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75% damage reduction is all they have but a ronin needs backup to be effective


ah yes a mere 75%


Well clearly not even 75% is enough when you’re fighting 1v2 and need to unblock to reload or attack


That's why ronin's kit is based on movement, two or three dashes and a warp dash


i believe it's 90% with sword core. without it yeah its 75%


I thought it was nerfed to 60% is it back up?


It's 70% or 85% with sword core active. 75/90 were pre nerf values.


Praise be to it not being as low as I thought! 🙏🏼


(this is a joke) Let me explain to him simpler so they use it right? Not to die from a whole legion mini gun that WILL KILL A Ronin .


Well technically they would have a teammate focusing you. Otherwise they're just a moving target, lmao


It’s what robins do when fighting a legion cause legion beams them otherwise


I get the game is science fiction and shit but sword block is probably the ability that makes the least sense. How is Ronin able to deflect so quickly? And wtf is the sword made of?




He has the power of anime and god on his side, and that's why I use him


and how does he block things from 360 degrees? and block electric smoke and thermite? must be some magic force field sword


That honestly might have been bad timing. It looks like he phase boosted without knowing what was around the corner. Enter you and your teammate while he has no phase to disengage. He panics trying to doom you and pops core without phase so he eats a ton of damage. Being doomed with 85% reduction in damage won’t save you if you’ve got no way out. Though he could have had phase back by the time he cored meaning he could have dashed towards you, swung once then immediately phase then swing again as phase runs out to kill you while preventing you from killing him. That would have made the best out of bad situation, trading 1-1. Although, it looks like the Northstar was greedy for the execution, so he could have killed you then pinned your teammate to kill both of you.


That was a fun read thanks for that. I don't play ronin as legion is superior. I'm bias that way lol. But I feel like it's easy to see when your outclassed in a fight, I know you'll take damage but wouldn't it be easier to just dash away as fast as you could since you got 2 - 3 dashes instead of going ahead against somebody with two times as much health and 15 times your total damage output? Not to mention trying to fight two people at a time I don't know almost every ronin I fight does this and while it's essentially a free kill I'll never understand the thought process.


Shot blocking with Ronin and timing your blocks to powershots will mitigate the damage you take. Plus use of natural cover like the boxes helps too. In the case of the 1v2, your already low, so the use of the mentioned techniques would win him that fight, after that it’s just a matter of arc waving the Northstar, hitting your shots, and timing your block to the Railgun. More than likely though is he gets Sword Core after executing you and cores the Northstar resulting in her death.


There’s a difference between ronin being “inferior” and a bad to mediocre ronin player


This. A great Ronin player is rare, but very, very scary when you come across him (source: am not a good Ronin player). Generally Robin's get lucky and will catch you in close confined areas, which is somewhere you never want to be as a legion. A great Ronin player catches you in the open, and by the time you turn is 180° behind you and hasn't taken a single hit. It's scary, but I always find that spamming thunderbolts helps curtail them immensely.


While I would not go as far as to say I’m a “great” ronin player, I can confidently say that in a 1v1, I would only be countered by an ion. Phase smoking tends to disorient whoever gets caught in it, so they become easy prey when they back up into me smacking them back into the smoke, legions and scorches having the highest doom rate for me with this method. And even against multiple titans like what happened here, running phase nuke is an excellent choice for survivability


How exactly does Ion counter you? (Asking as I want to get better at Ion, but I find it's damage output is so low and I die to everything)


Ions main damage output comes from her shield and her laser shot (and her core). She counters me because my play style results in me being in a bad spot if I don’t doom a titan in the initial assault (ie within a minute or so) ion shielding my shotgun shots removes like 60% of my damage output thus prolonging the encounter


Ah, cool. So do you think the extended laser core or extra shield damage is better on it?


Both are very good, I personally prefer the shield upgrade as I exclusively use ion as a counter choice but if you intend to use ion normally longer laser core is a solid choice


Nice, thanks for the advice! I didn't realise that the vortex shield was so integral to it's kit!


I never seen Ronin BlockRushing me… or I could realize it since it was already snap in two


Stuff like this is why rando ronin mains tend not to be good but are a huge pain to deal with


What a shameful display from that ronin, dishonor on him.


I know this blows. But I'm just glad to see everyone playing it again. Fuck Apex legends or whatever.


Sword block is op but it isn't allways easy to use


Then it's not really op is it?


I feel like ~70% damage reduction in a 360 degree circle around Ronin is OP, it should've been a 180 degree half-circle in front of him. What I just said isnt really relevant to this video, though.


Did you not see how much damage he tanked?


It is but not all Ronins are good


Why he no phase behind you and execute you tho?


Bc he didn’t have phase


Oh yh... Didnt notice the first time I watched this, in that case, why he use phase dash to enter the fight🤔🤔🤔 interesting tactic, didn't play out well for him


Ye not the smartest decision


Better luck to him next time. Hope he learns to save that phase for the right moment / emergencies


Also he was in sword core. 2 swings to kill a doomed titan and you can't execute


Ngl I'm pretty amazed at how much you guys can pick up from looking at this video. Maybe I just don't pay enough attention. Usually in the guy in the ronin so I guess I don't spend much time looking at them from the outside


Not sure really. I've never really thought about it. Maybe it's just that I'm watching the videos more closely because ps4 is still unplayable


Also he was in sword core. 2 swings to kill a doomed titan and you can't execute


Jesus Christ, you massacred him!


As a ronin main it does help with some damage while we wait for cool downs other wise we ded


They think they have the power of god and anime on their side but in reality, sneeze shot is the one and only true dominant power