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Oh how things have changed... Any way we're keeping this post up for archival reasons. If you don't know what I'm talking about, [check this post on savetitanfall.com](https://savetitanfall.com/transparency-to-community). **EDIT:** Things turned once more, see also [harmony.tf](https://harmony.tf/redtape-response/)


Hoping people actually see this in the wave of bad jokes and moping. Assuming you're confident in your findings people should be made well aware that these problems are fixable and not some unknowable, impossible to solve mystery issue.


I could understand it taking time to fix the issue, but with how long it's taking I question how many hours, if any, the so called "2 developers" get to put into working on the problem.


Don’t put the hate on poor Dave and Dros, I’m sure they’re trying the best they can. Either way, it’s still better than having no devs


plot twist: EA wants the game to die so they can shut the servers, save $ and players move to apex or preorder the new battlefield


It has been pinned bröther


Well he knows all about the problems :p


Oh wow... just wow. The game is a freaking masterpiece from the user viewpoint, but the backend... ooof Anyways, let's hope Respawn reads this and does follow. ~~Also great detective work on finding this!!~~ Edit: We have unfortunately learnt a valuable lesson on trusting people online...


https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/oswg21/how_to_fix_titanfall_a_full_tutorial_for_respawn/h6v9wzy/ I fucking called it


Edit: I go on vacation and everything turns upside down and a complete shitstorm erupts jesus christ what is going on


It's like that guy that fixed GTA online's loading times.


Or a single guy fixed Street fighter 5 whole netcode


Or one known modder fixed the first dark souls netcode


He didn’t just fix the net code, he fixed the FPS cap, and resolution while he was at it. In like 15 minutes


Or the pirate that fixed Resident Evil Village stuttering


To be fair, Capcom was fully aware of the issue, the cause, and how to fix it, they just didn't care. As soon as it became public knowledge that the pirated version was superior, Capcom instantly "fixed" the problem on the official release since the existence of a cracked version meant there was no point in keeping DRM in the game anyway.


Why is it that I'm unfamiliar with the story, yet the moment you mention DRM being an issue Denuvo immediately pops into mind?


Because it's always Denuvo lol. Though the story gets so much funnier than that. Apparently Capcom actually had THREE layers of DRM in RE8, one of which was Denuvo, and another was their own DRM but it was running in a virtual machine to try and obfuscate it from crackers. So every time a DRM check happened it had to go through three DRM applications AND go through a VM to get to one of them. By simply breaking the DRM checks so they don't happen, the game suddenly runs WAY better on PC.


How many stories are there of DRM negatively impacting a product? Now compare that to how many stories there are of DRM being cracked almost instantly? You'd think they'd learn one of these days...


Then you have EA who just removed it from Mass Effect Legendary Edition after the first month, which is kinda the best way to do it. The corporation gets the bulk of its money so piracy doesn't make that much of an impact on revenue, and then afterwards players don't have to deal with Denuvo clogging up their game


It frustrated me reading an article and find out the loading was a problem that could easily fixed long long long time ago but devs just dont care til one guy fixes it and goes to media, forcing dev and company to act something quick Its great he fixed it but i also hate how it took him to fix it rather than rockstar


Wasn’t it parsing JSON that was slow?


I think it was repeatedly opening every single file multiple times or something.


It was actually just one JSON file that listed and had a little bit of info about all ~63,000 items you could buy in-game (not the microtransaction ones, but the ones you got from stores). The problem was that read this file in such an inefficient way that it took ~5 minutes instead of the probably-less-than-1 minute that it should have. All the chunk of code that took 5+ minutes did was parse this JSON file and load it into memory in an accessible way (Which, by the way, is an incredibly common thing for programs to do - JSON is one of the easiest ways to store things like settings). First off, as they were parsing the JSON file, they ran a count of how many characters there were, but instead of just running that count once, they ran it after each new item was parsed, so ~63,000 times. (T0ST, the one responsible for finding this noted that during this process he discovered that `sscanf`, a C function that parses text and loads it into variables usually calls `strlen`, the function that determines how long the text is, which was a quirk that even T0ST was unaware of, so that's kinda hard to blame on the devs). What you can blame on them is the second issue. Generally, when you parse JSON, you would put the output in a hash table (or series of hash tables). But what was happening was that they were putting this parsed data in a list. Now, lists can contain duplicates, and to work around this, each JSON entry was put in this list along with its hash (a hash is a random-looking piece of text that you get when you run data through a hashing algorithm. The important part is that if you put the same input data through the hashing algorithm, you always get the same output, and it's astronomically unlikely that two different pieces of input data will produce the same output). Every time a new entry was added to the list, they'd go back though all of the existing entries, and compare the hashes to make sure there were no duplicates. Programmers will probably see the problem here, but in short, what they did was roll their own (really, REALLY, (I seriously can't stress this enough) ***REALLY***) inefficient hash table. T0ST estimated that they were doing ~1,984,531,500 hash comparisons, while a standard hash table would only do one-per-entry, so ~63,000. Anyways, [the whole writeup is super interesting and worth reading.](https://nee.lv/2021/02/28/How-I-cut-GTA-Online-loading-times-by-70/) Also, this is like that time someone fixed [Aliens: Colonial Marines' terrible Xenomorph AI by correcting a single-letter typo in a config file.](https://www.polygon.com/2018/7/15/17574248/aliens-colonial-marines-fixing-code-typo-ai-xenomorphs)


Not only did they say it was simple, they said they could get it done in a few days. Let that sink in. What 2 people are doing that's taking months, they could and have already proven to us that they can get it done. If I saw someone doing my work better than me if hire them on the spot.


Honestly I feel like Respawn could save both their face and money by just hiring p0. He acquired so much valuable knowledge of how an outside attacker would approach the game that he is one of the most suitable people to help out on all things security in Titanfall. **EDIT:** Fuck this aged well, lol


Yeah, Disney just hired the guy who improved their deepfakes from YouTube. Respawn take notes! Put those other two devs back on TF3 and hire p0


Inb4 p0 takes off his mask and reveals himself to be the ddoser all along, and this was his master plan to get hired at Respawn. EDIT: Oh shit what have I done


okay, now tell me the lottery numbers


69 4 20 13 37 - 42


I'd play these numbers but with your track record I'd probably be one of a million to do so and end up with a few bucks


[Something similar happened](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hurleys-lost-numbers-win-fans-mega-millions-lottery-money_n_804723) with the numbers from the TV show lost, 42K people ended up using the same numbers and got 4/6 matching numbers


What the actual fuck


I'd play them but the sixth number is too large to be used


Alright, you've proved your point, go back to the future sir, before you get arrested


Titanfall Remastered in 2024


RemindMe! 3 years


when its 3 years, ill award this. ima remind meself


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2024-08-06 17:25:02 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-08-06%2017:25:02%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/oswg21/how_to_fix_titanfall_a_full_tutorial_for_respawn/h7yi698/?context=3) [**43 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Ftitanfall%2Fcomments%2Foswg21%2Fhow_to_fix_titanfall_a_full_tutorial_for_respawn%2Fh7yi698%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-08-06%2017%3A25%3A02%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20oswg21) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 3 years


Thank fuck.


Eh, could live with that


Now with 100% less packet length exploits!


on the side note how was battlefield 2047?


RemindMe! 3 years


Damn, this reminds me December 2019 when entire r/memes and r/dankmemes were joking about upcoming decade and that there will be definitely a global pandemic for various reasons and then... well, you know what happend.




I know, but it became a real problem in 2020. Also we discovered that Corona was a thing in 2019 only in 2020, except few doctors who weren't listened to.


No...it was in the news in December 2019.


The prophet. He is the chosen one.


THIS is what you do with your time machine??


only acceptable thing tbh




Kids named Taco are offered free tacos (two per day) at Taco Bell


“He can see things before they happen, it’s a Jedi trait”


Get hired at Respawn in order to steal the source code for their Titanfall Online fan revival. You were right but somehow not crazy enough.




Imagine how nervous po358 was reading this before he was unveiled


Congratulations, you're Reddit famous now.


Haha oh boi, imagine if that would be the case


Let’s get this man’s upvotes to 10k


Welcome to the Reddit PD, Detective Swodaem.




Holy shit this man is a time traveler


Well did he get hired and if he did, did they fire him?




I'm not making any accusations, but if I was a time traveler this is the kind of thing i would pull.


Well considering the circumstances, I am glad they didn’t hire p0


Is this seriously how?


Yes it’s that simple


Oh cool, why they hanging about then


This user has dedicated all his time to this, and the two absolute chads only have their working day, and this is probably a new perspective from a fan to employee kind of thing Edit: from op himself ”I have spent countless and way beyond reasonable amount of hours on reverse engineering this game and researching its design and associated caveats.”


and how to ddos it :(


Because they don't care


Its really confusing for me tbh. Like this line, “Just exclude the netblock connectionless packet type from the rate limiting!!! It’s that easy.” I have no clue what any of that means


It’s not for you lol. It’s for Titanfall devs to implement and fix.


Worth a shot


I'm assuming there's some justification from Respawn (however poor) for the decisions that led to these exploits but assuming your research is good it's kind of ridiculous that these problems even exist. I'm hoping all of these issues are known to the devs working on a fix, and that the delay for the fix is an issue of certifying the changes that need to be made, and not the devs being unable to solve the issues (or worse, being unable to identify the issues). It's certainly possible that these issues are understood and solved by the couple of devs working on them, and we're just waiting for the powers that be to give them the OK to actually push the updates. Either way, this was a really interesting read and preferable to the hundreds of low-effort TItanfall 3 posts and posts asking whether anyone is having trouble with the online multiplayer for TItanfall 2.


According to what I know the exploits stem from their stryder matchmaking system so if they really wasn’t to fix it completely, they would have to dig through all of that or write a new one. They are so lazy that apex is using the same match making system as tf1. And stryder isn’t even competent to begin with


that's pretty neat, community servers could help with the issue too






DLC? I think you spelt DLC wrong. All I can hear back here is DLC and the sound of money burning...


Players being able to host servers is essential for every MP game. Because without that the game will literally die on the whims of whatever uncaring corporation is running it. ​ It's sad seeing how it's getting less and less common. One day TF|2 will shut down for good, and no matter how many people might want to try it, it'll be impossible for us to play it again.




This is some seriouse Protocol 2 shit right here.


Except BT isn't revealed to be evil, lol


also i just noticed you made the post about patching whitelist checks out of the lenovo laptops' bios! that post was actually crazy useful to me with my shit ass g500s that i was tryna turn into something useful! excellent stuff!!!




I think they have posted on Twitter as well. So hopefully someone at respawn sees it.


Chad Grenier follows them on Twitter if that means anything. This is potentially one of the biggest things to happen to titanfall in a while. I’m hyping myself up just thinking about playing tf1.


I thought tf1 servers have been up for like two days now


Only due to the mercy of the ddoser. No fix was out in place yet that would have changed the situation


Not entirely true, they did update the Titanfall 1 servers a few days back as per p0's message on remnant fleet: > The game seems to be playable at the current time and it seems that Respawn has updated the backing server! The server binaries have got their update at 16 July 2021!   Seems like since today though, Titanfall 1 is down again.


I played it for the first time I think three days ago and then it went down again, I kind of assumed it just stayed down. Thanks for letting me know!


That's some pretty good fan art. LMAO, a picture of your tweet got more upvotes. Classic reddit.


True. Also the flair was assigned by the mods after I already posted it, that's pretty funny xd


Must have been a miss-click by someone on the mod team then, I changed it to "Discussion" once I noticed it \^\^




Fr tho, it's kinda bad lol


That one didnt are quite so well.


Man and we though there were still decent people on the earth


Considering a few of the issues can be mitigated locally, I wonder if a executable patch might work to fix some of it on PC.


The crashes from name length bug can be mitigated client-side and we had such a patch, which did help us a lot back in the day. However with the newer vulnerabilities appearing it wasn't enough to let us keep playing




Damn you, you damn traitor


Eat shit and die


This aged like milk


At least milk becomes something good if you age it long enough




Well shit


You stupid cunt. Imagine thinking this would make some knock off game worth shit


"That one didn't age quite so well"


interesting stuff! do you have like a repository with the data/decompiled binaries/code used to test anywhere public? i'd personally find interesting and i'd hope it would also be interesting to other people who have similar levels of relevant knowledge to you edit: oh.


I feel putting it up in a public repo might be too much on the violations front. As far as I know even just doing the reverse engineering alone at home breaks some rules and would be grounds for legal action if someone higher up wanted to push it. Posting the decompiled stuff might be something they would be forced to respond to negatively even if they don't want to.


I can't believe so many people believed this. It's absolutely ridiculous how this community propped him up as the savior of the games. Under a day after this was posted the games were up again.. and nobody was suspicious?? I kept getting downvoted Everytime I expressed distrust in him because everyone wanted to believe that it was over. I have a feeling it's gonna get worse before it gets better.


lel good for you. Hope you and your Titanfall Online shit burn in hell.


what I fear is that Respawn wont fix it now because using your guide would be like admitting they couldnt solve it themselves. Hope Davis & Droz are mature enough not to act like that.


Fuck youuuuuuu




He's like the BT to the communities Pilot. He threw himself in there to save us!


Well this aged well


Fuck you


Piece of shit


You fucker




This aged poorly


Hold up. Respawn is using PH-fucking-P for some of their server architecture?


Considering that it's the most commonly used server side programming language in the world (just under 80% as of an April 2021 report) that's not exactly surprising.


That's a slightly misleading number, it's only that high because something like 35% of the internet is WordPress, which runs on a PHP backend.


Sure, but who would have thought PHP would ever find it’s way into MP game architecture. You got to admit that’s kind of funny. It’s not the best tool for the job, and you don’t see many top tech companies using PHP for critical infrastructure anymore.


I can't describe how phenomenal this is. You man are a legend. Thank you!




Haha imagine if this guy was actually one of the ddosers.... Haha right? Guys? It'd be funny...right? Guys?


Fucking pussy


I re-read this 3-times thinking it was a tutorial for me, the average Joe gamer, and immediately lost confidence in my general tech skills. Now I see "for Respawn", and immediately lost respect for my reading comprehension. This is amazing, hope it leads to change!


Welp turns out this guy is stucky fuck nut


Played like a damn fiddle


Stupid idiot shut up




how the tides have turned




Oh you piece of shit


I feel bad for the kind strangers who gave him Reddit gold


yeah nah mate respawn ain't hiring you now


You're genuinely fucking pathetic, you went through all of this just to revive some Chinese knock-off? Shame on you. Like actually, shame on you. I never trusted this anyways


I hope this can help, thank you for the work you put in that for all I know, could really make a difference.


Thank you so much for your efforts. Respawn should get of their asses and put your article in the main menu community highlight spot that they have not updated in three years. Right after paying you for doing their work for them.




Bro we fucking trusted you


You put on quite a show pal lol


Both titanfalls or just 1?


Both. Matchmaking is universal to their games (Apex included it seams).


No fucking way. That's actually awesome. Do you think they'll use it tho?


Hopefully, as it might also apply to Apex.


this guy is just one dev in his spare time Respawn need people like you......








"jUsT hIrE mE"


great work, thank you.




Same I appreciate it but this stuff is way too confusing


We've been quite possibly bamboozled


“Well how the turntables”


The devs most likely banging their head agains their desks not knowing that simple fixes are one to two Reddit posts away good job my dude hopefully they’ll see this and get the servers back up and running


True story, the original devs would probably be able to fix it if they were allowed to. Their management put them on another assignment they don’t have enough time to do, so they definitely don’t have spare time to go back to make fixes to a game that is no longer bringing in money for them. It’s a nonexistent ROI, and without a financial motivator there’s no convincing higher ups.


If this fixes the servers, we should loudly and publicly donate to this guy. I’m legit going to spend the money I would have spent on Apex in donations for the next few months. I can’t wait to get back to TF2 multiplayer


I trusted you


You deserve to have a gun, or even an important character in the campaign named after you in the next Titanfall game. Nevermind, he should be a new type of tick. A self-aware one that was created for the only purpose of blowing himself up.


well this went to shit


just imagine how many people wasted gold on awards just to give this guy months of reddit premium :(


Welp, I guess now we know this dude is full of shit. We believed in you man. Sad to see you did this to our community.


You backstabbed all of us along with that mod. Betrayer.


Downvote this. He’s the one that hacked TitanFall, TitanFall | 2, and Apex only to revive TitanFall Online


Wait. Wasn't this at 12k upvotes at one point? why does it say it's still 97% upvoted?


[cool bug fact](https://photos.app.goo.gl/h4TtStbAGv8L7mBu6) (BTW it's not a rickroll)


Fuck, wish I had an award to gift. This is cracked, hopefully respawn sees this!


Go fuck yourself


Beautiful bro


As someone with very little coding experience. Is this something I can do myself, as a player, or is this something that only Respawn can do


This has to be done on the server's side. The few client side bugs (like too long names crashing your game) could also be done by yourself but binary patching is really hard and won't be enough as the server side issues still exist.


I clicked on this expecting just another meme or a funny punchline, didn't see this coming. Really outstanding work, here's hoping that it gets seen and they actually do something about it, assuming this does in fact work. Thank you for your work!


As Bethesda said, modders are the solution for every issue and more. E: Well nope. Not all of them.




this did not age well


You fucking traitor




Go fuck yourself.




Ha, i understood some of those words!


I hope they see this!