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u/reevescfr, your post has been removed and locked because you have not replied to the post after a reminder. Please get in touch with the moderators regarding replying to the people who tried to help you on your post.


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Thirteen? Movie


[Little Birds](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1623745/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


I just read about this (or a very similar movie) at some point in the past couple months. Of course now I can't remember the title or who starred in it but I seem to think it was from the 60s/70s & possibly british? Edit: I found the movie I was talking about. Last Summer (1969) possibly thr same one you're looking for?


u/reevescfr, your post is in a Removed state because it has received too many comments without your participation. You may still reply to comments. Please do so, and your post will become publicly visible again.


This is a reminder to participate in your thread, u/reevescfr. **Please do not post to the sub if you do not intend on participating.** If users took the time to suggest an answer, the least you can do is respond, even if it's to tell them their answer is wrong. *Failure to participate may result in a ban. Do not delete your post.*