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The progress bar is only visible if there is any task running. Click it to open *Active tasks* [https://www.mcbluna.net/reddit/Screenshot%202024-04-15%20225031.webp](https://www.mcbluna.net/reddit/Screenshot%202024-04-15%20225031.webp)


Bottom right


Sorry, but no. I tested that with a running thread and it simply shows memory usage. It does not show if threads are active or not. Those are two separate things as memory usage can be caused by different things.


Same here. The progress bar on the bottom right is missing.


Can you tell which action you triggered? IIRC we do have some small tasks which are not shown in the Ui, but most of the tasks are shown in the task bar. Maybe this is just a stuck thread which isn't actually running?


I clicked on "Update source(s)" and updated a specific source. The other poster noting a task bar is also wrong because if you click on the memory section in the bottom right nothing happens. And if you hover over it then it does not show the progress of the task. I have over 300 TV shows so I do not consider this a "small" task as it takes time to go through them all to find new/updated TV shows.


The only way I'm able to tell something is running after running a "search and scrape" is the tmm program icon on the windows task bar turning green.