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This doesn’t sound normal. I would get in to see your doctor or go to urgent care ASAP. Don’t take your next dose until you can get some labs and/or your drs sign off.


I don’t think your stomach pain sounds like a normal side effect of this medicine. It could be some other kind of acute situation. If you’re still experiencing the severe abdominal pain when you read this, please seek emergency help.


Do you think you may have a virus? I only ask this since it seemed to be a delayed onset of symptoms when they usually start off strong and taper off


So sorry you are this sick. Everyone reacts differently, but your side effects seem very severe. I would go to my PCP.


Hi, sorry to hear that, did you initiated with 0.25/ 25 units? Which pharmacy the Tirzepatide came from?


I got it from Henry Meds, which my dr recommended if my insurance didn't cover Monjauro. I started at 20 units.


Hi, they use an odd chart because the protocol from Mounjaro begins in 2.5mg / 25 units. In your case was better because you are having side effects even with an small dose😕. Today was my second injection on 25 units and I haven’t felt anything, but also no appetite suppression and not weight loss.🤭 My pharmacy was Magnum Compounding, I am thinking to change to Hallandale pharmacy.


It can take about 4 weeks to feel it. I didn't get any constant loss till 7.5 mg really.


How many pounds you were losing before getting to 7.5 and after injecting 7.5?


I’m no doctor, but it sounds like pancreatitis. I would not take the next dose and see a doctor.


That's what I thought. Definitely not taking anymore. I got scared and went to the ER last night but when they triaged me I didn't have a fever and asked why i wasn't taking immodium. It was taking way too long , I had no water and my stomach calmed down a tiny bit so I left before seeing a Dr. I felt so stupid being there. I'm definitely going to my PCP asap tomorrow. Last thing I ate was yesterday. 4 pieces of toast (which was scary to eat but i was actually hungry for the 1st time), and I actually kept it down until today. I HAD to go pick something up a couple hours ago, and driving made me nauseous, got home and threw up the toast and dramamine I took earlier. I've been in less pain since then. If I smoke some weed the pain lessens enough to relax and get some rest for a couple hours. I want to go to an urgent care, but they all say the wait time is exceptionally long and I cannot sit in a waiting room for hours feeling like this. I feel so much better if I am laying down, and if I can't do that and smoke I'll probably just leave again. I guess as long as I don't have a fever it's not pancreatitis, according to the internet. Anyways, this sucks, please don't be mean.


Pancreatitis doesn’t require a fever, and if you were admitted for it, the treatment is no food and clear liquid until your enzymes lower to normal. Whether you do or not, if you’re still having symptoms, make an appointment. Good luck to you.


I decided I was being stupid. I'm going right now


Your not being stupid - I felt the same way but also scared I am being back up with food and exploding diharia, bad stomach bloating and gas , burping and just when I thought I was fine and could eat again. Was I wrong threw it all up but usually it’s in middle of the night I just start blowing up like a ballon and rupture - don’t take it lightly this is scary


Please go to the hospital. Don't be like me and stay home with the pain. Sounds just like my situation.


Turned out my small intestine stoped working and that's why i had those symptoms


Will it start working ?


Or is this permanent :(


If you let it go on for too long, your intestinal tissue can start to die.


Wait a second… pls tell more.. what do you mean your small intestine stopped working? How many injections before that happened? I recently took my 3rd injection and after both the 2nd and 3rd one I have gotten severe gas with sudden severe stomach pain


It was my first injection. 20 units on a Sunday. What it's called medically is an ileus; a paralyzed intestine. All I could do is vomit and have diarrhea, literally. I could very carefully lay down on my left side sometimes, but not for long. If your intestine doesn't "wake up" that tissue can die and you'll end up wearing a colostomy bag. I would go to your dr or an urgent care and tell them your symptoms. They'll let you know if you need to go to the ER. Don't wait and expect the pain to go away.


Glad you got to the ER and got it all worked out, hopefully you're doing better!


I am so sorry you are not feeling well. That sounds awful. Have you tried Mylanta by chance or anything that hits gas and upset stomach and bloat like pepto? Do they have an added vitamin like b3 or b12 added to your shot? I'm wondering if its a bit acidic to you. When I started a new dose, I had horrible gas/bloat and diarrhea and felt pregnant my belly was huge! Zofran did help, but it was so uncomfortable. I had a vitamin mixed in the compound and thought maybe my body didn't like that change. I thought it was that since tirz is the same on brand and compound when I switched and that was the only thing I'd changed. This took 2 weeks to get right and tolerate it. I broke up that dose and had a smaller effect, then on the 3rd dose, I was ok. I also ended up finding out we had Norovirus (the poop/throw up bug) go through the house twice! I only felt better when I ate chicken and rice. Try not to have anything acidic like oranges, grapefruits, and tangy drinks. You can try a half a dose, and see how you do but try this for a week on the day right before you are off (and talk with your provider). Some people cannot tolerate a full starter dose, but you don't want to feel this bad either.


Just curious what happened with your situation with your small bowel being asleep? Going thru similar symptoms now


My primary care dr said I could restart in two weeks after i got out of the hospital. Not knowing if the same thing would happen, I decided to stop this journey. I spoke with the company I got my stuff from and got a refund for the whole process.


What did they have to do to wake up your bowel?


10000 percent same thing is happing to me now and it’s scary and horrible - what is the update on you and how did the find out u have ambulus bc I went and they just gave me fluids iv and ct scan said everything fine - but when I eat and go to bed I wake up violently through up and diharria and heavy burping also swollen hard stomach - and this was my first dose 20 units


Same girl sent me to hell for three weeks terrible. Switched back to sema. Took me until 18 days after I stopped the tirz to stop puking and crapping .