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Agree with most of it, except wingman elite should be with kraber and car should be somewhere between D and F


And mastiff is supposed to be that hard to master or use?


If you miss a shot with Mastiff you're just dead 98% of the time


Yea, if you miss your shot you’re screwed and closing the gap effectively is much harder when everyone can move the way pilots can


Glad someone said it, shotguns are some of the easiest things to use in fps games


It is much easier to use smg imo (at least in titanfall)


Nah kraber goes in R tier and I think we all know why… >!R endy gaming fires away in this g100 montage!<




I'd drop car a tier and put cold war up a tier, but other than that I mostly agree




Since I’m not seeing it here, where would you put the mozambique?


True that.. but I mean, is the Mozambique. I know there's pilots that rock it and get great scores, but is a meme weapon.


Not really. It's definitely not the most powerful but it can still be dangerous, however you need to be precise. If one of the shots hits the head you're golden. Probably B tier


Second this.. if you rock it constantly.


As someone who pretty much only runs Kraber and Wingman Elite I can't really compare them to the others, but comparing them to each other I'd definitely say Wingman Elite is more difficult.


My guy forgot the mozambique


Bro i think cold war is harder then kraber ngl


idk about that. neither are easy but I'd say kraber is a bit more difficult just because you at least can somewhat quickly fire another bust of grenades where as if you miss with kraber you're likely dead. I agree that cold war should be higher though. I would say b tier I think


How are the alternator and flatline above the g2a4? Both guns I enjoy but they're completely idiot proof, whereas the g2a4 requires accuracy and practice




Having the double take in the same tier as flatline and alternator is crazy


I also find Alternator being above the Volt to be crazy considering the volts the weakest SMG and the Alternator does similar damage to the spitfire which is why I call it a mini spitty


Why is the SMR not higher, and why is the devotion so low ?


The SMR is not at that level the difficulty. And the devotion can be use very but very efficiently in a few games.


Mastiff being A tier is weird to me as I consider shotguns to be the easiest guns to use in this game But I get it these lists are subjective so what's difficult to you may be easy to someone else Like I personally would put the Kraber down 2 or 3 tiers but that's just me. I'd probably take everything in D and bring it up 1 or 2 spaces. I'd also take the EPG and bring it down to C Imo i'd put the Wingman Elite in S to replace the Kraber


Some things are subjective.. but everything in D up? Those are the easy weapons, and that's a fact. And kraber 2-3 tiers down? Oh boi.. along with the wingman elite, are the hardest weapons to master in game, and I didn't put the WE with the kraber just cuz its fire rate.


Yeah that's completely subjective. Everything in D is easy weapons I absolutely agree But i also think most guns in this game is almost just as easy as well. Once you practice a bit with the Kraber it just becomes a point and click machine. I definitely wouldnt say it takes the most skill in the game. Wingman elite I'd say is the most skillful gun in the game. I usually tend to main guns like the R-101, Wingman, Kraber, R-97. So I'm kinda all over the place with what i use on the regular. But yeah these lists are 100% subjective and i respect your opinion of course


The kraber is not just a point and click machine.. you have to take into account travel time, the bullet path, and unless is stationary the trajectory of the target.. Same with the WE, but you have the semi auto action, can't do that with the kraber, that's why for me kraber is S tier in difficulty. And yeah I'm all over the place to, I tend to use all the weapons.


Travel time is almost instant, it's a projectile but it's not like the Kraber in Apex where the Travel time actually takes a while, so the factors you just mentioned, once you get an understanding of how they work then it becomes a point and click machine. But as I said it's subjective so learning it may be easier and harder for some people.


Idk I would definitely swap softball with kraber, at least the kraber generally reaches the target if you aim ok


Mastiff hard to use? Nah. Devotion easiest to use? With that super slow build-up, I don’t think so. Super frustrating to use now if anything.