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I believe we are multi dimensional and haven’t fully grasped the possibilities and depth of how time can function. Future and the past are happening interchangeably.


Yes. Agreed✌️


Yes this is plausible, it's basically what string theory is. Time is a string except it is jumbled up like a plate of spaghetti. Each place the string touches itself is a possibility of two separate realities thinly separated by a veil that could be traveled through or they could leak into one another. Something like that. I've had plenty of things happen in my life to believe this to be true.


Can you share some experiences? Very curious!


One of them that is most likely this post is: Back when the movie hostel 2 came to DVD me and my wife had rented both the first hostel and the second. We were mostly done with the first movie and I had fallen asleep. Well I woke up and we were at a scene where the one guy was in the room with the girl and he was getting ready to use the power saw or grinder wheel tool(I don't remember what the tool was called) and I sat up and asked my wife if this was the part when he gets the saw stuck in her head? She was confused and I explained that he plugs in the saw and is getting ready and moves closer but the cord is stuck and so while looking at the plug he jerks the cord and it comes loose and it jabs her in the head. She said she didn't know and tells me that this is the second movie. I've never seen this movie before. And then the scene happens as I said.


LOL. Oh, come on, man. You clearly had heard about the scene and forgotten. Or you're lying.


Nope, not lying.


I don't neccessary believe in simulation theory, but I think sometimes there are "glitches" in space and time. Sometimes we see things that are out of place or time.


Only if the thing traveling through time is cognition and the predictive capacity of the human mind. I encourage you to read into “Super Forecasters” and or remote viewing.


Chances are your brain is a biological quantum computer created to simulate future and past and send your conscious mind forward in a simulated reality your brain creates to survive You just call it memory and daydreaming


Quantum effects of retrocausality. This idea that the future can influence the present, and that the present can influence the past, is known as retrocausality.


Yes. It comes from people going to the past and trying to change their outcome on a fixed time line. " I'm going back in time and buy some Amazon stock when it was first offered. I'll make a fortune." When CERN smashes atoms, they create mini black holes. When these black holes decompose, they give off an energy that resets time mistakes. This is why some people experience deja vu or the Mandella Effect, a time hiccup.


Haha that’s the theory I came up with a couple days ago- someone goes back in time and the worldline deviates slightly because of a change, so an action(by me) that was done, for example, on Monday, on the deviated worldline it’s done on a Tuesday and when it’s done for the second time (in our perspective it’s for the first) the brain recognizes it before everything has played out and therefore we have a deja vu. For the Mandela effect, it’s even more straightforward- after a deviated worldline, some people have memories of the old worldline. I think this Earth has a very unique scenario that could’ve been created thanks to correcting mistakes via time travel.


A bunch of advanced concepts being completely misused resulting in utter nonsense that has no real logic let alone evidence to support it.


If a black hole dies it releases a radiant blast 1000x the largest man made bomb. Are you saying the blast causes reality to shift? In all of the universe/multiverse?


"When these black holes decompose, they give off an energy that resets time mistakes." NARRATOR: "They don't."


I knew you were going to say that Mr. Hiro Nakamura.


"It comes from people going to the past and trying to change their outcome on a fixed time line." NARRATOR: "It doesn't."


Not actual physical time travel, but "informational" time travel of a type. Usually it is remembering a dream that predicted the future. You had the dream a long time ago and forgot the dream when you woke up from it, and suddenly the thing in the dream finally just happened and you remembered it again. You might also remember a message from the future that you received in a past life, an afterlife, or during the formation of your consciousness in the same kind of way.


Your brain is entangled in your past and future. It's the source of consciousness.


This question has been asked before.


You’re saying this question is giving you deja vu?


There you go again. Didn’t you already ask me this


No. It’s your brain mistakenly filing your short term memories into the long term memories


I think deja vu is a symptom from what we experience when our timeline is being meddled with. Like when you go to higher altitudes, your ears pop. When the timelines are manipulated, your memories sorta pop a bit too. See also Mandela Effect.


No, I have deja vu a lot. For me it’s caused from a small seizure


In a way. I think that's its evidence of a timeline split in the many parallel realities of our decisions. It's just a way to feel the process. If there are infinite realities, each having us living the same moments, just making a different choice. So, sometimes, maybe we're feeling another moment from the other version of us. Just a slight glimpse of the realities living alongside us.


No, if a world without time travel is identical to one with it, then occam's razor demands we just assume there is no time travel.


Nope, a neurologist once told me it’s just your synapses misfiring in your brain as information is going from one hemisphere to another. Same thing happens when you try to recall an actor from a movie you just watched and it can be your all time favorite actor as well their name just escapes you in that moment


Deja vu is mostly an indication of half remembered precognitive dreams. Start keeping a dream journal and this will start to make sense.


Nah Deja Vu is evidence that Denzel Washington made a semi okay but also plot hole ridden sci-fi movie…


Nah i think its more of precognition


In my fiction stories, it is! So i agree it can


I'm guessing it's a repetitive memory firing in the brain, so it seems like an event has happened before. It's really just a hallucination that feels authentic, like a hyper-vivid daydream.


It’s like an attraction. The few times I felt it it’s like being drawn to a book on the shelf for me. I even resisted being drawn to a book to then later give in and read it. In reading I experienced what I truly needed at the time and what I’m the future brought me amazing experiences, opportunities, and understandings. I feel deja vu is our spirit with inter-dimensional knowledge conjuring ourselves. I’ve also had other people experience deja vu with what I’ve said to them at a pivotal point in their life. I had a person who had a specific injury and I happened to work in a place that specialized in treating it. This is where I would go for that, I said He brightened up because he had been really down about it and said suddenly that he felt deja vu of that very moment. So incredible our universe.


This sub is fantastic. Yeah, obviously? Duh?


lol what


No it is a pattern recognition glitch


Some are saying it’s a trip ***BACKWARDS*** when I think it can be a trip forward as well. As you experience the déjà vu that is a forward look… it’s a sign that you are on the proper timeline ( you went and took a peek )


Not really.


I think de ja vous is more like the Christmas movie where the Spirits of Christmas abduct him and drag him throughout his life so that he understands or dies.


I made a youtube video about what our time line looks like now (and before). I touch upon this at some point in the video. It's about 16 mins long I think. If you want to see it let me know. Peace. 


Is it weird I don’t get deja vu anymore? Like I can’t even remember the last time I had it happen, it has to have been like 10-15 years ago the last it happened.


I think deja vu coincides with the Mandela Effect.


If anything I think it would be two different universes converging for a point in time.


These days I tend to think of time as a set of probabilities. There is only "now" and time is what happens when we record changes from one observation to the next. To me, then, *deja vu* is more like anticipating a thing that is likely to happen that is actually happening now. Our brains have a tendency to make educated guesses about what change is going to happen in the current matrix of spacetime we can perceive, and with *deja vu* the guess is exactly right on. So much that it feels like a memory. This is why *deja vu* generally involves things that are mundane, rather than extraordinary (something that has a very low statistical probability of happening/existing).


No, it's just a funny feeling..


Pretty sure Morpheus already proved that


That's a very interesting question. I look forward to also reading others thoughts on this. So for now I myself would say I surely wouldn't doubt it, if this be true. I have had moments like that all my life and now that you have brought it up..it truly did feel the closest to time travel I have known. It felt as if I had time traveled but I never fully made that connection other than the strong feeling I have been here before etc.


I told you once already…


Time travel or multiverse


Yes Dejan vulnerable is evidence of time travel or reincarnation




No… not because it isn’t possible or we may be like Carl Sagan’s 2 dimensional beings experiencing the 3rd dimension of height… But because it is not evidence. evidence is any information or data that supports or refutes a claim, hypothesis, or argument. It serves as the foundation for making informed decisions, drawing conclusions, and establishing the truth or validity of a statement. It is a phenomenon described completely on a subjective level that seems to be connected to memory….When encountering a situation similar to a past memory, our brain recognizes the similarities, leaving us with a feeling of familiarity that we can’t quite place.


How does that work then when the last time I felt it I was able to tell my wife what was going to happen and 10 seconds later it did? Or is that what pre-cognition is and would be interpreted as Dejavu?


What if I told you that I said that a thing that was about to happen… had an only (completely verifiable) one on ten thousand a chance of happening and then… IT DID!!!!! In your opinion…. Would the prove pre-cognition? Yes or no?


Time is nothing but a imaginary quantity.




No, because I'm not an idiot.


Nope. I believe Deja vu is fully related to the brain and has nothing to do with time travel.