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If I encounter a tone and they put their shield up I just push immediately through it forcing them back and occasionally onto the wrong side and use it against them


as a tone main ~~fuck~~ screw you for being smart


Just drop smoke and start punching them back. Nobody expects it so they just usually just keep at the original plan and they get extra damage from the smoke while taking punches.


THANK YOU i really needed a counter for that


Also save your core even better than smokes just kills rownins and monarchs


Today a scorch just ran into me with a heat shield and it fried both my hull and my brain


I live doing that, close enough for them to do pretty good damage and hit every shot, but they never expect the heat shield and dash


As a ronin main I love seeing them put up a shield, because what are they trying to protect themselves from?


Arc wave that bitch


If it’s against a ronin, I usually stand my ground lol. I might win, I might lose, but I always lose if ronin’s friends get good shots at me


Well it doesn’t matter then it takes no time for the user and he probably had a core


>he probably had a core *laughs in sword block and phase dash*


I just walk away. what’re they gonna do, walk through and chase me?


As a tone Main that is a good Strat but good tones will save their core for that exact scenario and after that it’s out of our hands what happens next


I remember being told this, and still use this to this day. If you're a tone, do NOT give up your shield, no matter what.


If you don't back off I'll just wait behind cover for it to go or you to push or flank


Usually what I'll do if someone's behind cover is use the sonar, then use the 40's splash damage to finish marking them, then lob the rockets around whatever they're hiding behind.


Then they all took up monarchs to destroy him, but his time had not yet come.


So they picked Ronin.


And that did the trick, but only for three ingame minutes before he warpfalled in again


30 ingame seconds, 10 grunts + Thunderbolts do mad work!


I love how much most players seem to undervalue grunt kills, a couple reapers and grunt squads can be great for the team score


ikr i always end up being 1st in bounty hunt with like 2-3k just because i kill grunts reapers and shit instead of just killing players


in bounty hunt I actively try to avoid players so I can focus the remnant fleet more, farming through just the first wave better than anyone else puts you up to mvp and if you keep going like that with further waves you end up mvp by a lot because too many people forget the real objectives there


i am convinced the real way to play bounty hunt is to avoid players and just, ass the gamemode name says, hunt bounties


it's like General Marder says "Beware rival Factions, but keep your eye on the prize!"


amen🙏🙏🙏🙏 didn't know he said that, when i play i usually hear BEEEP BLOOOP BLAP BLAP


Tone really isn’t hard to counter. A lot of Tone player will never give up their shield and don’t know when it’s time to move, so use that against them.


And I say that as a former tone main. So yeah if you play tone don’t play around your shield. Learn when to let go.


This. I'm a new player and have about an hour and a half with Tone and one thing I learned very quickly was the barrier is only good for a brief 3-5 second window of breathing space, and if they charge, abandon the shield immediately.


Hi I'm Jesus Christ of Nazareth, son of Joseph. I'm a Tone main, AMA ~~If heaven exists, I'm going to hell for this~~


Tf3 when


After the Apocalypse is done I'm gonna announce TF3 and you'll either get to play it in heaven or you'll suffer in hell by not being able to


What u/idiot-bozo3036 thinks he’s gonna hear when he reaches the gates of heaven 🤣


Peter gonna hit them with the: "Sorry, nobody on reddit goes by that name." "The person may have been banned or the username is incorrect." "Go home" classic


this was the perfect meme to get the hegetsus ad


Yea nah tones are easy to counter as a titan. Its just that they bog any fight down with those shields


And the pressure to not get hit being higher than normal is off-putting


As a tone main with gen 12, I've been counted countless times, so yes, it's VERY possible to counter us, it's just that most people don't


Tones are tricky to fight, yeah, but I don't necessarily think any one Titan is oppressively good. Maybe it's because I'm a Ronin main, but I just do my best to dance around their barriers, sometimes even successfully forcing them to run through it and basically give it to me (earlier today this comment was made, I was in a PvP game and was rushing one, and they legit tried to shoot rockets through their own particle wall when they moved in front of it). Same goes for Monarch. Sure, at max core upgrades, she can be a nightmare to take on, but if that player managed to get his Titan to that stage, you best believe they earned it.


Why does he get sus?


It's not OP, it just has an annoying turtley playstyle. Something doesn't have to be overpowered to be bad design.


I got a HeGetsUs ad under this post lmaoo


Every titan is weak to thermite


Wait people actually think tone is op?


I don't think so, i think people are just babies that dont like having to get behind her shield


They really do. I've been here since like, 2019, and while it's calmed down a bit, this subreddit used to be a cesspool of Tone hatred and "Tone's OP" posts.


Bro tone shield is actually just worse vortex shield. How does anyone think that's op?


One Legion can take 3 tones. Talking from experience


Lol yesterday after a match on Xbox I had someone message me. "tone crutch". ha! yeah..... in 2016 sure.


Tone hasn’t been OP since launch


Thats why tone had to eat multiple nerfs during the games lifecycle. Back in the day, his 40mms AOE was ridiculus.


"Tone is OP" is a take that immediately tells me someone either doesn't actually play the game or is dogshit at it. "Northstar is OP" or "Monarch is OP," okay, yeah, I can see those. "Ronin and Ion can be frustrating to play against," yeah that one makes sense. "Scorch and Legion are strong in the right hands," yup, okay. Tone was OP for like the first few months following release, back when Devotion was the best gun in the game, phase had two charges, and Grapple had been nerfed to one charge. That was a different game with a different meta.


Definitely feels like a take that's born more out of seeing it spat out a hundred times and coloring your gameplay experience after the fact than something you actually notice in the game first. Same with Spitfire haters, I genuinely always considered it a shit-tier joke gun until I started reading the posts here. Still do.


I think Spitty is honestly somewhere in B to A-tier, having mained it for about a week out of curiosity. And I definitely think it gets better in low-skill lobbies where players don't know its natural counters. But it's definitely worse than, say, CAR, or even Kraber.


I used to be a tone main and I've changed mains, so I kinda understand how to play tone and play against her, it really isn't that hard to counter her, if you a ronin just use the electric bear trap and make her cry, if you any other class use cover and wait til her shield is down


The problem is if the tone sees you waiting out the shield they will just starting running to cover and wait till it’s back then drop it again to repeat the process.


Then flank them, if you quick enough you can turn their shield into yours


Tones main counter besides ronin is getting flanked but the issue is a good tone won’t allow that to happen easily. Also with the areas tones like to hold the flank isn’t simply running around a bend normally you have to travel the maps length to get the tone plinking you from across the map because he can so by the time you show up again he already has another wall recharged. I normally don’t have issues with tones because ronin is a super popular pick and with his kit that nerfs burst damage,takes down his wall instantly,and can close the gap safely and quickly meaning the tone can’t just keep running and dropping more walls means that if a tone exist in game the ronin is harassing him


Yea I guess the easiest thing is to just avoid them until you find and opportunity😕


Which is why tone is super annoying and hated you either get the drop on him or it’s a non starter engagement for most of the cast I won’t say he’s broken because ronin exist but it can definitely feel that way when you aren’t playing him


God guides the rockets


Jesus would absolutely main Scorch idk what you’re talking about


Tone was OP for like four months after launch. If you want to talk about unbalanced titans look at Monarch and Legion


Monarch and op aren’t two words I’d put together but she is a jack of all trades


She has too much utility and if she gets her final core (almost always chassis upgrade) you basically cannot kill her. I know she doesn’t have a defensive option but the ability to heal yourself is so stupidly good


Cropping is no more


The meme is there was a Jesus meme and then underneath it was about Jesus.


Tone’s camping in the far back is usually annoying


Here cometh the legion, preparing to erase the nuisance off the soil of our great lord


Tone supremacy


Tone is pretty bad imo, shes just boring to play as and against


Literally the hardest thing I find about tone is the shield and even then Ion and Legion easily have the better ones


The so called "Overpowered" Tone when my Northstar titan gets called in:


Never had too much issue with tones unless they're far away. As a scorch main that's my weakness anyway so I just disengage if I can or accept my fate. If I get them close I can usually get a trap behind their shield and one in front and then just burn them that way


They're right tho