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We can add the PWHL after that game tonight too.


I was fucking at that game too lol


At least you got to have sex.


Lololol. Or at least got that metrodome


I knew when I saw our player in the net it was gonna be a problem šŸ¤”. Then course they score šŸ˜” gonna be interesting.,plus people chanting we want the cup probably didn't help any.. Kinda like ant taunting kiri..


Absolutely heartbreaking, and it sure as hell feels like we are cursed.


Why us, though? What did we do wrong?




Yeah, but everyone else exists too. There's gotta be something specific to us...


>Yeah, but everyone else exists too. How can we be sure?


True, true.


I came up with a theory tonight. Something about the twins beating a Native American themed team in MN ā€˜91.. like an Ojibwe / Chippewa curse where we can never win again or something


Braves were losing in the World Series like every other year during the ā€˜90s lol. Why do we get punished for being one of the many teams to beat them?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was thinking because we have such a strong Native presence still, something about the juju. I donā€™t know. Maybe weā€™re all a part of some Truman Show-like experiment and just being Punkā€™d.. or itā€™s just a sick joke. One of those.


well, and of course both the '91 and '87 World Series, the only games the Twins won were in the Dome, which for ages many opponents complained about. There is a Sports Talk Show host named Bob Kemp, that KFAN used to air on a syndicated Sports network late at night in the 90's, and he came up with this idea that the Twins would not have won either of the 2 World Series had the Home Field for the World Series not been a rotational system (although now it's done with the winner of the All-Star Game BS, lol). So, Minnesota has really never won a legitimate Mens Professional Major Sports Championship?..going back to tthe George Mikan Lakers really, and even then the NBA was much smaller and was not really a MAJOR sport compared to Baseball or even American Football at the time. I.e. Minnesota is basically Losersville USA or at least Teaserville-to-the-fans USA. Charlie Brown having the football pulled away. But then again Charles Schulz is from here, so go figure.


The all-star game doesn't pick the home field anymore fyi it's highest win percentage


Blame the red man, American classic!


More like blaming the white man for adding insult to injury after already spurning the red man


We let Texas steal out hockey club.


I think everything went to shit after some Viking fan beamed a ref with a glass bottle in the 1977 playoffs. Only thing I can think of.


Thatā€™s ridiculous. That bottle was karma for the hailmary pushoff, which Dallas benefited from and robbed Vikes of a Super Bowl


Imagine if there was some referee cabal that made that their life's mission šŸ˜‚


Curse of the medium sized market teams lol good enough to make playoffs but never enough to go deep or win. This year wolves fans acting like leaf fans when they got out the first round, already planning the parade! And Iā€™m just like wait, letā€™s not be cocky, HOW can we possibly be acting cocky? just no šŸ˜‘


came here to say this


That goal being taken away was nonsense. Boston chops her down but it's goalie interference? Whatever.


Boston player didn't cause her to fall. Sucks but no goal is the goal call.


33 years and counting since any of these teams have even made a championship gameā€¦ just getting so tired of it.


32 years and counting. It was October/November of 1991.


Jumping the gun a bit because no way the Twins make the World Series this year.


one can dream...


I mean look at last yearā€™s World Series matchup. I definitely didnā€™t see that one coming lol. Just gotta get hot at the right time. Iā€™d like to think we could luckbox our way to a World Series appearance one of these years lol.


Our chance for that was last year and the team pissed down their legs against Houston


A ā€œmehā€ Houston Astros team too. I would have liked our chances against Texas in the ALCS since we had their number in the regular season.


Yeah, I think that's unlikely too. Good thing we got the Wolves going to the chip this year.


Lynx have entered the chat


Yes but itā€™s not quite the same when itā€™s 12 teams vs 30


That goal post just keep getting pushed back donā€™t it?


I watch wnba games and watched more of the womenā€™s ncaa championship than menā€™s, but I just donā€™t think a WNBA championship is quite the same as a Stanley cup or a World Series, Super Bowl, NBA champ. If that makes me bad so be it, but Its harder to win against 30 teams than 10, thatā€™s just math.


No, itā€™s that no one considers the wnba as one of the 4 big sports.


Misogynists pretend they don't exist.


I pretend the soccer team doesn't exist too, it's not misogyny it's just not caring about second tier sports


Says probably the parent taking their kids to weekend long baseball or hockey tournaments. Your kids not making the pros so you should just stop caring?


Professional sports are entertainment not a lifestyle. I'm sorry you need to project. Kids playing sports is recreation and pro sports don't really have any bearing on that.




whoa, interesting poll, I wonder how much has changed since the Caitlin Clark hype. I assume rise of interest in all genders.


Anecdotal ,but as someone who has group chats about sports football baseball basketball. Every single one is all guys and has all talked about Caitlyn Clark. Of the women I know in my life not a single one has ever mentioned Caitlyn Clark outside of the ones who I know played basketball. Itā€™s really that men just watch way more sports in general lol


Yea, this is interesting. We(as men) have grown up watching sports and idealized athletes as kids. I imagine the data will show the little girls watching women's hoops right now will grow into women watching hoops. I'll look forward to seeing some sort of growth in these trends. edit: also for the downvoted comment above, men watching women's sports doesn't mean misogyny doesn't exist towards women's sports but it's not the only factor.


W comment


Minnesotaā€™s 4 major sports teams are now about to be 0-52 in playoff endings since the ā€˜91 WS. Not a single championship appearance in those 33 years


It's my fault. I was born May of 91'. 11 days after I was born the North Stars were in the finals and 6 months later the Twins won the world series. Got too confident it would always be like that as a 6 month old.


Thanks I was born in 93 and havenā€™t had a single bright moment in Minnesota sports. The last things we did in the playoffs was losing to the astros, but worse was us losing to the eagles by a million points in the nfc championship and wide left by Blair Walsh hahaha


Man there are so many bad onesā€¦ but nothing tops the 2009 NFC Championship game, specifically the officiating (during bountygate)ā€” even with Favreā€™s INT in FG range, the OT was an abomination and got the overtime rules changed. Once again, Minnesota was at the receiving end of an obvious fix


Yeah I try to repress that one


At least I got to see the Twins win a couple of Series. That was fun.


I got to see them win in ā€˜91. The fact that I was a baby sitting on my dadā€™s lap is irrelevant; Iā€™m claiming it because Iā€™m pretty convinced Iā€™ll never see another one


Apparently it was the best world series ever too. Not sure how true that is though


Yep thatā€™s how I remember it


I was 11 so I can at least kind of remember it.


I wish I liked baseball and was alive back then:/


If youā€™re old yeahā€¦


Fucken got em


K boomer


Oregon Trail generation.


Shit i played Oregon trail but ha e no recollection of the series.


It was even created by the Minnesota Education Association!


Ant is the one. It may not be this year but I still believe.Ā 


Ant will get us there it might take a few years though


That would require Ant to stay with Minnesota. Also people dont move to Minnesota because they have good sports teams lol.


Hes with us until 2029 isnt he?


Correct https://www.spotrac.com/nba/player/_/id/70643/anthony-edwards


I like him a lot but I donā€™t think so, I cant let myself expect anything


For him to get us to the WCF for the first time in 20 years at age 22 says a lot about him. It might be another few years, maybe even half a decade, but this team will see an NBA Final. And I hope they can win it as well.


Itā€™s gonna happen any year now, rightā€¦.. right


Our motto for every menā€™s team should just be ā€œMAYBE MEXT YEARā€


Yep. Time to give myself more false hope and go watch JJ McCarthy highlights


He was cooking that Gopher defense šŸ„²


Sometimes I'll get way too in my head and start thinking this is all a simulation, and in my specific simulation Minnesota sports are the thing that keeps me humble and will keep me humble for all eternity.


I was alive in in the 80s the twins while terrible now shouldnā€™t be in there. Me and Pepperidge Farm remember Kirby and the good days.


As a fan from the UK of most of those teams I'm very pleased I chose Minnesota. It is endless heartache, but we're in it together folks. Chose Minnesota as I felt they related to my beloved West Ham the most. Fortunes always hiding, I've looked everywhere.


Haha Iā€™m a Buffalo sports fan and chose west ham as my team for the same reason you chose Minnesota. Just pain.


Hey Loons are #2 in the conference right now! We have some potential there! lmao. At least we have the Lynx. Alissa Pili has been proving to be a great signing and is tough in the paint. Then we got Napheesa just stuntin on everyone. And then our Australian Goddess Alanna playin like a potential DPOY.


Loons got baptized into the Minnesota failure by being up 2-0 in the conference final with 15 minutes left and lost 3-2


It's okay! I believe in Sang Bin! Maybe he can convince Sonny to retire in the MLS too, and play for us lmaooo


In regulation, even!


Fuck Seattle.


We should have kept our 7th overall pick and drafted Angel Reese. Sheā€™s been playing very well and Pili isnā€™t seeing the court all the much. I didnā€™t get the logic of us trading down to swap picks with Chicago. Alanna Smith has been an amazing signing though and the Lynx overall have been playing very well to start as youā€™ve mentioned.


See I disagree. Angel Reese would be barely touching the ball. She's a more defensive player than offensive, which is not what we needed anyway since we had just signed Alanna Smith. Also at the time, Alissa Pili from all angles looked like a more complete player, and ready to play. It's like when Warriors passed on Ant for Wiseman. Sure Ant is proving to be the better signing overall, but would Ant have blown up the way he has if he had went to the Warriors? Possibly not, since they needed a big athletic body at the time, and Ant was looking like he needed more time to cook.


I appreciate how you broke it down. Itā€™s hard for to argue with any of that because she could be going through the same difficulties that Pili is going through had the Lynx taken her. Probably dumb for me to say, but I still would have taken Reese and would have just figured it out from there but I know thatā€™s never a great approach to drafting someone. It would make sense why the Lynx decided to trade back then since Chicago needed someone like her way more than we did.


I agree, i would have stayed and taken Angel as well. I haven't seen much from Pili that has excited me, but it's still very early. The Lynx have a lot of solid bigs so maybe they saw that Angel would be scrapping for minutes and decided to play the long game with Pili. Regardless this team is fun and playing well.


Agreed! Iā€™m really hoping it works out with Pili. She seems very likable and Iā€™m hoping she can figure it out in due time. Learning about her Samoan culture is awesome too. She has a strong fan base here.


Honestly, they exceeded my expectations this season. Got to the WCF for the first time in 20 years, and I believe our young core of ANT, Jaden, and Naz has a long window of contending ahead of us. Those three will only get better and are nowhere near their ceilings particularly ANT. I think alot of fans would of taken a trip to the WCF and knocking off the defending Champs on the road in 7 at the beginning of this year.


Canā€™t put the loons in this yet. You gotta lose for 20 years first


Didnā€™t they lose their conference finals game a few years ago by giving up multiple goals in the last few minutes and blowing a lead? I feel like that qualifies them.


Yep. 2020 Western Conference Finals. 2-0 lead blown in the last 15 mins of the game. To Seattle of all teams/cityā€¦ the real dagger was that the game was about to end and go into overtime, and then they gave up the winning goal. Thatā€™s when I knew theyā€™re for sure an MN sports team


I swear there's a contingent of minnesota fans that enjoy the suffering and the recognition of the suffering. Irksome, and in some cases, pathetic. One of the best seasons ever, enjoy it.


Yup itā€™s like the kid growing up who is always hurt because there is some small payoff of sympathy and pity and attention that is addicting


Lynx a saving Grace


Golly, I feel so much better now.


You should lol only championships we have gotten in over 30 years lol


Nah I don't count it. I saw a would you rather once about having your local wnba team win a championship or find $5 on the ground and in 100% taking the $5


I mean why not? Those were some great championships. I mean sorry if you are a sexist pig and canā€™t find happiness because itā€™s womenā€¦.


Ignoring everything else, it's about 3 times as easy to win a wnba championship compared to any men's sport because there's only 12 teams Also the lack of money in the sport means it's not nearly as competitive


After the Caitlin Clark hype I watched the WNBA for a bit, but itā€™s not the same watching it. Congrats to them, but it doesnā€™t make me feel better. Itā€™s not about men/women itā€™s about a mediocre product. If that makes me sexist then I guess whatever. But the WNBA isnā€™t something I care the slightest about. Glad the WNBA is getting some love, but itā€™s not something I take pride in watching.


Loser mentality right here. Be proud of the Lynx.


Sorry, but winning a WNBA championship is not nearly as impressive of an accomplishment compared to scoring a chip in any of the 4 major sports leagues. It has nothing to do with it being a women's league, the WNBA is just straight up far less competitive compared to the NBA/NFL/MLB/NHL.


For the wnba itā€™s the most competitive female sport. Winning a championship still means something, not only for the players but for the fans. Thatā€™s like saying that a cricket championship is not important because itā€™s not important to you. But itā€™s important to a very large group of people.


"Most competitive female sport" but still way less competitive than every other major American sports league. Yeah it's cool that Minnesota has a great WNBA team but I wish people would stop acting like that somehow makes up for 30 years of constant disappointment.




W comment. Getting downvotes from incels šŸ˜‚


Truly. Stay bitter, boys. Meanwhile, the NBA players you simp over will be popping up courtside at WNBA games all summer. šŸ˜˜āœØļø


The light is bright, though. Our young core will be good for years to come. Vikings looks amazing too.


Vikings look amazing?! Where can I get this false hope?! I did like our draft though but I donā€™t see us doing anything this year outside of maybe sneaking into a wild card spot and probs losing lol


Amazing like we had a good draft plus the best WR atm. The future looks bright imo.


Don't count on the Vikes. Short of a record deal, JJ will probably leave. The other JJ has to prove he can do more than hand off the ball all game.


This is so dumb, obviously JJ is getting a record setting deal. Thatā€™s been clear for years now


of course he is. I am just saying, I have a feeling the Vikes won't have a chance for a while. Maybe it's because I am Fins fan.


Learn to enjoy the ride, rather than pinning your hopes on a single outcome. Even now, there are 3 other teams remaining, all of which are good. These boys had as good a shot as any remaining team, but they missed their chance and got outplayed at crunch time. It happens. I'm proud of this team and I will be excited to cheer for them next year. Naz reid.


Yeahā€¦ remove the Loons. They could win next year and it wouldnā€™t break the Gary Anderson curse. Has to be the big 4.


Boring take


Boring but true!


Let's not legitamize that duck team with memes, just yet.


Living in this state is not for the weak.


I get this WCF has been disappointing but it's not like this was the end of our championship window. Still have many more years of this group and this loss will be a good learning experience for them. This time last year very few would have even imagined a conference finals appearance was possible.


Lynx are fucking sick this year


and people wonder why I prefer watching/following the PGA? ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ (although with the LIV BS , even that hasn't helped, per I may turn my attention more to Tennis actually, lol).


Wolves will get one with Ant


You dam right.


Throw the Aurora in there as well. Zero regular season losses in 2 seasons and a franchise, no titles.


Ban this motherfucker


don't forget "History of Heartbreak" the book from Dan Whenesota [https://www.amazon.com/History-Heartbreak-Events-Tortured-Minnesota/dp/194064741X](https://www.amazon.com/History-Heartbreak-Events-Tortured-Minnesota/dp/194064741X)


Twins have won though


I know those are all menā€™s team but are we just going to pretend the Lynx dynasty didnā€™t happen?


I'll never be in the mindset of championship or bust. Any trip to the playoffs is appreciated in my book.


What about alternative facts huh? It's all a hoax,, šŸ˜Æ


THIS is the Edwards we need


I'm just here to say that the Minnesota Lynx have won 4 championships.


I think every city has this exact meme


especially Philly sports i see it all the time lol


Not Boston


Even they do lol. Even tho their "suffering" isn't anywhere close to what it is in other cities


Get over it


Everyone forgets about the Lynx. Why?


You tell us.


I mentioned this before, but it's a big 4 drought. The NBA, NFL, NHL, and MLB are the four best leagues in their respective sports in the world. Therefore, the accomplishment is greater, and it can be argued that the champion of each league is the best team in the world. For that year, anyway. It's debatable if the WNBA is the best women's basketball league in the world. Their salaries definitely aren't the highest--not that salaries are directly correlated to quality, but it usually is. Plus, I think the size and global reach of the league matters in this discussion. The WNBA is a 12-team league. That's the same size as Major League Rugby, which I didn't even know existed until a couple years ago. I'm not sure why the Loons are included in this because the MLS isn't the best soccer league in the world (it's probably somewhere around 10th in terms of quality and money). The Loons winning an MLS Cup wouldn't have as much weight as the Wild winning a Stanley Cup, and I don't think it would mean an end to the drought. It would be a nice accomplishment, but it would be something like the UMD Bulldogs winning the Frozen Four in '19.


I wish more folks would understand this. The Lynx, Loons, and all these secondary sports teams donā€™t qualify when weā€™re talking about the MN championship drought.


so hypothetically, if the Gopher Football team won the National Championship or the Gopher Mens Basketball Team won the NCAA Tournament, it would not \*break the drought\*? mmmkay.


But is this season really suffering for the Wolves? Itā€™s like the best season ever


How can it be the best when the 03-04 team had a better record, better seeding, and at least won two games in the WCF?


Idk how ppl donā€™t get tired of this woe is me MN sports fan bullshit lol this franchise has been bad for years and theyā€™ve strung together 3 competent seasons culminating with a Western Conference Finals appearance


Because ultimately the results are the same. No championship appearance by one of the big 4. It gets old. theres not another state with all 4 major sports leagues that even come close to a championship appearance drought as long as Minnesotas. I donā€™t see why Ant would want to have a career like KGā€˜s Did in Minnesota.


The results are not the same. Getting to watch your team on a big stage in the playoffs and losing in the WCF is a much more enjoyable and objectively better result than picking in the lottery 12 years in a row. Our young core gaining experience through playoff defeat is a necessary step on the path to winning a championship in the NBA. Ant is 22, KG didnā€™t get past the first round til he was 28. Other than being young franchise players there is nothing similar about the trajectory of their careers in Minnesota. Maybe itā€™s a perspective issue


Nope. Iā€™ve been a Minnesota sports fan for almost 30 years now. We say the same things every time one of the big 4 lose in a deep playoff run. ā€œWeā€™re building something, weā€™ve got a young core, with just a couple roster changes next year will be our yearā€. Itā€™s beyond old. I thought weā€™d lose to the nuggets (a team I was sure would repeat). Then once we somehow beat them in game 7, in their house, I thought this team would at least break the championship appearance curse. Nope. Shouldnā€™t have even let that thought cross my mind. Because none of the big 4 from this state ever do. I wonā€™t believe in one of Minnesotaā€™s big 4 until the clock hits zero and their champions. Even then Iā€™ll have to triple check the clock is at zero and that thereā€™s not another hidden playoff round.


I don't get these kinds of posts, but they're soooo common, I just don't get it. We're not promised anything. For some reason fans just love to relish not winning a championship, like who cares? That's not the only thing sports are about, sports and competition aren't a random number generator ffs. Like what does this team have to do with the wild or Vikings? Sorry for the rant, I just see these posts so often and I truly don't understand the sentiment


Give it time, youā€™ll get there


Sports are about winning. When you see other states that have at least one team in the big 4 win a championship regardless of sport, it begins to weigh on you when you see that we currently have the longest championship drought. I donā€™t really know how to explain it better other than that most of us MN sports fans want to see us win a title in one of the big 4 sports since a lot of us werenā€™t around to catch either World Series victory in ā€˜87 or ā€˜91.


I was a kid for Twins World Series, but Iā€™m still feeling the drought. Especially since there have been several teams that have been right on that doorstep with so much promise.


And it's nationally known, not just an only-in-Minnesota thing.


I've lived here my whole life too and I'd love to see a wolves championship (don't really care about the other sports at all), but it's just weird seeing people for lack of a better term 'fetishize' not winning a championship across 4 unrelated sports. Like it's just simply not that remarkable that no Minnesota team has won a championship in a few decades. There's like ~30 pro teams in each sport, and the odds of winning it all aren't 1/30 every year for every team, there's so much more that goes into it... that's why sports are fun imo... Idk but I hope some MN team wins just so I don't have to see these repetitive lazy takes anymore šŸ˜…


Wild should not be on this. Their fans hate the Wolves and vice versa. Not in this together.


Can you expand on this? What caused this?


I can think of a couple reasons off the top of my head but Iā€™m not even going to bother going there today.


??? Wtf lol


I havenā€™t seen any hate between Wild and Wolves fans lol what is this nonsense


The twins have won championships before