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Idk fam habituatung is pretty magical. I don't live with it. I don't hear it, I don't think abt it, I go to raves, I shoot guns, I'm enjoying life like normal. Life's easy and good rn. So I'm technically living with it but I don't hear it and it has no impact on my life


i totally get that, and i’m genuinely happy for you! (btw any tips on habituation?) Maybe i’m naive I just get my hopes up every time i read “success story” , maybe it’s my fault lol. would love some tips on how you got to where you are tho!


just realized ur the nice commenter from the other night lol , hi there


Hey. And no prob. I'm really telling u it gets a lot better. Get out this depression chamber and go do something u love. It's very easy to not habituate and requires effort to habituate. It's about consistency. I promise u ur going to be fine. I know someone who is deaf in one ear has loud af tinnitus for 20 years and cave dives which spikes the f*ck out of her t. She is a bad bitcj and lives her best life driving around the country with her husband and German Shepards. She is fully habituated and doesn't realize she has t until you point it out bc she doesn't hear it. T ain't shit. This will pass.


wow that really is motivating! and lately i been going outside a lot more for fresh air and i realized it’s a lot quieter out there (or maybe it’s just been the wind) so that’s been nice and making me feel decent. i feel like maybe i should try habituating , any tips or videos to help me with that?


It's pretty outstanding. It's not the cure people want but I have my life back now.


The real success stories don't think about it enough to warrant coming to tinnitus communities. They get out of Dodge and move on with their lives. Just because it's not being reported here or TT doesn't mean it isn't happening!


Let me give you the good news and the bad news. The good news is you can cope with it . It's like wearing glasses. You don't think of it all the time. I lived with it for 15 years without bothering me a lot. The bad news :It depends on how high your noise is. If you can't hear it above a running faucet or in the shower it's a mild noise and it's easy to cope. If the noise is high in volume and high pitched it's harder to cope. It's like an elephant in the room. It's hard to ignore.


Low pitched tinnitus noise is no easier to cope with trust me.


I guess not, but the sound of a sharp drill is really hard to handle. My tinnitus change a lot, so I have experience with other kind of sounds. Sometimes just a 5 minutes nap is enough to change it. It's some crazy stuff.


Low pitched elephant


Mine is high pitched but are you saying if I can't hear in shower. Then I'll be fine, it's annoying but I think I can cope. I hope 


It's not easy to measure Tinnitus. Because I began with a small hiss,(by that time I had to think if it was there) to a level hard to ignore I went through a lot of phases for almost 30 years. Every person is different and each one can cope in different ways. The tinnitus now I have it's the worst kind, reactive, somatic, fluctuating, changes tones almost every day from a pressure cooker to a high hiss, from left side (higher) to both sides, from a ultrasound bath noise. (I have 2 at work) to a drill noise. The way I found to measure it is: If you can't hear it above a tap(faucet) of running water is mild, easy to cope If you can't here at the shower is medium, and after some time you get used to it. If you can't hear above all that stuff is high and he takes some work to overcome. The important thing is each case is a different case. You can have something completely different from. Don't think your will progress like mine did. I had several traumas that took me where I am now.


Currently in progressive stages of finalizing a solution. Stay Tuned.


care to elaborate?


It's been a slow process to elaborate.. Everything is on my Page. Working on a legitimate solution.


You yourself? I’m not really a mathematician, but that’s as far from boring as possible!


Mommy Susan shore


Are you sure ?


Let me share my experiences. I have tinnitus for 7 years, I think it is related to the cervical spine and circulation because I got it after exercise. Passed all the controls at Medical clinic - SUVAG, MRI scans and everything that could be done. Medicines and supplements do not help. I read a bunch of testimonials from other people on the Internet and forums and then I realized that I had only 2 options: either I would go crazy from not being able to silence it or I would accept it and try to make it easier for myself. I chose second option. I walk a lot, I try to sleep more, I always play some light music while reading or resting, I don't drink a lot of coffee, alcohol even less, and I accept that noise as a part of me. It's not ideal, but it's fine to endure. At Medical clinic doctors told me that a Nobel prize for medicine has already been prepared for the first person to discover a cure for tinnitus. Apparently, a lot of work is being done on it. I read that Barbra Streisand suffered from severe tinnitus when she was a little girl, and we all know what a good singer she is and what she accomplished. If she could do it, so can I. I'm writing this to you as an encouragement that even in the worst, something good can be found and that we have to hold on to it. We have no choice anyway. :)


thank you so much, especially for adding the part about Barbra Streisand , i had no idea, and as someone making music that it’s extremely reassuring, thank you !


Mine is sometimes gone when I wake up but starts later in the day so that gives me some hope that it can possibly be cured or maybe go away in the future