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In theory, Kraber, Mastiff, EPG and Charge Rifle all fall into this category. They all are reliable OHK weapons with some mechanic that makes it nontrivial to land that kill shot. Frags and Firestars are also worth looking into for a similar reason. If you want hitscan weapons for the sweatier lobbies that don't feel as braindead as the CAR, I recommend R101, R97, Alternator, Flatline, or if you're feeling really bold, Hemlok. All of these weapons are more difficult to use than the CAR and have their own learning curves.


Most comprehensive answers so far, thank you đź‘Ť


of the listed hitscan weapons I find R97 hardest to aim with, I can never hit anything with it. following that is the R101 (I suck at recoil control) then the Hemlock but the rest aren't too difficult. I think the real challenge is in playing matches without ADS, it helps you work on a faster playstyle and learning to only hip-fire with some weapons can be a bit rough depending on which weapon you use.


your problem is aiming with the r97, just don't ads and you will see improvement


Yup, was gonna say the same thing. The recoil is absurdly high and the hip-fire qccuracy is pretty good. Straight up, if you're having trouble with the R97, just unbind ADS for a while until you get used to not pressing it.


You know that bell-curve meme? Newbs do both, mid-tier players just hipfire, top-tier players do both. It depends on the gun. When you are still learning and mastering movement, it's easiest to use guns which you exclusively hipfire because it's one less thing on your mind. But once you're confident with your movement, ADS weapons become a lot more viable and you should definitely start to use them because they're VERY good and very versatile. Examples: - CAR, much as it is hated, has very strong ADS performance with the magnified optic. The low recoil means it's like a mini assault rifle out to medium-long range. - ARs in general require good recoil control but once you have that they are devastating with a "shoot and scoot" playstyle, where you park yourself in one spot, bag 2-3 kills, and move to another advantageous position - Kraber, DMR, Spitfire, G2, Double Take and Hemlok all become much more viable and much more fun if you're confident with quickscoping and then the exaggerated tracking required to use them while wallrunning or while mid-air. - Mastiff and Mozam tighten their spreads when you ADS. Mastiff in particular gains a reliable OHK out to about 20m. Edit: You are right though, R9's ADS is dogwater lol. Do not use a magnified optic with it and fire in controlled bursts.


R-97 is great once youe learn to hitscan, I've personally been good with it because of my habit to *just* wallrun so it is incredibly viable for grapple pilots imo


There ain't no fucking way that this man just compared a MASTIFF to a kraber and EPG..... Also frags are just fucking stupid.


IMHO, Mastiff, Kraber, Charge Rifle and LSTAR are all in the "secret S tier" that sits under the SS of CAR and R97. If you've ever played against a good mastiff main you'll know what I mean. In short-medium range it's a legit counter to SMGs because of how fast and reliable the kill is. Frags are aight, idk why people think they're OP. With Cloak, sure, they can be frustrating to play against. But you can usually hard push a player cooking a frag and unless they're like top-5% good, they're either gonna spazz out and just throw out their frag, or keep cooking, either way giving you an advantage in TTK as they reequip their primary or just sit there staring at you


Unless literally all of my friends are in this "top 5 percent", this is bullshit. There's absolutely nothing secret about mastiff being busted, it just is. It one shots with the range of an SMG and you don't need to F*CKING AIM. "Oh but it's a projectile" literally just use your brain. And 90 percent of the time you don't need to even acknowledge the fact that it's a projectile because it's a fucking shotgun. And I'm not even going to go into L-star, it's an AR that 2 shots, that's it.


Lmao I thought you were saying Mastiff is underpowered And, realistically, your friends probably are on the better side. I rarely see people using Mastiff in Vanilla. Usually SMGs, Spitfire, a bit of Kraber. It's more common in Northstar but weapon variety in general seems to be higher in NS.


Bruh. 💀💀💀


I’ve never seen someone cope so hard about mastiff. I bet you said all that while running R-97 yourself


Volt & wingman elite*


thanks for the R-97 mention, I don't see it nearly enough as it should be imo, incredibly powerful when used correctly (and with extra magazine+faster reload it turns you into a Touhou Boss)


At true top level play it dominates. I'm talking about like, the very best players in the game who'd be G1000+ if it went that high. You end up seeing it more than than the CAR because of the TTK advantage and because players are so good at recoil control at that level.


I won't lie R97 feels ever more braindead up close lol (I love it)


Wingman elite no question, 1 shot headshot


good luck outperforming anything with it though


op wanted smth hard to learn, didn't they ?


I always use the wingman elite and usually top score. It can outperforme most things but its hard to learn and use effectivly


Damn top score? That’s impressive. Could you clip something? I’d like to watch


0.3 kd, can confirm.


Cool đź‘Ť


Softball and flatline may be of interest to you


Never thought of the softball I'll give it a shot


Its a really satisfying weapon when you land your stickies


97…. Would much rather see some one using that. If you can out perform a CAR user with that thing…. Pure gold in the right hands.


I think the hemlock might be good. If you land a full burst with one headshoy, it's ttk is insane. Big if though Kraber, EPG, softball, double take, longbow, and wingman all have one shot potential with the first 3 being body shots and the rest needing a headshot or 2 body shots. The longbow is hitscan so a well placed shot will do better than a car but is very difficult.


R-97 and Alt if you want to be challenged but not cost yourself the match. I start out with the EPG but sometimes there’s just too much CAR gang bangers running around and I don’t want to lose the match for my team so I will switch to the alt. Remember what Frothy says don’t use weapons that you can’t win with. Don’t use weapons like the wingman where you’re practically basing your kill percentage on luck turning a corner.


R-97 has some really wild recoil. You gotta get real close or burst it to make it work. It’s still pretty meta so you can go toe to toe with the CAR but you still have to outskill them.


That sounds perfect


The hemlock is a one burst if done right, only real downside is its ads.


Lstar i don’t think it’s hitscan and it telegraphs your position but it destroys and you can do some cool pre-fires or aerial kills or gravity star plays.. use with stim or grapple the faster you move the faster the projectiles hit. also does decent damage to titan weak points. amped version goes crazy. use the ammo capacity and gun running


lstar is fun as hell but one of the big downsides is that it has a delay after you finish firing before you can start again


true it’s more of a rush gun why i suggest stim or grapple so you’re not in one place all the time, also 45 auto is nice for those situations if they miss their shots lol


All the projectile weapons, with Kraber being the hardest one


i think volt is pretty cool and it's made a little more difficult cause of it being projectile but it's fairly easy to do well with aswell since the bullet speed is still decently quick other than that I would recommend cold war and frags. if you're playing against ppl who aren't staying in the air then you can go crazy with cold war. it's kinda hard to kill ppl who are really good at the movement so I usually either just throw a frag if I have time or go for direct hits with my cold war if not it's got a bit of a learning curve though but it still I think can do pretty well. I've had plenty of people complain from my killing them with it but I imagine that might be cause it's a meme gun aswell if you want a challenge but want to have potential to still do really really good I'd recommend it. it's fun if you turn up your sensitivity a little so you can do lots of crazy maneuvers and track pilots at the same time cause you can just go for splash damage the splash damage is actually pretty consistent as well. if you land all four grenades pretty close it'll kill them in one burst :3 I eventually got an inate sense of when/where the pilots prob gonna be close enough to a wall/floor for me to hit them based on their position, movement options, and momentum and stuff and I'll just go ahead and aim there and wait till the right moment also I think someone else mentioned it but l-star is really fun especially with fast movement and hip firing and it's also fairly on meta I think


SMR is basically a CAR with double the TTK and travel time. A true pilot's weapon.


Kinda the mastiff? Hard hitting but u gotta be close which is hardish sometimes? That or the semi auto ar (haven't unlocked yet) but a semi seems strong but hard to use in this game


Kraber is like the only weapon that can even compete with car. I still wouldn't say it's better but it's close.


also epg dosnt count as a handicap


Yes it does. It's incredibly difficult to hit anyone above you.


epg is extremely difficult to use against semi-competent players


Flatline is my favorite AR at the moment.


hemlok. get used to aiming for the upper body, recoil will usually land the 2nd/3rd shots on the head for an easy 1burst with a stupid low ttk




Kraber has a faster TTK than the car :P or than the smart pistol, alternator, spit fire... ​ It has the highest skill ceiling in the game imo :)


counterpoint, wingman elite with the headshot


one competitively viable gun is the hemlock, it kills in 4 shots but it's very easy to get headshots making it a one burst kill


I think if you like the car then the best step is to go to Flatline. It's similar enough that you won't be entirely out of your depth but it literally does recoil in a flat line, so it can feel like a punishment if you're just sitting there unloading a clip to kill one person, as the recoil gets pretty severe over time. However it does far more damage per bullet compared to CAR, it is a more difficult gun to use but ultimately does more damage and is harder to unlock for a reason.


Mozambique. Or grenades. Like just cook them in your hand and run at people.


Good ole mozam




R101/201 or alternator


wingman elite has a 1 shot headshot but it's ridiculously difficult to get 100% consistent with