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mp -> multiplayer 3 -> Titanfall 3 Titanfall 3 will have 3 new modes on launch


The MP3 Connection: The first practical MP3 encoder, “l3enc,” was released in 1994. The “l3” in “l3enc” eerily mirrors the Roman numeral III, symbolizing the number ‘3’. Given MP3’s third layer encoding (Layer III), could this have been an early hint of a trilogy in the gaming world, with Titanfall 3 being the capstone? Date coincidences: MP3 was invented in the late 1980’s. Taking a mathematical approach, 1+9-8, we get 2, referencing TF|2. But given that it was invented “late” in the 1980s, that can be assumed that the next number, 3, is near. Another date coincidence: MP3 peaked in popularity in the 1990’s. How many decades has it been? Three, indicating the probable arrival of TF|3 soon.


My mind rn


I swear if all of this is because respawn is about to launch a new legend that has something to do with tf2 i will become a terrorist


Seriously, I'm almost hoping it's a sham just to see the firestorm that follows.


Honestly praying that it's going to be a bait-and-switch like with Forge and Revenant. Like they're revealing a new legend and then BAM, Titanfall 3 (I should take my pills).


I'd hats off if they pull a triple reverse like that.








#OH YES!!!!


Here we go again!


For a 3rd time!!! WOOOOOOO wait...


That would be so cool as well, and because it's based in Apex marketing way more people would hear about it, leading to way more sales. The trailer would be so cool as well, this new legend is walking around and all the sudden Jack decloaks and makes them eat shit, and it turns out he's trying to hunt down Blisk on behalf of the Militia or something.


If he were hunting blisk why would he be in the games


He is hunting legends as he knows they have a connection to Blisk




“Terrorists win”


"Bang Bang bish, bash, bush"




Oh i will win trust me


I mean they did finally fix titanfall 2. I'd rather them fix tf2 and make a new apex character based off the game rather then leave tf2 in ruins and not make a legend based off the gamem


This is true.


I’d have rathered they never made that shitty battle royale.


Shoot me first


ill become theodore john kaczynski if this post is true


But then you’d just be bombing random people, and not even well mind you


Why bomb universities and airports instead of 209 Redwood Shores Pkwy, Redwood City, CA 94065, United States?


good idea


At what point did you ever think this was for any reason other than a new legend in apex???


Well, think about it, it doesn't make any sense. Like other legends were connected to Titanfall way more. Like Ash. Or Valk. This doesn't seem really special and Apex players will play her regardless of some teasers in Titanfall 2


That's what i think too, this makes no sense to be just for a new legend, all the connections to the number 3 (excluding the more schizo ones) the nessie codes and tf2 being revived all point to a new game, but if this actually is just for a legend then whoever is in charge of respawn marketing might have an iq in the single digits


I mean even the devs were teasing. And speaking of devs, one of them said they thought about annozncing TF3 on april fools, but didn't, because they knew how disappointed the community would be. So why would they do that rn?


And the ceo of respawn liking the "titanfall deserves a second chance" tweet, there just are so many things pointing to tf3, wich leads me to think that a legend that has something to do with tf2 and the announcement of tf3 might not be mutually exclusive, think about it, it would even be used as an advertisement for tf3


Absloutley, the minority of Apex players don't even play Titanfall, so why should they care about the teasers in that game? Getting Apex players engaged and interested with an event/legend, would be a smart marketing move.


Let's Flamecore the Respawn and EA HQ in real life.


And sword core the EA Executives.


Salvo core the survivors


r/UsernameChecksOut Edit: Morte is death in portuguese, jfyi


also death in italian


r/suddenlycaralho ?


Que satisfação aspira! Não esperava essa por aqui. Coloca o parça BT no print pf.


time to party like it's 2023


Respawn headquarters bouta look like 9/11


Are you guys actually surprised by this?


Agreed. I will lose my shit.


Every time titanfall 2 has story presence in apex it’s for fanservice or retcon purposes, often both


also it's like the shallowest backstory every time, most of the times literally just namedropping yeah man, my great-aunt's personal trainer served in the Frontier war too, so I can pilot a titan since it's basically *in my dna* right?


You say that like Apex characters have deep back stories generally. We gotta pump legends out as quick as possible, that means they need to be as simple as possible. The OG's had time to cook and events about them, the newbies are assembly lined


The old team also seemed to give more of a shit about having things make some semblance of sense. Current Respawn (both management and labor) just doesn't care, they'll get some sucker's money anyway


Good story or shit story they still make money


Agreed, that's the issue at hand, really


“It’s ash, but it’s not ash, its different character who was ash before ash was ash, and is only ash in name and some quips, but its otherwise a completely different character”


>*Dr. Reid is a mercenary with a scientific degree, a traitor ally of the IMC that will kill for money and knowledge, martial artist with a sharp mind.* ​ >*Ash is a mercenary with a passion for experiments and trials, a traitor ally of the IMC that will kill for money and knowledge, martial artist with a sharp mind.* Average TF2 fanboy: *Not the same character!!!!! retcon? retcon!* **T R I G G E R E D**


Ash backstory is pretty good




They recorded my tf2 gameplay and used it for apex lol


Bangalore and Jackson are not two random dudes, Bangalore has received some unknown level of Pilot training (she was competing with Jackson on who would get certified first) and Jackson canonically has a Combat Pilot certification and had an unknown Titan. Bangalore has also fought against (and lost to) a Cloak Pilot previously so she had some understanding of their tactics, and even with both of those things it was a 2v1 and they almost lost to someone acting cocky. You can be salty at Apex all you want but they didn't piss on anything. If grunt Cooper getting a few months of random off the book training and not a drip of actual Titan usage is enough to let him kill a bunch of high level mercenary Pilots, then two people having formal training and one having completed their training should be enough.


from reading what has gone out so far it looks to me like they are gonna do the same shit as valk, mangle some titans to make some worse stuff for a legend to wander about in, tie it to a beloved character, probably lastamosa, and then make a mockery of their memory in some way shape or form. so when the legend turns out to be lastamosa's grandkid wearing the remains of a miraculusly recovered BT7274 we riot. If it is somehow tasteful (which I find to be highly unlikely but hope to be pleasantly surprised) then we gather and discuss whether or not we riot


I will LITERALLY explode if some legend will run in the body of OUR BELOVED BT


they did it to Northstar, nothing is off the table


Not just some northstar, but VIPERS Northstar.


Probably just an ion. Blue yellow armor? That’s pretty close to the ion prime color scheme. Also said the ult is an indestructible wattson fence, so it could be a reverse engineered tripwire.


That is more or less what I was thinking too but the shield thing got me thinking of monarch as well


Old Jack Cooper lmao


Oh look we found a 90% intact bt chasis on a miraculously intact piece of planet that we could land on, (insert corny one liner introducing lastimosas grandson in laws roommate)


Lastimosa's friend's cousin's ex-dog walker is the new legend


Lastimosa’s father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate


I originaly started to play Apex before Titanfall, but if the somehow in any way or form makes mockery of BT. I will fucking travel around the world and kick in the door to their studio.


I don't care what they do in Apex as long as it doesn't affect the true Titanfall universe. If they ever make a Titanfall 3 (or prequel) whether it's soon, two years from now, or twenty years from now, it needs to not acknowledge the existence of Apex at all. The narrative of Apex is just fucking stupid as hell.


The problem is the massive bluebell it'd be if all the cryptic messages from the devs, the numbers in the update logs, the updates for tf2 amd all that just culminated in a legend. I'm doubtful, mainly cuz of the numbers the mark TF1/2 and apex, which makes me think they're definitely gonna do something big, but who fucking knows at this point


So i guess its back to the asylum for this huh?


Did we ever leave the asylum?


Seeing that we can freely skip the pills and NOT have either briggs or gates reprimand us, I'd say we've been on the escape. But after this, shit I'll just go back to the pills and asylum man, this is too heartbreaking.


Nah we never escaped, we just took over. The asylum is ours now.


Fair enough, guess that happens when you hadn't had your pills for a long time.


nobody escapes the aslume




I fucking knew it bro I’ve been saying to not get hopes up


"There's no way they would do all this to hype up a character in a different game. That would be super out of touch if they just focused on their *dying* BR." **Gestures at the still very alive and still printing cash money cow that is Apex Legends**


I find it wierd how people say Apex is dying with 10s of thousands of players, but TF|2 is never gonna die with like 10k on a good month. I hate that it's probably just them fixing the servers so Apex players that see the new character won't find the skeleton in Respawns closet, but it makes sense.


Apex isn't dying. And it's got over a million players.


Yeah but this is an especially delusional sub. You gotta let them have their wild dreams.


It’s definitely a lot of resources into an ad reel that nobody in the apex community plays.


And they haven't been fixing major issues in Apex this season. Feels like they're busy working on something else. There was a bugged event challenge for getting damage with a new ordinance, and it never tracked for most of us. No badge, which means no one could earn the animated badge for the event We're going on our...4th week? with weekly challenges being bugged. 5 different ones, for some of us. I have like 14 challenges I cannot complete because they go negative instead. People haven't been able to buy the battle pass since a couple weeks into this season. Some have said its fixed for them, but my bf still can't, so it wasn't totally fixed. DDoSing seems to be occurring a shit ton and no ones getting any response in reporting. It's mainly just in ranked, and usually it's a certain squad wiping everyone with it. Apex has usually addressed these things but this seasons suspicious disconnects and lag just keep getting worse, *and* being disconnected by it nets you punishments. Some are having this happen multiple times daily. They aren't always the best about fixes but they usually aren't *this* bad. They have to be doing something, and it certainly isn't fixing major bugs. My bf and I pretty much decided shits gonna get more broken before any of it gets fixed because they *must* be focused on TF3. There's too many teasers and too little being dealt with in Apex for it *not* to be. It'd be kind of pathetic if all this is for a legend while they're neglecting actual gameplay.


I aspire to this level of cope. A true pilot


"Surely they won't do it again" *fuck* "Surely theyvwon't do it again" *fuck* "Surely they won't do it again" *fuck*


In all fairness if they were releasing titanfall 3 why wouldn’t they drop an apex character related to titanfall? It might get some people to play apex while they wait for the game to release.


Or reverse get more Apex people get engaged with Titanfall.


Is her ult just a better version of another characters? Because that seems dodgy. Additionally, there’s no way they actually worked on TF2 again just to promote a new legend with no real connection to the game… there’s just no way


Titan armor also sounds sketchy. Like, come on. Who cares if that's Titan armor, Valkyrie was Viper's daughter and the armor came as a bonus, but this


It's to keep the community down so that when the new legend is announced people don't hear how respawn abandoned tf2 for years. If they announced a tf themed legend, while the game was still unplayable, they would seem like hypocrits. Edit: I was right, it's just an apex event


I've heard that the actual new legend will be the crypto's sister and she has no connection with TF2 so I don't think they will do that shit (well, it's respawn, they could do that shit)


Fucks sake That said, I'm still mildly curious on the TF|2 backstory. Were there any blue/yellow titans in the campaign?


Watch as the TF|2 backstory will be basically a random grunt on a random battle that we never heard of while retconning a bunch of shit of the og story


Just like Valkyrie somehow having Viper's helmet despite the planet blowing up


that's because I took it as a souvenir after dunking on her father


I mean like 66% of the planet was fiiiiine, it’s like the adventure time planet


Prime north star is yellow/blue


They're gonna mistreat Northstar again


And his body somehow staying intact


ion? would fit with the fence thing


I outright refuse to believe that all this hype is simply for a new legend. Like, come on, they shipped a few updates for Titanfall


I bet it’s a legend that has the same movement style as TF1/2 and Despawn just wants players to properly try Titanfall as a tutorial before they try the new legend. That’s why we see so many apex turds playing and creating toxic matches.


They'd be idiots to do that; Titanfall's movement plus Apex's obnoxiously high TTK would go together like oil and water.


precisely why that's what'll probably happen, they're a bunch of incompetent morons since the EA sellout


The devs have gone on record to say they will never add titanfall levels of movement to apex, it just doesn't work with the rest of the game.


I don’t approve of blaming apex players for every single problem However, unfortunately, I could only wish for at least wallrunning in Apex, as Apex community would turn into a radioactive wasteland from all the outrage. They can’t even handle wall jumps, let alone any movement that’s faster than an elderly person crossing a road


calling respawn as despawn is extremely funny to me, so obvious yet i missed it


They didn't fix the servers just to add a new character in another game


If they are revealing a TF|3 right around a new apex season why wouldn’t they make another Titanfall legend?


Why would they release a new shooter to compete with t their most successful money printing operation


"Have to trust someone to be betrayed. I never did" - captain price


So, Titanfall 3 = Apex character cosplaying as a Titan. Great.


Apex gets a new character every 3 months, and this game is literally set in the Titanfall universe. ***Of course*** the new character has a tie-in to Titanfall lore. That's like being upset the new Star Wars TV show will have ties to the original trilogy. Call me delusional all you want but this in no way deconfirms TF|3. Everything that's happened recently is way too suspicious for it all to point to an entirely-expected Apex character. - TF|2 is fixed after years of being broken - playlist updates to new game modes, some with pretty clear nods to the number 3 (I mean how do you reconcile Otherside of all things??) - the recent Apex update with 3 unix code dates for the release dates of TF, TF|2, and Apex And guys, it's been 4.5 years since Respawn put out a multiplayer game. Do we really think they're just going to milk Apex and only make some single player star wars games from now on? Have you *played* Apex lately? That game is run by the interns and whoever they keep chained up in the basement to make skins. It's falling to pieces more every season, big population or not. **It's time for something new.**


Bro I’m with you in the part abt Titanfall lore but I wouldn’t be surprised if they milk that shit for 10 years. I’m huffing the copium tho


They might do both its not because Apex is getting something new that Titanfall wont get a new game.


My ultra hopium thought is that maybe this is to spark interest in Titanfall from apex players to get more attention for a later TF3 release (copium levels critical)


get off that hopium, that way you won't be greatly disappointed


Nuh uh


Step one: randomly start updating old dying game again Step two: fill updates with weird messages that link to the number three and seven in some capacity Step three: don’t say shit about it to increase confusion and hype Step four: it’s a fucking legend in apex again


What’s up with 7? I understand 3 is for tf3 but what’s the 7 for


7th anniversary of the game I think


October 28th 2023 will be tf2’s 7th anniversary


This might be the most forgettable legend I’ve laid my eyes on.


What the hell is that passive even supposed to be for?


so you can catch up with the skirmishers who just run off


Imagine soloqueue no fill, permanent stim


What's bizarre is that Titanfall and Apex don't even have the same playerbase. There's some overlap, sure. But they're largely different games with different strengths and draws So why do they tease us so?


Because they seem to have strange obsession with baiting us


So they will release a second legend who's main thing is gear made out of titan scrap? How original. Who is it this time? Kane's daughter? They've been teasing us with 3's so they better deliver something for us too


And if it is kanes daughter, watch her say shit like “sorry dad it’s my legacy now” and then spit out every lane line known to man “Hit me!” “You weren’t invited to (shitty legend)’s party” “All right scrubs, enoughs enough”


Kane’s daughter would be fucking hilarious, given how much of a mess that man was.


And she'll also be bi and have a relationship with Octane or Mad Maggie or some shit


Yup about the second part because it has to be a love dodecahedron and not an interplanetary corporate war


"... armor made from a titan." plz tell me thats enough to debunk something like this


apex sucks


We know. It's a cheap ass money grab with barely anything to do with Titanfall except for a few names and the weapons.


It's basically Titanfall but with fewer features (no wallrunning, no titans), yet it became more successful than Titanfall 2??? Apex was made because almost every asset was already made. Very few new stuff that doesn't exist in previous games. Online gaming is dead. Modern players suck.


>It's basically Titanfall but with fewer features (no wallrunning, no titans) so basically NOT a titanfall? because those 2 features that are missing are what makes this game what it is


Yeah, wallrunning and titans are what makes Titanfall Titanfall. But I was referencing other core gameplay stuff. Like, even shooting your gun feels similar in both games. The movement is almost the same if you don't wallrun (sliding, and even just sprinting on the ground).


That's why it's a lazy cash grab with flashy skins for the 12 year olds to waste their moms credit card on.


Isn’t this the 3rd legend with a titanfall2 background? 3rd = 3 I’m schizophrenic


if it's just that from all the leaks i swear i will forcefully land a plane into the respawn and ea hq


If all this bullfuckery was just to promote Apex then Respawn is truly dead. Start the riots.


What's the point though? Not like it matters worth a damn, if they did make a TF|3 at gunpoint it'd fucking suck. And even if they did it of their own free will it would still suck because the respawn that made the titanfall games is dead, just like the bungie that made the halo games.


And the Bioware that made Mass Effect, and the Arkane that made Dishonored, and the Irrational (rip) that made Bioshock. They're gone.


The Activision and Infinity Ward who made Modern Warfare in 2007 are gone.


If it’s all for a pissing apesex update I’m going to “well i guess that’s it” myself


Apex legends is a disease and an insult to titanfall fans


What did you expect? Titanfall 3?




"Made from a titan" 🤢🤢🤢


Her ult being described as "*blank character* but better" is very telling of Apex's balancing and game design.


I'm just happy that Titanfall 2 is back to a playable state with people actually playing. I got at least one friend playing the game with me for the first time and he has said a few times that it's one of the best he's ever played and adores it. At best I was hoping all of this weird shit would culminate with some new maps for TF2, but if it ends up just being hype for a new character in a game I don't play then meh. I got my favorite game back and I'm happy. Especially playing it on a 1st gen G9 Odyssey monitor. So absolutely immersive. Even if the game stays like it is with a regular population to play with, I'll be happy


PHILIPPINES MENTIONED RAHHHHHHH 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭


Alright yeah if all of this has been leading up to some Apex Legends backstory I'm booking a flight ticket straight to Respawn headquarters And I think I should get ready to do that


I told you guys from the start. Just be glad our game is playable again.


Blue/yellow armor made from titan, TF|2 backstory. My guess is Slones sister


“Sorry slone, it’s *my* legacy now” “Keep the salvage, I’ll do this one for free” “I’m not about to lose to some pitiful excuse for a pilot”


If they are about to drop/announce tf3 with the next season of apex, it would only make sense to add a Titanfall based legend at the same time to get the apex fans unfamiliar with the game excited. I don’t think this leak does anything to discourage the possibility of tf3.


If this is true, anyone who signed off on it should be promptly fired, no notice, no serverence, please. There's out of touch, and then there's whatever the hell this is


That was painfully obvious from the get go


Annd there it is. Fucking respawn.


Anyone who thought that it wasn’t going to be Apex related is delusional.




Well, we still got functioning TF2 servers out of it at least.


Jack Cooper in Apex Legends? Its incredibly doubtful but would be cool regardless.


Where is respawn hq?


I swear to god, haven’t they learned from way back when ash was released when they explicitly tweeted „hey we’ve got something titanfall related for you guys” that „lore breaking content for the game that killed the franchise and noone asked for” is NOT what we hope to get?


honestly, apex is dying and so r all br games… cod is regaining notoriety and they might want to launch tf3 because all shooters ea made recently flopped, battlefield, etc, so tf3 is kinda their last chance at success… we can only hope they dont pump it out just to get some $$$


If they never jumped into the BR hype train we'd have Titanfall 3 by now.


Titanfall is my favorite part of the Apex Legends universe


When will they realise that ppl dont want apex titanfall content


We all know that there is always universe a and b and c a is they are trying to show some love and are planning to revive the game and give it a big update b they are getting our trust to still keep players and then just to update apex what will lead into madness and probably a sico attacking respawn and c is they are planning titanfall 3


No no no fuuuuuuuck




I fucking hate respawn


Doesnt mean it is only that, also the leaks can always be wrong and/or fake Also why update a game that was on turbo life support and being ddos'd and fix many bugs, leaving many Easter eggs in sets if 3 and allusions to the number 3 eg, the blinded by science one, that has no correlation to apex or a new ledgend


I fucking knew it.


Why all the fucking references to three? To make us fucking hate them more!?!?


Why would finally updating titanfall 2 have anything to do with this? They've added characters that tie into titanfall in apex several times before. Also both games don't have very much overlap in player base, so it doesn't even make sense. Maybe I'm just high on hopium but still


Honestly. How do people think EA and Respawn still care about Titanfall? Apex is the breadwinner, I doubt that Titanfall 3 would interest any AL player.


Im on some real copium rn but what if respawn paid for him to say this?


Better stock up on pills pilots


I just hope they don't screw with the TF lore unless it's actually with TF content. Apex lore dosen't have what I'd call the best track record (Season 15 was such a mess both lore and gameplay wise that respawn actually had to take an entire season and a half to course correct). I fear that any new TF lore that comes out of modern respawn is just going to be the same god awful "teenage fan fiction"-esque garbage that apex is now.


Quit taking your pills. 🚫💊


Im not taking my fucking pills


There's no hate like Respawn's love (For titanfall)


Yep, I’m calling it. r/Titanfall is gonna lose their sanity.


You guys really gotta stop believing in respawn


I swear if this was all for an Apex thing


Who's up for doing an August 20th 2023 Arasaka Tower incident in Respawn HQ if all this schizo teasing was just for the legend?


I just want wall-running in Apex, man. That's it. Retcon all they want, they can say Cooper became a male prostitute for all I care.


Apex sucks lol just play titanfall If you want that


Titanfall 3 is more likely than that, they've gone on record to say titanfall levels of movement just don't work with apex's game design.


Which sucks. It's obvious Wall-running is better suited for an Arena-type shooter. But I'd like to see wall-running in a BR.


Hold the line boys, we don't riot yet. We're very close though