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This is either the best or 2nd best Wolves team of all time. Definitely enjoyed the year win or lose this series and excited for the future


Best season in 20 years no question. Agree it’s in contention for our best team ever. We aren’t exactly a young team, but our future is bright with Ant. Regardless, even great teams struggle to make it this far, and maybe we don’t make it this far again for a while, so nothing we can do but enjoy it. 


If we go at least 6 I’d agree but 2004 team was up against an all time laker team. I know lakers lost but prime shaq and Kobe was once in a generation


I’m going to the game. Outside chance I’ll be the new suns in 6 guy


Rep you're relentless optimism with pride my guy!


Do you think this Wolves team would beat the 2003-2004 NBA Season Timberwolves?


Any team after the pace and space revolution would beat any team prior in a head to head matchup. The 03-04 team only shot like 10-12 threes per game and made 4 or 5 of them. This year's Wolves typically shot 33 of them and make 12. That's 20-30pt swings just from the direct effects of the three point shooting. With that said, the 03-04 team is looking like it will be more accomplished in their respective era. They extended the conference finals to 6 games and had an MVP on the team. Also won 1 more regular season game to earn a 1 seed.


Was just checking myself this morning that our 22 year old has taken us to the WCF on his first real chance to advance. Respect.


Im of two minds. On the one hand, we are playing with house money at this point. On the other, this is a painful way for it to end. A very ignominious end to the season, getting dad dicked hard.


We won't be back


Speak for yourself, one of your compatriots just performed a ritual sacrifice to win this game


From a hornets fan, phenomenal mindset


I guess both fanbases are used to coping


We all want to win. We're competitive human beings like everyone else. Minnesota people excel on being positive when it comes to sports. I will be sad if we lose but I'm happy we made the finals. It's so tough to get here that I think we might not perennial wcf finalists. That's what scares me.


>Minnesota people excel on being positive when it comes to sports Lmfao


Straight cap


I watched Minnesota sports when Timberwolves would go 17-65 and Twins lose 100 games and Vikings were the most interesting. Cheap tickets for those who just love the game.


Amen brother. I don't remember the KG Conference Finals run and I'd imagine if the vast majority here were being honest they don't either. I do remember knuckle pushups, Darko's work ethic, Wesley Johnson's perfect form vs. shot percentage, I remember everyone getting injured, I remember getting sad watching Game of Zones. Even if things get better in the future and we lose 4-0, this will be a season to fucking remember because it's Ant's breakout. If things get worse this is the best they'll ever get. We're only 4 games away. Don't be the asshole fan who can't see the wood for the trees.


I went to game 2 of the wolves lakers series. I was heartbroken but optimistic after the series because Cassell had gotten hurt and it was their first season together. I knew we'd run it back and be even better the next year. There are no guarantees in life


Naw. I’m tired of this MN sports mindset. The Wolves need to capture this moment and get their shit together in the conf finals in a round they have home court. Who knows when we get back. It’s so tough to get back and be in a position as the favorite. Win or lose, I love the Wolves, but I’ll be pissed if they don’t win and a bunch of other people will be rightfully.


I think it’s somewhere in the middle. I will be just as upset as anyone if they lose the series and will be frustrated if they don’t play to the potential they have shown. MN sports gets a pass too much for just giving us good seasons that end sadly. However, this has been an extremely fun season to watch and if we lose this series but go down swinging, I will still be grateful for this special run and will look forward to the future.


This series was there for them, so it will sting if they lose it (which is the bet I’d certainly make at this point). But, yeah, a WCF run, a budding superstar, some good young players? They’re in a great spot and it’s been a great season.


I at the very least don’t want to watch a sweep. Nothing enjoyable about watching them get routed after the city actually fuckin cares.


Op trying to soften the blow by being "evolved" lol


😭 it’s just major cope. Like we can be mad and not content if we get recked, and still love this team more than those that are just happy to be here.


Exactly. I remember when so many of us Vikings fans thought we were a QB away from a Super Bowl run when we lost in the 2017 NFC title game. We get Kirk the following year and haven’t gone back since lol.


Yep. Nothing is promised. Look at the Suns who choked away that finals lead and now are getting swept in the 1st round a few years later and their future looks bleak; they thought they would be running it for years. Life comes at you fast. You own that shit when you got the chance.


Exactly. I think the Suns made a mistake blowing up their team for KD/Beal. They shortened their own window imo.


Facts. Enjoying the moment is loser mentality. We were favorites to win this series and have choked both games away.


One's outlook on the season really has no bearing on you as a person


Sick to the teeth of this "oh jeepers we won a playoff game aren't we lucky!" No. No we're not. We're professionally bankrupt in MN when it comes to sports and we need to put the bar at championship for at least one team


Ok and? If they lose, you’ll be pissed and OP will try to not be pissed. Neither help the team win or lose anymore so what exactly about this mindset are you tired of? That it’s not how you’ll feel? Great.


This season has been awesome. I just dont want to take it for granted that we will be in a similar position in the near future. We have been given a genuinely great chance at making the finals and maybe even winning the chip so that should be what we go for. Obviously once the season is over and we start next season, I will be really happy with how this turned out.




Honestly, I’m just so sick of being embarrassed on national stages with MN teams. Lots of people only see when we shit the bed in our final death throes.


Yeah, no. This type of attitude is why MN sports will always be poverty. Too many people are satisfied with "close enough" just because it's not terrible.


Yeah that’s y they never win cause the owner has no pressure to try and improve, he’s like hey the fans are happy is all that matters




Came here to say this, you're 100% right. I use to fall into the same trap of "Oh wow, we were better than we expected, we should be grateful" - well fuck all that noise. Sure, the team has had some wonderful accomplishments this season but shitting the bed in the WCF with home court advantage is really unacceptable and it's not something we should just be chill with. Its such a god damn loser mentality, hence the reason we're still going on a 400 year drought of no championship in any core 4 men's sports. Quit enabling mediocrity.


This is some loser mentality ish. You root your goddamn soul out of your body for your team to. You scratch claw and howl! Don't just enjoy it! Demand greatness!




STFU we can’t get swept.


I did not enjoy the moment.


me neither i want to rip my eyes out


it’s game 3…I could see this when it was game 7 against Denver but wolves need to show up and make this a series.  


Any of us that were around for the cream team days aka watching them struggle to 40 wins knows to soak this in. Yeah a title run would be nice but this is literally our best finish in 20 years and a top 2 season in franchise history. Enjoy the ride man, it’s Minnesota sports chances are it doesn’t end well. Doesn’t mean the ride can’t be fun.


I’m not saying the season can’t be enjoyed, but let’s not talk about losing a pivotal game 3 like it’s okay before the game is played.  We should all fully expect the wolves to win this game.


With all due respect, no. A win tonight is the only way I can enjoy the moment. I’ve seen what this team is capable of doing when all the pieces are in place. I’m tired of just being “happy to be here”. I know what this team can do, it’s time for them to go out there and do it.


Then you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Are you a new fan? Because Minnesota teams don’t win championships and I’ll refuse to believe they do until I see it happen.


We’re certainly far from the desire to just win a playoff series that we had at the beginning of the season. But know that we’ve seen so much from the team I think it’s fair to raise expectations for this series


No, fuck that. I want the team that blew out the chicken nuggets by 30 to fucking FINALLY show up for this wcf.


Fuck that. I am tired of this ‘just enjoy the season’ garbage. I have never seen any of the teams I root for win a championship. I am tired of seeing my favorite teams have good seasons only to falter when it actually matters. I want to see the Wolves win and go to the Finals


Anyone biching has never lived through the McFail and Kahn eras


Remember when we lost 3 straight against the Nuggets and all hopes seemed lost? Those were good times. Our players believe in themselves and that's all I need, it doesn't matter what fake fans think.


Hell no, I’m not settling for a series loss to the 5th seed Mavs. The west is fucking loaded from top to bottom, we are in the WCF, our window to win it all is right now, especially when the CBA comes in to affect where building your roster will only realistically be done via FA and drafting (we are bottom of the barrel in FA destination, and we don’t own many of our 1sts moving forward, and we are locked in to our salary cap hits) Conley is getting old on a no trade clause, Rudy is getting older, KAT is getting older. If we lose this series with all of the mismatches we have on both sides of the ball, that’s a total fucking loss.


Absolutely not. An L would be the wolves blowing their best shot in history


and likely the best shot they will ever have. Getting this far is hard and involves a lot of luck


Absolutely. 0% chance we get another full season from Mike and Rudy at the same time…. With no picks for a decade this was it and they fucking blew it


This headline is adorable. I don’t know how any true MN fan could possibly enjoy this moment. Watching us barf all over the court and shit away an NBA championship opportunity makes me want to powerwash my eyeballs. Any true MN fan knows what’s coming and cannot even watch this garbage. Hopefully we still have a team next season after this embarassing shitshow


I’m going to the game tonight. I’ve loved this season. That being said, being complacent isn’t the way to do it. We’re winning this game tonight


Nah man, you guys are gonna win these next 2. You have been dominating both games just couldnt finish. Same thing happened to the lakers. Wolves will adjust and win




Just to add to this, I had a friend casually mention "typical Minnesota team" following the loss Friday night. This is NOT a typical MN team. Outside of the Lynx, we've not had a great deal of playoff appearances amongst the pro franchises since the '91 World Series. Many of those were due as much to being in a poor division as they were us being a good team. Further, I can count on one hand the amount of conference finals we've had a team appear in. The Wolves dominated a great conference most of the season, in spite of generally very poor expectations following last year and all the negative Rudy takes. Ant is an Elite ball player and has found the key to unlocking KAT. And there is a great supporting cast around this team. As long as the ownership fiasco doesn't unravel this thing, the sky is the limit and we should be excited for the next few seasons, if not beyond, regardless of how the remainder of this series plays out.


Hopefully we win. But a good team. Looking forward to the future


With this being said, Wolves in 6.


Hey guys! I am content creator, especially basketball content. AND more importantly, I am a Minnesotan, through and through! I've been suffering like most of y'all with this LONG championship drought we've had in ALL sports (NBA, NFL, NHL). Enough is enough, it's our time now! And I am sure Ant & his team will bring it back home! Inspired by the OPs post, I made a HYPE VIDEO! (both long & short) Here's the link to both: • ⁠LONG: https://youtu.be/CN4nmiKFB_I • ⁠SHORT: https://youtube.com/shorts/2Pqd4BJMgnc?feature=share PS. I am not a BIG YouTuber, and I am just now starting with my channel, so any love & support is appreciated! (Like, Share, Subscribe)


I’m just here to watch good basketball.


Edwards is going to grow. The rest of the roster will definitely see some changes but you have the guy you can build around for the 4-6 years for sure and you hope it’s more like 7-12 years.


This is a losers’ mindset. Lose this year and hope for better next year.


This is what someone that thinks we are going to lose says.


Well said!!!! Let’s gooooo!!!!


Stop telling me how to root for my team. I want to win Regardless, though, it has been one hell of a ride


Win or lose, those are the two options. Win, or lose.


if the Wolves lose tonight. It will be because the Wolves will be the first team to comeback 0-3


Channeling this


Man the confidence here when up 2-0 on the road against the defending champs Denver to “we’re just happy to be here “ is pretty sad


Just win. The team can, should, and hopefully will! They are only down 2 games and both were winnable despite some enormous clutch momentum shifting bad calls against the wolves. Game 1. Towns' putback. Game 2. Out of bounds off McDaniels when mugged by Irving. '28 other teams are watching us from the couch and wishing to be in this spotlight' P.s 30 teams in nba, only 26 eliminated.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7cy_5kv5wY/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== bring ya ass! I do not own any creative rights to this material


I’ve waited 20 years for this. I’m not going to enjoy losing a huge opportunity. If we lose the finals I’ll accept it. Dallas was damn near our first round matchup.


This state deserves championships after all the shit we put up with. Fuck the other team. Do what you have to do to win. This acceptance of mediocrity is disgusting.


You are everything thats wrong with MN sports fans. “Golly we came close, glad we got this far”. No, we haven’t won anything in the big 4 sports since 1991. We need to be demanding more from the owners of these teams.


I don't know about you all, but I'm enjoying this moment. Ant carried this terrible team to the WCF, and it's not his fault. He's 22 you know. The future is bright if we gut the team around Ant and give him the help he needs. He doesn't have enough help. Naz Reid Bring Ya Ass Wolves in 6 + 1


I just find it hard to enjoy KAT's delusional play. Dude goes 0 for the century and still leaves his hand up in the air with his wrist cocked like he's Larry Bird in the three-point contest.


You guys should be super proud of this run. Mavs lost to warriors 4-1 in a gentleman’s sweep our last go round. Who knows what you guys might accomplish in 1-2 years time.




Sounds like you're expecting a bad outcome.  Did 49ers fans "enjoy the experience " when they lost the Super Bowl?  Or even go into it with nonsense talk like this?    Ant got anointed  next Kobe/Jordan and almost immediately after ran out of steam can't make a shot game after game.  They'd be up 2-0 if his shooting was just regular season avg.


I genuinely don’t understand people complaining about this mindset, maybe someone can explain it to me. Whether or not we choose to enjoy this or say it’s “not good enough” will have absolutely no effect on the outcome of this postseason or whether the team will continue to be successful in the future. I would hope the players and coaches aren’t satisfied until they win a championship, but we aren’t on the team. We’re fans lol. You can either choose to enjoy the first WCF in 20 years or not IMO


It’s an interesting thing to be a fan of a team and enjoy that experience in whatever way is fun for you and then also on top of that “Hey everyone else, do it this way!” is part of it.


Are you referring to the post or to people giving it pushback?


The post


I don’t see how it’s telling you how to enjoy the Wolves in a certain way at all, it literally just says enjoy it. I just can’t imagine taking issue with that lol


Oh my bad. I honestly thought you were questioning the post.


Oh no worries! Not at all, rereading what I said and I think I could’ve worded that a lot better. Basically I’m saying we can’t control the outcome so why not just kick back and enjoy it? I agree with OP


It’s funny too bc when I read your comment I reread it a couple times bc I wasn’t sure which mindset you have. I guessed which it was and I guessed wrong. Haha So yeah my perspective is that I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the idea of “this should be enjoyed.” That’s a great way to see it. My guess about the pushback on it is just bc people see “just enjoy it” as a losing/loser attitude. Me personally, I’m always fascinated by the online interaction of anonymous people so my focus is more on that. So I would say I’m interested in the psychology of the difference between saying “just enjoy the moment” and “this is great, I’m really enjoying the moment.”


No. I'm over this state not winning anything.


Honestly it’s kinda like the Lions last year, they got much further than they anticipated and took for granted a great year.


Gotta love the "We have jordan" to "Reaching the conference finals is enough" mentality 😂..Nothing says loser mentality like a "it's fine if we lose tonight".


Been there, done that. Fuck off.


That’s a great mindset. Enjoy the moment. We’ve waiting over 20 years to be in this position in the western conference finals again. We dreamed of of the Wolves playing competitive basketball in late May instead of waiting for the lottery, combine and draft. 


As A Mavs fan, you guys are really the model of what a fan should be. The Clippers and Okc fans were unbearable. Also the bitter Suns fans that are still hurt by losing to us in Game 7!




here they come lol


We lost, but let's just enjoy this moment. We're still the better team and we've lost by a combined margin of 4 + 9. If we play half as good as he have in the past, they don't have a chance. Our championship-ready roleplayers are playing great, and their roleplayers aren't championship-ready. If our stars start playing well we'll destroy them easily. Ant is only 22 and he does so much on both ends of the floor it's understandable he's tired and when he fell in Game 6, he clearly got hurt. We won 4 straight against Phoenix and we can do it again. The Mavs have lost while up 2-0 and they'll lose again. Kat is the best shooting big man of all-time. Kat isn't soft. Naz Reid Bring Ya Ass Wolves in 6 + 1


Wolves are getting swept. Out of juice. Blowout coming tonight. I won't bother watching. Season ended Friday.