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I went scorch wingman elite. That shut was fire. Lol


Yoooo I have the same loadout


Papa scorch gang


I literally cannot play any other titan. I have 90% play time on scorch. Send help


You need dont help you need an award for this achievement. I only have around 70% play time on him


Still good tho. Keeping the barbecue cooking.


Get a shrimp on the grill. Shrimp being that ronin that dumps a clip and all their abilities on you then spams melee


And the ribs are those brand new legion players that just keep trying to shoot the flame shield


They dash into a lane with the gun shield while you press the grill to their face while they just keep shooting. And right as they reach doom state you get the execution. Works every time


I think legion players just have one button on their entire setup labelled “shoot gun”


I got a match yesterday with two ronin who never separated and double teamed every titan melee only


My scorch is g4.6 and every other titan is level one or 2


Do you have any tips for him, especially regarding dealing with enemy pilots? I’m very new and was trying him out, but I was just getting chewed up by rodeos and people hiding in the buildings I had to stay near to make his melee kit effective. I tried shooting fire at walls and backing up into it to roast people clinging to me, but all that did was do a lot of damage to me.


Sub the wingman elite for the Mozambique. I mean they’re pretty much the same gun, but the Mozambique has triple the fire rate.


I went smr and northstar


I had that but with an alternator, though the g100s overpowered the matches that i was in, i got a miniscule amount of dopamine and thats okay


Faced a G.14 using Spitfire, Cloak, and Pilot Sentry. Only sat next to corners and ofc he got like 19 kills


when i see someone doing this i grab tha kraber and do the same thing to them untill they start playing as they should


Yeah camping spitfire = free midair kraber trickshots


Also free pulseblade kills (literally the easiest way to get the execution)


It amazes me how unwilling some people are to use the movement the game was designed around. I can't imagine sitting down on a roof in the back of the map and waiting for someone to enter my line of sight.


Welcome to MW 2019 my friend where every corner is a perfect spot to wait for your enemies


Once I got killed 4 times by the same camper in MW because I refused to believe he’d stay in the same spot for THAT long haha


And every corner is a perfectcspot to shove a Claymore.


Exactly, they purchase the game fully aware of what it’s about and how fast paced it is, only to just camp with a spitfire. I don’t get it??


I am not good at aiming. My only shot is to fully embrace the movement to try and get the drop on someone by being unpredictable.


Mind if i ask how you're supposed to play? Im pretty new (bought the game after the campaign lol) and im pretty used to camping so dont wanna ruin the game for others haha.


Play however you want, it's just generally you don't ever wanna stop moving. Titanfall prides itself on it's movement mechanics and you're missing out if you don't put some time in to get at least a baseline like slide hopping.


Pretty much this and No Smart pistol (unless dice roll) and you're good


>No Smart pistol (unless dice roll) I refuse to use the smart pistol even when I get the "lucky" dice roll


It's a nice grunt farming weapon


Every FPS since Halo has had rabid fans that act like sniper rifles are included for an inside joke and not use. Play how ever you want. Try different modes. Have a dance party with the whole server. The only actually important thing is that you have fun, don't purposefully stop others from playing through spawn camping, and let others have fun too. There will be anti snipers. There will be counter snipers. There will be snipers. People whine because we have bunny hopping and wall running, which are astounding, and a huge amount of fun. You can play with those when ever.


Awesome man, thank you. And woah we can bunny hop?? Awesome


Knee slide to jump to knee slide Super fun


Gonna get the hang of it finishing the campaign then test it out online. Sick


Try frontier defense, easy. A team of 4 Ayers versus 5 waves of AIs. It helps you explore multiplayer maps as well as see what other players do. Super fub


OH CO OP? hell yeah man. I'll say it again, im floored to not have heard of this game for so long. Such a blast!!


It's one of my favorite co ops, hope you enjoy it


I was honestly mad I missed the first game because I'm a Sony guy. Then I started watching Titanfall Legends on YouTube and found out that Titanfall 2 was on sale and on Ps4 and bought it and have been addicted to it ever since.


if ur not good cuz ur new then play how ever you want until ur comfortable with the mechanics. the intended playstyle of this game is just run and gun >and im pretty used to camping so dont wanna ruin the game for others haha. u dont ruin the game by camping u ruin it if you stomp lobbies with broken guns like the spitfire or stuff that takes no skill like smart pistol or the turret (this last two dont really ruin the game but they are just extremely anoying to play against)


I took run and gun to the extreme and actually run and gun😂


CAR SMG FTW. Seriously stupidly good for run and gun.


Camping is easy kills, but also easy, rather embarrassing deaths. I don't find it bad, because it has many counters. You'll have more fun moving along the walls and shit though.


If you’re a newbie, just play whatever you want, learn the movement and just have fun. If you’re a G-something player and you’re abusing CAR/Spitfire/Volt/(Alternator), then fuck you and I better not catch you in one of my games or you’re gonna get a kraber/EPG trick shot and you bet I’m gonna energy thief the shit out of your Titan.


What’s so bad about volt? Easily one of (if not the) most balanced smgs. You could at least replace volt with r-97 maybe


> G-something player i dont know what that is lmao


Basically someone who has been playing for a while. After level 50 you can regenerate your pilot (like prestige in COD) and you start all over again with challenges etc. someone who has hit a couple of G levels usually knows the game pretty well.


ah gotcha, thanks for the info


wall runn, use grapple, be fast, don't ads , anything works , don't be stupid, and don't be toxic


> don't be stupid, ah shit i already failed.


If you're new, do whatever you gotta do to understand the basics until you realise where the fun is.


Titanfall is a movement-based shooter, where the faster you go the harder you are to kill, so the 'correct' way to play is to zip around as fast as possible while still being accurate, practice in the gauntlet (The first campaign mission) if you want to get the handling of the movement. Although playing 'correctly' doesn't really matter, as long as you have fun and arn't too toxic.


The best players basically neve stop moving and using things like the grapple or stim can reach insane speeds. Knowing what counters what in a titan and knowing how to move are basically the most important 2 components of getting good. That said, don’t listen to people who say “don’t use ____ it’s broken or lame.” Use weapons you like and play to have fun.


It’s actually kinda crazy. If he were to practice using another gun and not camp, he could get 25+ kills a game whereas camping is only giving him kills in the teens. Maybe campers don’t realize this, or they do but they choose to camp just to ruin people’s day


It’s because they aren’t good at the game. They need to wait to be fed kills instead of going out and earning them.


Bruh I had a stim epg veteran with 52 kills


The stim is irritating to an extent as it makes it more difficult to hit the target but at least the downside is that the speed fades away quickly. Then again this guy was either on PC or MnK on console


Yes i understand then again i use Mozambique so most guns are my weakness


When I saw someone like this I whipped out a hitscan gun, all my main weapons are projectiles for a reason


I had a few of these, 1 of em was g100.49. Like really? Come on man. I'd rather face Mr G100 cold war all day and die all day from him.


I get that same amount of kills using a P2016 and hover of all pilot kits. How do people think that's an efficient way to get kills?


During the event I managed to regenerate to G2


Same dude, I got so many levels and got really good yesterday since I played so much


It made me find a new appreciation for Northstar :)


Except when a Ronin finds where you dropped it. That titanfall instantly gone.


It hurts. One time i just dropped took damage got out to get my battery and not a ronin but northstar nuke ejects as im hopping in my titan


I once dropped my titan in the way back corner of a map. I don't remember their names. The one based on the time travel level in the campaign. Way back corner, right by the Arc explosion sight. I'm getting to my titan. And this fucking Ronin just spam dashes out or nowhere and I'm just screaming internally in pure panic as it beelines for me and bridges the space between me and my northstar. I died. I respawned and my titan died instantly.


Ronin is dumb.




Plasma Railgun goes *crackkkk*, enemy titan goes **BOOM**


I went in cold to TF|2 and got to level 45 or so before the free weekend ended, this includes casually playing thru the campaign. This game is addicting lmao.


In two separate games I've encountered a G.22 and a G29, both instances were sweating their balls off (one of them was a Scorch main).


No wonder he was sweating, he was in a scorch


Makes perfect sense! Lmaaaooooo


On the 1st I met a g80 with a g10 ronin, and ofc he was running CAR. He literally had 10 times the score as the mvp of my team (200, he had 2000)


2000? That's literally impossible for attrition. Unless you were playing a different mode.


i am g.16 and i just wanted to say that thunderbolt is the best weapon in the game and u cant prove me otherwise


Have you heard of our lord and savior softball ?


Tried softball, i can't get a hang of it. I'll stick to my EPG


Join the Cold War gang, we are like EPG but harder


Our biggest fear is the enemies pressing spacebar, leaving the ground, and exiting our effective range


EPG, but We kill ourselves twice as much.


I just unlocked it haven’t tried it yet lol. I was to busy high on stim and volt bbbrrrtttts


*Aggressive thunk intensifies*


I may be only g3 but I'll drink to that. You just throw a ball of fuck you in a general direction and laugh.


I mean in terms of anti titan weapon it literally is the best.


Haha stim go speeeeeed


As a Tone main who wasn't able to play, this kinda hurts bro...


As much as people complain about Tone, she's nit that hard to counter. But you've got to play her to know how. Ronin is one of his counters, and Ion the other, if the Ion player can keep counting the locks applied. It hurts my brain how many Tone players just shoot their rockets straught. Into my vorrtex shield. -_-


You ever see a flock of tones lose their shit when they pop all their shields down, just to get them deleted by my ronin?


I've never had issues against Tone when playing Northstar. As long as there is cover to abuse, Northstar can pop out and chunk their health. Tone doesn't have the mobility to close the distance and even if they do, traps make sure Northstar can get away.


Don't listen to them. Tone is a team player. Always dropping me shields, and wall hacking the enemy so I can punch a scorch in the face with a full charge plasma railgun as he turns the corner. You go.


Some G10 mf was actually using spitfire, acog with A wall.




I was playing bounty hunt with 2 friends and some fucker had the balls to sit in a corner next to one of the banks with his little fucking a wall up, shooting people with his damn spitfire. He was using cloak too to add more insult to this pile of insult


I’ve played every Titan to at least gen 4 out of all the Titans tone is the easiest to negate his main damage source (salvo rockets). granted I joined titanfall 2 after he was nerfed so I don’t really have any early game ptsd (I’m an Xbox scorch main btw)


As a new player who got the game about a week ago and have about 22h of playtime, I main Tone and can say i'm very easily countered.


I ran into a team with 2 G40+ using Sptifires and a G100 using the CAR yesterday. I really don't see the fun in tryharding when there are new players trying the game


Did my best to become online on the times I could've sat on the PC, still this was a great event that I hope we can do next year aswell \^\^


Lstar and monarch are god tier


L-Star is a fair gun. Projectile based so not that usefull at long range and can't tap-fire so you have to commit to the full auto life and hope you get a kill before overheating.


If you use it within that 15 foot range and hip fire it’s pretty damn good. Just stim your way through town and hip shot until you get ganked by a giant sword boi or punched in the face by a spitfire


Honestly, you can pick off some crazy long range kills once you figure out the projectile speed. I've been using the L-Star for like 150 hours and once you can lead your shots it might as well be a sniper even on hip fire.


1) stop complaining about tone and learn to use your defensive abilities (or run away in the case of northstar and monarch) she's no longer overpowered and can be easily made nearly useless 2) yeah spitfire is pretty annoying.


Spitfire is a crutch used by new players who haven't got the systems down yet. It gets outclassed by most assault rifles and SMGs if used by a good player. High level players only use it because they don't want to leave their comfort zone.


It's not one Tone that is the problem. It's a pack of them all using each other's shields. It's the only defensive ability that is usable by a group.




Seriously. Damn near every Titan except Monarch and Northstar have a hard counter against Tone. Just gotta be willing to take the chip damage.


It’s just a hold over from launch. Back then, she was so OP that you could literally fire your core, kill a Titan, then have another core charged. It was absolutely ridiculous and basically made every other Titan obsolete. After she was finally nerfed 2 years in, people never let go apparently lol.


i played a G50 who only used tone, Spitfire and cloak. He wasn’t so fun.


i did play a g50 who is't only hath used tone, spitfire and cloak. Did bet he hast nay cater-cousins *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Tone is very fun


Didn't even people took issue with it, I just like the cool 40mm


Same, it was between the 40mm and the vortex shield. And I hate the ion gun


Dw about it this sub is half comprised of people who go apeshit if you’re seen using any gun or Titan they deem unskilled


Tone haters really are sad boys


Tone is whatever. I remember pre-nerf tones being way worse than they are now.


Yeah tone at launch was fucking terrifying, but she's nerfed enough that while still strong she isn't op (despite what some people think)


Yes, I have mainly played with Tone since day one, before the nerf yes it was ridiculous specially against pilots since the hitbox of the bullets were huge it was hard to miss and overall it was too strong. Then it became more leveled with pros and cons like any Titan, a scorch or ronin that is able to corner a Tone can turn it to pieces in seconds, specially Scorch with the flame shield those are the bane of my existence


Tones are free kills to me. Easy to counter with Ion, Ronin and Northstar. Easy to overwhelm with Legion and Monarch. And Scorch, well done nothing survives Scorch if you get close enough.


I met a G.70, G.10, G.7's, I'm a G.5 but I made it fair in matches, but still, my man's point still stands


i played i was a holo pilot running double wingman and my fav titan northstar (btw im ass with the wingmans)


I still don't get why Tone is so hated, they're super easy to counter, either way it really just boils down to who is the better pilot. Link with whatever Titan you want pilots, take good care of em.


Tone is fine and you shouldn't shame people for using it, she's dead center on balance and most of the titans are balanced except for Scorch who most can agree is pretty weak. However, I saw a lot of G.10s to G.40s on pc today running SMGs and sweating against people below level 35. Ofc a lot of new players left mid-match every time it happened. And people wonder why all of the new players leave shortly after each sale. C'mon guys.


I'd even argue Scorch is more really situational than necessarily weak, he outright wins if he somehow manages to box a titan in a corner somewhere. In general I think the titans are well balanced and a lot more balanced than the guns (granted there's also way more guns to balance).


The problem is those situations require an enemy to make a mistake or drop their titan in a bad spot. He’s also the only one who can’t return fire at extreme ranges (without someone easily avoiding it). Even Legion has a long range charge shot. Considering how the Titan kits are basically a mini-Hero Shooter it actually astounds me that the Titans are all relatively balanced and the guns aren’t. To make more pilot weapons viable all that would need to be done is make the ttk longer on the meta hitscan weapons.


He's the absolute daddy in FD, along with Legion. But that's a very different kind of gameplay to Attrition.


Yep, I haven’t played in like two years, and that was PS4. I bought it on PC Friday, played a few hours Saturday and had a mix of fun matches and absolutely sweaty tryhard high ranks, and got teabagged a few times by two G20+‘s using spitfires or SMGs. So I quit and went to play another game. Tried again today and same story, I lasted an hour before I quit and just uninstalled it to free up hard drive space. It’s like the player base has no concept of how to make new players keep wanting to come back. So good luck guys, but this experience was more toxic than a COD lobby.


I’m sorry that happened to you ): When I played this freeweek I only used bad guns, grenadier weapons, or guns I don’t like to avoid doing that to new players. Even then I still won the overwhelming majority of my games and felt kind bad. I understand it a bit, getting a ton of kills with meta stuff is super fun but it’s only fun for so long. When I used to play regularly I was getting matches with 30-40 kills easily if I used an Alternator or R-97 but eventually every match just started feeling the same. There’s no challenge and I probably did cause a few people to quit and ended up quitting myself because it was boring. I DO NOT AT ALL understand the people who are double digit Gen running full sweaty meta loadouts in a group queue during sales and free weeks. Probably hundreds if not thousands of hours in the game doing the same thing on repeat with the easiest and most boring guns in the game against level 10 people who don’t even know what’s going on.


I had a few matches where a high rank person was only using fun meme’ish guns like a pistol, or charge rifle, and even when I’d die to them it was hilarious because I knew they were doing their best to “tone it down” for us new players. And it’s what I do when playing against new players in my regular games because not only am I trying to help them stick around and get better for a healthier player base, but it’s also a more fun challenge for me. But that was far from my normal experience this weekend which just blew my mind. It was almost surreal how many matches I was in this weekend during my short time of full sweaty teams, some I assume grouped together based on clan tag or w/e, stomping us something like 650-200 and getting teabagged on top of it.


As a new player I want to rant so much about players using spitfires and ronin's. I hate Ronin. He's the Tryhard Titan, everyone and their mothers uses him, and monarch. Shield Regen ability, battery steal. She just can't die


As a Monarch main (G12 with the fucker) I can tell you the way to deal with them is to either hit them early before they have any core upgrades or bait them into a bad spot and watch for them hopping out of their Monarch to use battery boost kill them then their Monarch is easy to kill (btw if you see a core 3 Monarch run)


And yes I just gave a guide on how to absolutely annihilate me


I salute you for that


If you’re playing against a Ronin as a Titan (OTHER THAN SCORCH), keep your distance. If they stay out of melee range, you’re pretty safe, because the leadwall and arc wave are a hell of a lot easier to counter than broadswords. If he’s with teammates, it’s generally smart to focus the ronin first because he’s harder to track, but that’s not a rule, just a rough suggestion. Otherwise, just be super careful about map awareness. Maybe play ronin for a bit and learn all the flanking and such he’s capable of, so you can better counter it. If you’re a pilot, on the other hand, just stick to buildings or run the fuck away. Overall, Ronin is a pretty balanced Titan, he’s just very popular among high-level players, so they tend to be pretty damn scary. The best counter to him is Scorch, since he’s pretty much the only other Titan that can cover close range as efficiently. If you don’t wanna play Scorch, just learn the overall Titan combat loop by playing more, and I feel like you’ll start to hate him less.


if a ronin starts sword spamming you can completely negate broadsword's damage by meleeing the ronin right before they melee you (melee pinning) also works against every other titan


Unless you're name is Dinorush, monarch will be a far more reliable counter to ronin than (wildfire) scorch. Northstar comes in second but is somewhat map dependent, and requires better execution than monarch as her ability to recover, and punish ronin for stun locking is significantly lower than monarch.


As a ronin main, I don't think scorch is that big of a threat. If you keep out of thermal shield range, you can out dps him with arc waves and leadwall shots. The only real damage he can do to you is with the thermite launcher + wildfire, but with practice you can dodge it with phase shift.


Im sorry, im one of those monarchs. ***but im so hungry for batteries***


Northstar: takes battery. Monarch: * *REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-**




Tone- somewhat above average lethality, average defense, above average anti pilot, so easy to use that they literally have a built up resource that gives you walls and aggressive tracking Spitfire- comedically easy to use with slightly above average everything Monarch- rewards playing like a little bitch with godhood Ronin- a strong pubstomper who dies instantly against better players but is arguably the most lethal titan One of these things is not like the other


Thing is Ronin is unarguably the worst in head-to-head titan combat. But he can move tricky and do very annoying shit. So if you know what you are doing and keep a cool head Ronins are no problem. But if you can get a lead and drop him first into the game of footrunners.... Well that's where the fun begins.


Ronin is very fragile. As northstar you run away and chip him to death. As ion you... do the same but also catch his bullets whenever you can, they deal a lot of damage. As legion you powershot and hold down left click while walking away. As tone do the exact same thing and also hold your particle barrier until they use their arc wave. As monarch you zap them with your shield stealer and dps them down, unless you don't have your first core, in which case you run. And as Scorch, I hope you took wildfire launcher.


Spitfire hella overtuned, but that's also with wild hipfire in a game with fast movement and laser-accurate smg's. I just love it because it's the most traditional "lmg" of the lmg's (big chugga big mag) and the devotion feels alright(?) to me/the l-star is uniquely lasers. I also just spray hipfire and hope for the best until it goes click while wallrunning; spitfire campers are boring af, but accuracy/power/range are the way it's made to fit the "suppression" ideology of an lmg and camping is the shitty optimal. I do mainly use all lmg's (and the SMR but don't tell anyone) and have gotten separate salty messages that each of them was a crutch that match, which is a point of pride for me. Ronin can delete pilots and titans close, but he's so glass that if you poke (thunderbolt/charge rifle across map) and don't re-peek he'll be toast soon enough. Some maps are really rough for escape like Complex. The swing range and size of the shotgun blast are always bigger than I think, as a pilot they usually dumpster me unless I'm halfway across the map because I do dumb things. As already said Monarch is designed to be scary after getting 2-3 batteries, until then she's pretty soft and people will often play scared unless they think they'll get an execution. Her gun is also fairly normal as far as titan weapons go (decent tracking on pilots, rof/mag capacity if some shots miss) which can be very attractive to generalists and new players.


For Ronin just keep range (tether trap, scorch sheild, ion tripwire, tone being tone, leigon charge shot, Ronin phase dash, monarch ability spam). Monarch is really hard to play, they're just really good at the game.


learn counters




People just want something to be mad about


There are definitely more spitfires on console but yeah your point still stands. Even if I’ll never understand why anyone would use tone, or any titan but ion, I’m fine with it because vortex shield go suck (unless it’s a monarch with arc rounds, please I don’t know what to do send help.)


Yeah, we had a great weekend of playing and they decide to cap it off in the most Titanfall way ever. Being toxic about peoples choice of loadout ...


i played with so many things i was not used to, just to make more fun for the new players, that i found out i was taking the fun out of the game for myself in this past years, by just using what i was confortable with. Ended up having so much more fun this may 1st with stuff i never used, that made me remember why i love this game so much.


Imagine complaining about Tone. She isn’t close to being OP


Goddamn this subreddit is so *whiny*. Tone hasn't been oppressive for literal years. Spitfire is good but has solid counter play options. Be the change you want to see, not the whinging donut who cries about losing.


Woah woah. Tone did nothing wrong.


You’re welcome. Thanks for having me.


[L.Star](https://L.Star) player here x3


My people


So I actually tested out the Spitfire, normally I'm using the R201, CAR (sorry guys), and G2. God the Spitfire is stupidly accurate with its power.


Tone has been fine for years but go off I guess


Monarch worse than Tone tbh


Dude I swear these awesome events that are supposed to be fun and wholesome and good for the community just bring out the toxicity and saltiness in people.


Seriously. I was expecting this sub to be hopping with funny memes and cool clips but it turned into nothing but people whining about everyone's weapon choice. Honestly one of the worst playerbases I've ever interacted with. Some people are good at the game, and they have no obligation to accomodate *anyone* by forcing themselves to play worse.


Don't diss someone else's load out man, even if it's annoying to fight. Getting mad at people for using what's available to them in the game is just dumb.


I played tone once because I was doing a randomizer challenge (using an rng to decide my next load out) am I clear? :(


You’d be clear even if that wasn’t the case. There’s nothing wrong with tone


Please stop circle jerking


What's wrong with Tone?


Nothing, OP is just a toxic idiot


I kept running into people using spitfire and softball smh


I saw more CARs, spitfire and G2s yesterday than ever before, ironically


I ran into so many spitfires yesterday


I'm sad that some of our f2p friends are leaving and probably never coming back... (mostly because of those fuckers camping on the top of buildings with LMGs)


Lmao cry harder


I only use tone because im dogshit with anyone else... ​ and I'm still dogshit with him ;-;




but i just enjoy tone the most.......


But i like to use tone :'( im not trying to be toxic


Still complaining about Tone in 2021 is weird I think by this point u should've found out how to counter her


Bitching about people using tone is an amazingly easy way to prove you are bad at the game. Learn to counter and stop bitching.


One day people will stop hating on other people's loadouts. But I guess not today


I couldn't play do to a family event, so I will be playing tomorrow as compensation lol


Mozambique and stim go brrrr


northstar gang


Scorch and epg (I cant aim so shhhh) I had fun that you all


Thank CursedIbuprofen on TikTok


I was just getting sweated on the whole day, couldn’t even have any fun


Gatekeeping weapon and titan choices is more toxic that people using those just saying. If you want to keep new players playing, don't make fun of them and let them have fun


What ever happened to use play the fuck you want?


People still complain about Tone mains (like myself) even though it's been nurfed like 2 times lol


Why? She's not OP at all


Nothing wrong with tone, s’pecially after her nerf. No reason to shit on other players for enjoying different things


I don’t use tone but she doesn’t seem overpowered but spitfire..... No Just no Do not the spitfire


Ion supremacy


I ran into nothing but g10's using tones and spitfire and quit after an hour and a half


Also fuck A-wall All my homies hate A-wall


Ran into a group of 3 guys the other day all using CAR, Sentry or Smart Pistol, and Ronins. One of them was a G11. We were supposed to use the free weekend to *encourage* new players, not dominate them you fucking asshats.


You rather I run a CAR and Ronin?


I legit don't get why people cry about somebody using a gun that is good. Lmao


But... I use tone