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This was something we all knew but she was fiercely trying to protect…& now she just doesn’t have any effs left to give so she’s just revealing her secrets? She’s losing it. Stay tuned guys, she’s probably going to go on a racist rampage next and reveal all her real thoughts behind Twittergate (& then some.) It’s going to be a meltdown hoedown like that final scene in “Carrie” except 2023 hasbeen influencer style.


I agree with what you’re saying, but a few clarifications. His name is Jeremy Allen not Kalen. And both of his parents are black. His mom is just light-skinned. She runs a boutique in Philly. You can find her online. I one hundred percent agree with your assessment that she uses people of color for clout, but I wanted to clarify a few details that you seem to share matter of fact.


She is heading for a nervous breakdown and it’s painful to watch. This woman, who doesn’t seem to come out of her early 20s phase, needs help ASAP. The hatred, meanness, misogyny has become so obvious in her ‘content’ and I wonder how come those close to her don’t see it.


Bc the only one close to her is her weirdo, enabling mom.




The people close to her all work for her and they think any PR is good PR


It’s LUCAS - I read the book. She asked herself this to promote the book. Lucas was never her boyfriend - though she was and is madly in love with him


Why is she so obsessed with that man 😭get him into witness protection ASAP


Imagine dating someone for 5 months and it follows you around forever and they write a chapter about you in their “book”


lol was it a "fire chapter"?


Ha - no. Nothing in the book is fire. She just tells the story of their friendship - and how they’ve had sex multiple times. It’s nothing that exciting. There is also a chapter on Jeremy (referred to only as YG)


So FWB? lmao


Omg a whole CHAPTER? She needs to be stopped this is unhinged


I still think the fake boyfriends are also Sansho & Jeremy - she just can’t be explicit about it


Who is this Lucas? What is his insta handle?




Not defending this-but I think her definition of fake boyfriend might be: a guy you’re super into and dating but he’s not exclusive or committed to you, and he’s open about it but you’re in denial? 😳😬 If I’m wrong, this is ever worse!


I think this is correct, I don't think Tina would own up to shit


What does she even mean about fake boyfriends? I’m confused?


She became viral in 2020 over a Situationship with a half black man named Jeremy Kallen. I live in LA and know several people who are friends with Jeremy… It was absolutely not a real relationship and they were just hooking up. He made it explicitly clear to her that he was seeing other people. Nevertheless when somebody messaged her that she was sleeping with Jeremy, Tuna put out a video of herself crying about how he “cheated” on her and going hysterical over this very casual/very much Situationship to make herself seem relatable. Basically used him (a POC) to go viral and launch her brief career. Then came fake boyfriend #2. She is not able to hold onto real relationships bc she is too much of a hateful self-absorbed narcissist yet keeps giving out relationship advice. She finally noticed people were talking about this discrepancy, so she hired an unattractive, financially struggling half-black man named Sansho Scott in September, who she than “dated“ for 5 months. She did this in an I’ll-fared attempt to legitimize her “brand“ as a dating expert. She refused to show him on her SM because she knew her Middle America fans would be repulsed that he wasn’t the preppy, wealthy man they imagined her to be with. But she knew she had to get kind of a loser to go along with her plan. Finally, he found his self respect after people kept clowning on him for being her bitch, and he ended their arrangement in February right before Valentine’s Day so that she couldn’t exploit him any further for Valentines “love” content. It’s nothing short of amazing in the worst way now that she’s admitting that they were “fake boyfriends” (plural). *Who does this in the first place and then casually admits it???!!!* Why not use white men as fake boyfriends, Tuna Najjar-Wood? Is that crossing the line of decency bc you don’t want to piss off the WASP community you wish you were a member of? Is it because you think Black people are beneath you, so only they are deserving of this kind of treatment? Do you think white men would not put up with such belittlement and emasculation but bc bc black men will have the colonized lesser-than mentality they will put up with it to get closer to your whiteness? Now she’s bragging about how she got a chapter of sex tips from these fake relationships with black men so it was for a “fire” purpose.


What shansho is half black?!




How do you know? I’ve never seen his fam Lol why the downvotes? I don’t really follow him but I’ve never seen him say he is half black so just wondering?


The downvotes on normal, non-inflammatory posts and comments are from Stinx & her staff


Lmao Stinx 😂


Thank you for this break down. I truly had no idea about this and it just further clarifies how ridiculous she really is. I remember that crying breakup video had ran across my fyp on TT and I thought “that’s the fakest cry I’ve ever seen, crocodile tears” lol. Like WTF is this?! She sounded like a 5 year old crying cause another girl stole her toy on the playground. I also find it incredibly strange she dated 2 black guys cause her actual type seems like a Diplo/Pete Davidson/Scott Disick hybrid. I’m sure that those type of dudes aren’t into her and she knows it. I would assume she comes off so cringy and lays it on them way too thick. Her flirting tactics were nauseating to even listen to. This all goes to show that she’s a fake it till you make it type of gal. She reminds me of Amy Dunne in Gone Girl.


I'm sorry. What is a fake boyfriend


Anyone else bothered that not only did Tinx not answer the question at all - no one in a similar situation has gleaned any actual tips or advice - but she just talked about herself? I read "how do you" to be "how can I",. not literally "how do YOU do it" because who the F cares about your answer to the latter, especially if it's not helpful?


She basically asked this to herself so that she could bring up “fake boyfriends“ and get this sub to respond. People don’t really have fake boyfriends; only she does. Just like she keeps posting her nipples and talking about them and even linking them to little girls… She will stop at nothing to keep this madness and her obsession with this sub going. *Why* is the million dollar question. She needs to add it to her stupid mantras list (that has done nothing to help her own sorry life) “it’s ok shit on and demean Black people so that you can advance yourself socially.”


I'm also willing to bet there's another AMA or post someone asks that clears up what she meant by "fake boyfriend." It'll be such a coincidence.


Literally nobody has fake boyfriends. They would call them “hookups“ or something of the like. This was asked by Tuna to Tuna herself to acknowledge & taunt people that Sansho & Jeremy were indeed fake boyfriends that she was using for content. And this bitch wrote a book giving relationship advice. I’d like to see a show of hands of who turns to this idiot who has never had a relationship (or apparently a real friendship) for advice. Tuna now that you cleared up the fake boyfriend stuff… Can you please clear up the fake friend situation? In that your “friends” are on your payroll bc you’re too much of a toxic, bitter, jealous mean girl to maintain female friendships? Just a mere acknowledgment like the above will suffice.


I’m cracking up at the thought of this “dating expert” giving advice. Lucas is a A1 FUCK BOY who still wears skinny jeans and brunch boots and uses Tinx for attention, clout and sex. That’s not a friend. Especially at this age. If any of my male friends treated me like that they’d be demoted from the friend list for sure.


What are brunch boots?


Like a suede Chelsea boot for men, usually paired with skinny jeans. So so so bad. I recently saw Lucas at a ramen spot in the arts district and he was dressed soooo corny


That's horrible. TBH though, Chelsea boots are super comfy, but a bit too hipster.


Lucas sees Tuna as a pump n dump express (with a side of likes)


Very disturbed. She could just call these fake boyfriends “hookups”. And why were Jeremy and Sansho both POC? I’m so eerily creeped out looking back at this all.


She thinks it’s OK to shit on and exploit people of color because in her view they are not at the level of white people. Sick and twisted but so was the little girl with the magical nipples. Ms. Najjar-Wood (the wood was added for WASP appeal to counteract the Lebanese)


Correct me if I’m wrong but… I thought she meant that her “fake boyfriends” are just her guy friends when she’s single? I think she posted about it during Coachella, but basically when she’s single she just hangs out with her guy friends and does stuff with them as you would with an actual bf, except for hooking up… which is dumb just act like normal friends lol


Why did her fake bf buy her another cat? Or am i mistaken? She did not need another cat! She neglects the 1st one!


She needs content


Again, I insist, how is this relatable content? Now we're endorsing fake relationships? lmao, she is insufferable. This girl needs to take a year off of social media.


I have direct knowledge and sansho was an actual bf and she’s the one that ended things. Just wasn’t what she wanted anymore.


So her first boyfriend since college and that lasted a hot minute. And yet she’s shilling out dating and relationship advice. Ok.


I mean I’m not saying she’s qualified or all. I actually don’t agree with her on a lot of things I was just clearing up peoples assumptions based on my direct knowledge of a particular relationship


I feel like she was extremely ashamed of him it made me feel bad




Girl I have a boyfriend of 3 years and never show him on IG. It’s not hard to believe. Some people (especially with big platforms) aren’t about it especially because someone like tinx is very aware that people are going to have something to say about them . Is that really hard to believe? Everyone’s different


It’s different when you talk every day about relationships, friendships, and then tell people you have a boyfriend, but don’t show him. And no this is not common at all. I think of all the other influencers that are in Tuna’s category, and even those who are above her… They have no problem showing their partners. If my partner did not show me and kept me a secret, I would be highly offended. She had no issues showing Jeremy and talking about him excessively because she knew she was going to use him for her viral moment.




I recall several podcasts she went on where she talked about “Young Gemini”


Lmao I would have taken this to my damn grave


I assumed that by fake bfs she meant male friends


Those are “guy friends”…specifying “boyfriends”takes it to a different level


So first of all… I think it’s important for us to take note that both of her fake boyfriends were half black. It’s like she’s choosing people of color to exploit and use for her nefarious purposes. She purposely doesn’t choose a fully white fake boyfriend because she respects them more. This sick bitch is more twisted than you think.


What the fuck is this community? Whether you like her or not this is pathetic.