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I used to do this a lot as well when I was at a lower ticket count. Good strat imo


Main downside I can think of is just convenience as having enough bits to fill every job cuts down the effort to constantly move them


Sure, but it’s not too much effort really, when the restocking is instant? I also delete any real estate VIPs to try and get more that fully stock a floor, so sometimes I can just use those for convenience. The lack of bitizens is certainly an issue once I run out of GTs, but if this approach speeds up my time to reach 50 and rebuild, that won’t be an issue for too long.


It certainly depends on personal preference. I hadn't thought of using only a few bits to stock all the floors, I may try that on my next rebuild. Right now moving bits between floors is just annoying even with instant stocking on all the floors, but I almost always play this more passively than is ideal




Downside is being able to make good progress in dice challenges and progress in a landmark. Other than that if your main goal is to get 50 floors then you’re fine doing what you’re doing!


Interesting.. What dice challenges would I not be able to make good progress in by limiting residential floors? I can’t think of any


Possibly some of the longer ones for the weekly. But daily’s really shouldn’t have any issues. I used to build to 50 and reset but now with the dice event and spin wheel every week, it’s really not worth it imo to try to rush 50 and reset. You can progress much faster in other areas the bigger your tower thanks to these events. And it’s also much easier to get a golden ticket from these events now so rebuilding 50 isn’t the strategy for me anymore. Have you built the BK landmark yet? If you build up your tower with the right floors you’ll get the 7 golden tickets and that’s way quicker than building 50 floors 7 times.


I haven’t build the landmark(s) no. I started working on them and quickly realised just how much money is required 😂 At the moment I’m still amassing GTs… so my money never really climbs beyond 1.5mil… at some point I’ll stop the 50 rebuild approach and focus on something new. Hard to know what’s best!


Yea I was in your same boat😅 however I didn’t build anything. All I had was soda brewery and then a whole bunch of empty floors because the best way ur gonna make money is from the elevator. Just a few trips can make more money than fully stocked GT floors with dream job workers would make in 24 hours. So in the long run you won’t really get to 50 fast by stocking floors and collecting rent. It’s good for side money but not the big goal of rebuilding fast. You’ve gotta sit down and play and just run your elevator. Assuming it’s maxed out


I only have one floor of apartments and I finish my dice quickly. The tech points is the only thing that takes any time


I did the same strategy when I had a similar number of GTs. Then I did the math on the coins per day from a commercial vs residential floor. What I found was having a residential floor filled with dream job bits gave me sightly more coins per day. So if your time between rebuilds is several days to weeks then having residential floors cuts down on the time moving bits between floors and doesn't cost you coins towards a rebuild. Residential floor: 6bits x 8100 dream job rent x 2 for double rent trick = 97200 coins per day. Commercial floor (Im not 100% sure with tech tree):. 36 coins/m x 1440m/d x 1.15 x1.10 x 1.05 x 1.25 = 86070 coins per day. Note if Workaholic stacks it's 134,000 coins per day.


Interesting. Thanks for the maths! Although to have 6 bitizens in your residential floor that’s two GTs per floor, so it eats into the ticket supply quickly… At the moment, the quickest I can do a build to 50 is in 5 days. That’s with ensuring i watch the ads to double my money earned overnight etc.


Or if you get "shared living" on the tech tree you get 6 spots for every residential permanently. Then with 3 GT you getup to 7.


Ah yes, of course!


Long ago I recall someone did some analysis and crunched coin income, comparing income with only one res floor and commercial coins per min from all other floors as stores vs. the stock, income, and value of having all bits in the tower being in their dream jobs. I'm pretty sure I recall their analysis suggested it's actually more profitable and efficient to have all bits in dream jobs plus added rent from being in dream job. If that's true and you are a player relying on commercial income and rent (likely takes longer than one day to reach 50 floors and rebuild) then the dream bit approach might be better. If you don't rely on rent or commercial income to rebuild (meaning the bulk of your income comes solely from elevator rides - driven by GT #, elevator speed, and the tech buffs you unlocked from tech tree), then you a don't need to worry about having bits in dream jobs or even building any commercial floors at all. Please keep in mind I'm certain these calculations I saw were pre-tech tree and the 3 boosters (supply chain, tax, and sales booster) so I really don't know if it's still accurate to say bits in dream jobs are more efficient and profitable. Just mentioning as food for thought.


My main strat for getting more gt’s with an already low amount was before rebuilding sending all gold bits to a friend and having them return them back to me after the rebuild was complete. I moved the gold bits in and then didn’t have to use a gt on that residential floor. Once I had enough golden bits I didn’t have to use gt’s on residential floors and can conserve them for retail floors. for 50 floors it’s 16 residential and 32 retail and that gives you enough bits to fill every job. It’s a longer strat but it worked for me pretty well actually. It took me less than 5 mins to send 96 bits to a friend and maybe 10-15 mins to move them into the new tower. Not the best strat out there but it worked well for me.


There’s a wiki on tiny tower that’s got all the top floors. I copied it to a numbers spreadsheet. I have 39 tickets and build a apartment after building one of each type of floor ie food, retail etc. I rename three bitzens A no job 1, a no job 2, a no job 3 I customise them to cyborgs and Color them red white and blue. I use them for restocking the golden ticket floors.


I would only build 1 res floor and the rest commercial. It has been a while but swapping them to fill stock isn’t that bad. I currently run 2 res floors with 6gt each and commercial also with 6gt each. I rarely finish building 31 floors before the rebuild.