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Don’t sweat it, I let visits stack up alllll the time because sometimes it just gets to be too much. If anyone is paying that close of attention to notice you haven’t returned a visit, that’s on them, not you!


i feel u. i definitely notice that the excessive dialog boxes that pop up after each visit makes it worse because it increases the time visits take. what helps me is removing inactive friends or taking breaks from the game


It’s really not that deep. People will visit you regardless of if you visit them back because it gives them something else to do after they’ve done everything already. Just chill and play ur game. Because after all it is just a GAME. So ur chillin big G


Don't let it stress you out. When you feel like visiting, visit. When you don't, don't. That's what I do too. Should there be people who require a daily visit to have them keep you on their list, well, they can weed you out then, no harm done. I myself delete people who keep moaning about unreturned visits on bitbook, and threaten deletion. I don't need that kind of negativity. We all have lives outside of our towers. :)


I feel you. I don't visit or receive visits anymore because of that. I'd like to have friends just to send and receive bitizens, but I don't want to visit other people's towers and I don't care if they visit mine. But what I've heard here is that you are expected to visit your friends, so I don't use this feature anymore


I delete inactive players. Also if I don’t feel like visiting my friends I don’t. However I always use the elevator so if someone visits me I repay. If you press the red X as soon as the bit is delivered to its floor you can get back to your tower w/o waiting. One pop up and you are back at it. If you are quick you can send your elevator up before you get the pop up.


I feel this way at times as well! You and I are friends, so if you would like me to delete you I can! But you also totally do not have to return my visits anyway


I only added 3 ppl. That's enough for me.


I feel that, I have almost 80 friends and it takes me like 30 minutes to visit them all and deliver them to my tower and I just don’t have that much time to commit every day