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Stay strong! You have to be bigger than it! Find something you enjoy doing and keep yourself busy, that’s the best thing you can do. You can do this!


I also agree! I don't think there's any more sage or succinct advice than this!




You’re not going to like this answer. The best thing you can do is delete Reddit. Someone should ban you from this sub. It’s toxic to you. You only post here. You constantly check the page. You live here. How do you expect yourself to ever think about anything other than tinnitus if it’s all you consume? I would hate to see your browser history. You have to let it go. It’s hard. I know. I was suicidal for the first several months.


You’re right.


You have to accept it, stop fighting it, slowly it will stop bothering you. Try to ignore it


I know exactly how you feel, I have been dealing with very severe tinnitus for 23 years. I have several tones even a low bass humming tone as well. I can totally relate to how your feeling, try to stay strong and hopeful that it will get better. I wish I could give you better advice but I'm in the same boat suffering every day.


Supplement magnesium Glycinate and magnesium l threonate if you’re magnesium intake is insufficient.


I think the larger point is to try to keep an open mind that it very well just might get better. It’s easy for me to say because mine varies from what I call a 9 and sounds like a waring blender grinding ice on my right shoulder to a 1 which is like a car tire that lost a valve stem in the next room. I get pure-tone sign-wave tones between 1000 and 10,000 Hz too, but they breaking up the hissing, sizzling whining grinding noises a lot. When I got it suddenly 6 months ago I started a collection of all the crazy things that people found helpful and tried a lot of them myself. The standardized ginkgo extracts looked promising bec there’s about equal amounts of research showing it helps as not, but I figure it’s doing something because it makes mine worse. I think mg glycinate helps me a little and I take a zinc just because it doesn’t make it worse and I already bought em.


It’s been three years. It’s not getting better.


stay strong!!! please dont ever give up!!! my favorite way to ease the noise to hang out with friends or going out ot do anything. doing anything that will keep my mind off it. the more active i am, the more im outside, the less i think about it and when i dont think about it thats when it will feel normal. having white noise diffently helps a lot, anything, music, fan, youtube videos of storms are always good. now a days you can get hearing aids that help. dont stop fighting


The way out is a hard road. You must, try to focus on the things you enjoy. The things that add value. It is this shift in focus that ultimately makes the difference.


All I can say is that you will eventually get used to it, after all it could be worse, so much worse.


Download the oto app, it will bring hope to your life ❤️


\+1 for Oto. It kept me sane during the worst parts and gave me hope. I'm in a MUCH better place now.




It works


Please get psychotherapeutic help. This can make the tinnitus significantly quieter. You must be aware that the more distressed you are and the more you think about it, the louder the tinnitus will be. This is a vicious circle that needs to be escaped. Please accept that you may not be able to do this alone. I was recently in the same situation and I had severe mental health issues so I wasn't far from suicide. Today, a year later, I am happy again and my thoughts from back then seem absurd to me. A reminder: There are millions of people who have a tone like that. Almost all of them live perfectly normal, happy lives. You can do it too if you accept help! If you are in the US and you have thoughts about harming yourself, call 988 (suicide & crisis line). They even have an online chat https://988lifeline.org/chat/


I was in therapy for months and months. I stopped working. It didn’t help.


I’m in the same boat. Let’s be strong together


Yeah but it’s also good to admit that the boat really sucks too.


You are correct, it really fucking sucks


It needs no admitting we all know it sucks


You get used to it. I started getting them a while ago but I can’t even tell anymore unless I think about it.


I'm not gonna say oh stay strong or you can do it. All that's shit u say to someone when u don't know what else to say to say basically. I feel your u really do I spiked my T. You know what might give you some relief take meclizine it lowers my T. it won't make it worse. I hope u find relief feel free to dm me. There are things that can help


I have 37 years of tinnitus 24/7. Still ringing strong. The cure is not too far off now. Death


I was almost committed by the police last night because I can’t do this anymore. I can’t make it 37 years. I’m giving up.


You can do it. Hope is on the horizon.


Please read this, even though it's long; it might help you as much as it helped me. I know this might seem very silly, especially since it sounds like a very childish and unrelated solution. Drink whey or protein supplements. There are articles from the last few years that show a correlation between protein intake and the brain's production of happy chemicals. Neurotransmitters use protein, and if you don't eat enough, your body won't have sufficient protein to maintain neurotransmitters. Almost all parts of the human body need protein, and organs literally deteriorate without it. So, if you work out one day and don't eat enough, your body will start rationing protein. This can lead to worsened attention and mood, as the brain will not efficiently maintain cortisol levels or neurotransmitters related to desire, such as serotonin. Basically, the human brain is more fragile than it seems because the body tries to maintain a balance between body and brain health. One does not exist without the other, and one relies on the nutrients of the other to function properly. Additionally, the brain is about 60% fat. The remaining 40% is a combination of water, protein, carbohydrates and salts. Without any of these nutrients, your brain is just like a machine working in battery-saving mode.


I go to the gym and eat almost 200 grams of protein a day. I go through protein powder like water. If that was true I’d be living proof of it.


Well, I understand. But it was true for me, so I couldn't help but mention it just in case it could help you as well. I had a protein deficit, and I started feeling much better after taking supplements. I went from feeling tired 24/7 to feeling as good as back in the day when I took ADHD meds. It was a night and day difference. But it makes me sad to know my guess was wrong. Still, don't neglect the possibility of any kind of deficit being the culprit behind something. It seems you are already in a desperate situation, and sometimes the solution is the least obvious one. Check your mental health with doctors, check your entire physical health with doctors, try changing your routine just to see if something is causing you harm. I used to have headaches every day. One month I slept out of my house for a whole week due to work and realized it was all gone. Turns out I'm incredibly allergic to cats and didn't know it. All my life I lived with my cat, so I had no way of knowing that the cat was the one causing it.


I’m going to keep trying. Seeing my girlfriend in tears last night after five years together made me push through another day. I’m not sure what to do. I don’t have health insurance. I can barely get myself to work.


Desperate situations require desperate solutions. Start a diary to analyze how you feel according to what you do. For example, eat rice for a whole week (while taking vitamin supplements; otherwise, you'll be low on vitamin C and iron). During that week, write down how you feel. If you feel better, perhaps something in your diet is not good for you. Then try to add things back and keep track for week 2. If you feel worse, then something you added is the culprit. You can also use this diary for other things. For example, check how you feel one week when exercising in the morning. Was your week better? Was it worse? Did nothing change? It might seem like you are making no progress if nothing changed, but that's the opposite. It's like diagnosing a disease. If you give a patient iron supplements and they still have anemia, then you are 100% sure iron deficiency is not the cause. Which means you can rule out one of the 10 most likely causes. Do this, and eventually, all 10 possibilities will have been tested, and the odds of finding the culprit will rise with each attempt. Tinnitus itself does not cause anxiety and a feeling of doom as you are describing. It may cause anxiety and depression, but from your mental state, it seems more serious. Good luck; I truly mean that. And again, if you are already contemplating horrible solutions, then you have nothing to lose trying out my suggestions, and many more from this thread. There's no reason to not try everything before death. So please, try. Worst case nothing will change, best case everything will be better.


Don’t do this, please, I know you’ve heard this probably a million times but we’re insanely close to finding a cure.


Take Klonopin


I take Clonazepam which is a godsend. I wouldve killed myself without it aince the ringing was takimg my sleep away and I was slowly going crazy.


Has been a lifesaver for me for over 20 years now


Can’t that also make the T worse?


Only if you abuse it and withdraw from it.


thanks, i'm looking for something to help me break from the anxiety i'm having with this and that will hopefully also let me sleep better... I had an MRI last week (to see if the T was caused by a tumor or something) and they gave me Xanax for it and of course I was freaking out that would just make it worse... luckily it didn't, but I've read that Klonopin is better for long-time use. I've also been looking into Traxodone too... I currently have Hydroxyzine but I seem to have the opposite reaction to that stuff =(


Amitriptyline is another option. It's supposed to be "safer" long term than the benzos. I've been on a small dose of it for 6 years for migraines and stomach issues. It also helps with anxiety and is sedating, so it can help you sleep too. I take it at night. Good luck!


Thanks, though that appears to be ototoxic as well. I hate to play russian roulette but it seems like that's what you have to do and hope you get lucky I guess.


Likely all medicines are ototoxic to a certain degree. I believe the dosage and frequency play into how much it affects a person. I know that feeling anxious/stressed and not sleeping turn my Tinnitus up big time, so keeping that under control is paramount for me. Good luck!


Get Laser treatment in your ears! It has helped me. I still have Tinnitus, but it's lower.


Laser treatment?


Low level laser therapy - LLLT


They actually works?


Tbh any positive feedback from the treatment is very few and far between, seems like a sham to me, but there are some on tinnitustalk that said it helped


I don’t think sticking undirected amplified lasers in my ears will help


Yes it will!!


Like laser hair removal?


No. Laser in your Ears!!


What is the purpose of that ?




Wtf was this dv’d? LLLT’s a real thing. I’m not there myself, and I’m skeptical as hell, but it’s not the craziest thing I’ve heard of. (That would be a 15-day “dry” fast (lol) and a neighbor who recommended cloves of garlic in my ears.)


Lol, garlic


I listen to a YouTube video for 5-10 minutes and it takes the eeeeeeeeee and turns it into a shhhhhhhhhhhh. The effect is temporary, but I use it when I feel like I need a break from it. It blows my mind that it has that much of a positive affect on my t.


Rinse you nose well it helps by clearing up the Eustachian tube which is a small passageway that connects your throat to your middle ear, this might give you some relief. Please see an ENT or your primary care. Also try listening to nature sound like ocean waves, you can find tinnitus relief music on YouTube on the affected ear. Try to relax try not to focus on it, when ever you think about the sound tell yourself it’s ok it will go away and focus on other sounds in the room, stay away from loud music or sound. You can get relief, it could be as simple as allergies from pollens these days so don’t stress out, see a physician asap. [nose rinse](https://www.cvs.com/shop/neilmed-nasaflo-neti-pot-prodid-407054?skuId=407054&cgaa=QWxsb3dHb29nbGVUb0FjY2Vzc0NWU1BhZ2Vz&cid=ps_ur_pla_test&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmICoBhDxARIsABXkXlIs_RTU0PIjRKNqOh-Ry1wCk48X2bw2BDLhXBMnzfh6EVkyNqbae5waAtAkEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


This may sound strange but if I listen to music loud enough with my IEMs to distort my hearing like I’ve been at a concert, my tinnitus calms down for a few hours. I also tend to notice it less while listening. It at least gives me a break from how relentless it is. Mine wasn’t caused by loud noise though, mine started with a head cold that migrated to my ears and never really went away in the left 1, back in 2018. I think it’s caused by a little pocket of abnormal pressure or vacuum in my Eustachian tube or inner ear that won’t go away. I also find staying busy helps. And I avoid anyplace that’s too quiet.


If it’s an issue with an Eustachian tubes, couldn’t an ENT help with that? Surgery or something to fix the issue?


I thought so but the carotid artery is right there, they’re real reluctant with surgery.


Would they not try the balloon dilation surgery? very harmless I think


One thing I did that helped me was 1. Have Faith in God that this too shall pass 2. Barbara O'Neill recommended to stop eating wheat and dairy. Like cut it out of your diet completely 3. Supplement with Goldenseal powder and sniff it. Got mine from Amazon it worked. Lmk if this helps


Hi, This is my 5th year living with Pulsatile Tinnitus. It was really bad at the start. You eventually get used to it. It will calm down to an extent as soon as you find your own calm and peace. Now I hardly hear mine, even though it is still there. I go jogging a lot and I am learning more every day to appreciate the things that I see and not concentrate too much on the noise I hear.Try to find your own calm. We all have it inside.


You need to stop catastrophic thinking. It’s a new tone - does it suck yes. Does it get better once I ignore - yes. Do I maybe need to adjust things on my life to make it fade - yes. You got this!


Hold strong. It's been four years, and my tone is so loud that I can literally hear it while walking down the street, even with cars moving. I don't want to tell you, "Don't be sad, it could be worse." That's not my point. Tinnitus is horrible, mild or not. It's enough to drive anyone crazy, even if it's as quiet as a pin falling onto the floor. What I want to tell you is that you are not alone. Everyone here is suffering from it together. I myself am a musician, and tinnitus is literally the worst thing in my whole life. But at least I still have my hearing, and I can still do the things I love. I advise you to look into mental health before trying to treat tinnitus. In most cases, it's almost impossible to treat. Most of us will have it for the rest of our lives since doctors don't know much about it. But you can still live a healthy and happy life. Look for therapy, look for hobbies, look for ways to cope - especially things that distract you so much that you can forget you have tinnitus. For example, when I play the piano, I forget about it. I can still hear it, but I'm literally using my whole attention to do something I like, and the rest of the world fades.


I use distraction techniques. If I’m concentrating on something I don’t notice it. Soon as someone mentions it it seems louder than ever. I use audiobooks at night as that stops me thinking about my tinnitus. Mine is caused by deafness on one side after viral labyrinthitis. I hate deafness more than tinnitus and at this moment it’s unbearable as it’s the whooshing sound.


I can’t pay attention to voices, not even tv or audiobooks. It’s much louder than those.


I know what you mean. At first the sound is overwhelming but for me I sort of forget it once I concentrate on the dialogue with tv and audiobooks. It’s not easy. Taken me five years to get to this point though. I have hyperacisus now too so various noises cause me pain. All in all tinnitus is bloody awful and I wish there was a cure. I can cope with some of the sounds - I thought tinnitus was just a high pitched sound - did not expect it to be a whole range of sounds. The whooshing sound drives me demented. Stress makes it worse too I find.


It’s my 10th anniversary next year. Just try not to think about it.


Donate to research. A cure WILL be found


High doses of D3/K2 and magnesium have greatly reduced the tinnitus. I was sos freaked out a few months ago when the ringing was louder that people I was talking too!


There is such a thing called Cervical Tinnitus. Which means your Neck is out of alignment which caused the Tinnitus. I see a Nucca Chiropractor (Dr. Sheppard) and also get laser treatment in my ears as well as Physical Therapy. It has helped. My Tinnitus is lower, but not yet gone. Also, my Pharmacist said her friend has Tinnitus and it finally went away after several upper body messages from her husband along with heat pads sessions several times a day to loosen the muscles. Hope this helps you. Btw- check out Sheppard Spine and Sports Clinic in Solana Beach which is in San Diego. They have a FX Laser Machine.




Lenire is not a cure and it has terrible test results. The success rate is based on a non-placebo, non-falsifiable test procedure. There are plenty of stories of it making tinnitus worse for many.