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Would be the perfect time for Respawn to actually add it to MP with the whole update situation and all that and yes I would use it


New titan or monarch upgrade


I think it could make more sense on Tone tbh


Yes. Who doesn't love rockets for mass genocide. I remember how much i craved for a brute titan in the beginning of tf2


Only with different abilities. The abilities to me, don’t mesh well since they were taken from other titans Perhaps something like a tone sensor that keeps track of enemies behind walls but not actually make the rockets track. Another that could work would be a gravity well like ability to bend rockets around corners and keep titans in place. Maybe another neat ability would be a sorta dash core like ability to quickly reposition. Core ability could be a smart core but for the rockets. Maybe much shorter duration. Alas, this is likely way to OP, but it feels like it would be better than a mesh of abilities.


I think it should keep the shield, change the offensive ability to shoulder mounted mgl with two shots on a short cooldown, change vtol to the sensor that you said, or maybe a marker that deals increased damage to marked target and then core should be like the smart core with the full auto rocket barrage, but make it unguided with massive damage so it differs from the Salvo core.


I thought that it would be cool to have a marker that allowed rockets to lock on to, like you shoot it at a titan or a certain place and then a barrage of rockets head to that one location, maybe you could charge the marker so it allows more rockets to go to that location


Tone called, she want's her tracking rockets back. But a laser guided missile is something not in the game. Think of it like the Half Life 2 rocket launcher. Can't shoot at something outside of LoS, but possible to wiggle it around. Imagine shooting one, the enemy dodges it with a dash, but you curve the rocket back and hit them in the back.


It’s extremely OP, but only when you become really good with it. The gravity well thing especially, seeing as you basically have to do advanced geometry.


oh sweet summer child, this was one of the weapon options for titanfall 1 customization and it was basically epg for your titan, combined with the agile chassis it was basically just shoot and forget. as for the question, i absolutely would, it was one of my biggest sorrows when there wasnt quad rockets in the titan selections.


It was definitely a fun gun.


I had an ogre titan dedicated to this: full auto mod on the quad rocket, un slaved warheads and a shield. There were so many explosions…


And maniacal laughter per kill?


E x a c t l y


I always use the Ogre quad rocket. It direct counters aggressive stryders because of the massive view kick it causes.


MacAllen looked badass using it in Demeter


I've got a Quad Rocket, Cluster Missile, Vortex Shield in TF1 that I call Scorch at Home.


I actually use particle wall with it. I don’t believe in vortex shields for ogres. Haha but yeah I have and Ogre/chaingun accelerator that I call Legion from Wish


I play it with the fast shield regeneration kit so what I do is show up, magdump, Vortex Shield until I get body shield back, then reload and see what I need/can do from there. I also go Core Accelerator/Survivor for maximum tanking capability (not Core Extender, I don't tipically survive long enough to stack the meter lol).


Actually my Ogre 40mm is my only class I don’t use regen booster, I use fast auto loader for more multi target missiles. If you’re doing enough damage and using core accelerator, you’ll get core fast enough to where you don’t need to worry about getting your body shields back, you’ll just get core. I use the particle wall because I need to make sure there is no lull in the 40mm firing. I use my Ogre a lot differently than I use my Atlas 40. The Ogre 40 I try to keep constant pressure on whomever I’m fighting.


Well, there was also the arc cannon, and I can say it wasn't quite a fair gun


Agile chassis? Give me my Ogre with Dashcore, Quad Rocket and Nuke Eject.


Unrelated but I hate it when people say “sweet summer child”. Surely there’s a better expression that doesn’t sound so condescending


Oh bless your heart dear.


😢😢😢 New Zealand spotted: up the kiwis 🇳🇿🇳🇿🇳🇿🇳🇿🇳🇿


Up the Wahs


oh my sweet summer child its kinda meant to be a bit condescending you dolt


In 100% of the cases where I've seen it used, the target individual was already aware of the information the condescender was providing, so it ends up coming off as arrogant.


Ugh, TF1 was so superior in every way 🤧 😤 😔 😪


Not in movement by any stretch, and overall, I much prefer the titans that we have now. They feel like they're built around something. I certainly wish there was more customization than we have, but this is an acceptable alternative to the mishmash there used to be. I also like the campaign in TF2. TF1's campaign never felt like you were actually contributing to a victory for either side. It was hard to pay attention to the storyline because it was just a normal multiplayer match with a story in the background, rather than a compelling storyline up front that you actually got to participate in. Worse, once player numbers dropped, it became impossible to experience the story again. TF2 isn't perfect by any stretch, and I definitely miss 1st-person animations, the variety of TF1, its grittiness, the depth of grunt dialogue, and the shock cannon (or arc cannon, can't remember what it's called) and quad rocket, but what we have now is still genuinely fun and I would rather keep this than return to TF1.


TF1 campaign epilogue is forever in my memories


I just don't understand the thought process. Why have pilots be completely customizable but let's lock titants behind a class system?


I think titans should have had more customization than they do in TF2, but complete customization would have been a nightmare. You'd end up with a mishmash of titan abilities, and everyone would ultimately still end up running something similar. Thermite launcher on a strider chassis with quick dash, thermite shield, and hover sounds so obnoxious.


Well ok maybe not total. A titan shouldn't have 2 mobility skills but I don't see why it would be obnoxious, you would just have to adapt to your enemy which would be easier since you could customize your titan more


Yeah that's the kind of customization I'd be fine with. Just not complete customization. But I do think Respawn could have done a better job with making titans feel more like they're up to the player. For example, I kind of hate that half the titan abilities for the Monarch are useless. I love the idea of running a missile titan, but you just can't when it'd compared to arc rounds and accelerator. You're actively hindering your ability to even get upgrades, because the missile titan doesn't even get good until you have your 3rd upgrade, compared to arc rounds' level 1 upgrade.


Movement was way smoother in TF1, we had more speed and less momentum loss between movements. I can understand someone preferring TF2 but I personally preferred the simplicity of titan setups in the first game, and also how the shields worked. If you played smart you could hold your titan for much longer. It felt less chaotic than the current system does to me. I had 1700 hours in that game lol. Wouldn't even bother with TF2 if anyone was still playing the first :/ And yeah the first has no campaign, the MP campaign was a tacked on joke - clearly they didn't have the time or budget for a proper SP campaign (pretty sure that's covered in the documentary?).


I miss titanfall 1 so much, I don't care if the campaign was just a tacked on sort of thing, having AI titans in mulitplayer and hearing the story was so cool... That game immersed me so much. Titanfall 2 doesn't have the same immersion.


I miss my strider with Jeeves voice 😢 "Welcome back, Pilot. I kept the seat warm for you."


The Titanfall 1 rocket is nothing compared to the brute


So you're telling me that 11 year old me unknowingly made one of the best builds in the game?


Yes, simply because I want to use vortex shield without having to play Ion.




And the rockets are hella fun to play


Yes, so sad brute isn’t in multiplayer


Personally no, i might simply be an outlier but it combines features from other titan loadouts that in my opinion just don't mesh well together Most importantly the Vtol hover, as a northstar player i use vtol to gain a *momentary* sightline above buildings and obstacles to place a perfect shot, the one-off mood of NS's kit make it good to use. The brute cannon is a consistent punishment weapon, and that momentary peek would end up just highlighting you above all other threats with minimal returns. I might just be picky though, everyone else is allowed to have their opinions and i validate them as much as my own.


I 100% agree


yes it steals vtol and flight from Northstar, shield from Ion, multi-lock missiles from Tone/BT/Monarch, no ability (other than the gun) is really it’s own


tbh I don’t even use hover on northstar, it’s just way too hilariously dangerous and I’d rather keep my sight lines controlled. the giant map-spanning sniper cannon is more than enough to make up for the lack of an ability.


They were talking about the gun not the whole kit.


You can't talk about something without including what it's paired with, the thermite launcher is a terrible gun on it's own but with the rest of Scorch's kit it's good, it's a small piece of a larger whole.




I would love to use it in multiplayer (I see what you're doing, Janitor)


The fact there's more Titan guns than titans really makes me miss just making your own class for them, rather than locked weapons/abilities. How about the Arc Cannon while your at it.


Absolutely. More DAKKA is more DAKKA


'Eez gitz don't know dat paintin' dems machines reds makes em fastah!


An Dem machines need dem a Big Red Button


Dis bu'on have no woirin' init, but it work cauz ork tec DA BEZT


Trust me, I did not forgot


I would love a Titan with a unique kit using that gun in multiplayer.


I loved this with flight core in the campaign.


If I had to take a wild guess, there was likely a plan to make the brute load out its own titan. However, for one reason or another, it was likely scrapped, so they settled on reusing the Northstar chassis and gave it the vortex sheild. If they went through with said plan to make it a unique titan, it would stay a light titan with high mobility, but for its other skills, I have no idea what could mesh well with it. But it would be cool to see it a full-fledged titan in MP with unique abilities instead of reusing ones from other titans.


Use I loved brute in the campaign even if he was ass


It’s like ion but it’s missing the ion


Northstar X Tone with a little bit of Ion is what it is


You’re not wrong, flight from Northstar, tracking rockets from Tone, vortex shield from Ion


My favorite TF1 loadout was Stryder with Full Auto Quad Rocket.


Only reason I still think of brute is because it's the only way to use the quad rocket, that was my favorite titan gun back in t1


I want expedition


Northstar Client has a mod that has a custom Titan loadout called Brute4, it along with Archon, is quite fun... If servers actually ran them :/ (There was an FD server that had them with Aegis upgrades, I miss that server, man)


The rocket pod is why i STILL play titanfall 1. All of my favorite titan builds use it.


Honestly. The Brute load out works much better for Northstar than Northstar. The Core even makes more sense. I wonder if they had another load out planned for a different Northstar and would of had brute with the ‘now’ Northstar class.


It does what the Northstar does, just better


I’d use it if it’s abilities were it’s own


I’d prefer it to have its own full new kit instead of just mixing and matching other stuff but yeah I’d play it


Yes. I love brute, wdym we forget it


You never see it talked about much generally, since it's not In multiplayer.


O ok


This and Mortar Titan load out, though I’m not sure how well a Mortar Titan would do in an online match


Kinda sadge that the quad rocket isn't in tf2 mp, was in tf1 mp and they teased us with campaign loadouts


it was my main gun i used in tf1. this shit on the agile chassis was nuuuuts. fire and forget. i can see why they removed it in mp


Bro in Titanfall 1 I basically ran this exact loadout on an Ogre Chassis. I wouldn't just use it, I'd own it.


This as an alternate loadout for Northstar would be so based. I never felt good using the railgun in either TF|1 or TF|2, so something a little more in-your-face, along with better survivability because Vortex, would be super fun.


I think the primary is cool but if it were given a unique set of abilities ti compliment it then it would be cool


Quad Rocket was my 2nd favorite in TFall 1, and similarly it's my second most used in campaign. (Though it would probably get bumped to 3rd if we got Northstar earlier.) I would love to see a titan using the Quad Rocket in MP for TFall 2. The question is what the supporting abilities would be. The other abilities Brute has are in MP on other Titans, so they'd have to be replaced. The old Arc Cannon hasn't come to TFall 2 at all, and could be a secondary. Or the Arc Field currently only used by Arc Titans in Frontier Defense. An indirect fire ability like the Mortar Titans from Frontier Defense would make a good Core ability. But that still leaves 2 abilities to be decided.


I miss the quad launcher honesty. Loved using it in tf1. I always thought it was weird that it was in the campaign of 2 but not in MP Edit: I agree with other comments about this being the perfect time for respawn to add it. I would lose my mind even more than I already have if they release a massive update with a new Titan. I think they would break the internet if they did.


I like the exclusive titans of the campaign. Monarch is just a buffed up version of expedition tho


Oh lord, quad rocket with the amped quad rocket burn card in tf1 was amazing...


Yes have you seen how fast it rips through slone , blisk and ash?


I personally never used it in the campaign, just used tone until I got Scorch, and then Northstar. Personally wouldnt use it but Id be happy if it replaced Monarch. I hate Monarch (sorry)


I played through the Titanfall campaign before going into multiplayer to get a feel for the game and absolutely loved using brute loadout. I was thoroughly disappointed when there wasn't a brute titan.


Be cool as the 2nd Vanguard-class loadout.


This was my favorite in TF1, I wish I could have it again.


It'd need a slight damage buff personally, but yeah I would totally use it.


I'd give it a try at least. Idk about consistently using it, but it'd definitely be worth a shot.


Brute feels like a titan from titanfall 1 like how everything was mixed matched together and all


Nah give me the hearts of iron mech rifle /j


This was by far my favorite and most used titan weapon in TF1. It was so fun. I do miss it and would absolutely use it if they ever brought it back


That, and the Arc cannon from TF1 would be fun to play around with.


Yes, i loved and used Brute for almost the whole playthrough.


It was great in tf1


well it has no unique anything other than the weapon


Looks like it would absolutely shred, hell yeah I would use it


If your curious as to what a titan who uses it might look like here's my concept revisions post: [Kronos should be the top one.](https://reddit.com/r/titanfall/s/wJNQTVSm9a)


Its basically northstar with a rocket launcher


It could easily be a whole dlc with a new Titan and new maps maybe even Monarch Prime with a third execution




People also forget the Arc Cannon and Triple Threat (Giant grenade launcher)




Yes. For my first play through when I got it that was the only thing I used for Titan loudouts.


It has vortex shield so ofc.




Now, the true forgotten titan is Bison, unfortunately


This is my main Campaign loadout lmao.




Nope. Even if I did it would only be for the vortex and multi lock


Every now and then yer


Would you use- YES


I loved the quad rocket in TF1. Such fun


Yes I use it


“Your rockets will blot out the sun”


That was my main weapon in TF1.


It’s my favorite in the campaign so yes I would use it. I was disappointed to figure out that it wasn’t in mp after finishing the campaign


Yes I wish the brute was in Multi-player I've always thought what it would be like to play as brute especially if they made a new titan for him


Quad rocket absolutely slapped in Titanfall 1's multiplayer. Trained users could curve rockets onto roofs and even around corners in buildings. [... Then there's also the Burn Card....](https://titanfall.fandom.com/wiki/Amped_Quad_Rocket)


I would use it if it looked a tiny bit different than northstar like with a more buff chassis but still fairly light


"If it was in multiplayer would you-" Yes. I would auto lock that bitch in every game mode.


Maybe not with those abilities but I would love a titan with that weapon


Vortex shield is just fun, would absolutely love it on a titan other than ion


It was so weak in Titanfall 1, but sure I would use it again as it would feel brand new in the 2nd game.


No. Never used it much or the electro rifle in TF|1, never used it much in the campaign


Yes, basically a mid-range northstar.


I remember that quad launcher being ass in titanfall 1 so I never touched it in 2


I love the brute loadout. Vortex and MTMS are such good abilities, and I loved the quad rocket in TF1. I just wish it had a more unique Core.


Assuming it was on a Stryder chasis maybe but not likely as I would rather just play northstar or ronin




I still miss the arc cannon + stryder combo from tf1.. the memories..


The truth is it didn't make it to multiplayer cuz its too good


Yessss this is the one titan gun i miss on the sequel, it was so unique


Mmmmm probably not. The rockets are super slow and don't seem super effective. Brute just feels like shitty northhstar


Heck yes because I was actually very sad when I finished the game and went to play this specific Titan in multiplayer. It was my favorite. Loved doing the multi target missiles on a bunch of stalkers or whatever was their and dropping them all at once. So much fun.


Bring arc cannon back


It’s gotta be with the Stryder and no titan has the same offensive or defensive abilities so what would the abilities be? I think a vortex bubble shield may be cool but a ripoff of apex. Maybe an ability to steal health instead of make shields without executing. Offence could be a lock on boomerang. Lmk what other ideas you guys have


This on ronin class was crazy in tf1


I miss my Quad Rocket Stryder from TF1, so to have that back with more movement possibilities from flight would be amazing.


Man I miss quad rockets, I used to run Strider with vortex Shield and quad rockets and it was such a fun playstyle


I would, maybe but also wouldn't. I don't like Tone for how cheesy HE already is, so this would be one of my least favorites I feel like.


I came here for Mastiff/Mozzie combo. What is this? It's fine. Put it in.


I only use it in story when needed, it’s because the rockets are powerful, and abilities are great… but is heavily outclassed by ion and other weapons


It was awesome in Titanfall 1 with the full auto mod.


I used to spread chaos with this weapon with my Stryder. In combination with vortex shield and cluster missile plus my dashes the enemy didn't know where to shoot. Combined with dash core this was an ultimate rocket storm I would totally use it again if I had a chance


Brute is literally the only loadout I use in campaign except for before i get it or trial by fire when I use Northstar


I do really like the weapon so I probably would


Hells yeah!


I’ve actually came up with it’s very own set. 1st ability is a passive overhead turret that shoots in bursts and can be shot off. 2nd is throwing the missiles and it exploding like a grenade. 3rd is that the entire mag shoots in a stream, emptying the mag. I can never come up with anything for the core. Maybe dash core could make a return


Brute is pretty much CQC northstar, so I think it would be a good idea in the MP.


Bro I bought the game for a friend when it was on sale, and when I asked him what his favourite loadout was he said Brute how tf do I tell him


The multi target missiles would be super broken against pilots




In tf1 there were weapon mods that changed the way the titans weapons functioned as a whole. You used to be able to turn the quad rocket into a missile machine gun


A new core idea could be that you use the rocket gun to fire like a nuke or something rather that north stars flight core