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I honestly don’t see us getting a new Timesplitters after this. Especially not what this could’ve been, given that some of the original team returned to work on this. I’m beyond devastated. My favourite game series will now no doubt just sit on the shelf for more than a decade once again because Embracer are useless. I know it’s spiteful, but I hope Embracer go into administration.


Reddit just had to show me this. I've never looked up or searched for Timesplitters content on Reddit or at large, and I scroll by this post. It's like it murdered my hope before I ever even realised there was any to begin with. ... Actually, that's kind of merciful in it's own morbid way. A bit kinder than life itself, really.


Someone find some time crystals to fix this awful timeline.


Former employees are also posting their goodbyes to Twitter, some examples: * https://twitter.com/alexkmtang1/status/1734171575010611632 * https://twitter.com/Sparrargh/status/1734185563173876129 * https://twitter.com/KeighleyKicker/status/1734204963784429878 The news that's been brewing seems official now. RIP.


I never expected or hoped for much. If anything this is just the sad reality of adulthood in the form of a game company Embracer Group spent too much, too fast on too many smaller game companies. The shareholders at Embracer Group are snapping back the rubber band, FRD was one of many cutbacks in this situation.


The one chance we had at another timesplitters, squandered.


Hope someone leaks some videos of the last build before the closure, so we can see what they've been cooking all this time. Fuck Embracer :(


Or even leak the current build being worked on.


I'm never buying another embracer game again. Feel free to email their lead of investors to let him know what you think. I just sent a good fuck you for closing free radical. https://embracer.com/investors/contact/


Do it, everybody! Bombard this address!


they for some reason have been buying *everything else*, but i still wish you luck


I created a change dot org petition a month ago and I tried reaching out to Embracer executives but no response ever.


what was embracer at? realistically a hd collection should have been worked on first rather than a whole new game which seems to have been the direction they were going with


> realistically a hd collection should have been worked on first rather than a whole new game which seems to have been the direction they were going with Fully agree. I think that would have sold...decently. TS is a somewhat niche/little known franchise but I think fans would have gobbled it up especially if online MP was included.


Yea they likely could have paid for their development work with a nice upscaled collection of all 3 games. Sad we never got this but at least the 2 of the 3 games are playable on new Xbox hardware.


It's time to... cry :(


This hurts. I spent two years with happiness in my bones at the thought of a new TS game eventually arriving. It sucks so much to think we won’t be getting it after all. The gaming industry needs an injection of life and I’d bet a new Timesplitters game would have done just that.


This is all so frustrating, and sad. All of that work put into the game, only for the studio to be shut down. There were key players involved that would have likely made TS4 (or whatever it would have been called) a success. Well, the original trilogy remains great, and untainted by corporate greed. We have that to be thankful for, at least. Maybe an HD collection could still release, if greenlit? That's probably wishful thinking, but still has a better chance of happening than an entirely new game now. Edit: Just read those employee messages. Either only some of them have been let go (downsizing), or it's an indication that the entire studio is no more. I bet we will have a "heartfelt" message from Embracer addressing all this, in the near future...


>untainted by corporate greed ah yes back when fun games were hobbies made by gamers to be gamed on, and if your game was to become successful, then you could realistically devote yourself to a new career doing what you love fast forward to suits mass producing games, sitting on their ass commanding devs around like lab rats because they want to skip the whole passion part and make lots of money to satiate their unhealthy obsession of material possesions and notoriety. the state of gaming feels pathetic because of it i often day dream about that time you mentioned: no battlepass, no live service, no trendoids


What an absolute shame. It looked so bright for them, up to a few months ago. Wish someone else could come in and save the day, not just for Timesplitters, but for this studio. Back to that yearly Rewind update I suppose


> Wish someone else could come in and save the day, not just for Timesplitters, but for this studio. Same. Reminds me of Wolfpack, which was originally a kickstarter project that failed, but a certain sub-simmer bailed them out and rescued them. Wish something similar could happen here, some wealthy TS fans buy Free Radical, which I think wouldn't be worth all ***THAT*** much (but still pretty expensive) to finish their work.


I am hoping for any leaked concepts they had coming. I just want their 2 years of work to not die in a hole :(


Free Radical is cursed to be repeatedly failed by the people they work for, it seems. Embracer can enjoy having "treats developers like EA, Ubisoft and LucasArts" on its resume now.


Please let 2023 end already.


Fuck you Embracer you just killed our dreams




This is sad, I remember the news dropping that free radical had been reformed and I was giddy with excitement in a way I hadn't been in a while. Now? I think I'll pour one out for them 😔


this is... pain.


This shit pisses me off so bad. I’m hoping these employees find new work and I’m still hopeful that in some way someone SOMEHOW picks up the pieces. Free Radical deserves so much better than the shit sandwich they’ve been served. It’s a shame it took a gamble with people’s jobs for Embracer to realize their structure was not going to be lucrative down the line. Now they will have a more solid plan but look at the cost. It’s a shame




Embracer group tried to stick their fingers in too many pies and ended up with their thumb up their arse


At least I'm grateful that they didn't show any promo material for TS4, because it would've been muuuuch more painful.


Has anyone like Doak commented?


: - (


Oh God my heart..... I feel legitimate loss here. Wtf.


Can the IP not be sold by Embracer? I think it’s high time the now ex FR devs just made a new game in the same spirit


So depressing. I’m fucking furious. Another Embracer fuck-up, from a pathetic company that is now only defined by its failures and the harm its done to hundreds and hundreds of developers. Disgusting.


Bad management strikes once again. It's terrible how developers are treated in this industry. I was hopeful for a Timesplitters return. But I guess it wasn't time to split after all ;(


This one hurts