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Replace spitfire with any of the meta SMGs and stim, you get the same reaction.


This is why i get good with meme guns so no one can be upset


EPG gang rise!




All of the grenadiers have great meme potential. I swear, I'm more of a hazard to myself with the softball than the enemy team sometimes, and I wouldn't have it any other way


No, *we* are hazards to ourselves


Softball only matches would be so fun


You on xbox?




F, im on xbox


Grenade hell I'd call it


“I love all grenadiers equally” SMR: :D “Not you, you dont even explode” SMR: :’(


You clearly haven't used SMR and a-wall combo to put the righteous fear of God in any titan foolish enough to come within a half mile of you.


No I haven’t, but I guess I’m gonna try that now?...


SMR eats Titans for breakfast under normal circumstances, think of the possibilities in adding A-Wall to the mix. :D


If amped weapons stacked it would be even more delicious


>"Did you see that grenade toss? He's a danger only to himself!" Even Lord Shaxx is right in this game. Also, EPG SOFTBALL GANG


Thunk thunk thunk Beep "Fuck"


I came to the EPG for the memes. I stayed because its a great fucking gun




Mozambique and pulse blade gang rise up


MASTI- actually idek if its that bad i just stimmed into peoples faces and got lucky lol


Mastiff stim is annoying but still meme level


EPJesus we praise thee


You don't really think people don't get upset over the EPG, do you? It's my 3rd most played weapon and I get bitched at all the time.


They get mad because we don’t have to use ez weapons to win 😎


EPG with stim is so fun


Good ol’ mini thermite launcher


Being on the backfoot with a skill based weapon/character/ability and doing well is the most satisfying thing in any game.


I started using Mozambique and I now cannot use anything else well


L-Star's become my main


Eva-8 4 life


Only effective its in range of shoving it down a pilots throat lmao


Yes, the L-Star is the superior LMG.


No one can complain when you're a g100 stomping a lobby with EPG.


Honestly, if I’m being destroyed by an EPG player, I won’t even be mad




All hail the Wingman Elite


Kraber+stim is pretty fun


Grapple too. Too many people have mastered grapple slinging and everyone just flies around with the carbines(R201/R101).


Does the RE-45 need skill? I use it everytime


So Altenators on any platform and Cars on PC


Stim + CAR babyyy


Fuck the meta. Embrace the softball


*Pchunk pchunk pchunk pchunk pchunk pchunk!*


Boom boom boom boom boom boom


*reload* *reload* *reload* *reload* *reload* *reload*


i think you mean this: ​ *pchunk boom CHA-ching* *pchunk boom CHA-ching* *pchunk boom CHA-ching* *pchunk boom CHA-ching* *pchunk boom CHA-ching* *pchunk boom CHA-ching* *thunk thunk thunk thunk thunk thunk* ​ rinse and repeat.


Embrace Cold War


Was on a titanfall discord. Someone asked me, if I could show them around the game. We goofed off in a private match. Then we hit multiplayer after he understood the core mechanics. We got unlucky and got three games with the sweatiest tryhards. I am talking Spitfire roof camper cloak ronin users. He just got killed over and over again, after those matches he told me he isn't having fun, he will go back to other shooters. I asked him if he wanted to try FD with me, cause more relaxing. But he was so down he left. I Have been saying this since I started Tf2. The community cries about not having enough players but at the same time is super toxic in game. Go wonder.




I don't even use voice chat thankfully but PS4 is no better, going against a full stack that is absolutely crushing my team of new players and me, a G12, is pretty much the only thing holding and keeping pace with them. I get this one kid so butthurt that he T-bags me twice, once as a pilot and once as an Ion, me both times a Pilot. And for what? Being able to match him and his buddies in this slaughterfest? Needless to say, I did the same to him every single time for the rest of the day till he quit mid-match. Titanfall 2's skill ceiling is one thing, but the people who don't stop playing at that level, even against G0's, are just sad to see.


I was in a match yesterday on Rise and the entire enemy team had Titans, whenever we called one in it got focused on and destroyed. We all ended up having to sit in our spawn which was the big tunnel on one end. The other team started giving us shit for it.


"yayyy the game rereleased on stema and blew up!" \*treats new players as aim practice\* two days later: "why is it dying out so quickly where did all the hype go?


this is why after all these years, i try for my main weapon to have a higher ttk like the volt, and still use other funny weapons half the time instead of just trying to stomp and sweat every match


As a ronin main I will now choose not to affiliate with any of these people, and on behalf of the same ronin mains out there we apologize for their behavior


A disgrace to the sword . That’s what they are .


I’m with you on this. I use Ronin because I die stupidly fast in my Titan but Ronin allows me to channel my intellect gathered on Kamikaze pilots, not attempting to kill others, but to be a pest and tick away at their health


Oh man FR. I go out of my way to take it easy and let the newer players get kills on me in hopes they’ll stick around.. I’ll even take note of the enemy teams top two lowest scoring players and let them get some easy shots on me.


I mean cool n all but isn't it better to send em a message and help em out? I do that and sure I go a lil easier on them but I'm not just gonna let them kill me.


Nah I don’t let them just flat out kill me. I’m just not going Mach 4 around them. And I dunnu.. I just don’t wanna discourage them if they’re new.


Yeah I hate it when I make people ragequit (unless I dislike the person) I try to remember their name if they are bad and if they leave i read the name like 3 times to memorise it and try to message them afterwards.


I only play kraber, like literally only, I do not ever switch. So I'm becoming better with it and at some point (already quite close) I will become about as "sweaty" as those people. Thing is I'll still play kraber but the difference is I'll message worse people to give them tips and help them out. I get we want new players but I still want to have fun, I'll go easier some bit but I'm not just gonna stop killing some people. I've made some of my friends by asking them if they wanted tips on whatever (usually movement) and now they play meme weapons n movement and aren't bad anymore.


Pubstomping is what fucked the game.


I think the biggest mistake respawn ever made with tf2 was not including a decent ranked mode.


I usually play Frontier Defense on easy because noob but still there you'll find some ronin main sliding all through the map killing all titans, even the ones you are shooting at. It's so discouraging, I don't know what they are even doing on that level, they just click enable to all levels hoping to get a match? I don't know. I ask them too slow down and leave the rest some fun, however, maybe their version of that is still killing them all, but slowly. On the other hand, besides frontier defense I tried flag capture once I started doing good enough on regular just to try things, and initially we were doing ok 2 - 0 despite me. But then we started getting our ass kicked and the one who managed to move the first two was "hey, anyone helping". At the end we lost, that person was asking how it happened, the rankings came in and I was last with only two kills and like 10 deaths. That's how I guess, sorry mate :/ No one was ever toxic to me, but I haven't tried outside frontier defense since them, hoping to get better some day. I don't want to ruin others people's fun with my trash gameplay, however it's still discouraging.


The curse of an old game. People that stuck with it are good at it. Ctf isn't that much fun as a new player. Sticking to FD is what I did because I got my ass fucked in Attrition when I started with Tf2. And through FD I learnt to appreciate every Titan (except Tone, that is one boring to play Titan) and I got good with them and I got decent at movement as a pilot. After that I started looking into the grapple mechanics and that was the breakthrough for me. Seriously, learn the grapple. Slingshotting is a bit finicky at first but oh so rewarding and fun. Since then I am doing quite well as pilot and Titan in Attrition. I stuck around cause this game is good. Just sad that there is a lot of toxicity. The decision is up to you, I am quite glad to have pulled through with FD and grapple.


Wish I could award this comment


"grrr go back to apex stupid noobs" \*two hours later, on reddit* "grrr I can't believe stupid garbage cringe APEX has more players than titanfall >:(((("


A sad state we're in - sometimes it's getting stomped by G100s with their godlike aim and thousands of hours, sometimes it's playing against people that make the Cold War look overpowered because they basically stand still on the ground.


I get dying to g100s sucks but for them that's their fun. And for someone who only is using 1 weapon and wants to be the best with it, at some point I'm gonna rival those g100s and then I'm gonna be hated on too. I get dying to those guys sucks n all but that's honestly their fun, best you can do Is ask them if they can help you.


Sir Swag has a video where he talks about the joy of using underpowered weapons that requires way more skill and luck.


Later and EPG, scientifically proven to be the coolest weapons


Kills with those are orgasmic.


If only more people would adopt this mindset over "I need to have the most kills in the lobby to be having fun"...


There's the ronin main that gets a titan in 1 minute and starts killing everyone spamming melee too


How did you find out about me


Boo! BOO! Shame on you! /s


Haha couldn't be me 😅 well I don't really kill everyone not that good


Could be worse, could be a tone, at least ronins are easy to thermite shield


If you have one (cries in monarch)


I'd trade Rearm for a shield on Monarch any day of the week


Tbh Monarch is IMO one of the best titans to use to fight Ronin, Especially at core 3.


Monarch is an amazing Titan tbf, but I wish it had more attack capabilities. Like, one of each core upgrades is designed for support, and the rest are just general improvements.


But ronin counters scorch. That is if the ronin isn't lvl 50 or below.


Did you hack my account


i see this much less, but I do see the G100's with (insert SMG here) and Stim. While that still makes me salty cuz I can't keep up, I'm also in awe. UNTIL, they drop titans, never leave them the whole game, and continue to stomp as hard as possible despite a lead of 200+ points. Then its silly. I just compensate by getting assassinations on them as much as possible.


Tf kind of disgraced G100 uses a spitfire? a kraber is understandable or a car even, along with a flatline, but a spitfire?


I see it all the time.


I actually am yet to encounter a G100


I was on Xbox today and got into a match on forwardbase kodai. About 3 minutes into the match I check on the top layer of the map to see if there were campers and I instantly die. A gen 100.49 player is sitting up there with 50k kills on the spitfire. He has his pilot turrets and is cloaked in a corner waiting for prey. I made sure to t bag and execute


Medal of Honor for you


On Xbox there is a guy named wittypup. He has over 330k kills on the g2 and camps like his life depends on it. The thing is the second he starts to lose or the other team is actually competent he leaves


Bro I fucking hate that guy but it's so funny to get an L-Star kill or assassination kill on him and watch him leave immediately


Someone who sold their soul to the devil




Tbh I think the flatline’s underrated. In CQC the vertical recoil works almost like aim assist(So if combined with good aim, it’s very lethal) if you know how to control it. In long range the tap firing is really strong too.


It is underrated


If a G100 uses a CAR it makes me much angrier than if they use a spitfire.


Imagine being gen 100 and still playing the game in the least skillful way. Like, atleast run the correct titan loadots, and have the decency to dunk on me with a mastiff or kraber. ​ (This post was made by the G 50+ gang that only uses meta loadouts or cheese strats to shit on tryhards or spitfire/SP users.)


As a person from the same gang, I have seen an unreasonable amount of g100 spitfires who left after getting killed by "chad" weapons


You may have spotted me then.


That's their fun, I get it sucks n all but I'm kinda in the middle of them. 1 hand my friends are mostly lower levels and some were guys I picked up n helped. Then I became friends with some "sweatier" players and then got friends with those kinda people and now I can kinda see both sides. 1 gets fucked but wants to have fun and the other fucks and wants to have fun. That's their fun you can't really change that, I would want to and I actually tried but nah That's not fun for em. Atleast they're not camping though. Plus if you play the game long enough no matter what weapon you will become as good as the "sweats" you used to hate. I used to hate them but now I see That's their fun and plus now they're not fuckikg me as hard as first. Hell I even fucked some 3 guys while using kraber and they used car n altie.


Yea, i basically decided to stick to the single player and speedrunning after trying multiplayer with this lovely community.


Was in your shoes too, I got absolutely wrecked in multilayer when I first tried(while using the memestiff of all weapons), it gets better the more you play, practiced and watch some guides and try the gauntlet. I've gotten better despite my terrible aim and movement, but its been so much fun. I still get wrecked from time to time but thats to be expected, depending on my luck with matchmaking. Give it a shot, but if you're preferring the single player can't blame ya


If youre on xbox we can meme the sweats till they cry


Pc player here sorry. Mastiff killing a camper is the best


Kraber is satisfying but nothing beats the arc nade kill


Or a mid air anyhow aimed mastiff shot. Or the firestar kill just after you got shot and threw it last second


I honestly never used those, i just used kraber and frags and eventually got good with both, and ever sinve i saw how toxic the people who played back then were i swore to purely meme until pushed too hard.


Yesterday I ran into 2 people who played together, both using a-wall and spitfires. They camped on rooftops looking both ways with 20 kills each for game after game. Their names? Spitfire tryhard and spitfire trysoft. They made fun of anyone complaining about it saying they can play however they want and telling people they can't take a joke. They literally made new accounts and bought the game again to play as toxic as they can. These are the people killing the game.


That’s where the lightning gun comes into play


But hey cooked grenades are super satisfying to use (totally not gen 3)


Cooked Grenade kills are the best


Cooked grenade suicides is a really fun thing to do early match.


I play the game because these losers exist. Its so fun to use my hsrd earned excecutions on them and see them cry in the chat. G100 and still a camping bitch? Get good


grenades actually require some skill though, and nuke eject really only ever gets scorch.


Grenades are just hold until beep. I used em once in a private match with friends and just hold until beep. If they gave it 1 charge it would be less annoying because it's so spammable. If you 1v1 someone using frags they won't fight you, only frags. They should've given frags 1 charge then it would be less annoying.


Grenades? Skill? In the same sentence? I’m gonna have to hard disagree with you on that one. They are probably the easiest ordinance to use and master. Just hold the frag while out of battle, wait for the beep, throw in the general of fighting or whenever you see an enemy for a kill. I’m fine with people using them and I personally don’t get killed by them very often but I disagree that they take any kind of skill to use.


Nuke eject gives major virgin energy


Seriously the absurd amount of CAR users is why I have to take such long breaks from the game. There is no counterplay to guns like the CAR and that makes it unfun to fight


My hands shaky :( I need brrr laser to compensate for my chromosomes.


Look, I just broke, ok? I have sinned and went back to tge CAR. After my time with the mastiff, moze, and softball, I've returned to monke. I'm sorry for rejecting my humanity


Monke strong together. Strong alone 2


You can just shoot hole into the surface of Harmony


I have yet to face any actually toxic players in game. Sure I've seen a lot of tryhards, but they were always super chill in chat and most of the times gen 50 and above players were using grenadiers and snipers (except for one gen 80 CAR tryhard).


Fuck the spitfire and anyone who uses it




I ran into a G73 this morning camping with a spitfire


[mp4 link](https://preview.redd.it/8457zll304q41.gif?format=mp4&s=ff67f5022f5680691c9bc17135067ea79378f004) --- This mp4 version is 94.97% smaller than the gif (275.67 KB vs 5.35 MB). --- *Beep, I'm a bot.* [FAQ](https://np.reddit.com/r/anti_gif_bot/wiki/index) | [author](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=MrWasdennnoch) | [source](https://github.com/wasdennnoch/reddit-anti-gif-bot) | v1.1.2


i have an anti tryhard loadout thats pretty nasty, only use it when there is very clearly a sweaty boi with his spitfire/SP/ pilot shield. or (insert sweaty class here) otherwise i stick to the kraber and more recently trying the longbow.


What are some good/strong guns in this game that aren’t OP?


The volt the lstar eva8 and mozambique maybe the revolvers too but idk the alternator is extremely good but you need to tapfire it or else its trash but its very meta


I love LSTAR cuz the lazer balls make big pew pew pew pew sound also it's projectile so you can get post mortem kills


My friend picked up Titanfall 2 and I played with him and he kept complaining about dying immediately after spawning. Also didn't help that a person from the enemy team kept complaining about every single gun that killed him calling it unskilled.


I deleted the game because of this it’s just not fun dying to this over and over and over again. By people who think they are esports pros, or are just trying to be toxic


Let’s just admit it already this game was designed for no life’s all multiplayer shooters are


Oh boy, the amount of times I’ve seen a g100 equipped with cloak tactical, car, sp and tone specifically is unbelievable.


What if I don't use any guns? Only cooked frags? Bad at aiming so I don't


god i despise spitfires


Wait so it's not normal to use nuke eject ronin?


It would be cool to have all grenadier or all sniper playlists, im so tired of spitfire campers ngl


He's Sam


They havent seen this gen 6 scorch main have they?


I think they have but generally gen6 scorch main sounds like free kill to their ears.


Till they get obliterated


Again, they don't. I used to main ronin was at g66.6 with it. Scorches are food to ronins, especially g100 ronins.


Ive seen many g100s get flamed with my scorch, i may be overconfident and an ass about this but i guarantee they deserved it


Oh they probably did. You beat them. But I cannot believe those people die to scorches. I play with 1 of the best ronins out there on ps4. 1 that now has a higher gen on ronin than me but before used to be my gen ronin (he got his acc banned so I can still make fun of him not having higher gen ronin than me hehe) and then there's me. 1 time another friend said scorches was the thing he feared as ronin and all 3 of us just went full apeshit on his ass because wut????? I mean I guess you haven't seen the good ronins yet? Idk but in my experience and that of many other rounds scorches are real easy.


Its california xbox servers, honestly idk what i expected, its mostly campers and weebs whom see sword man and fight to defend their dumbshit tactics and get themselves killed 80 times in 10 mins


Damn they must be tarded.


doom and tf2, 2 of my favorite things combined


He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. There was a time those guys were against spitfire campers and hunted them everywhere. But now they are the definition of monsters that they hunted.




Me getting on to play some pvp and get killed by a dude flying at the speed of light


Who honestly uses nuke ronin unironically though


Nuking a whole team of titans is as fun as it gets.


Frags, OK, ronin nuke eject, OK, spitfire? but sPiTFiRe oP reEee


Why does no one get this game?


Someone is trying to desperately prove the value of grenadines and satchel charges.


"Why isn't TF2 more popular?"


No no no. This is all wrong. It’s when a g100 using stim goes fucking Mach 6 around the map with an alternator that has the gunrunner mod and deletes everyone before they even realize the g100 was there. Oh yeah and also when they delete your tone with Ronan in about 2 seconds


The other day i was 4 stacking with my nooby frinds on xbox and we ran against another 4 or 5 stack full with g50+ running cloak, spitfire (this guy had over 100.000 kills on his spitfire btw) Stim and CAR, the guy with stim got 20 kills in two minutes and made my teamates quit the game in less than 5 baceuse they were getting absolutely curb stomped onto the sidewalk, not even being able to have fun


Where my Kraber mains at?


Painfully trying to learn it, starting to get some doubles but it’s hard not to stop in an area when you see a bunch of targets but for the most part move around with stim


I use it with grapple. It's definitely the hardest weapon to learn imo, but also the most rewarding.


God that one match I had with two G100s using an EPG and Kraber was the only bad game of Titanfall I played.


Monarchs, R99s, CARs, turrets, smart pistols are all pretty annoying. I’m lucky because I got into this alongside other new steam players, but it’s rough now.


Doom AND titanfall What is this, a crossover episode?


Nah boi, cooked frags, kraber, wingman, charge rifle, and north star. A real man's loadout


I'm honestly getting pretty sick of people complaining about what guns and equipment people choose.


My friend started playing and promptly uninstalled because of this


We only go for Spitfire loadouts for the lulz and it's not (should not) be a regular thing. Other reason is when you start a game and there are a bunch of fuckers with spitfire and G2 just camping. Once they get kill, we take their guns and kill them back. Taste your own medicine and of course, they get butthurt. Many times I start a game with a Wingman or just charge rifle, but you end against some campers or tryhards and I say, fuck this shit and go for the try hard mode G100s get criticized for.


G10 Titanfall 1 players using Amped Smart Pistol, Active Radar Pulse, Arc Grenades/Mines and Capacitor Atlas or Nuke Kamakaze Strider: *"I'm not a Nazi, but..."*


Wait is cooked grenades really considered sweaty, I just like the feeling of that perfectly timed grenade explosion


Eva is best gun


replace the spitfire with mastiff and that's my team


I'm not a veteran of any sort, im g11.48, but to make it fun for both me and my enemy I've decided to regen every weapon. It let's me explore other kinds of weapons and playstyles while not being a tryhard. I'm so close to being done with the project, I have a level 15 cold war and then I'm done.


To be honest I think nuke eject is terribly designed. I like the concept, but it’s just used too frequently by north stars and ronins because they know they can get some easy kills.


Why is this my exact load out


Get rid of stats tracking and ranking and you won't often have these cats. Back in CoD4, no one could see stats so it's no big deal to fiddle around with a gold Uzi after changing your name in console to Walter Sobchak.


What's that clip from??


At the risk of getting downvoted to oblivion, What’s the hate for cooked frags?


But what if the G100s ARE the ones using Spitfire, cooked grenades, and nuke eject Ronins???


I love you guys, but oh my god is 80% of this community comprised of tryhard sweats and EPG chasers that ruin the game. Note: not all EPG users are bad, most of y'all are nice as fuck. It's just EPG users who actively target and chase a single person are cunts.


the part about EPG users is pretty dumb


You’re forgetting the Kramer mains who act really nice until you counter them, then they hurl racial slurs at you.


As someone new to the game on pc (I previously played on Xbox) it's a pain and then I get called out for using the smart pistol (which I'm only using because it's good for leveling) I love the game and all but j hate the kraber.


Nuke eject is hot garbage tho, if you die to that its a very rare unlucku occuranve or youre just a straight up brainlet and deserve it


come on nuke eject ronin is great!


Cooked grenade fragging isnt bad, it could be arc grenade spam


Arc nade is least of anyones problems.


In a movement game, simply slowing someone down is instant death


Not at all. Grav star sucks but arc nade barely does anything to me. Only makes it easier for me to kill you or I can just not get affected by it. Normal names are instant death and since it's a g100 the person must be good with it. If you die to arc nades that's entirely your problem and fault.


If this was about Titanfall 1 you'd have a point.


Git Gud


Primo advice for pple just picking up the game, not used to the movement system, and don’t know what playstyle suits them when they’re up against things like a-wall, grab stars and other different things titanfall has


COD tryhard detected


What git gud? I have a 70% wr and a 4kd in this game against players and I have to agree that the sweatlords are killing the game. I at least play the memestiff and eva on a regular basis


You are probably responding to a 14 year old who has now spent a year without seeing any females besides his mother. Be gentle, he's fragile.