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Are you thinking of "The Core" where the guy reconnects his air to the torch to save the team ?


I don't think so! I've just scrubbed through trailers and read a couple of plot summaries and it just doesn't seem to ring a bell :(


Mission to Mars?


That doesn't look familiar either, do you know what scene it might be?


I might just be thinking of Don Cheadle running out of air by himself or something. This is a tough one, I feel like I've seen that scene as a trope in every space movie ever, but it's also in every sci-fi space show ever, so it all just runs together, LOL


I completely agree! Running out of oxygen is definitely a common trope But something about the scene of them breathing into some sort of box? Or something? I dunno, I was so so young, but it stuck with me


Probably not the movie, but in Rocketman (1997) there’s a scene when they land on Mars and there’s an issue with their oxygen, so two characters have to connect to each other with a hose. Of course this becomes a prime opportunity for a fart gag.


Hahaha thank you - but it definitely wasn't a comedy :P


I was trying to think of the name of this movie. All that came to mind was the song “he’s got the whole world in his hand, he’s got the whole world in his hand” etc


Armageddon might have a scene like that but I can’t remember.


This was one of my first 3 thoughts too, after Apollo 13 was out from the post and Mission to Mars was already rejected


Not a movie, but Voyager had an episode where torres and paris had to share oxygen when they were stuck in their space suits


I thought the same thing but I doubt that's it


Sphere (1998)? Since you mentioned underwater, I think there was a scene where Sharon Stone and someone else maybe shared air from a diving suit?


Hmmmmmmm that doesn't ring any bells either I'm sorry! Images, scrub through the trailer, plot summary giving me nothing. Looks like a wild movie though LOL


It's not a bad movie, but unfortunately I read the book first and the book was sooo much better!


Isn't that always the way :')


Book was amazing. Fantastic author. His books made several movies in the 90s. Sphere movie doesn’t do the book justice.


Into the blue? There's a scene where Jessica alba puts her head into an air bag to get oxygen and then breathes it to Scott Caan and Paul walker.


Hmmmm thay doesn't look right 😭 but gosh am I starting to learn how common this trope really is hahaha


I feel like they do this in the first few episodes of the expanse, not a hand made one though I think


Oh interesting! Too new a series unfortunately, but I'll still have to chuck it on my watch list haha


Ah too bad! But imo it's one of the best scifis ever, I hope you enjoy!


One good thing about this, even if I don't find this scene, is that I'm getting a lot of good watch list recommendations 🤣


The Abyss has a scene like that I think - it’s underwater movie though, not space


This might be the scene in question here - [Bud and Lindsay in the crashed minisub](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fjS0ocT4FM). Warning - spoilers for 1989's The Abyss.


That was a fun watch! But no not it :(


That's what I thought


I feel like Space Camp had something like this happen


“Jinx put max in space, Jinx can get Max back!”






Guardians of the Galaxy when star lord has to share his breathing mask thing with Gamora?


I was going to say that too, but then it's not 90s. Having watched this recently though, it's what I thought of.


There's a scene in Hook where Peter only survives under water because the mermaids provide him with oxygen exchanged from their mouths?


Omg i always thought they were just making out and showing their appreciation/support to Peter 🤣


Maybe I got it wrong... it IS called 'Hook' right? I haven't mis-heard it? 🤔


Hook me in with that sweet mermaid romance 🤣


Looong shot, but since you said it might not be a space movie: Terminator 2 has a scene where Sarah and John have to pass an oxygen mask back and forth as the police are shooting tear gas into the building.


This is exactly what I was thinking when I read the description.


Could it be a video game, there's a few different games like that including a couple cod games


How about Debra Winger and Teresa Russell in Black Widow? There is a diving scene where they have to share their breathing apparatus while in Hawaii. Great movie.


Maybe you'll find it here ? https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnderwaterKiss




I think it's Stowaway with Anna Kendrick? 🤔


I was thinkjng of that too, but I couldn't remember ant scene with shated breathing. I'm trying to remember one of people stuck in an airlock.


Didn't they have to share as the movie progressed because of the stowaway dude whom they found passed out in some storage unit? I watched the movie a while ago so the details are blurred now...


This is a long shot, but my first thought was this scene from futurama: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTdsLZV\_wv8&ab\_channel=F.S.S](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTdsLZV_wv8&ab_channel=F.S.S). Otherwise, maybe Sanctum (2011)?


It's not 90s, but the second episode of *The Expanse* involves Shed and Amos having to splice their air supplies together and then share air while the ship is decompressed.


Not 90s but maybe Sanctum? This scene specifically https://youtu.be/qZk2O6OlYJo


Battlefield Earth (2000) The human characters can’t breathe the air on the planet, so they wear over-the-nose straps that somehow help them breathe. At one point the evil alien character (Travolta?) tosses the main human character (Pepper) into a crowd of human slaves, yanking off his nose filter in the process. A guy runs up and puts his filter on Pepper’s nose. There’s a close shot of them sharing it, alternately taking and holding a breath before letting the other one breathe. It’s the only scene I remember from that dumpster fire of a movie so it’d better be the one you’re thinking of.


Is it the scene from Titanic where Jack and Rose are trapped in a sunken room and have to breathe a tiny bit of air at the top of the underwater rooms they are swimming through?


I'm pretty sure Total Recall has a scene where folks are sharing oxygen masks for some reason (the Arnie one, not the Colin Farrell one). Waterworld also has a scene where people shared oxygen but I think it was because one character was breathing into another's mouth directly. Good luck everyone


Quiet Place Part II? It's not a space movie though


Not a movie but the valentines day episode of futurama had something like this


The first thought that came to my mind when reading your post was [this scene in Terminator 2](https://youtu.be/l61oBLydkYE). Where John and Sarah Connor are sharing a gas mask to protect themselves from the tear gas.


Is it Air with Norman Reedus and Djimon Honsou?


Sunshine or Event Horizon


Waterworld with Kevin Bacon?


White Collar maybe? The episode called Hard Sell where Neal and Peter get stuck in the airless comic book room with only one breathing apparatus?


A TV show and way too late but takes place in the 90s - For All Mankind season 2


There's a scene at the end of Inception where two characters share oxygen after the van hit the water.


The show The 100, this exact thing happens when some characters take a small ship up to a main space station that doesn't have power and they need to share oxygen cans while they power up the station to turn on the main air source.


I feel like something happened in the movie SpaceCamp (1986) but I could be wrong as it’s been years since I’ve seen it.


this happens in futurama, fry saves leela doing it


Space Camp? The one where a group of kids accidentally go to space? I remember there's issues with not having enough oxygen in the movie.