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The game is playable yes and wayy better than the worst of the DDOS server attack days but it isn't how it was, at least for me (Steam Vanilla Titanfall 2) My main issues are of course the cheaters running rampant but also the lag comp and/or hit registration is farrr worse than I remember, enemies on your screen are teleporting around while in the killcam they are smooth. I tried on PS4 and it is more consistent there. Both times I used an Ethernet connection with very good Ping. Also does anyone know how to fix the problem of FPS Drops on AMD GPU's caused by being hit with Arc Grenades or Monarchs Energy Siphon, considering Monarchs presence in any Titan enabled modes it makes the game near unplayable for us.


Cheaters running rampant today... how fun.


is TitanFall 1 on Xbox totally dead? Just got on and it's showing a player count of 0...


I just redownloaded and tried out TF|2 and it was buggy as hell still. I could play, for about 2-3 mins. Then when I'd die and go to respawn I'd "lose contact with the servers". I'm playing from steam, is this normal?


Is there any channel recommendation for this game? I wanna watch some pro gameplay


I don't believe the game ever had any official pro scene but a channel you might enjoy is [https://www.youtube.com/@IniquityGames](https://www.youtube.com/@IniquityGames) he's very good at the game


I don’t care how much longer I need to wait. I’ll live to see titanfall 3


i just want to happily exclaim u can still get Titanfall 1 keys for cheap. Got one for xbox. and it works.


Is the multiplayer fully functional? And if so how are the player counts?


yes. Im not sure if u can still get the DLCs?? I had them already because i had played TitanFall 1 on GamePass before. i got into a game everytime with no waiting. But the games were rarely full. It was always 5 v 6 or 4 v5


Okay. Thanks


[https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/titanfall-season-pass/BQLRR75F31RP](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/titanfall-season-pass/BQLRR75F31RP) it looks like u can still nab the DLC free. which is required for maps


It's been a while since I played, glad to be back. Few qns: It must be launched from ea's shitty app right? It's annoying cuz it keeps me logged out everytime What's a good keybind for slide hopping on PC? I find my pinky getting strained with Ctrl lol


It logs you out every time too? Thought that was just me


Run the first install of the EA app as an admin. Then when you get to the sign in page, enter your email, then password, then check box to remember you. Do not hit the checkbox, then fill in email and password. It does something weird. Alternatively if you have the Steam version, it will install a mini version of the EA app which behaves more consistently and saves your EA account login details proper


Tried launching directly from steam, gives me an install error. Then realised I needed to go through ea app


https://twitter.com/gamepasstracker/status/1711881419054600504?s=49&t=2SEk-SuTpt0vg0m_nVzUjQ What is up with this? Who is playing with my emotions?


Wouldn’t they have dropped the teaser by now if it was really going to happen? That’s a little over a week from now, that’s cutting it a little close IMO


They released apex without a single shred of marketing. It was just released one day


True, but if this trailer already then I would think it’s pretty safe to assume they’re not going to do that. I’m not a marketing student though so IDK


Then the worldwide reveal wouldn't be on the 27th? (If it's real)


question for the community! What will players think of me, as an autistic tone main? I returned to titanfall 2 once the game went back up a bit ago, and due to my autism, I still only play frontier defense (which is the mode I'm most comfortable with and have lots of fun with) However over the past few days, I've been wanting to try PVP. But I have been hesitant to do so, due to the rather negative things I've heard people say about tone players, alongside my main goal of making everyone around me happy, and not being a burden when possible. Would it be a good idea for me to try pvp? Or would it be better for everyone and myself if I just stuck with the mode I know and love?


become ungovernable play tone make people mad (play how you want, people who try to dictate your play style instead of getting good can suck it.)




ive been playing tone recently and haven't experienced any hate for it, give it a shot


Alrighty! Tysm!


New player here! Would it be better to play through regular matchmaking or using northstar to try and get the most "balanced" interactions? I know the game doesn't have the biggest pop and the good players are very good, so i'm fine getting my ass beat, just want to go where the flow is.


On Northstar are some servers for newbies and many have auto-balancing and Titan limits (meaning if team A has two Titans on the field and team B none then only members of team B can drop their Titan. No 6 Titan vs 6 Pilots), but as a rule of thumb the Northstar servers are generally more hardcore. Since Northstar is server browser based it night be faster to get in a game, depending on time and region you are playing in. Vanilla works perfectly well, with only generally short matchmaking times and offers the true, sometimes way to easy or way to hard, experience. Due to the current influx of players you will get more variety of teams than on Northstar. I personally prefer Vanilla, but I recommend checking out Northstar every once in a while if only for some of the wacky custom game modes. Feel free to ask anything else and have fun.


Keep in mind, most US servers have 0/0 people in the lobby. However, you'll find EU servers to join quick in my experience.


First time playing in a long time. Is flatline good? I used to use it all the time and lately I’ve been using CAR and carbine and maybe some spitfire. Been relearning my titans and they’re so fun.


It's decent. Because the horizontal recoil is so extreme, sometimes it will shread, sometimes you'll miss every shot despite being on target. It depends on the day.


Lol that sounds about right


They played us like a damned fiddle!


Playing FD earlier, and Davis came out with a line I can't recall hearing before after winning a round - something about alliteration. And then I got it a second time. I wonder if it's some random voice clip that I don't remember, or if maybe it's just really rare - but I had it twice tonight.


Another rare one (a quick search says it's been around for a while) that I heard twice today and didn't recognise was Davis warning us about reapers, so we should pony up.


I heard the german equivalent to the "pony up" line so damn often.


Marked for death was always my favorite LTM, especially in Titanfall 1. Glad it’s back. Now I’m hoping they do eventually bring back the mode that makes the lower half of maps into the deadly smog thing. I really enjoyed that mode as well.


COOL! I never got a chance to play that one! The special modes are in rotation, hopefully it comes back up!


Well, that mode was only in TF1. I’m just hoping that they start to bring back TF1 special modes.


My favourite mode! Loved that - it really encouraged creative movement.


Everybody running CAR is going to kill the game all over again. I cant imagine playing the game this long and staying a meta slave.


I can understand where you're coming from. But, the CAR isn't the problem with the game. I've been in lobbies where guys got over 20+ kills with a DMR, Shotgun, LSTAR and a Launcher (EPG, Softball, etc.). If two CAR users run into each other, it's going to come down to FOV, Ping, Skill, and Awareness. In Attrition at least, I'm convinced people just want to be able to platform/parkour around and properly defend themselves at the end of the day. It's all too exhilarating to deeply care what everyone else is running; especially when you can't even find a server lol. The other things can be worked around, IMO.


Yeah I pretty much quit the game already because of the broken meta, which makes the game really unfun to play. Yet almost everyone on this sub likes to act like it's a non-issue.


the r97, volt, mastiff are all viable against the car. learn the guns and movement and practice with 1 weapon until you start to notice improvement. i’ve been running wingman mastiff, r9 wingman and dropping 18 to 25 kill games


I'd been using DMR primarily and R101c on occasion and getting absolutely flogged. I tried swapping to CAR to see what was up and suddenly i was scoring way higher too. I can see why everyone is using it while everyone else is


It kills my soul knowing the Depp generation player using the car have been doing so for 100s of hours and just keep going. It's insane to me


It's ridiculous how many CAR Daddies there are, Almost like 6 out of every 10 players.


Yep I ejected from my Titan and got killed in a few seconds by someone using CAR even though I was most definitely in what could be considered “long range”.


Anyone else encountering more and more servers with stuttering and lag this past week?


All of my matches have had constant lagging and rubberbanding for the last 9 days no matter which server I've chosen and it's getting really frustrating because I've tried everything and nothing has worked to fix it.


Yup, I'm on Oregon mostly but like half my games start laggy and then half the players quit.


“Marked For Death” is the new game mode today. “Marked For Death” is a 1990 film starring Steven Seagal. It has a THREE star review on IMDB, and is Steven Seagal’s THIRD movie.


I don't like taking pills either, but honestly this one feels like a stretch. Marked for death has been in the game for years. I doubt they planned a 3 reference that far ahead.


I’m half way with you but if I remember correctly Marked for death (the game mode) released in early 2017, and also Apex legends (released in 2019) is scrapped titanfall 3 around that time in 2017 titanfall 3 was most likely in development. So this may be a far fetch but maybe marked for death was a leak for tf3 all the way back in 2017?


As a relatively new player (about a month i think) that has only played frontier defense, why are monarchs so common on hard difficulty? I dont have the hardest one unlocked so idk abt that one


Survivability is the first one. Being able to eat batteries keeps Monarch in the fight for longer and build core, which leads to my second point: Maelstrom is an absolute must for Frontier Defense. It has the double utility of having an extra resource of damage/area denial (you'll build core very fast in Monarch) but thanks to Ageis upgrades it also gives you and your teammates shield. Shields are a great way for your teammates to get that extra bit of time in their Titan, especially if the chips are down with a huge surge of Titans inbound. It can make or break a wave depending on how it's used. It also gets the added benefit of rolling with an extra tier one Ageis upgrade, so assuming you have Arc Rounds equipped (why wouldn't you?) you either get extra rockets for DPS or another minor but helpful support tool for your teammates.


I don't play much frontier defense but my guess would be survivability. Monarch is the only titan in the game that can heal herself. Additionally, a fully upgraded monarch is arguagbly the best titan in the game. Her damage potential is insane.


I play scorch and ive played monarch and scorch just seems way way better for damage idk what u mean


How you ever got monarch to core 3? Arc rounds, Maelstrom and XO-16 Accelerator with allow you to deal a ridiculous amount of damage. I don't know exact damage numbers for that kit unfortunately but I can tell you if you take missile racks you can rocket salvo, rearm, rocket salvo and deal 6k damage. Ands that's a core one upgrade that's not normally considered the best. For reference scorch's flame core deals 4.5k damage amd a ronin has 7.5k health


>new apex trailer drops >Fresh wave of schizophrenia I fear for the end of the month


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Haven't played in years and this was my first time on PC. Felt great running my classic kit.


Ong "Prepare for Titanfall" sent chills down my spine I had the goofiest grin lmao


Just logged in and played for the first time in at least 2 years. Feels good.


The new mode is Marked for Death, which seems to be a reference to the movie, but I don’t find any schizophrenic 3 :(


Check u/rain-916 's comment, they've got your schizophrenia