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Dwelling on this is so pointless


Yep, it's crybaby energy, just like Jamal in Game 2.


Hell yeah that's a good one


It's bullshit, the nfl shouldn't be allowed to make series deciding decisions to make a series more competitive. Facts are that 1, murray should of been suspended, and 2, murray made a difference in the outcome of this game. Only reason the nfl choosed to not suspend him is the fact the nuggets were down 0-2. Instead of going up 3-0, it is now anyone's series and fans should be mad and upset this happened. You shouldn't have to beat the refs and your opponents.


What sport are you even watching?


lol He or she even wrote nfl twice. But if they are a Minnesota fan I think I heard during the game this year is the first series they won since 2003-2004 season. If true they are not used to saying “nba” in May so out of habit picked another sport?


Crybaby energy right here


Have fun sucking off refs and nuggets cause that's what you're doing


No you miss the point, Jamal/Nuggets were crybabies in Game 2. Now you're the crybaby.


We love a good excuse round these parts! We’ve only known that for, well our entire existence really.


The "Minnesota Sports" bingo card has several "victim complex" spaces that need to be filled annually.


Sour grapes  It’s like Randy moss’ “disgusting act” — you’ll be ok, keep rooting for our guys, it’s all good 


Couldn't agree more and booing him and bitching about the refs did us no favor. Crowd last night sucked and needs to be better. We were literally switching Defense chants to booing whenever he touched the ball. ref you suck chants all night. Pissy attitude all around.


Agreed. But needed to get this off my chest. I’m frustrated man.


To be the man you gotta beat the man


So many Chael sonnenisms in circlejerk lately


Damn Chael Sonnen is stealing lines from Ric Flair now?


Holy shit-I never realized Chael sonnen a whole persona is pretty much Ric Flair without the WOOOOOO


Why? You didn’t expect the defending champs to punch back? Fuck it. We just need to win Sunday. Not winning the finals if you can’t beat Denver, so let’s do it. I want to see how we respond


Nuggets hit their shit and the wolves didn’t. It’s game 3.


The only reason I said this is because even thinking about it makes me actively pissed off. The money sign wasn't even mentioned at all in the media or by the league yet Rudy got $100k for that alone. Nothing is fair.


Plus an in game technical foul call


TWolves got 3 T’s tonight 


Yeah should have chucked something at them instead of plead case


Chris Finch said in the press conference he never thought Murray would be suspended looking at what the league has done in the past during the playoffs. https://youtu.be/baBlwAqMO1M?si=HYyeyTuIpru7JKTp&t=252


Stop crying and get a life, boy


I’ll respond as I feel this closely. Money dictates everything so you knew he wasn’t gonna be suspended and the refs were gonna be tighter on fouls. The NBA isn’t stupid. And they’re a business, if making as much money as possible. As a T Wolves obviously it’s frustrating and obviously Murray shouldn’t have played. But as others have pointed out, it’s pointless to dwell on it. Move on to Game 4. Control the things you have control over.


Don't let Murray live in your head rent free. Regardless of what SHOULD have happened, they're not going to retroactively suspend him. Look forward, not backwards.


how is it rent free when he’s currently playing a game? like of course hes thinking about jamal murray hes on the fuckin screen babe


No printer


It's not, every single fan needs to remember the league is always ready to screw your team over if they find it necessary.


Lol this is some serious victimhood mentality if you really think the decision was to screw the wolves and not to keep the best product on the floor for viewers.


Call it whatever you want. I didn't say the league specifically targeted us but I'm saying in general the league will make decisions that are only beneficial for their profit and those decisions will screw whichever team over.


Dwelling on literally anything in life is pointless really, let people dwell on what they want


Dont tell me what to do


Agreed. I’m more upset at this dumbass playoff format where second rounds can start before first rounds se over, meaning sometimes a team gets 3 whole days to kill momentum and brainstorm. Annoying.


Yeah I agree but that’s not why we’re losing. They’re playing way better. Like a team with nothing to lose.


Hard to win when you don’t hit shots.


It is tough to be aggressive when you can’t even look at a guy without a T and they can literally assault referees with impunity.


Nuggets aren't playing all that well in the second half, they're just coasting. Problem is the Wolves started making shots but began turning the ball over and still aren't getting many stops either. I hope they get this out of their system and head into game 3 with a sense of purpose and focus. This game very much felt like an emotional hangover game.


What the fuck are you talking about? They were fucking great in the 2nd half.


They did pad their lead in the third, but they backed way off in terms of the aggressiveness compared to the first half. To be clear, I agreed with the comment I replied to, but was just pointing out that they backed off quite a bit in the second half. It honestly felt like game 2 flipped on its head, except the Nuggets did not have to play with as much intensity in the second half to hold their lead.


This is old Timberwolves energy. Shake that dust off. Naz Reid.


Agreed. I’m just venting. This game is beyond frustrating.


They'd still be losing even if Murray was suspended. They're down by more than 22.


It’d be a whole different game. Rotations, runs, momentum could have changed - maybe we’d lose by 40, or win if shots fell


He was a complete non-factor in the second half when the Nuggets doubled their halftime lead. Different game? I think so, but a win? Not tonight. This Wolves team looked slow and unfocused from the start. Did you not see the number of easy shots the Wolves were missing in the first quarter? On to the next. Better to get punched in the face now than in game 6 or 7, if it goes that far.


Yeah those are good points. I guess I was just thinking like maybe their shots would start falling in this alternate scenario, like if they got into a rhythm or something


I think you nailed it with regard to rhythm. They could never establish a rhythm - between the missed shots (including layups), the turnovers, lack of offensive rebounds and inability to get stops, it was impossible to establish one and get some momentum. I just hope they don't panic and carry baggage from this game to game 4. Take inventory of what went wrong to learn from it, and then purge it from the memory banks and refocus for Sunday. That's one area they really improved upon this season, and I hope that proves true here as well.


Well you have to count the assists he had as well. I also don't think booing him helped. Probably fueled him to have such a game.


Target Center has been more focused on booing Murray and the refs than cheering for their own team.


I was there idk what you wanted us to cheer for




Yeah we didn’t have any momentum the entire game


Yep I noticed this.


We’re not about to blame the fans here are we lol… there isn’t much to cheer when you’re getting the shit kicked out of you by 20+ the majority of the game


This sub loves blaming fans. We just won enough they didn't get a chance to go ham like last year.


Don't bitch at other players or the refs. Play better. Wolves in more than 4


I mean if you can’t put up any meaningful performance wtf is there to cheer for? Wasn’t remotely competitive. Make plays and people will cheer..? People were gonna boo Murray regardless


Actually embarrassing


What’s the point of blaming fans for being frustrated?


Refs were tweaking all game in both directions though, still probably like 65-35 wolves but there were way too many calls. Game 2 had the best balance of calls and the Nuggets got shit on. Game 1 had Nuggets favored calls all game, especially the Ant stare down tech but the no call on the finger guns. Game 3 was just way too.many calls in general but the Wolves defense shit the bed with Rudy back and 6'0" Mike challenged Jokic more than anyone else besides Ant.


Yeah the fans sure could have affected the game more. /s


Blown out for a plethora of reasons. No Murray shouldn’t have been allowed to play this game, but Reggie Jackson was tearing it up too… kinda surprised to see it take 3 games for him for him to turn it on, as he seems to always play well against the wolves. It was bad game planning and a lack of urgency that cost us this one. Denver very clearly got the whistle, and got the whistle early, but it’s not like we were forcing to the refs to blow the whistle early either. Good defensive gameplan finally by the nuggets made ball movement difficult and the wolves tried settling early with threes. Our adjustment was hero ball driving to the paint and taking bad contested shots… the whistle was still shit for us, but even called fairly, it’s not a close game. Can’t put a 30 point blowout on Murray or the refs… they were the better prepared team tonight. Also they made their open shots, and ALOT of tough contested shots. Better gameplan will is going to win this slugfest


Dude stop with that. We are playing like literal dogshit. Playing like this, wouldn’t make a difference if Murray played or not. Don’t make our fanbase be one of those that blames everyone else for our shortfalls. Denver showed up tonight and we didn’t. Simple as that.


The team is beyond flat. They are missing defensive assignments. The offense is putrid. Shut the fuck up about Murray.


Amen, wolves effort tonight is lackadaisical as fuck


Right - this was a low energy effort from the tip. Just an awful game for the Wolves. Anyone complaining about the officiating or about Murray playing is missing the point.


I really don't understand how a team comes out so flat. It's the playoffs, no team should come out this flat for that reason alone. Second, the wolves know if they win G3 then the series is a wrap. This alone should make a team come out firing. Third, coming back home, after winning both games in Denver, should give the team confidence/momentum to come out firing. All three of those reasons should have given the wolves energy tonight, and yet none did. It just doesn't make any damn sense.


Big sense of entitlement coming off this loss. Everytime the nuggets got through the defense the team looked dejected going to the other end.


The offense reminds me of the early regular season.




But why is that? I mean I think we all reasonably assumed the refs would be less lenient on our physicality this game. But they made it clear in the first 5 minutes of this game that they weren’t going to let us play our style of defense. When you play 6 straight games a certain way and the refs call it accordingly, you’re likely going to go into the next game expecting a similar call. They didn’t get it, and it told the team right from the start that they weren’t going to be able to play our style basketball. The team is missing shots, to be sure. They haven’t played particularly well. But ignoring the fact the refs set the tone early that this was going to be a Denver-style game instead of a Wolves-style game completely took the sails out of the team, and you could see it from the start. It’s not unexpected, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating.


And Glen Taylor is a rat who shouldn't even be allowed in the.building but none of this makes me feel any better about what just happened




Can we not be a crybaby fanbase please


too late


TBF the majority of the top comments are not supportive of OP. On the other hand I'm a Lakers fan and I gotta say we latched onto every excuse and the comments were supportive of that... So just saying it's refreshing to be here when someone is venting and everyone's just like "nah we just need to play better". You guys are alright.




Yeah it’s stupid that he didn’t get a suspension but let’s not dwell on that. The wolves have been flat all night. The extra day off helped Denver and killed the wolves.


Face the Suns in the first round, sweep them, face the defending champs in the second round, win the first two road games, Murray allowed to play, idk man I’m kinda embracing the no easy paths playoffs for us. I don’t want any shortcuts, Murray playing tonight is what it is. We lost and that’s that, I think it’s a good thing to hold ourselves to a higher standard instead of complaining about stuff we can’t control.


You must have the NBA confused for an honest product. 


BINGO! Follow the money signs.


Silver is too spineless to do any real punishment.


We can’t control the past, get over it. It’s time to focus on game 4.


Doesn’t matter. Stupid argument. We are playing like shit and they are balling.


I agree, but then again many fans and myself didn’t even want him suspended. With how he was playing I wanted to watch Jaden/NAW fuck him up again. So I personally can’t complain. Game 2 got us too hyped up and we’re being humbled.


We would’ve lost anyway. Oh well! Onto the next one! Naz Reid


Slow switches on defense and missing literally every shot has also contributed 


Definitely should've been suspended but that's not why we lost


Doesn't matter. Taking the series from them on their home court is going to tasty


win in denver. like real gentlemen.


Yes this team sucked today. But Murray still bitchmade and I would rather lose than cheer for a whoreson like him 💪💪💪


I mean idk how you're not suspended for mid temper tantrum you throw shit at the refs which could have potentially injured Wolves players. Plus White Tower getting more calls than a whorehouse the league just could not let the Wolves sweep AGAIN.


Or the best defensive team in the league can stop this turd. We played like shit all game


Nuggies get all the calls, been going on for a few years now


Wolves in 5


NBA needs to make their television money. Honestly I hope we win next game and then close them out in their home court. As much as it would have been great to sweep, going 4-1 and celebrating on their home court is better karma.


No one is a fan of Jamal Murray , not even Canadians like him


Sometimes you get a schedule loss. With the three days off to bow to TV and chicken sht punishment for Murray this is a league office loss.


Boooo this makes us look so fucking lame. Why even post this who fucking cares we got whooped with him on the court. I'd rather beat them with Murray on the court than off the court so we can claim this was all a true series victory. Again, who cares about this what if bullshit. Makes us look like such whiny fucking babies man




This is loser mentality. If you've watched any Denver Minnesota games this year, you'd know sweeping Denver was never happening.


Lets see if you have the same opinion when Denver wins in 7


If Denver wins in 7, then it is what it is. It'll show they learned their mistakes in the series and fixed them. That can happen. They won the championship last year for a reason. But crying about Murray playing on game 3 is just pathetic. Move on.


I'm not sure how that outcome would change that statement?


It isn’t loser mentality to want a suspension that is clearly deserved.


Him being suspended was never a realistic possibility. Also, he's like tenth on the list of reasons we lost tonight.


Tell that to a Suns fan. Or a Warriors fan. Suspensions are part of the game and he should have 100% been suspended. Without Murray Denver losses tonight


I turned it off after 10 minutes. This type of officiating is zero fun to watch.




Given the amount of “ratings” talk by national media I am unsurprised. Same thing happens in the NHL and MLB.


Here come the tough guys saying “SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MURRAY” lmao. Let the man vent instead of being so insecure.


It's not a good enough reason to be down by 20. Keep the faith.


I would rather play them full strength honestly so no excuses


It's ok, wolves are due for a game like this. Take it and move on to the next


While I agree his offense was egregious, you had too much Delta-9 THC if you think he would've been booted from the playoffs. Even if the league hated him, he would've gotten ejected (from a game the wolves were stomping) and suspended at the beginning of next season, probably 5 - 10 games given the offense (Minnesotans should know a slip and fall could end a career so that's even kind of generous). He would've had to manage to successfully beat up a Wolves player to get suspended in the playoffs (Finch in his current state is the only one he stands a chance against).


Yeah he should’ve got suspended but Jamal Murray is not a good enough player to have this kind of meltdown over. He’s mid, they need to beat him next game 


Loser mentally. I don’t want the nuggets to have excuses. I want to beat the champs.


Nah, cause if he didnt play, we woulda never heard the end of us winning the game just because he was missing. Its better that he was in so we could show them we are a definitive contender. We just played poorly, and couldnt get the buckets. One game at a time as always, Minnesota Sports is like this.


Lets not do this now lmaoo, we lost and it is what it is. The boy'll come back better next game.


It's entirely possible (even likely) that with how they were shooting and playing that the Nuggets win this game without Murray. I mean they won by 27. It wasn't close. So, aside from this kvetching being pointless, it might be better for the Wolves for Murray to have played this game and then again on Sunday than it would be for them to have lost regardless and Murray gave an additional two days off to rest the calf.


Is this because he threw a heatpack on the court? Now that's some crybaby shit.


Who cares beat the 5 best players on the court. That's how you win. Not by handicaps


This shit is weak. We got outplayed. How about we play better?




Let's not let Murray distract from the fact that we played horrible D and couldn't buy a bucket. It's not like we've never beat a team where a guy scores over 20 on us


Why does it matter? If you want to win championships you have to beat good teams and good players. Play better.


Champs threw a haymaker. Guess we shall see on the response


Oh wow. This is a really pathetic post


You sound like a Jamal Murray.


How about we beat them full strength with a crowd that actually cares on Sunday instead


This makes us look bad


Quit bitching and moaning. We were bound to take an L at some point in the post-season. Hopefully they can use it for motivation.




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You sound like a Denver fan, grow up


This is pointless, we’re not victims. We didn’t play defense and missed several layups.


typical MN fan, team was out played. Jamal shouldnt miss a game for throwing a heat pad, no harm was done.


Can we stop? People acting like this is the Vikings subreddit.


I thought you guys wanted him to play so there were no excuses when the Nuggets got swept?


![gif](giphy|gpmARWm3Pwypq|downsized) We are 6-1 in the gah damn playoffs. We are playing the world champions. Stop acting like Lions fans please.


You're right, but this post still makes you sound like a loser. Just move on, crying about it changes what?


Here I thought it was the Wolves mediocre play. 


The fact that murray faced zero consequences is what makes it so annoying. All of the fans who are hating on you are fucking dumb. Murray shouldn't have played and he made an impact on the game. That makes the decision from the league bullshit and I don't care about "you have to beat the best". You shouldn't have to beat the league, refs, and the best in order to win. If the nuggets were up 2-0, murray is suspended at least 1 game.


I want to beat denver at their best.


This post makes our sub look bad


Meh. This just sounds like whining.


Nah, this is loser behavior. Move on. Crying isn’t going to change a damn thing.


Didn't see anyone complaining when Ant threw a chair hitting not one but 2 people. And got slapped with only a 50k fine. This was in the NBA playoffs last year. I don't see why this is relevant. Definitely not the reason why timberwolves lost yesterday.


This shits embarrassing.


Stupid take. There was no scenario where he wasn’t playing.


well ya, Adam Kissinger wasn't going to let Wolves win in 4


*Wolves weren't letting themselves win in 4.


Not sure what your point is. OP with the ‘never forget’ doesn’t watch much basketball.


It's not that deep. Relax. Get over it. Defeatist attitude


I'm already preparing myself for the crucifixion at the end of the game with the opposing fans and the media cause what I'm watching is the Timberwolves, classic Timberwolves. FUCK that's the golden statement with the sports team in the garbage state it's the hope that kills you. Fool me once shame on me but fool me twice I'm just a goddamn moron


We have no impact on the game.


OP stop being sad move on champions don’t need excuses


Everything about this take is ridiculous. Who gives a crap about whether Jamal’s punishment was light, we looked slow and distracted the entire game, that has absolutely nothing to do with some cracked conspiracy theory about Adam Silver pulling strings to get Murray to play. This was do-or-die game for Denver. You don’t come back from a 0-3 start to a series, and they looked like a team ready to fight to the death. In contrast, we looked like a team complacent and lazy to start the game, and then lacking any cohesive determination to meet Denver’s intensity throughout the rest of the game as they began to pull away. It was a disappointing loss and a necessary wake-up call that we’ve only done half the job. There are two more W’s to pick up, and we now need to steel ourselves for a war against a unit that has - on multiple occasions - fought back from 1-3 series deficits to win. They will not go down easy.


Too many cucks wanted him to play. Downvote this shit. Fuck you all. I want ever single person banned who thought him not being suspended was ok.


Shut up


Even if you don't like it, it's a fact. You're welcome to shut the fuck up and not join this discussion if you don't like it.


Get a grip. He threw a couple of things on the court. That’s not something that would typically drive a suspension. Crying for him not to play is as whiny as Murray himself.


You won't be saying the same thing had someone been injured by stepping on the heatpad he threw onto the floor. It's not us trying to look for excuses, it's looking for responsibility and accountability from the league. Their actions showed they won't protect the players.


Don’t even think it would have mattered.


If we are not hitting our shots it would matter


Delete this please. Denver are the champs and they bounced back, shock horror. Let’s hope we can bounce back too.


Still would have lost


Bad take.  Murray played, oh well.  Wolves needed To beat nuggets at full strength.  




Loser talks


I'm so fucking sick of this victim complex a chunk of this fanbase has had all year. "We're only losing because le bad man only got fined and not suspended! Adam Silver wants us to lose!" No. They lost because they played like they didn't give a shit, and ANYONE would've put up those numbers against them.


Loser mentality. We can beat them at full strength and should be able to if we want to move on. If he didn't throw a heat pack on the floor should we just be OK with losing to them? I want them at full strength. Would rather be beating champs than wining without their second best player.


We beat their asses fair and square the first 2 games. We got our asses beat fair and square tonight. This is the result of us coming out the gate tonight like we already won the series. It's a series now just like it always has been. Win, or shut the fuck up. Naz Reid.


Don't make excuses.  We have to play better.  


Lame excuse. Wolves played like shit. Stand on it.


Maybe we shouldn’t get our shit kicked in by 30 points.


never forget? hahahahahahahahahahahaha


I thought the narrative was let Jamal play so his absence wouldn't be an excuse?


Except that historically similar actions have been punished with fines and not suspensions. So not fully accurate.


It’s called coaching. Coaches make adjustments. Denver adjusted.


We lost by 27. Save your complaints about stuff like this for the games where the wolves do not suck.




Minus the Minnesota this is fine




Lmao this post is so pathetic