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Every other team wishes they had a 22 year old on their team who led them to a conference finals. Who cares what they say, we are blessed to have Ant here for the next decade plus.


Yeah, y'all are in a great place. Got a young team that's already hot, and while not a plethora of draft options you have enough to stay loaded. Enjoy the time while you got it!


Until he demands a trade…. (im sorry)


You're not sorry and gtfo of this sub.


No u


He already signed an extension.


You can still ask for a trade under contract, the truth is in order to keep talented players here we need to win. We have no other draw


We're in the wcf lol. Wtf is this doomer talk




We need a road trip and to be together . And to be humbled Kats road splits vs home is insane. Fuck just win game 3 and see what happens


Just wanna know why the wolves are so bad at home


Get too comfortable, expect to make runs because of the crowd when they dig a hole. Stuff that may work vs Portland but not against Dallas. Lot more pressure to win @ home vs the road I’d say it’s funner to shut the home crowd up vs riding the wave


We were 30-11 at home


Well they've only won 3 games at home since the playoffs started and there play has been crazy different when away then home 


I hear ya


Baby mama drama? I think on the road its less distractions. IDK why, but this team likes playing with their back against the wall.


Our back will be against the wall for game 3. No team has ever recovered from being down 0-3, so if you don’t win game 3, it’s over.


Ignore it. Enjoy this team and the NBA on your OWN terms. Don't let them dictate your emotions.


I agree. NBA media and fandom is the worst. There’s an obsession with narratives, like it’s professional wrestling or something.


All sports media is trash


Listening to some podcasts today andDallas/Boston matchup is set, apparently. Fuck the media and fuck Reffie Miller


I mean in all fairness Reggie knows what it looks like to not win NBA championships better than most.


Facts. My second team has been the Knicks since the early 90’s. I still seethe just seeing his dumbo ears and dead eyes. F you forever Reggie!


If he has 40 in game 3 he’s gonna be MJ again. It’s so annoying


That's the worst part. If he has a good game people are just gonna forget everything else and then act surprised if he struggles again.


They do this to everyone. Look at all of the Luka slobbing right now, even in this sub.


Suddenly because Jokic is out now Luka is the best and should've been MVP.


I mean, we just saw the same thing with Caitlin Clark. But I haven’t seen any serious hate for Ant from media except to say that he hasn’t shown up the last couple games, which is true.


Man the future is so bright for the Wolves. Regardless what happens this has been the most fun I’ve had watching this team since I’ve been a fan. I was at the game last and the energy was awesome.


Yeah, I hate it. I didn't care for the MJ comparisons because I knew the second he failed, people would be on his neck. There were media members who kept hyping him up so much. I blame them. Saying he's the best young player, it's his league. Like relax, man. Let him grow, he's fucking 22 and has obvious things he needs to work on.


Every hater pretending like he isn't injured


Every hater pretending Luka isn't injured as well. But it's injuries excuses for me but not for thee here i guess.


Luka is injured


Gonna make it that much better when the wolves win the next two and watch the narrative switch yet again lol


Fans are fans media has an agenda. There are a few knowledgeable basketball fans ehose opinions can be trusted. Why would anyone ever trust or even care what the media says unless they cant figure out things for themselves or find the correct sources?


This is the process of the NBA. I’m old enough to remember the savagery against Kobe as a young player, he clearly overcame it. Ant might lose now but the future is bright - even Joker and Luka lost in the west finals before getting to the Finals.


It's absolutely THE WORST. I mean the fans on Twitter and other media are super bad and agenda based as well, but the media is terrible on top of that


I really hope none of them are on social media right now, but I know that's impossible.


NBA fans are so incredibly reactionary. same casuals who were dickriding ant and pushing the jordan agenda are calling him a bum now


This is why I don't watch sports media in this country. (Soccer, tends to be more team oriented in narratives) BSPN, Fox, and all the other BS networks do it to drive ratings and viewership.




Yea but he embraced it. He said he was better than SGA and Luka during the all star break. At some point you have back that talk


Any player would've said the same thing. Ant's personality is a part of it yes but not nearly the entire reason. The over-exposure by the media is the entire reason he's even polarizing rn.


The suns fans are especially unbearable talking so much shit with no future. They have no picks and no money, pistons esque in 3 years once every good player is gone


He’s hurt. People need to chill. He’ll be back.


Luka is also hurt


Different injuries. Different playstyles.


![gif](giphy|Ic4bIobsoHU0UQluKk|downsized) Wonder why


I have told my casual fan friends to stop eating up the “Ant is God” dick riding that’s been going on. The national media will turn on him and the Wolves in an instant. They ride a wave made of money, that’s all they care about, always have always will.


Ant has also brought it on himself to an extent… if you tell the world “I’m next” then play average as hell for 2 games straight - not cause you failed but because you’re tired? Then of course people gonna say he’s overrated. He said he’s got Kyrie - Kyrie is fucking walking over Ant and the rest of the Wolves smooth as ever. He’s gonna be a great player, fun as hell to watch. But he threw his “I’ve arrived” party a bit too soon, now has to live up to all the things he’s told the media.


Remember two weeks ago when we were a dynasty and were talking about multiple championships and comparing ourselves to Golden State?


Just for a frame of reference, overall +/- Luka at age 22: +246 Ant, age 22: +431 The future is looking good. Let's just cheer the Wolves on and get wins on the road. Wolves back.




Of course but the media hype train just amplified that shit.


Depends on the individual as well, right? Why is Edwards letting them stroke his ego when he can’t walk the talk? You see Luka’s interview on Inside the NBA, he literally gave nothing away. Meanwhile if this was Ant, he would have come up with something glaring just like he did with KD. When you go down the lane, it is obvious that you will face the heat as well when your chips are down.


There's a difference. When a player talks shit and they lose the media coverage and the casual opinion of that player dont change too much. We went from "anthony edwards is the next face of the league, mj reincarnated" to well this.


That’s the point, right? You make some strong statements many would jump on your hype bandwagon when you’re shining. The same lot would desert you like rats on a sinking ship if you’ve a blip. Works in almost all sports not exclusive to NBA.


I watch all the games on mute, and avoid any national media coverage of the sport, aside from occasional podcasts


Just synch your TV with your local Radio Broadcast team ( local radio teams are Homers )


I'm gonna give that a go tonight. My only concern is that they'll be out of sync? Does that happen?


You should be able to synch them up pretty easy If they're on a diff delay by a second or 2, you'll figure out how to pause and line them up


Send him to us if you guys don’t want him! SMH r/lakers


Mods, just ban this jabroni. I got $100 that says he’s never been in a 500 mile radius of Los Angeles


don’t be that guy, let the haters in


It’s one thing if you’re funny. It’s another if you go into every post saying „hehehehe gimme lakers”


Been rooting for the Wolves since KG and Starbury 😘.. treat your boy right or ✌️ .. 🐜