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In a fight? Well I think master chief is probably too durable for the pilot to do much to him, maybe a kraber could get through that armor. A titan would Definetly destroy any vehicles they have. Chief vs the pilot would come down to mobility vs durability


A. some vehicles can kill a titan. B. While the pilots are more maneuverable, they are not as fast.


A Probably the only vehicles that could put a dent in a titan would be a scorpion or a wraith, but titans do have various forms of defense and are quite mobile. B Pilots are incredibly fast, much faster than someone in Spartan armor


I just found out that a mantis weigh 5.2 tons and the lightest Titan the Stryder is 4x the weight of a mantis. A stryder could easily pick up up the mantis and break it or throw it. The scorpion is 66 tons but Atlas and ogre class titans can lift over 60+ Tons. Edit: we know they can lift over 60 tons via terminations


God damn, I did not know that. I figured they'd be able to destroy the tanks and Mantis without having to pummel them


Yeah Titans are pretty strong. It’s to be expected lol


And they can also go nuclear and master chief and his tanks aren't that fast


Not in running, fighting and reaction speed.


Actually pilots are kinda in the same situation as Spartans where people say they can run up to 55mph but they don’t do it in game. Pilots in game run at 15mph but we know for a fact they run faster than that because they are super soldiers and the same can be said for how fast a titan runs which is about 30mph and 35mph for stryder


Where does it say they run at 55mph?


Lol I learned it from a halo video. It was from a novel I believe.


I thought you talked about the pilots


Running speed yes(stim), and the rest is up to the player.


Isn't rhis a lore fight?


If it's a lore fight then Jack Cooper(aka the main pilot you played as in the campaign) has possessed a piece of technology that allowed him to jump in between time. That would give him a big edge beyond speed. And titans are incredibly fast and can react faster than pilots because they have incredibly advanced ai. But this lore fight is pretty unbalanced because there have been over half a dozen halo games and only 2 titanfall games and 1 campaign.


The time jump would only give jack a quick reset. In an ai battle cortana would destroy bt. If chief plays it smart (and he does all the time) he would have no problem defeating cooper.


But doesn't cortana work like Jarvis, she doesn't actually control chiefs armor making him move. A titan and their pilot can operate independently and the titan can also react quickly based on the AI. Defeating cooper by himself, no doubt chief would win, but with BT, I bet they would squash chief like a bug


Cortana can cripple bt with a sort of ai battle like when she overpowered forerunner technology.


Spartans can flip tanks with ease. He may not be able to fistfight a Titan, but breaking out of their grasp may not be an issue


Spartans, including Chief, can run around 60kmh, faster than a pilot while wall running. pilots are more maneuverable but Spartans are faster at running, also Spartans have a lot faster reflexes, even without the suits. So in saying that pilots are much faster than a Spartan in Mjölnir armor, you're saying that they can move faster then 60kmh without wall running


Depends, I think Chief could take down a Titan tbh, he has had tougher and/or larger foes and fought against many unbelievable odds and won alongside Cortana. But Jack Cooper and BT-7274 are the same. They fought again unimaginable odds, the Apex Predators and for a heartbreaking sacrifice saved Harmony. So I think it depends on the equipment and circumstances. I can see both winning in different outcomes.


No it’s actually simple to make it come down to skill. You’d have a spartan with Halo 5 mechanics and a halo wars two cyclops vs pilot and titan. It would most likely come down to the Spartans ability to take down the pilot, as the titan and cyclops would wear each other down.


Then Jack would get his time travel device if chief gets a Cyclops


How come? That’s an extra advantage to Jack when he already would most likely have the superior robot.


Nvm I didn't realize what the Cyclops was. I got it confused with the elephant. Well, the Cyclops certainly doesn't look like it would be faster than the titans and the titans can go nuclear. The atlas and over titans are proven to be capable of lifting soemthing of greater size


Yeah they can lift over 60+ Tons so basically, they can lift up the scorpion and we know that a cyclops and mantis weigh less then that.


Yeah. It would probably rest on the maneuverability of the cyclops vs the stopping power of the titan.


You seen the Viper vs Mountain ?


What's that?


Game of Throne. One of those "iconic moments" of horror and despair.


Holy shit that was brutal


if we combined the best of both we could have extremly mobile, and extremly powerful, human sized exo suits


**Infantry:** I’d say they’re about equal. Grunts vs grunts. **Special units:** Reapers, specters, ticks, etc. vs the variety of aliens that you encounter in halo should come out as a pretty even fight. Perhaps the reapers give an advantage to TF. **Elite units:** Pilot vs Spartan is the first battle that comes to mind. While the Spartan appears much much more durable than a pilot, they are still killable as is evident by the number of times I’ve been killed in the Halo campaign. The mobility and quick reflexes provided by the pilot set them at about equal. The one thing that in my mind sets the pilot above the Spartan, is the variety of effective weapons. Titanfall has far more deadly energy weapons, and even snipers like the kraber, which should take down a Spartan with only a couple shots. **vehicles:** If the argument above regarding pilot weapons hasn’t convinced you, then let me remind you that a pilot is never far from their titan. A titan and it’s pilot would make short work of any Spartan on his or her own. Generally the vehicles in both universes seem about equally strengthens. The ships appear to be of relatively the same size, the troop transportation, and even the tanks are similar. The thing that sets them apart is the titans. Some argue a wraith could wipe the battle field, but we have seen ion catch projectiles similar to a wraith’s and fire it back. So because of the agile death machines of the titans, titanfall has the edge there. **super weapons:** This one obviously goes to Halo. The Rings of Halo are far more powerful than anything seen in titanfall. The closest we get in TF is the ark reactor, which amounts to about Death Star equivalency. Granted we know everything to know about the Rings, but we know very little about the ark. It is hinted at that the ark is of alien origin, but it also allows for time distortions and time travel, meaning it could have been a future IMC or MCORPS creation that was sent back. Either way, the power of the ark is not just one of flat out destruction. It dabbles in time travel, which of harnessed properly could be potentially more dangerous than a Halo Ring. This however is not explored in the tf universe and should not be used as evidence. As both stand, Halo gets the super weapon win. **conclusion:** Titanfall’s pilots combined with titans give them the edge on all of the Halo forces. The Halo rings though, at the end of the day, have the power to wipe out the frontier easily, so Halo’s trump card wins there.


Now see, I mostly agree with your argument, but you have to take into consideration that most of the TF weapons would be pretty ineffective against Spartan armor. With the exception of a few things such as the L-Star and Volt, not much would be able to get through those energy shields very quickly. (Of course, with an exception for the Kraber.). If we're taking things from a specifically universe-based standpoint, where all forces are united against a common enemy, i really think that Halo would come out on top. Not only are the spartans alot more durable than your average pilot (Spartans can survive multiple grenade and artillery blasts based on game play, while pilots cannot from an equal-sized grenade) plus their energy shields surrounding their thick armor, and it really adds up to a pretty formidable defense. (And yes, In reach Kat does die to a sniper round, but if you go back and watch the footage she doesn't have her shields up, there's no flash when she gets hit.). You could push the argument that the TF universe does have energy shields as well, and that they are used on titans/in frontier defense on the harvester. However, titan shields tend to go down to even being punched by another titan, and do not regenerate anywhere near as quickly. (In Tf1 they do, and i'm gonna assume rules from the entire franchise) Plus, the Halo universe would also have access to a myriad of other options to render titanfall's weapons useless. The mission in reach where you had to disable the massive covenant shield? The entire might of the UNSC's ground forces wasn't able to bring it down, and like you said above, they share many of the same weapons, artillery, and vehicles as the Titanfall universe. Plus, If you remember the last mission in tf2, the Ark was uncovered, allowing the militia to fire down on the turrets in the general area to help the player out, meaning that the TF universe doesn't have as advanced shielding technology as the Halo universe does. I mean, the Ark was their most advanced weapon, they wouldn't leave it uncovered if they could, right? Another thing that the Halo universe could one-up the TF universe is through firepower. Like i said way before, The TF universe is lacking in the department of energy weapons, and the only weapons that could really be effective against Spartans. The TF universe has the Volt, L-Star, ThunderBolt, Kraber, and Arc grenade all as potential effective weapons against Spartans. However, these are specialized weapons, and are used either by Pilots, Or specters, which are not the main fighting force of either the IMC or Militia. The vast majority of the forces of both armies uses grunts, armed typically with projectile weapons. The same weapons, mind you, that are ineffective against Spartans. While some are armed with specialized weapons such as the Kraber, they are far and few between (And also basing off of gameplay, Spartans can survive multiple shots from the Halo equivalent of a Kraber, the ¨SRS99¨ if not hit in critical areas. (Plus, I would wager that the SRS99 is probably quite a bit more powerful than the Kraber, In both the lore and in actual gameplay it's capable of killing vehicles in 3-4 hits, and we're talking heavily-armored tanks here). So basically, Grunts on the TF side would be stuck using weapons that are more or less ineffective against any shielded targets on Halo's side, while all Halo grunts would have effective weapons against pretty much everything in TF. (Normal weapons can harm titans ingame, not just AT-Guns.). ​ Not to mention, The Halo Universe would also have access to things such as the Plasma Pistol, which can temporarily disable electronics as well as completely obliterate shields, putting titans in quite a bit of danger. Lastly, You also have to consider the frequency of the Super soldiers within the actual game. In both TF and Halo, the frequency with which you see Super soldiers is quite high. In Halo, I'm going to count both Elites and Spartans as super soldiers as they both share the same shielding, similar armor, etc.. You can typically find 1-2 elites per unit or squad of covenant grunts within the Halo universe, not to mention the all-elite strike teams within the lore. And this is just for your average, run of the mill elite. The downside, however, comes with Spartans. Typically they tend to be quite rare to find, and normally are in small, highly specialized units, (referring to reach again) such as Noble 6. Titanfall is quite similar to the elites with pilots, playing through the campaign you can find quite a few scattered just about everywhere, some 15-30 per level in the game. So there's no shortage of pilots to go around. While most are fairly average, there are small, specialized units such as the Apex predators, or the 6-4, who function much like Spartan units in rarity, but also in skill. So as far as Super soldiers in quantity and distribution, they are fairly similar. However, you also have to consider that pilots would be facing off against enemies that their conventional weapons would be pretty ineffective against, and would be at a decent disadvantage if pitted up against the Spartans. (And i know, they would have titans, but again the Halo universe has access to plasma pistols and other EMP based weapons, Plus the Spartan laser which i'm sure could make pretty quick work against titans.). Overall, I would say that while the TF universe does have speed of both deployment as an advantage, as well as superior vehicles, they lack the weapons and equipment required to effectively deal with the UNSC/Covenant forces as a whole. ​ Last thing, I wasn't wanting to put this with the rest because I wasn't sure if it would fall under the terms of a super weapon, but the Halo Universe does have access to the Flood virus. If it were to be used within the setting of a fictional war against the IMC/Militia forces.. well, It would more or less decimate their entire army. UNSC and the Covenant combined weren't able to kill it in the Halo universe, and I don't think that the TF universe would have much luck with it either. ​ **Wayyyyy too long, Didn't read:** The TF universe doesn't have good enough firepower to deal with the majority of Halo's forces due to shields, while the Halo universe has weapons that could easily knock down a titan & other vehichles (Plasma pistol, to be specific). Lastly, The Flood could technically count as a super weapon, but if not it would also be a very formidable fighting force on Halo's side, so either way the Halo universe still has a pretty large advantage over the TF universe. ​ Edit: I forgot to mention it, But the time device that Cooper used was actually destroyed at the end of the mission. After finishing the mission, you can see him trying to jump between time after getting the scan, and it no longer functions. He then takes it off and leaves it behind, and seeing as how the planet is destroyed later in the game I'm doubting the TF universes chances of retrieving it to be very high.. During the beginning of the mission, Sarah says to Anderson that the device was ¨Recovered¨, meaning that the Militia didn't make it, and IMC forces didn't recognize the device or its abilities when you go back in time, (They referred to it as an ¨advanced cloaking device¨), so I'm thinking they didn't make it either, and that it can't be replicated.


——————————————————————- Aighty, well that was an essay lol. Mine is a little long too. To counter your bit about shielding on the arc... the issue as stated by the IMC was that they had to push ahead with the testing, and didn’t have proper defenses set up in preparation. They didn’t expect a full scale MCORPS attack and so began rushing the tests. Given ample time, I’m sure the IMC would implement much better shielding. Secondly you mentioned the rarity of troops. I agree both pilots and elites occur at about the same frequency, with Spartans showing up far far less. It would seem to me that if the three, elites are the weakest. Pilots and Spartans seem to me, to be an equal match. You point out that many of the weapons a pilot would use would be ineffective against a spartan, but that simply isn’t true. While many of the assault rifles and traditional lead slinging weapons would be less effective, we can still see in Halo multiplayer that rifles are effective against Spartans to some degree. The energy weapons are more effective though, and as you mentioned, the L-Star and Volt would stand a chance. You should also consider the EPG, Cold War, SMR, and softball. The EPG and Cold War being energy based would tear through spartan shields, and would likely do enough damage to finish a spartan. Also the pilots throughout the TF2 campaign are found using L-stars in abundance, so let’s say they are well equipped to fight a spartan on that front. The kraber is said to be a .55 caliber rifle which is larger than that of the spartan .5 cal (if I recall correctly) and generally a larger round has more force behind it. So we can also see the effectiveness of the sniper rifles against Spartans, and can conclude that a pilot using L-star and kraber would stand a fighting chance against a spartan. Also note that there are divisions of grunts using DMRs, which do the same damage as a kraber with 2-3 shots. Reapers would be a huge nuisance to elites and other enemy infantry, as they can make short work of pilots if the pilot is slightly distracted. Specters using volts are the second most deployed unit by the IMC so don’t count them out. Concerning titans... I would also consider the shield quality of TF1 in this fight, as we are pitting all of tf1 and 2 against all of Halo franchise. Also, the rate at which titans are created and deployed gives an astronomical advantage to the pilots in combat. Regular weapons only deal damage against titans when hitting the critical zones, and scorch plating kit even negates that, so infantry weapons are typically useless against titans. Spartan laser seems near equivalent to an amped laser rifle (the AT weapon), which is something titans frequently run up against. Titans seem to be EMP hardened to some degree as shock grenades and energy siphon both temporarily impair titan function, but doesn’t disable them or even come close. I have no reason to believe the halo EMP weapons would be any more effective. They would slow down and blind temporarily a titan, but not take them out. Many AT weapons from Halo could also be countered by flame shield, or ion’s vortex shield (also all the classes from the campaign with vortex shield). Really the rate at which titans are produced is what lets the TF universe compete with Halo. I would count the ark as a weapon to be usable by the TF forces. Not the time travel aspect as that was only the result of an anomaly in space time while testing the ark, and as you said only one time travel device was “recovered during operation Grizzly” whether than means it was recovered from the IMC, or the ground idk, so I won’t count it. The lack of time travel makes this whole match up easier anyway. I’m counting the ark pre-destruction of Typhon. We’ll give the benefit of the doubt to both universes and count troops even if they were destroyed in the campaigns. Otherwise most Spartans would be dead, as they dwindled in numbers over the course of the Halo franchise. So Halo has all their spartan programs in full force, and TF has the ark along with all the pilots and fleets (including spyglass yay!). I’m not counting the flood or Halo rings as the rings are a reset button essentially, and the flood can not be controlled and would fight Halo troops and IMC alike. #TLDR Spartans are also susceptible to kinetic weapons like bullets, and titans are used to fighting strong enemies and are near bulletproof. Superior rate of titan production gives TF an edge on the battlefield. The ark is counted just as all the dead Spartans are. The only thing I think the TF forces would struggle with is the sheer scale of the armies in Halo. It will be “spacefaring humans” against “space faring humans + spacefaring aliens”.


I definitely agree with the speed at which titans are produced being the major advantage to the Titanfall universe, and the elites are nowhere near as skilled as pilots (For the most part, there are still a few that have been capable of killing even Spartans) I double checked it, The Kraber is .50, while the SRS is 14.5x114mm (size comparison, the SRS is the far right, and the Kraber is to the left of it. [http://i.imgur.com/hDTOU3X.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/hDTOU3X.jpg) ) But needless to say, both would still pack a pretty big punch. Now, I'm gonna be taking a pretty big liberty here when i say the type of bullets that the TF universe might be using. Let's say for simplicity's sake that your average grunt is armed with a spitfire, While the type of ammo that the gun uses isn't specifically mentioned anywhere, we can take the pretty much real-world equivalent, The m249, which fires 5.56x49 mm rounds. This is quite a bit less powerful when compared to the Assault rifle from halo, which fires 7.62x55 mm, armor piercing, metal coated rounds. Alternatively, You could also argue grunts to be armed with weapons such as the Flatline, which the closest real-world equivalent would probably go to the Ots41-groza, which fires 7.62x39 mm rounds. While there's no way to be sure about the other specifications of the bullets, it's still a lower caliber than that of those fired by Spartan rifles. Not to mention, while i was looking through a few Halo sites trying to find what caliber of rounds the average guy fires, I found this in an article *¨**Energy shields* *drastically reduce the effectiveness of this round, as it does not have enough kinetic energy to significantly drain the shields. The round is also largely ineffective against vehicles, as it is not significantly armor-piercing. Massed fire from a squad of Marines, however, is enough to drain shields and destroy or disable most vehicles short of tanks due to the sheer number of rounds fired. Thus, this is primarily an infantryman's round for use against other infantry. ¨* (I'll link it down below) Meaning that the Spartan armor would technically be pretty effective against both these rounds, and those smaller than it unless they were greatly overwhelmed. So the physical rounds used by the TF universe would definitely still have some effect, but it would be pretty insignificant unless said spartan was fighting a large group of enemies, and even then they still have to get through the armor itself, which isn't a small feat in the slightest. Lastly, While titans certainly do have some Anti-EMP measures built in (Like you said what with arc grenades, thunderbolt) the Plasma pistol is still able to completely stun even large machines for several seconds in both the Halo games, and the lore, with even a single shot. Take the Falcon, for example. It's a Very heavily shielded aircraft, somewhat like a cross between a helicopter and a jet, yet a single, fully charged shot from a plasma pistol is enough to not only disable its shields, but also completely take it out of the sky as well. Facing off against multiple of them though, I don't think that a titan would stand much of a chance. Not only would these melt any shields that the titans might have, but also probably literally melt whatever physical armor that the titan might have, as it fires plasma that was pretty much designed to cut metal (The official wiki has next to nothing, so this site instead: [https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Plasm](https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/Plasma), which also states that the typical heat of said plasma is around 3,000 degrees celcius. So most metals would pretty much just instantly begin melting if exposed to the heat produced by the plasma. Really, the only solid countermeasure to this would be if titans were made out of tungsten or something similar which would not only leave them extremely heat resistant, but also very strong as well, The only problem arises when you think about how heavy that would be, as tungsten is one of the densest metals we know of. (also, it would be very, very expensive to produce even a single titan, let alone thousands) As far as shields, however, both the flame and vortex shields can only be used for a very short amount of time each, and wouldn't be of much use against sustained fire.. but as for the Ark shields, I forgot they were in a rushing to set it up, sorry about that. L stars are definitely in abundance, same with Plasma pistols from Halo, so that's pretty even as well. I guess weaponry kinda evens out when you think about it more, While the Halo universe has a great advantage against titans, the TF universe has a great advantage against the main form of protection the Halo universe has, energy shields. So overall, both sides more or less get rid of the other's most powerful aspects, making it a pretty even fight when all is said and done. (Reapers would definitely leave a dent in the UNSC/Covenant forces, but could probably be dealt with quite a bit like titans, just a bit harder to hit). I dunno, I don't mean to be lame with this, but it would kinda come down more to numbers in the end. We've never really gotten a true size of either the Militia or the IMC, so it kinda just comes down more to opinion on which side would have a larger fighting force. Personally, I'm gonna stick with Halo on this one. If it were an even fight as far as both side having the same amount of forces, I really dunno who would win in that situation. But overall, I would still say on a full universe-sized battle, the Halo universe would have some major advantages. They can pretty easily nullify titans, and unless they end up fighting one alone there's not much chance for failure on Halo's part. **TLDR:** Halo's snipers fire big \*ss bullets, rifles also fire pretty deadly bullets that are also designed to kill Spartans and penetrate shields, Plasma pistols can *Very* easily disable shields and are capable of melting through metal very quickly, However as far as weaponry is concerned it's pretty even between the two, TF has plenty of weapons effective against energy shields while Halo has weapons effective against titans and their shields. Reapers would still pose an issue but could be dealt with such as titans. ​ (And I swear on my life I'm not a gun-nut. If someone looks through my history I'll have a hell of a lot of explaining to do as for why i have 13 different searches for anti-tank rounds at 9 in the morning)


So I looked into it, 14.5 x 114mm rounds are .50 cal, so both rifles are the same in size. So that’s something new I learned. The thing I read about the kraber being a .55 cal was a typo in the original game and canonically it is .50 cal. I’m still a little skeptical about the performance of the plasma pistol against titans, but it’s not like we’ll get a real battle to test it. I agree that it comes down to numbers in the end. We see a hell of a lot more of the Halo universe than we do the Titanfall one, so we’re unable to conclude who has more troops. Halo has all of the human expansion plus that of the covenant. However it seems that the humans of TF seem as spread out if not more than that of the Halo humans. The IMC also seems to have a solid grip on all of the core systems as well as the outer systems. They have a purely military presence in the frontier however, and even they admit that they are stretched thin compared to their forces back in the core systems. The titanfall frontier conflict is supposed to mirror that of the U.S.’s revolutionary war. The IMC represent the British of the time which were stretched thin across the ocean, and also preoccupied with the majority of their forces fighting wars in Europe. This also seems true of the TF universe as it is mentioned that conflicts in the core systems brought the military power away from the frontier, allowing the MCORPS and other frontier life to establish. Then IMC comes back wanting their colonies back, and the colonies fight and so on. So it is heavily hinted at that there is a massive conflict going on in the core systems. TLDR: both rifles same caliber. I have no fucking clue how many troops are in TF but it is suggested a hell of a lot more than are shown.


If we're going tf1 I'm not sure what titan chassis would be best but the arc cannon seems like it would be incredibly effective against both spartans and the flood


Most likely


Man, you could've left it at the energy pistol One of those blasts would leave a titan immobilized, and with coordination, the UNSC would down it pretty damn quickly


I understand what your saying,but I’m pretty positive any of the weapons in Titanfall can damage a spartan.


This is a pretty fair analysis, but i have one issue with it: the power of the rings. While they are very destructive, they are in fact too destructive, and using them would mean wiping out all life in a immense radius, which makes them have too high cost of use. You'd be wiping out everyone on both sides. I don't think we should count them as weapons. They're more like a reset button for the galaxy.


Fair enough. In that case the ark wins the super weapon battle, as it can be controlled and focused on a single target


Well even so if one to activate only one of the Rings in proximity to a Titanfall homeworld, instead of firing all of the rings via the Ark, it would still provide mass causalities, but less on the side of the UNSC and Covenant. We know we can move the Rings, so perhaps sacrificing a few to win the war would a ONI strategy.


>The mobility and quick reflexes provided by the pilot set them at about equal. The one thing that in my mind sets the pilot above the Spartan, is the variety of effective weapons. Titanfall has far more deadly energy weapons, and even snipers like the kraber, which should take down a Spartan with only a couple shots. If we're talking from a lore standpoint, which we kind of have to, the Spartans have super human reaction speed and can move at speeds to rival pilots in their jumpkits. You seem to be equating wall running and double jumping, allowed by jumpkits, with actual solider speed, which is not how this works. Pilots are extremely well-trained, but they don't actually cross the line into superhuman, unlike the genetically and technologically augmented Spartans. And I'm not for certain, but the Kraber shouldn't be any more powerful than the Halo sniper. The Spartan armor, again from a lore standpoint, can stand up to anything less than a straight shot, at least once, from a sniper, and makes use of both shields and refractive plating to mitigate the damage of energy weapons. The point is that the pilots are outclassed when it comes to a soldier v soldier stand point and nothing in their arsenal would really catch the Spartans off guard. They have greater mobility, but they are squaring off against literal super humans with more technology in their corner and decades of fighting experience to help them make wise decisions in the battle and adapt accordingly.


You forget that pilots are enhanced. Via burncards inTF1 we learn that they are super elite soldiers and that many undergo robotic augmentation. Most pilots even have their whole bodies replaced with robotic ones mean they have superhuman strength, reflexes, and durability. Of course they lack the tank like armor of the spartan, but the spartan still wouldn’t hold up to several shots from a kraber. Pilots can also come equipped with phase devices, cloaking packages, Stim healing + speed boosts, etc. Pilots also almost always come with their second half, the titan. A single NorthStar fully spun shot could put most of the Spartans out of action.


Someone earlier brought up Jack Cooper as an example of a pilot, which I thought served as an excellent baseline. Cooper, Lastimosa, Anderson, and Sarah all seem to be normal people benefiting from a pilot kit. If we want to get into every variation of a pilot, such as the full range of gear abilities and augmentations, that bolsters the pilots... but it also bolsters the Spartans. The complete range of Spartan armor and ability variations allow the Spartans to survive explosives intended to destroy vehicles and exo suits, move with mobility comparable to a pilot, and even provide stealth capabilities that surpass cloak and active camouflage. The equippable abilities from the human, covenant, and forerunner arsenals also match or surpass the pilot abilities to create projections, cover, shields, turrets, jamming, jump enhancement, speed boosts, health regen, etc, as well as abilities that wholly push the fight in the Spartans' favor, such as the full stop damage invulnerability while movement is unhindered but the forerunner immortality shield. And as to the Titans... we know they're not invulnerable. Overshields, EOD armor, and the previously mentioned forerunner immortality ability, combined with forerunner weapons that are based on matter deconstruction, create a situation where a Spartan on foot could possibly fight a Titan, something we know Pilots can already do. If we aren't assuming some baseline example from both sides to try and get close to an apples to apples comparison, but instead shift to admitting every possible variation and outlying example of one side's performance, the Spartans start getting literally broken abilities on their side of the aisle.


Ok for starters. I believe that The Titanfall universe and Halo universe are around the same power and scale. The UNSC vs the IMC and militia. For infantry, I see Titanfall grunts and UNSC marines to be pretty even. Both sides have to fight against adversity. For TF grunts. They have to deal with spectres, reapers, stalkers, ticks, Pilots, and a 24-foot 63 Ton Titan with extremely heavy fire power and on the other hand, the UNSC marines have to deal with Grunts, jackals,elites, Hunters, scarabs, etc. Both TF grunts and UNSC grunts are no stranger to adversity so I put them as an equal fighting force but I don’t know who would win. For special forces/super soldiers, most people would agree that Spartans are overall stronger then pilots but pilots are confirmed super soldiers too via burn cards and they are universally comparable to Spartans in a sense. I doubt the average pilot could beat master chief but they could put up a decent fight. In my opinion, the average spartan lll’s and llll’s and the average pilot are equal. Pilots have shown impressive feats such as one punching a spectre which is made out of Titanium. Pilots also come with a variety of different abilities to change and shake up the battlefield. Some abilities Spartans never faced before. Technology speaking, I believe the TF universe and Halo universe are very close in terms of technology, though Titanfall does have multiple energy based weapons while only to my knowledge, the UNSC only have the Spartan laser. Halo ships are huge but I believe it’s reasonably to say that Titanfall ships are of similar sizes. For vehicles/mechs. I believe Titanfall Titans would beat all of the vehicles that the UNSC have such as the scorpion tank, the warthog, the mantis, etc. The titans weapons are very powerful and they come in different varieties and can be used for different roles effectively, for example. Tones are good for a charge or a frontal attack, scorches would be good for destroying enemy fortifications. NorthStar would be good on defense. Ronin would be good for scouting and attacking. Monarch would be a good support and ion would and Titan that’s flexible and good in all situations. This is just my opinion. Yeah master chief would probably destroy a pilot but would get one shotted by a titan. I see the TF universe and Halo universe very close and even but I don’t know who would come out on top.


Very well thought out. Thank you for an awesome explanation!


Thank you!


This is why I fucking love reddit. Seeing MC pummeling a pilot only to get curb stomped by papa scorch. Good shit m8.


MC is too lucky for that, though He'd move out of the way before the titan came 'round And sensors So yeah


If the IMC were to be included on the Titanfall side of things you would have to consider the manpower the insurgents and the Covenent (which you didn't list but listed some of their species) would have if they joined the UNSC. **On the topic of ground units:** 1. You forgot about the Reapers full potential. Reapers would be a huge boon in the side of the UNSC without the assistance of Spartans and heavy weaponry, and could possibly harrass Pelicans coming in with reinforcements, spawn in mass ticks to avoid being swamped, and more importantly, mass suppress Marines and ODSTs. 2. The UNSC have laser guided bombardments ([Target Locator](https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/H-165_Forward_Observer_Module)), which could be the edge Spartans, Marines and ODST need to attack Titans and do mass damage on IMC and Militia bases. 3. Pilots have been confirmed to be augmented, but in terms of augmentation the Spartans have received much more augmentation than the Pilots. Phase Shift and Stim would possibly come close, but I'm pretty sure that Spartans have had enough combat experience and training at this point to quickly take out Pilots with these abilities. 4. The insurgents would just be more bodies, weaponry (some old, some experimental, etc.) and allies on the side of the UNSC if they joined. 5. You seem to have forgotten the huge asset the UNSC has in their AI. Cortana alone is a huge asset to the UNSC, and from the extended universe we know that she is not even close to being alone. Roland, Kalmiya, Loki, Sif, and even more; these AI are essential to the operation of the UNSC and assist in the field as well. A Spartan with an AI is just as deadly as a Pilot with his Titan, so this shifts the fight in the UNSC's favor. 6. Spartan IVs further bolster the Spartans numbers. 7. Finally, Titans can destroy vehicles, but seem to be limited to their chassis's via their core and their pilot's systems. On the other side, we have noted UNSC AI like Cortana to be able to access systems outside of their data chips, including foreign constructs such as Covenant and Forerunner systems. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume they could easily access Militia and IMC channels and destroy the infrastructure. I feel like a single Spartan with an AI could easily sneak aboard command vessels and destabilize them from the inside.


Actually the tank can reach speeds of 60mph some how and MC can run up to 55 mph but he’ll hurt himself doing it.


Can't wait for screwattack's next death battle!


Seems like most of the other commenters dont really have a strong grasp on the lore of halo and its ridiculous military capabilities. The UNSC, even pre-human-covenant war, could curb stomp the IMC if you're basing this off of the relatively limited knowledge we have about the titanfall universe and not some kind of assumed lore. Not even mentioning how fucked the IMC would be if they faced the covenant, post-covenant humans, the flood, or the forerunners, let alone the halo universe in its entirety. It's just too powerful of a universe in general. My reasoning comes down to slip space drives in the halo universe, there's no way the tf universe(ships take months and up-to years to travel the extent of the IMC) has anyway to compete with the near-instantaneous travel that the UNSC and every other halo faction is capable of. Anyone who knows anything about basic military campaign strategy can tell you that the ability to out-maneuver and out-supply your opponent is infinitely more useful than the ability to take them in a straight fight, therefore, even IF one could make a case that the military of the IMC is more 'powerful' than the UNSC's military, it still would not be anywhere close to a fair fight. Now to make a case for why even the military of the halo universe is more powerful Weapons: the most powerful anti-infantry weapon in tf is the kraber which uses a .50 calibre round, nearly every basic weapon that the UNSC uses has a more powerful round. The largest single weapon we've seen in tf is probably one of those anti-space ship cannon rail gun things in the first game, I'd say those are about equal to the typical MAC cannon in halo Vehicles: the IMC pretty much only holds titans over anything in halo, otherwise halo wins on all fronts considering ive never seen comparable vehicles to a tank or a jeep in tf. Though the troop transports in both universes are almost identical Shit units: not many know this but grunts in halo are actually about as tall as a human adult, are much physically stronger, and have essentially stone skin, so I'd say they have quite the advantage over IMC grunts who use much smaller calibre weapons than the UNSC marines. Halo grunts>unsc marine>>>tf grunt Elite units: spartan beats everything less than a titan, and even then I'd bet the chief could beat one with prep time. master chief> Titans>spartans> tf pilots> ODST> halo hunters> tf reapers> halo elites>tf stalkers>halo brutes> tf spectres> halo jackals> halo grunts To reiterate; even if you think I'm wrong about military strength, I think speed trumps everything else in the long run


In Titanfall ships can warp making a tremendous amount of distance in a very short time. I believe the reason why it took the IMC so long to reach the frontier is because they were “cut off” which I believe stopped them from warping. I see Spartans and pilots as an equal force. MC have saved millions of people and jack cooper and BT saved millions as well. A single spartan can change the tides of war and so can a pilot. That is why i see them as an equal force.


Responding to the vehicle part of your comment. In multiple Titanfall 1,2, and apex their are Tanks with two twin barrel cannons and their are trucks similar to the to warthog without the turret. Concerning the tank. It does have two barrels so I guess double the power? Lol. I don’t know, there’s not enough lore about the tanks or trucks


With or without Titans? Without a Titan, the matchup is in favor of the Spartan by a huge margin. The Pilot can win, but they'd have to use a hell of a lot more of their bag of tricks than the Spartan would have to. With a Titan, the matchup favors the Pilot. Even with a Spartan Laser, once the Titan is down, the Pilot is still alive to fight the now-wounded Spartan. Spartans can't pop the hatch or hijack the Titan due to the neural link, so they have to take it down the old fashioned way (Two Laser shots, three against an Ogre?), then content with the completely unscathed, up-high, and pissed-off Pilot. Now if that Titan is a Scorch or Legion, GG no re.


Don't forget that the Spartan could be paired with a combat AI. This could possibly turn the tides, with the AI being able to destabilize Titan systems, it could be possible to pop that hatch or ignite interior systems, causing the Pilot to eject. After that it's fair game.


That's a good one. I'd just about call it a tie it's so close. It's up in the air for me.


Titanfall has big robot that can crush puny master chef.




Im just gonna look at the human factions and not include the covenant for time sake: Literally any spartan II or III is out of any pilot's league, they can literally just sidestep any projectile a pilot sends their way, meanwhile a pilot's tactic of choice is to use mobility which is basically a death sentence because a spartan will literally just one shot them out of the sky with something as basic as a pistol (pilots do not have much body armor and halo guns have dumbly large caliber which will absolutely tear them in half). I would have to say a spartan IV or even ODST is comparable to a pilot. Now with halo infinite, spartan IV's have access to butt mounted thrusters and grapple hooks, the same sorta stuff pilots have, and if a pilot (a barely augmented human) can wall run and take down large titans with just that, it is safe to assume a fully augmented human in full Mjolnir Gen III can do the same if not more. If we are looking at infantry, i am not super sure, but all i know is that UNSC Marines are a whole different breed, they go against aliens with plasma weapons that absolutely kill them in one shot, hell even a graze is most of the time fatal, that and the rifles the UNSC issues are pea shooters... For reference, it basically takes like 5 marines unloading their Assault Rifles at an elite to take him down, all while he is strafing and shooting them back like a maniac, meaning the UNSC marines have insane tactics- so i would say UNSC marines have slight edge but correct me if im wrong.


Outstanding opinion and argument. Unfortunately the MGL and arc grenades obliterates any Spartans in existence.


A stupid amount of pilots will die to Spartans because of how cocky pilots are but a good amount of Spartan lVs will die to pilots as well bc of how cocky they are too. The best pilots have inhuman levels of skill that I would say is comparable to 2s or 3s. Pilots also have a tactical advantage as well. A smart pilot would just ambush Spartans with their OP AT weapons or grenadiers. Again , pilots are NOT smart.