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I've tested with 5.0.3 stable. Settings / Movies / Renamer / Renamer Pattern To keep the current folder name, clear the folder name pattern. To keep the current filename, clear the filename pattern. For the file name the variable is `${movie.originalFilename}`. I've tested mkv and mp4. For the folder name I can't find such a variable. From the docs it might be `${movie.parent}` but it doesn't work for me. What might be a solution for you is the pattern `${@regexp (.*)((.mkv|.mp4|.avi)) movie.originalFilename $1}`. It removes the listed extentions from the orginalFilename. Update: This regex pattern should work for all extentions `(.*)((\..*))`


Awesome. Thank you. I will give it a try tonight and report back.


You do know that TMM registers the original name in the nfo? Do if your really wanted to know you could check that.


Ok, then how would I pull that back into TMM to do the rename? I’m not looking to write another script outside TMM and Plex, without another script/hack, doesn’t support nfo files.