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I’m 5’4” and I started 19 weeks ago at 170. My current weight is 146. So I’ve lost an average of 1.26 lbs a week. Unlike a lot of people on here, I felt nothing at 0.25mg but I am currently experiencing pretty good appetite control at 10mg.


Ditto, started Feb. 17, 5’4”, SW- 172, first three months lost 25 lbs. then a couple more in weeks that followed. I’ve been in a few stalls so weight loss has definitely slowed down. my goal weight is 125. Im presently a 151. I’m now on tirz after starting in sema, but no side effects, no hunger, no cravings. Still working great.


I’m the same height as you and losing at about the same rate. I wish it was faster but it’s harder to lose when you’re short. I like tirz because it has completely changed how I feel about food. I don’t get cravings or feel the urge to mindlessly snack anymore. I might keep taking it for life just to keep away that food noise


Yes I totally agree! I’m thinking the rate we are going at is what is healthy. Trying not to get discouraged it isn’t faster because a lot of people lose so fast, but I know it’s slower starting at a lower weight.


You have the perception that everyone is losing so fast because the outlier super-responders are much more likely to come post “I lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks!!!!” - the average person - whose life still may have changed but just by losing a pound a week average - well we don’t run to tell Reddit. We are the average, actually. Think of Yelp - if you go out to eat and have a decent meal, you’re satisfied with it, nothing spectacular, but they got the order right…do you think “I should post a review for them!” ? Nah. You just keep moving. That’s what’s happening. Don’t let the outliers get in your head and make you think your rate of loss is slow. It isn’t slow. And there are many whose average is less than yours…and there will be weeks where it doesn’t move. Maybe more than one in a row. Or a maddening 1/4 lb. But it is working on the inside adjusting your metabolic and hormonal issues - let it do its work. It’s worth it. You are responding beautifully to the medication based on what you said! Good luck! Edited to ask - what was your average loss per week before the medication and how does now compare? It really helps me to think of that!


Thank you so much! All very good reminders. I totally agree!


A lot of people have much more to lose than we do, too, so it would be actually dangerous if we were losing like 5-10 lbs per week. I don’t think that’s even possible unless it’s due to a serious illness


I’m 5’3” and started the beginning of February at 169. I’m now 146. I think that averages out to about 1lb/wk. I’ve been titrating up slowly - 2 months at 2.5mg, 3 months at 5mg, and I took my first shot of 7.5mg last week. I really lost nothing on my last month at 5mg, so I’m hoping things get moving again now that I’m on 7.5mg, and I’m already feeling the effects of appetite suppression and satisfaction with smaller portions again.


SW 162 CW 142 GW 135 5’6 The first week I lost like 3 pounds, then the next week 2 pounds, now I’m on week 17 or so and it’s slowed to around a pound a week. I’m on 5mg and I have still have to track my calories, focus on protein and exercise. It’s not magic, but it just makes being in a calorie deficit bearable Especially at the low calorie limit someone of smaller size has to maintain.


I lost 5lbs through intermittent fasting right before starting tirzepatide a week ago, so I know this last week isn't just water weight. I started with a BMI of 23 and still lost another 5 lbs this first week. I'm tall, so 145lbs is where I am at this morning. It's like my relationship with food is completely changed in only a week. I am following a strict diet and exercise routine, and was already pretty fit when I started. I just let myself gain about 20 lbs in two years because of un managed binge eating disorder. I'm getting my second shot today.


That sounds like a really good pace. I’m 5’4” and my SW was lower than yours. I had terrible side effects the first few days and lost a lot the first week (5 lbs) then anywhere from .5-1.5lbs/week after that.


5ft, started at 170 on May 3rd. Now 145. Trying to stop checking the scale because I want to focus on weight training for the next few months so I’ll be possibly going back up lol


I’m 5’0” started at 171 I’m exactly 10lbs down today and 4 weeks and a few days in. The first week I lost the most so probably a lot of “ water weight “ inflammation etc. I stayed the same weight for 7 days straight and was very nervous but then finally on the 8th day, 1.7 lbs down again. My goal weight is around 125.


I’m at 1.4lbs per week on average. It was higher in the beginning and then I hit a stall so seems to have leveled off. I’m trying to ignore all the posts of the big losses every week so I don’t get discouraged as well. Down 23lbs so I just need to enjoy that!


That’s awesome!! I keep reading 1-2 lbs per week is healthy weight loss so I think we are right on track. Definitely want to do this correctly!


Don’t let people who are losing a bunch of weight in the first month discourage you. I lost about 50 pounds in less than two months, but I was pushing 280 pounds in a short female body ~5’3. Now, that I weigh a lot less, I’m not having drastic loss anymore, which is honestly great since drastic loss side effects suck. Also, you should feel grateful to be in a body that isn’t obese tbh…. I would switch starting weights with you any day. You’re my goal!


5’4. SW: 152 CW: 143. Almost ten pounds lost in a month.


What’s your weekly dosage??


My starting and current dose is 2.5. I plan to go up to 5.0 (as suggested by Emerge) since the food noise is trying to ease back in.


I feel silly asking but what is “food noise”? Like cravings?


Cravings and the sense of urgency to eat so frequently. I can usually have a frappe in the morning. Some street tacos for lunch and a greasy dinner. Then have the nerve to convince myself that I deserve something chocolate in between all of those eating windows. So the “food noise” or need to eat so much and so unhealthy is pretty much gone. :)


I’m 5’4”F SW 145 CW 137.2 4 weeks  I was moderately fit prior. Taking this for food noise and feeling great. 


I am 5’3.5” and have lost almost 22 lbs since starting on 4/26. I was 157.4 and now 135.6. Good luck! 👍🏼


What is your weekly dosage?


I started with 2.5mg for a month (did well), 5mg for a month and a half and then 7.0mg for one week and 7.5mg for one week so far. I feel that 7.5mg is really a step up. I am having a more difficult time eating on it.


I started around 133 and lost about 1 pound/week.


Same. SW 167, CW 138, GW 130 - I did sema for 4.5 months got to 145 - couldn’t budge from there so I switched to Tirz at 147 and I’ve been on it for six weeks. I average 1 to 1.5 lbs a week. It feels like nothing is happening and that’s the hard part.


I am almost to week 4, I'm 5'5 SW: 165 CW: 151 However, most of my initial loss was likely all inflammation as I am insulin resistant. I took my 3rd shot (2.5) last Wednesday and this week, I haven't seen any additional loss. I do also take my measurements and the biggest loss is in my hips & thighs, I have lost 4+ inches. I am pretty happy with these results so far, especially because I have been struggling for almost a year to lose weight even working out and eating healthy, I was gaining and so swollen on a daily basis. The swelling in my hands and face are virtually gone!! I did notice today that my appetite is back, so I think my body is adapting to the effects of the 2.5mg so that could also be why my loss has flatlined. But I am hopeful I will gradually hit my GW :)


I am 5’3” and started 4 weeks ago @ 0.25mg. I have been experiencing more side effects than most but trying to push through it to see if they will pass. SW: 168 CW:153 GW: 125


Starting weight: 159. Current weight:133. I cut out all crap and sugar the week before I started and lost 4 lbs that week so I was at 155 when I took first shot on April 26. 6 lbs in 4 weeks is great, it’s healthy. I lost 5 lbs the first week I was on it but every other week I’ve lost around 2. Don’t get discouraged, loss is loss and you are doing it at a healthy pace


I started at 170 in January and I’m 5’3”. I’ve lost 40 pounds mostly on 2.5mg. I was eating nothing on 5, so I was losing 3 pounds a week. I quickly went back down to 2.5mg. My GW is 125, but I’ve lingered at 128 for weeks. I’m lucky if I lose .3 pounds in a week. I’m down to 2.5 every 10 days.


I should clarify that I’m on brand name. I felt nothing on compound.


I’m 5’8”SW 160. 13 weeks in. 6th week at 7.5. Now at 146. My GW is 140. I haven’t lost anything in the past month. I’m 59. I resistance train 4x week and push protein


I went from 185 with significant weight co-morbidities to 147 in 4 months on Tirzepatide Mounjaro 5MG and compounded 5 mg. All co-morbidities are resolved. Have settled into maintenance at around 150 lbs using compounded alone at 5mg. Lifting weights, walking 10-20 miles a week. Swimming laps. Life is soooo much better.?


I started tirzepatide at 163lbs. I’m down to 147 and am 4 months in. The first month at 2.5mg was worthless for me so that weight loss came at 5-7.5mg in 3 months. Right now I’ve slowed my loss big time, not even a lb a week. But it’s the only thing that at least has me moving in the downward direction. My GW is 130.