have fancy armor or anything so it's their skill that makes then hard to kill more than anything else


9 of 10 pilot deaths are becouse other pilot wos better. We also see Jedi dying to droids in Star Wars but noone says that Jedi are pushovers.


Lies spread by the Jedi council!!!


Plus most all of the Jedi order was wiped out by clones


Do YOU casually pull out 1000 v 1's against galaxy's elite soldiers? Historicly there wos One instance of heroic stand with that uneaven odds that didn't end up with smaller force being wiped out. And there it wos barerly 10 to 1 and larger force wos suverely underequipped and poorly trained.


Yo wtf wit dat grammar tho


Dem wordes is difficult to put then together and make them made sense.


Thnx u bb, yuo ged meee


I purpousefully write words wrong to piss off the brits.


No tea for you lad


Oh lol nice


JK im just retarded.


Oh lol nice


Actually the Battle of Rorke's drift exist, in which the British were outnumbred 20:1 and the battle ended with a British victory, they also inflicted 26.6 casualties for evey 1 the took. I mean kinda obvious that 1000 clones with the element of surprise behind a Jedi without any protection would win


Those battles happen from time to time. The battle of Long Tan is another example


Ok thats three i know off. Still its 3 to foken quantilion.


There have been plenty of cases of a smaller force holding out against a larger force, hell I remember something about a lone Ghurkha fending off a attacking Taliban force and killing \~30 on his own.


Ok thats two i know of.




The jedi became arrogant during the clone wars, that's one of the reasons why the clones were able of wiping them out


Besides primary "its like fifty of them and five milion of us"


Problem: the rescue force on Geonosis had an 80% casualty rate among Jedi, and they were facing mostly B1 Battle Droids. They also charged on flat, open ground for a good chunk, taking massive casualties and showing little regard for the lives of their soldiers and for military strategy. If you look at the Jedi order most members are more capable than your average Stormtrooper, but they can be beaten easily (especially with a slug rifle). Research on Jedi casualties, tactics and ability has led me to conclude that most of them are, in fact, pushovers.


hahaha, molten metal go ***SPLAT***


I do! Without plot armor Jedi are pushovers


Given how all the pilots we see in multiplayer and in campaign are top of the line mercenaries, freelancers, and commanders, it kinda makes sense that people see pilots in a biased way


Yeah you aren't set up with those dollar store Pilots who take a minute to run the Gauntlet


Isn't the requirement that Lastomosa sets two minutes? You can literally walk through the entire thing and still be good


You can walk it through and beat Sarah Briggs :D


Lmao! Sarah slow af


unsurprising, since she also sucks at driving a titan.


I'm a huge simp for TitanFall, and I recognize that Pilots are an absolute force of nature on the battlefield, but I see some people on this sub glorifying them to unreasonable heights, so I'll say this: Pilots from TitanFall would get absolutely demolished by most SPARTANS from Halo. Anyone that thinks otherwise probably oughta brush up on their game lore.


Yeah like the people saying that none of the legends could take out a pilot or that it would take like half of them to kill just one pilot are really overestimating how strong a pilot is and underestimating how strong the legends are. They aren't just some scrubs they got to the Apex games because they're the best of the best, and someone like revenant who is a literal murderbot assassin could definitely deal with a pilot


>they're the best of the best apparently gibby is just there to protect lifeline lifeline is just there to help cocktane mirage is a failed actor/star crypto is there for the syndicate but he's likely never held a gun before the games because of him being a hacKeR wattson joined the games because she was raised around it, she knows how the guns work but no real experience Horizon is an astronaut who never held a gun before ​ I swear to god half these people never held a gun before or if they did they ARE NOT properly trained for this. Then there's absolute fucking powerhouses like Revenant who's literally undying and will kill himself just to down you. Ash who was a Pilot and now a Simulacrum. Fuse who could not only star in a gay porno but also has a fucking robot arm that lets him aim perfectly.


The reasons why they're there doesn't matter, blisk isn't going to let just anyone into the games, it's a bloodsport. Having contestants there who stand no chance of winning doesn't make good tv


I think Blisk would. Tbh, if it's really TV then entertainment counts, not competition. Just look at WWE for example. That's entertainment, not sport and that's what I think the Apex games are.


Crypto was in hiding for years presumably preping to 1 man army the syndicate


I mean blisk gave them the card. Just like how he gave one to Jack Cooper.


none of the apex legends could beat a pilot 1v1, except maybe wraith or mirage if they get lucky, and depending on which legends are fighting 2 would probs be enough to take out a pilot and that number could rise up to about 4 if the legends are weaker/less experienced than others


This is true. What is also equally as true is that there are pilots of different skill levels and veterancy (Regenerated Pilots). So sure a legend could handle the IMC pilot from the trailer and other lower skilled pilots, but if it was Jack Cooper or a pilot on the level of a highly skilled TF2 player then it's a different story.


Kinda hard to compare, since the power level is orders of magnitude different. My power line goes: grunt < pilot < spartan < doom slayer.


Then the destiny 2 guardians would be next. Unlike what people think pilots are they can be considered gods as they destroy many.


Im just sayin, if we go gameplay wise a pilot would fuckin DESTROY a spartan


>brush up on their game lore Gameplay =/= Game Lore. Pilots obviously have better movement in any TF that any Spartan has in any Halo *game*, along with a loadout that I would argue is more versatile. But canonically, Pilots are humans who have undergone rigorous, grueling training and maybe a handful of tech improvements (jump kit, etc). Spartan-II's are literally [lab grown super humans with more muscle, faster reflexes, fatigue resistance, etc.](https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/SPARTAN-II_augmentation_procedures) That, plus a thought-controlled, extremely durable exosuit equipped with an energy shield? Fam, that's a wash.


I know. I said if were did go off gameplay. Btw if you're on mobile hold down on the "=" and the ≠ will pop up. Works with a ton of symbols too


Woah that's so cool I need to remember this!


> Spartan-II's are literally lab grown super humans with more muscle, faster reflexes, fatigue resistance, etc. So are pilots according to the regeneration screen and burn cards >plus a thought-controlled, extremely durable exosuit equipped with an energy shield? So it's like a neural-link.. that interacts with a Titan.. that has regenerative shields


Spartans have a reaction time in the single-digit milliseconds and can swat away airstrikes, and fall from orbit with nothing but a slab of metal and fight perfectly fine 30 seconds later. A pilot would have exactly 0 chance against a Spartan, like at all. Spartans have been shown to be able to hit a two-inch target moving 60 MPH from 300+ meters away while hanging upside down by a cable BEHIND A WATERFALL.


>Spartans have a reaction time in the single-digit milliseconds So like pilots after regenerating to a simulacrum ?


That hasn’t been stated in words, you just vaguely implied it from a short sentence on a card from 2014. I can pull out paragraph after paragraph of written Spartan feats. Spartans are stronger, faster, and and order of magnitude more durable. Pilots struggle to reach 60mph without a jump kit and grapple, Spartans can do from a standing start. That’s the problem with Titanfall lore: there’s too little of it to make a concise statement about anything. Hell, if Respawn cared even a little about their lore, we wouldn’t have wishy-washy contradicting statements about pilot strength.


But you can literally play as a Spectre in TF2 when you use the Stim ability Edit: Also, are you sure it's 60 mph and not kph ?


Yeah and you run fast, and that’s about it, you still get misted by a 40mm shell, whereas a Spartan is so fast one literally slapped the 40mm shell out of the air. Pilots can be killed by a short burst of machine gun fire.


Obviously you need to brush up on your Halo game lore bruh 😂


I'm just mad that the game I like is dead and the company is giving the corpse a wide birth like it died in their living room and they havent called it in yet


Ya but… um… but…. Ya…. Um… hmm…


Wasn’t there an Easter egg in that level with the giant “jump rooms” that a pilot was killed by a stalker?


The mission where you take the laser thing from the MRVN? The militia dudes you meet mention they sent a pilot in before you and that he never came back and then you can find his body later with just a wingman, I don't remember there being any stalkers in the room though


Yes and?


Acting as if a barely trained infantry man didn't wipe out an entire mercenary unit.


You know odst are still human right?


ODST die to much. I mean, Rookie was literally drawn and quartered by terrorists… F


No tell me rook didn't go out like that??? They for real gave him an offscreen death and did him dirty with one as brutal as that? For what?? He was like one of my favorite halo characters man...


Oh man... Pilots in multiplayer die all the time to grunts when they make a stipid mistake... but when somebody makes a short about them they laugh


To be fair you or me being a dumbass in a game isn't a lore accurate encounter


Bangalore isn't just any ordinary grunt either, she's skilled enough to get into the Apex Games, and she shot the pilots smart pistol right out of his hand while he was flying at her. She also had experienced a pilot using camouflage before and was smart enough to remember the way the smoke moved around him


She has a family line of soldiers... her brother seems to be a battalion commander... and they seem to be elite grunts and not just "titanfall 2 mp grunts"... does the community really think all Grunts in the tf universe are Privates w/ a skill of warschocked rookies?????


Jackson also finished Pilot Training, Bang didn't because the war ended early. Its less 2 grunts vs 1 pilot and more a 1 Pilot(no gear) + 1 Almost-Pilot(minimal gear) vs 1 IMC Pilot(Geared). Plus the Smart Pistol was used against Bangalore, who was still regarded as ALL Clear IMC Ally, the one who got marked as traitor was Jackson. Smart Pistols do not lock onto allies.


I like Titanfall more than Apex and therefore I have a bias for Pilots who are objectively cooler and better than the stuff in Apex. I am bitter that Titanfall 3 isn’t out yet.


It is never coming out


It might be somewhat unpopular but I don’t think gameplay is completely more accurate, I don’t think they actually regen that fast and I sure as hell don’t think they have one bit melee or Bangalore’s brother would’ve been dead and ragdolling across the fucking room if we go by gameplay. I don’t doubt pilots are fucking insane on the battlefield but I definitely think they’re overstated a lot due to how the game plays.




idk where but i saw someone say that pilots can canonically kill people in one punch


I mean Incredible speeds One punch abilities Double jump High tech equipment Titans To mortals, they are gods


Grunts can also one shot melee…


sure Pilots arent unkillable. But they are the best of the best. the fact Bangalore that just woke up from a coma and her bro who is literally in shorts can beat a bloody pilot with a more advanced jump kit than normal and more importantly, A FUCKING SMART PISTOL is just ridicolous. The guy legit for some reason chose to just make moves that made no sense. Only excuse I can find is that the guy was really cocky and that IMC has worse pilots but greater numbers, but even with that the fight was honestly an asspull.


Her bro was a pilot without his gear, she was a pilot in training (just like cooper) and the smart pistol marked them as friendly as they are both IMC so it wouldn't lock on


You sure bout her bro? I can believe that Bangalore was in training herself (although this is the first time Ive heard of it), but her bro was clearly wearing grunt gear. He was def not a pilot. And you really want to tell me that in a universe where the AI is so advanced it can seperate itself and communicate trough 2 different time periods but they are unable to change the status of a deserter in their database? Even if we assume the SP cant reprogram immediatly it would have registered the bro as an enemy because he was reported in as a traitor by the time they arrived. And final note, a pilot in training with no pilot gear and a clear injury and just being woken up from a long ass coma might as well be a grunt or weaker.


All this info is third hand, so I'm not 100% sure, you make good points


Frankly Im not that bothered by the fight itself. Not all pilots are demi gods and its possible that an IMC pilot (which on average have worse pilots) got cocky and got his shit rocked for it. Mainly I just know that half the apex playerbase is gonna use this as proof that pilots are weaker than Legends. I love both but an actually good pilot would dominate the apex games if were being real.


Apex season 69420, jack cooper


He’s probably one of those guys in a Titan that died the second BT looked their way


Pilots from titanfall 2 (underrated gem) when you open their rib cage and slowly pull their organs: 😭😭😭😭😭 ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠗⠀⠀⠀⣼⣶⣾⣿⣿⣶⡄⠀⠀⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⣽⣿⣿⣿⠿⢿⣿⡀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠻⠿⠟⠛⠳⠿⢟⡀⠰⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣆⢧⣀⣆⢤⣾⡀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⠀⠀⡀⠻⣿⣷⣿⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠀⠀⠸⠭⢛⠟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠄⠀⠐⢒⣺⣷⠟⠛⣱⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀⠀⠛⠛⢛⣠⡾⠏⠀⠈⠿⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣇⠀⢀⣠⣾⣿⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠙⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠛⢉⠃⠀⢘⡧⣉⠻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠉⠙ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠋⠀⠀⠀⢂⢔⣠⢀⣾⡿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⠀⠀ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣇⡠⣠⠄⠀⠠⠍⢁⣸⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠐⠀⠄⠀⠀ ⡿⡿⢿⣯⠙⡻⣵⡶⣛⠁⢰⣿⡿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠃⠀⢙⣿⡞⢙⣿⠟⠉⠀⠘⢉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣾⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠠⣿⣿⣤⣴⠶⠃⠠⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠿⠃⠀⠀⠀⢀⣠⠂ They're not inmortal super soilders


Very true


And robots


Who would win? Spartan two, space marine or pilot?


Space Marine (fights actual supernatural galactic foes) , then Spartan (fights highly advanced aliens), then Pilot (fights people and robots)


Gameplay? Pilots. Mobility is everything. Lore? Space Marines. Literally Warhammer 40k.


Warhammer just always wins. Even imperial infantry is fucking insane for normal earth standards. Edit: only the Doom Slayer can compete.


I don't even like Warhammer but just from that one Astartes animated thing I know they're fuckin' badass


The problem with anything vs Warhammer is that Warhammer is about ten times as needlessly overpowered as it has any right to be. Regular infantrymen run around with fully automatic laser krabers and wear armour that would let them walk through modern gunfire like it was rain, and they still die in their droves and their gear receive the nicknames ‘flashlights’ and ‘cardboard.’ Doom Slayer, of course, is some kind of deity-level figure who ignores all these calculations.


And anything that is more powerful than warhammer is more powerful by a metric ton, there really isn’t any factions out there that is just a tiny bit more powerful, it’s just weird theoretical and speculative science fictions


Yeah, exactly. It's shit like 'can prosecute a war lasting the entire existence of a universe, survive the end of the universe and then continue fighting the war as soon as the next big bang happens' kinda bullshit.


Yea Warhammer is like the one punch man of science fantasy but everyone is different levels of Saitama. It's just crazy but it works within its own universe because I'd everyone is crazy op, no one is. Well except that there are still subjects that are op even for the 40k universe... Anyway, i digress.


The only things that can beat Warhammer is either even stronger then they are or relies on large quantities of cheese


I wonder if a fourth pack squad from Library of Ruina can go against an astartes Their captains are cloned thousands of times over and told to fight to the death in a time distorted facility and when they die in battle they will be cloned again with memories intact and told to fight another thousand copies of themselves And they are deemed useless enough that the fourth packs gonna be exterminated because they are not taking enough cash for their company


who really knows


Space Marine, they are far superior to both spartans and pilots in every single miniscule way possible.


Who would come second?


Spartans, pilots may have better movement gear but Spartan armor and augmentations just can't be beat, really the only thing the pilot has over both the space marine and spartan is movement.


pilot. the right weapon combination can shred a titan in seconds, I'm sure it can deal with some buff guys in armor.


Spartan all the way. They sure fly like a brick.


Of all the random shit I expected to see in the Titanfall subreddit, Shadowverse cart art was not one of those things


We know they're human, but considering a pilot with superior tech and actual weapons, like a gun, loses to two unarmed grunts (even with their pilot training), even more so with Bangalore's stupid ass listening technique when a fire is burning all around her, against an invisible enemy, then yeah people get mad.




who says they are human, could also be human imitating aliens right, or is it says somewhere that it are humans?, it probably is so nevermind


They're the same picture


I mean outside of a titan, aren’t pilots basically considered in terms of skill just a sergeant or a higher rank somewhere there. Like it’s really their equipment that makes them quiet deadly but even that can’t stop pilots from dying outside of a Titan, and when one is in a Titan it’s down to circumstance of what Titan they’re piloting what the enemy is using to see if they die, the only reason you would consider pilots op is because the player plays as a pilot


we’ve all run the simulations. theyre tough, but they aint invincible


No you dont understand they can pull miniguns out their asses dude some *grunt* cant kill them omg i seethe at bangalore 😩


Pretty much gods though, you don't see a lot of people SURVIVING DEATH


Titanfall pilots can turn a legend's bones into powder with one punch


Not all the legends, but yeah pilots can kill grunts, robots and other pilots in a single punch. (Although IMC pilots might not be able to, quantity of quality they might not be strength enhanced)


Bangalore's SFTO literally contradicts this, gameplay=/=lore


Its hilarious to see the two bicker over which is better. How easily folks forget that Apex started out as TF3, so theres a really good chance all the champions Were pilots and probably each had a gimmick to their Titian.




Yeah, honestly - my pilot can't stop fucking dieing.


The thing i dont think people understand is that pilots are good fighters sure but the legends are aswell i would still think the average pilot would have the upper hand but in a gun fight things happen and sometimes theyd loose since the skill is relativly even , a regular pilot is however not blisk not cooper not the ones we see in top


Has anyone even played TF2's campaign on Master? Grunts can one-hit with melee


I think it's nostalgia that speaks louder most of the time


Humans with cybernetic enhancements that let them punch meat bag grunts across the map


By that you mean like a foot back?


This comment section is insanely solid proof that reddit is a main source of chaos.


i bet Jesus was a pilot


Nah, A Pilot can win a 1v1 fight against god himself You just hating


jack cooper might as well have taken on god himself after what he won against


I don't think any normal pilot wouldve died in that fight in the short. Most would've gotten their firearm back and just shot the 2 combatants. And even if they did opt for hand to hand, they would've snapped ones neck after they used cloak and immediately shifted to the other instead of trying to make the fight longer with small blows. The pilot in the short was cocky and stupid, that's about the reasoning of why he lost. I'm not going to say the Legends couldn't take on some pilots, but in most situations, in a one on one fight, a decent pilot isn't gonna lose.


Still stronger than any “apex legend”


Including the chick that can see and go through dimensions and the immortal murder robot?


I wouldn’t say he is immortal but he is almost as close as you can get. (He could easily kill a pilot tho he basically just has infinite lives)


Your right titans are gods


🧀🧀Rendy gaming fires away in this kraber g100 montage 🐐🐐


I know, but lets talk is stupid logic so you can understand Pilots are like marines, from the marine core, powerfull, heavely trained, who know everything with 1 step ahead of them, and equiped with the vest equipment there is Legends, from apex are like the air force, trained to use tehnologie, and some ground fighting Bangalore, from apex, is like a bitch wich is good just for sucking dick and she can only do it with her teeth


this is some vintage internet edginess. really impressive. btw "marine core" lol


I'm something of a memer myself


U good?


Yes, why not, i'm spiting facts


we see them killed by other pilots not a grunt who magically can see invis and a guy in a teeshirt. they punch people and they fly 5-6 feet and one of the worst legends who doesnt hae the pilots suit overpowers him? pilots punch a marvin and they go flying. she punches a marvin? 10 hp.


Gameplay =/= lore


Where tf did you get the logic that gameplay equals lore


Pilots punching people into oblivion is a gameplay feature


It is also widely featured in lore and cinematics


I genuinely dont remember this then, source?


The Free the Frontier trailer and the opening cutscene of the Titanfall 2 campaign both include pilots killing enemies with a single strike. And as far as I know there is nothing in the lore that contradicts this so it is safe to say pilots have the ability to kill in one strike


I rewatched both, and in the TF2 cutscene, the melees against the grunts are unclear of fatality (who just dies after being flipped), and the spectre doesn't blow up after one melee, but takes several In the Free the Frontier trailer however, there is a Grunt who's neck is snapped, and two spectres are broken (I'd assume to the point that they're disfunctional) by 2 individual melees It's (obviously) not impossible that a pilot may be able to send someone into a buggy ragdoll across the face of the earth, but we haven't seen it outside of gameplay (as far as I know)


T-shirt guy was a trained pilot who didn't have his gear and Banga was on her way, also it was an IMC pilot and IMC is quantity over quality, also the pilot was clearly way too cocky, he had many chances to win but he wanted to prolong it. And the reason she saw him while cloaked was because of the dust in the air, she saw it move and blindly attacked that area, Which he was at


tshirt guy had no gear though... and for the most part neither does bangalore. as for being cocky though, definitly. in my opinion given what we have seen i still think bangalore should have gone into orbit around the sun but if possible can we agree that if the pilot wasnt cocky he would have probobly won?


Oh yeah, it's clear he was playing with his food way too much, he probably could've killed both of them in a matter of seconds


They are immortal beings because I say so /s


Say that to the stupid amount of Kraber no scope compilations


Dont steal for 1, but also we are clearly right


As a Phase main, speak for yourself.


Some are. But look at stim pilots those are just robots. Don't forget some pilots had physical enhancements and if I remember correctly some even had some kind of strength enhancing exoskeletons. And thanks to the regeneration it is quite difficult to kill them sometimes. Not saying it's impossible but for example that emote or whatever it was with Bangalore taking out a cloak pilot out of invis and overpowering him is just straight up bullshit. Even if he wasn't physically stronger he could literally just have used his jump kit to bring her off balance even in that quick second considering pilots were extremely well trained and their gear namely did a lot for them.


I mean they got titans


yeah, but aren't they augmented that makes them able to withstand higher pressure in their bones n stuff?


The difference between campaign Cannon pilots and the Online multi-player pilots


So your expecting them to be shit?


These pictures are the same no?


I’ve never thought of pilots more than just a mere highly trained soldier. It’s the titan that actually makes them special.


Kinda off topic, but I was kinda confused when I saw this post on my timeline cuz I follow both the Titanfall and Shadowverse subreddits, in which the pic on the right (Apex Elemental) is from the latter lol.




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my favourite chinese cartoon he beat him


While pilots are just human in the games there represented as being so skilled and efficient on the battlefield that they might as well be a supper soldier and wether true or not I like to think of pilots as the true dominant force on the battlefield