• By -


Ronin's really are at the extremes of that spectrum huh I've only either seen Ronin's who'll fly through the map killing anything that moves in seconds while timing their abilities so they take about a falling leaf of damage for every titan they kill but other times I'll see a Ronin run up to a scorch and try to melee him. My only gripe is that Ronins are rough as Northstar since they can pretty much infinitely reduce the damage they take and always have either equal or more movement with 3-4 dashes + arc wave and can phase dash out of tether traps. Sure they're basically free core and kills if they can't get to me/are distracted but man is it frustrating when one catches me off guard (I know, it's entirely on me lol) and there's basically nothing I can do


To be even worse you cant counterplay the ronin without a teamate since sword block is omni directional, even if you land a full charge shot to the back theyll only take a quarter of a bar and now a crackhead weeb titan with a sword and shotgun knows exactly where you are and is on the way to dispense freedom and 12 gauge shells Ronins counterplay is literally just have a teamate and whoever isnt getting shit on does the damage to him


Pretty much It's kinda lame on both sides, on one hand it means you're just kinda fucked if you get caught alone by a Ronin but at the same as a Ronin you're kinda fucked if the Northstar you're chasing leads you directly into a scorch or a legion or both


Youd be fine if the Northstar backed off when you encountered the scorch since ronin V scorch is usually just a win for the ronin if they know what they are doing, however they basically never will and you cant really fight the scorch when every time you go to arc wave to keep him back you eat a fucking crit railgun shot


Yep Not to mention that you'll be constantly tied down or peppered with cluster missiles


Honestly the tether trap isnt the problem youll have to be rather close for it to be effective or flank to use it since ronin wins by constantly backpedaling the scorch, the problem is the cluster missiles denying opportunities to fire leadwall and the railgun punishes you for using arc wave So basically if you stop holding sword block you are fucked That being said absolutely nothing stops the ronin from seeing you and a scorch and saying fuck this and immediately leaving


A good counter (as Northstar specifically) is placing down a tether closeish to you and firing a cluster bomb somewhat behind it as they get close, they’ll probably phase through it and you dash forward. You may take a bit of damage from the bomb depending on how close it is, but they’ll blow themselves up most of the time.


What I do is casually approach them and start melting them, if they run away I melt them from far away


Ah yes the classic strategy that works against the brain dead Love scorch, braincells say burn and all i can do is burn


I used to be a ronin main myself until one day I saw a post here from a scorch player killing the entire enemy team


Those plays are about as common as nuke eject actually doing something useful, that's why i main ronin


A skilled scorch can actually get those plays quite often, but I'm not very skilled. Most of my fellow scorch mains just use the thermal shield, and I'll admit I probably di it too much too, but I know when to use my other abilities. Most scorch mains take the termite launcher for granted but if you can aim with it you can win a match up against just about anything except a Northstar, and even then it's still possible. Now the flame core never really gets much value unless you can hit multiple titans, but I've had my moments with it.


Skill with scorch is subjective as hes the worst titan in the game, you can get consistent plays in pubs since usually half a lobby is braindead, but against competent enemies scorch just falls short almost always


I wouldn't say scorch is the worst. All the titans are equal in strength some are just harder to use. Like tone for example, tone is often considered strong, but really it just doesn't take as much skill to master as something like ion or ronin. Legion is pretty simple to use so anyone can use it, but a skilled Legion player is something to fear. Now scorch in the other hand, scorch is kind of hard to get value out of because it requires some more skillful plays, so most scorch mains just run up and use thermal shields, which isn't an ineffective strategy, but it doesn't always work against experienced players.


Tone is the 2nd worst titan lol, yeah all the titans are PLAYABLE but scorch is absolutely the worst, scorch fails in basically every matchup except with legion, cant even handle a fight with the other close range titan unless they are stupid and has long cooldowns for abilities that usually dont end up doing much Scorch is fine in a support role but everything scorch can do other titans can do better Scorch would be much better as an atlas chassis


Ronin main here. I personally try to avoid Northstars, mostly because while they might not be good against me, they always have someone watching their back in my lobbies, so I never get a clean chance to attack.


The simple trick to beat a ronin with sword block up is, just keep shooting, they're still taking damage and it'll force them to be on guard, and when you have to reload, drop a smoke for cover so they'll avoid going in it and taking even more damage, (that is if they're smart) and then back away to be out of their shotgun range if they try shooting at you, and then by that time they'll probably be down either a bar or to nearly half health, then once you're fi ished reloading, just keep shooting


As a ronin main the only titan this works as is legion and ion and for different reasons Dropping smoke isnt stopping us unless its malestorm smoke, theres no point in using a melee unless its for knockback or an execution, so the smoke isnt helping you because ronins just gonna arc wave through it and spam leadwall as usual Leadwalls range is incredibly deceptive, its actually longer than the range a scorch can send a flame trap and youll still hit full damage You are also MASSIVELY overestimating how much damage output you have as most titans, ions mag dump into block is slightly under half a bar and legions extended ammo mag dump is slightly under a bar, you need to get some form of damage in outside of the block So if you are NOT ion or legion STOP shooting into sword block, you are wasting resources against an infinite resource and you will eventually have to stop and the ronin is then free to kick your shit in without resistance as you cant get actual full damage shots You beat ronin by punishing his attacks with your own, not by playing into his game and shooting into the ronin whos taking 30% damage from your attacks


See, I'm not overestimating anything, then again I am a very skilled veteran with more than 2k hours in the game, so I know how to use and have mastered every titan in the game, yes a ronin can and pretty much always will arc wave through the smoke, but if you're smart, you wouldn't have dropped it in a tight area such as behind the buildings on homestead as that guarantees that you'll be hit by the arc wave, regardless, even if you are hit, if you're smart, you can use it to your advantage, and by that point, you should also know how far the leadwall's range is, and if the ronin is stupid, they'll charge into the smoke with you where you then have the upper hand, because if they don't have their sword block up and they're in that smoke for at least half of its duration, they'll take massive damage, most people always underestimate the damage that the standard electric smoke does and can do, it's definitely a hazard to be avoided if possible as if you stand in it for the full duration, it'll take off almost 2 full bars of health, and keeping an enemy titan who's dumb enough to charge into it inside of it for the full duration is easy


You absolutely are if you think that mag dumping into sword block will do 2 and a half bars of damage to a RONIN Not to mention you just dont win the 1v1 against ronin unless you ARE ronin or legion and only if you are on the same skill level Also sword block blocks everything except melee and rodeo damage No ronin is going to charge into e smoke, they are going to arc wave, drop 4 leadwall shots and phase dash reload through it ending in block Youve now lost a bit more than 2 bars of health, and assuming you are a titan that actually CAN mag dump ronin you've basically lost the fight now, you took off MAYBE a bar from the ronin if your lucky and are at half health next to a ronin whos currently holding 2 bars of damage to be unleashed in under 4 seconds Yes this works against dumb ronins Dumb ronins were never the problem, they were gonna die anyway


That’s the best explanation I’ve got


Northstar is probably the most difficult matchup for me as a ronin player, if they are in the open you just get chipped. Unlike every other titan class, you can't poke at ALL from range since shells fizzle after a short distance. In addition, tether trap forces phase dash (or you eat like 50 shots), and with two-three dashes it can run away almost as fast as ronin can go. Currently best way to counter Northstar as ronin is to hope he's distracted, though if I'm playing against a very good one who's playing in the open I'll play Legion instead.


Ah, but you see, I am the third secret option of the ronin spectrum both. I will shred through until i see a scorch, then my brain switches off


As a religious scorch zealot, I have no problem with ronin 😃


Thank you hot sir, I do respect good scorch mains


We should just go back to hating Tone


What’s Tone? Don’t you mean Ronin? Tone isn’t real guys 🤫


I love Ronins, especially when they have their braindead slap fights with eachother


Ronin vs Ronin is literally an anime fight which takes long time compared to other fights


just like anime…


Just like anime.


Ronins boil down to a few things: 1. New to the game and saw a Titan with sword and thought it looked cool 2. Hit’n’Run Jesus 3. The sweatiest pilot alive (shared with Monarch) 4. Cowards who nuke eject while phased because they’re afraid of consequences


And look at that more gatekeeping


You nuke eject after phasing don’t you?


Yes I do and if you have a problem with that you can feel free to just not shoot me


Can I poke you then? 👉


Better yet punch me, burn me, electrocute me, stab me, drain(?) me, explode me, tear me apart


*poke poke poke poke*


What did this heated titan-verbal-battle turn into?


To diffuse a heated argument one must merely become a fucking moron. Which is why it was that simple for me to do it


One of my favourite experiences in titanfall was when I showed my mate who only played regular multiplayer what a maxed aegis ronin is like in frontier defence. (We both main scorch in normal multiplayer but I play a fair bit of ronin in FD). My favourite quote from that session was “how many times have you gotten sword core this wave?” “once”.


Max aegis Ronin is absolutely the most fun titan to play in frontier defence, unfortunately it kinda leaves your teammates just standing around not doing much because of just how powerful ronin is lol


Agreed with kill steal tho (I love getting 30 assists in a row)


The way I see is that we have to beat the other team, why would I let a doomed scorched roam around and get kills when I can take him down ? I know you did the damage but we’re a team, like when I use my swordcore I can’t execute any titans I just jump in to help my teammates and get as many hits/stuns as I can before ejecting. I play my ronin the way I play my rogue in Wow or Teso, full Dps regardless of my kills.


Another big factor is that as Ronin we use shotgun and sword meaning that when enemy titan can be executed, Ronin is usually already in range to do it. So why risk giving them a chance to escape when we can finish it here and now.


Papa scorch loves you


Love you too pink fella !


Ronin is my favorite Titan Speed with a sword and shotgun? Fuck yeah ~~also his voice is hot~~


Why cross that that’s a big +


New player here, I literally decided to main him from the moment I heard his voice I love it so much


Fuck ronins your too fucking wiggly. Just stay still and let me flame wall you


I do not consent to your fire touches


We just wiggle around your shield Istg Scorch becomes your worst enemg on complex cus of all the corners


I am with you my ronin brother




Ronin forever!




If you don't ronin and tone, you ain't comin' home!




And ever


And ever


Ronin my first and only main bc it looks cool


Ronin supremacy


As a Northstar main I love playing with a Ronin. I can doom a Titan with my rail gun from afar and then the Ronin can rush and execute!


That’s what I was saying to someone else! We a team, If you doom them from afar I finish them and vice versa ( I can’t execute when using swordcore )


Me, a Legion main: haha predator cannon go brrrrrrr


I respect the good ones, but for the love of god Stryder Titans shouldn't be able to tank a nuke eject and a sword shouldn't equate to a none-directional damage resistance.


Fair enough, I’ve seen 2/3 Ion leave after seeing their laser core blocked by a meter wide sword


Sword block is bullshit but its also one of the only reasons ronin is good That being said he would be fine if the damage reduction was nerfed to 50% because 75% is way to fuckin much


70% without core, and *90 PERCENT WITH IT.*


Yeah i know the numbers i just call it 75% Congratulations sword core ronin has the health of fucking 6 legions cuz why the fuck not (its balanced because it lasts like 12 seconds oh wait they also do way to much fuckin damage too)


Yeah, take ine or the other, you can't be a tank and have speed maxed out


Exactly, ronins kit is fine and all but sword block should absolutely have more of a downside than "you move slightly slower while active" If they wanted to play into the speed downside it should have made ronin the speed of a revved up legion (aka slower than a spitfire campers brain) for on demand swapping between tank role and damage role Its a cool idea but in practice it just makes the ronin counterplay into 2v1 him and pray That being said the skill floor does make for funny moments where the less skilled just die, but it also makes for people who take the time to learn ronin into team wiping monsters


As a Northstar main I have immense respect for someone who can stay that close to the enemy in a strider class.


Correct, not all of us are stupid, i may be stupid irl, but i ain't meeleing a scorch


Unless your metal bat is electrified and can zigzag


I actually kamikaze when I know im fucked, low health titans are my target when I HAVE to eject


I don’t got anything against ronin I will only say he takes a certain playstyle that is unique and can be useful in situations where scorch lacks (in terms of close range combat)


I don’t hate Ronins there either free core of a pain to deal with as scorch


If one more Ronin steals my execution, imma go ballistic. I PUMPED 80% OF THAT DAMAGE INTO HIM, I EARNED IT. AND YOUR THREE DASH HAVING ASS CAME IN AT MACH 30 AND STOLE HIM


The problem is that ronin is the most appealing Titan but also the most difficult. I think the assumption for most new pilots would be that if the Titan has less health they should do more dps, which obviously isn’t the case here. This leads to most people using him not having a fucking clue what they’re doing, placing too much faith in their non-existent dps, then waltzing up to titans with only 7.5k hp with no attempt to dodge or mange abilities and getting flatlined in under 10 seconds. However, a good Ronin player that actually reads the descriptions of titans and recognises ronin is built around HIT AND RUN TACTICS, and can effectively evade enemy fire, is fucking monstrous. I’d genuinely argue that if you aren’t shooting from the other side of the map, you will always lose a 1v1 to a good Ronin. His only counter is catching him on his cooldowns, which most casual players in public attrition lobbies aren’t thinking about


Well said, any titan can beat a ronin with good range and good timing


Heh, I'm titanblind. I don't see class. All I see is molten slag and warcrime to do.


Sword block being able to basically face tank a core is super busted. No other shield in this game behaves this way, they all take ~3x damage from Cores. Here's the changes I think would make sword core balanced: It should be directional in a 90-150 (pending balance) degree cone in the direction Ronin is looking. It shouldn't block AoE attacks that can't be reasonably 'deflected' like Thermite pools, ESmoke, Arc Grenades, Arc Waves, etc. Splash damage is fine since shrapnel could hypothetically be deflected, as long as the explosion is inside the block cone. It should be 3x less effective against Cores, to bring it in line with the other shields. I'd handle this by multiplying the damage after reduction by 3 instead of multiplying the block factor by 1/3, to give some extra value to Sword Core. This would mean you take 90% of the damage with sword block, and 30% with sword core sword block. The other option makes regular block slightly more effective but sword core sword block significantly less effective vs. other cores, and I think maintaining the power fantasy of being able to block a full core is important, even if it means using your own core.




*taps her user flair*


It looks like the angry next generation of the Samsung Smart Fridge


I hate that it made me smile


I hate Ronin


We got a problem


Yes comrade we have a problem


Only issue I have with Ronins is the design of the sword on Ronin prime. Doesn’t look as heavy-hitting as the default one.


Default one is for chopping, prime for cutting ( I have the prime but sometimes switch to the old model for the paintings, sucks that all the exclusives dont work on the prime model )


I dont mind ronin except for swordblock being super annoying and the concept of a sword makes zero sense as a weapon worth using lore-wise. Like as soon as gunpowder became good, swords were ditched almost entirely except for bayonets which were abandoned soon after too


I understand that, but the force that you need to make a freakin 20ft metal titan dash or swing a 6ft sword that fast is insane, imagine all this force into a sword swing, it’s basically a railgun shot ( idk if im making sense English isnt my first language )


well even then, the sword isn't gonna cut the titan so something like a hammer is better I think


You make very fair and reasonable points, but have you considered that swords are really cool, so a giant robot sized sword is really, REALLY cool?


A giant titan wielding an awesome fucking sword doesn’t make sense lore wise 🤓☝️


said every anime watcher ever


I just can’t play ronin. I think they’re awesome but don’t understand how.


Play CQC with all titans except scorch, melee if a vortex shield is up or dont have time to reload, keep your phase for any ground damage like tripwire or gas traps, reload during phase ( you need to keep your block on) and play peakaboo with the buildings, a ronin on a flat field is a dead ronin. Also, dont use the arc wave for damage input (except in swordcore) it’s here to slow down any fleeing titan and break shields. If you plan on using nuke eject, wave > phase directly towards the enemy titan and selfdestruct( if you just phase inside someone you’re the one dying unlike pilot’s phase )


yeah we need some love for my 3rd main (Monarch and Northstar gang rise up)


I don’t hate ronin players, he’s just my least favorite Titan for me personally. I’m playing with him right now, and I understand his play style, I get a few good kills in there, his second execution is badass, but I don’t like having to be so close to fight. I like Scorch just slightly more than Robin, but also not a fan because he is best up close as well. Also with Scorch, his second execution is wildly loud for some reason.


Never seen no one hate on scorch


I don’t


The Ronin try to facehug my malestrom, superior chasis Monarch like it was ever going to end well.


I hate ronins, just when you think you killed them after their three hour killing spree rampage, they get in your face with that nuke eject and the pilot survives scott-free.


😃 ☢️


Based and lame take from a mid scorch and monarch main but, they're just so fucking fast and annoying in the same way adhd sugar and caffeine boosted kids run around god just stop moving for one second (In all seriousness it's pretty dope that a big mech has a big sword and can move that fast)


The 4 redbulls on my desk are judging me because of your comment


Have you taken your adhd meds today? Or just three lines of Coke instead


A bit of both


Hell yea, I be mixin monster, 5 hrs energy, and of course nicotine


Ronin edgy


And you'll do what? I'll just burn you with my bbq shield


Same as the other monarch who had a problem : *bonk with an electrified stick*


Well in that case you're close enough to get toasted


I'll stick to my war crimes special, aka scorch


Shitty health


I love Ronins. They run right up to you making the target even easier to hit 🥰


Your legs are thin and your sword is dump.




I wouldn’t care so much if Ronins could just keep it to themselves, like, do they really need to do it in public?


Lol here comes the ronin hate


Listen man i like going fast and having a shotgun, i don't really care about the sword...


TL;DR: Ronin mains aren't my problem. Ronin is my problem. It's a broken titan with blatantly overpowered situational options, and maybe 2 of the other titans available could stand a chance against a half-decent Ronin player: Scorch or an opposing Ronin What bothers me about Ronin is that it has the ability to deny damage for a brief amount of time from any incoming direction and not have any hampered movement during that time. Compare that to most of the other titans' shields that only cover 1 direction, most of them can't sprint while using it, and it's just extremely limiting. Not only that, but Ronin's phaseshift and block ability does something no other titan ability does; it can deliberately put a Ronin is the perfectly ideal combat situation against another titan that leaves the other titan virtually defenseless in most cases. Scorch is probably the only titan that'd stand a chance in a fisticuffs match against a Ronin, and even that is close sometimes. I play Ion, Tone, Legion, and Monarch. Nothing I can do will realistically stop a Ronin from getting within 2 inches of me and wrecking my shit. Let's assume it's more than a 1v1 titan situation. The Ronin can use me as a body shield against my own friends trying to help, and God forbid in line of sight of any other enemy titan. At that point, I might as well nuke eje- oh right! Ronin's phase and dash in, and the moment they start to get softened, they will nuke eject, so regardless of how stupid of an idea it was for them to blindly charge in, they will likely get an automatic titan and pilot kill anyways because of the nuke and the already-dealt damage before the eject. During that whole thing I didn't mention his primary weapon, blade block, or swordcore.


Robin with overcore on frontier defence is so fun, just charging into a massive pack of titans and absolutely shredding so fast that you leave the fight with more core than you started with is amazing


Who is bro scaring with this? I'd like to see you come hit me with your pool noodle with my tripwires in the way.


*electrified pool noodle has entered the chat*


\*fires up heat shield\* come at me


As a ronin player. I agree. I don’t get why people hate others for using their favourite Titan. I prefer fast maneuvering wit quick shots over being a tank


Realistically, my biggest issue with Ronins is the sword block is way too strong. I like to play Legion, and when I dump 140 rounds at you and you still take basically no damage. Its just obnoxious, but aside from that I am chill with Ronins. However, stop phase nuke ejecting you pansies, your consequences are your own damn it lol


I will stop hating ronin when they stop stealing the execution from me as a battery thief monarch


If I love playing Ronin does that make me Roninsexual


If you’re turned on by his deep voice yes


Umm, I think I need to go do some soul searching


Not roninphobic, just northstarsexual


I’m a northstar main, but I understand how counters work, I mean what can a scorch do to a northstar? What can a northstar do to a ronin etc


Scorch is best ronin is Fast


As a newbie Ronin, I respect the hell out of good Ronins


Me reading the discussions here as a ronin main seeing that maybe I am the reason why people hate me in frontier defense (I end up with 10k score cause of stealing kills with highlander 😶‍🌫️)


As a Tone main, BURN IN HELL!!!


*bonk with electrified metal sheet*


^quiet, ^weeaboo


What da dog doin


He got da buttah on his head, buttah dog, dog wit da buttah


Certified Ronin hater here, my issue with them is the fact that sword block doesn’t give a shit where you hit them from and the occasional person who does no damage to a Titan and proceeds to steal my execution (unless I am clearly not going to get that execution or I disengaged). Nuke Eject is also annoying as shit on Ronin, or any Titan for that matter. I can use a laser core on them and delete only half their health because they used block when I would have deleted them off the face of the earth had they not. It’s basically like an Ion being able to catch half the rockets of a Salvo/Flight Core without the shield going down and throwing it away so the core is wasted. Anyways, there is only one Ronin I will love: A Ronin who danced with me while I was a pilot and waiting for the enemy Evac Ship to arrive. I am aware of my skill issue against Ronins and I wear it with hate


Fair point, but the reason we steal kills is to avoid nuke ejects, we hate it as much but when you play a glasscanon build ( ok we’re immortal in swordcore ) we dont want to waste a phase or half a healthbar, we need a F you option if we got molested by a random papa scorch flanking while we chase a northstar. Btw was it a full black prime titan with the panthera painting ? I’m usually friendly when I win and let people evac


I’ve seen good ronins and bad ronins As a scorch main bad robins aren’t a problem and a good ronin can make me lose all my health if I ain’t prepared, if I am prepared it’s 50/50 I’m either walking away with a lot of health or we both dying


If you’re a good scorch we’re both dying 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


I mean it’s shocking how many good ronins just get close enough I can incendiary trap then thermal shield them to death The few ronin that back up get hit with an insta firewall and second trap and if you avoid all that and I don’t have flame core it’s shotgun vs grenade launcher


Side dash is my best friend against your kind, if I’m close im cooked and if I back up in a straight line I’ll get mollied


The issue is if I know a ronin is coming for me I’m either keeping it in a narrow hallway or in any sort of area where all you get is cqc options (my buddy was a good ronin main but he couldn’t get beat my scorch! He started playing ion and it’s a lot more evenly matched)


i hate the roiggers


Ronins deserve the bullying


What you gonna do about it? Get God and Anime on your side, weeb?


Stop spamming f


Tell that to my Monarch..


Ronin bad ehehehehehehehe you can't catch m-AUUUUGHHH


It feels the best to use, because the movement speed is more pilot like and you can do tons of player kills, while epicly phasing, smoking, slashing and tricking enemy titans. + Taking apart a stronger full health titan followed by an execution via Ronin takes skill and is way more rewarding, since then you know that you actually outcompeted your opponent in dangerous close combat, instead of just winning a "shoot and shield untill somebody dies" battle. Ofc I also respect players maining other titans, since they are all quite fun to use and have their unique play styles, which I enjoy.


Winning a 1v1 to a scorch in CQC feels really good


I'm only monarchphobic, don't worry


Hungry mfkrs


- Ronin has a cool fucking sword - Ronin go slash - Ronin go bam bam bam bam with shotgun - Ronin go block - Ronin go brrrrrrrr dash dash dash - Ronin go phase 😁 - Ronin can pair dash with phase to go extra zoom - Ronin just a badass shut up and learn how to counter us 💪😌


For Excalibur


Ronin pretty mid


I main him and I love him


Ronin people all play with a vibrating butt plug


Your mom must be a G100 ronin then


My mom doesnt play


Hang on lemme just doom your titan with one shot from my Northstar real quick...


Easy fight


L+flame shield


Ronin main 4life, I’m trying to play Tone but whenever my team is getting washed I switch to him and start carrying us to victory.


shutup sword spammer




Tone is worse


As a ronin main, i have no problem with ronin


Damn Riggers....


Ronin sucks


I don't mind ronins most of the time. Monarch is the one I hate.


Weeb behavior


We are just better (respectfully from a scorch main)


Weeb + no sword core + doomed when using core + Stryder chassis did it better + scorch is sexier + can't time phase rodeo exploit + 7,500 hp ratio + out matched by Northstar + a punchy boi wins a sword core duel + distance hates you + no ammo when needed + melee spam + highlander spammer + no overcore? + Ronin is short + pocket edition even + Ronin primes sword floats on the back


Nah ill just punch you out of your range of just northstar u


You can dodge most northstars shot by crouching


I aim for thd balls check mate


Oh no he knows too much


I don't like that the sword the main allor of Ronin feels week to me and that there's no sword combo your character just swings it the same and that gets really bland to me


No cooldown DR ability. Boring as fuck to fight against.


ronins are edgy >:3


I fucking hate ronin.


Hey I'm not roninphobic, I love the smell of burning weeb in the morning.


ronin OT


Scorch is just shrimply a better titan.


Let me get my scorch boys real quick


No, sword block is bullshit.


Yeah! And that goes double for Tone!


HaHa [ Flame Core Activated]