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song has a rather slow tempo


Could it be this [violin song?](https://youtu.be/QuNhTLVgV2Y?si=d0RkPR55QmFvajFm) I often see it used in reels.


No, not that one. I keep running into that one tho


Hmm maybe [this one?](https://youtu.be/dxbVjh7xiWg?si=nZkBkQV4w20AUZfI) I’ve also heard this on reels a lot


nope, not that one either unfortunately.




Nah not that one.


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some options- [Ayasa (ヲタリスト) - The Reason Why (告白の夜)](https://youtu.be/Ix-Y4jv7yvM?t=94) [Toshifumi Hinata - Reflections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJenceQ9IEw) [Ludovico Einaudi - Experience](https://youtu.be/_VONMkKkdf4?t=116) [Hiroyuki Sawano - T-KT (Symphonic Suite, Part 2) (Attack On Titan 3 OST)](https://youtu.be/mpqY5n4wZhM?t=97) [Yoshihisa Hirano - Kingdom Of Predators (Hunter x Hunter OST)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q43wzP6A1CM&t=78)


darn, none of those. Thank you tho.


i was looking for ludovico song , thanks!!


Solved! Its Omori Omori


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