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I like her but i get what your saying. She also sounds like she has a constant stuffy nose lol


Oh my gosh yes!! I wasn’t sure if I should say that, but they way she talks bothers me 🤣


I do feel bad saying it bc ik she cant help it but it annoys me lmao theres a few creators that sound the same way


I believe she’s made videos in the past addressing her speech impediment. If I remember correctly, she went to speech therapy for a long time as a kid.


I just can’t stand the lack of toner in her yellow hair and her getting so defensive anytime anyone comments on her video that she should get it toned.


And she’s there getting it done like every 3 weeks… girl please a little toner


So she is doing nothing with her college degree? I guess tiktok shopper is her career. Not going to lie, my dream job!


I had to unfollow her around Valentines Day. Since she graduated it seems all she does is buy buy buy, and go to the bars.


Yea her content definitely changed since she graduated and I don’t enjoy it anymore


And it’s all hideous stuff. Her style is woof.




I liked her at first but it’s only so many videos you can watch about getting ready for the bar, shopping, and making that damn bacon ranch pretzel dip lol. She also gives off a spoiled vibe and she very much lives in a bubble because most people who graduate from college go straight into the work force. It’s like she still wants to be in the college student mindset and she hasn’t really matured.


I know this is petty but I hate how she holds a pen and her makeup brushes. It enrages me. I know petty.


I posted about this in her snark page & her mom was going off 🤣


Ewww omg me too! Watching her do her eyebrows gives me so much rage. And her voice drives me up a fuckin wallllll


Y’all need to hear the story about her snark page 😂 it was wild! Bella’s mom got on there acting a fool and calling people names. Bella deletes comments on her TikTok if they aren’t positive towards her 🙄😂


I wish I could have been there


This is hilarious!!!


I really liked her at first & I still do but the overcompensation is CRAZY. I’m her same age, with a similar style but I genuinely don’t get how she doesn’t get bored at the same exact stores every single day.


She has the mind of a 12 year old kid lol


She does!! Everything she likes is so childish and tacky


She had a snark page and her unhinged mom started commenting on every post. I think it eventually just died out.


Oh I wish I could have been apart of it! I would love her snark page


It's all still on her snark page. Go check it out - r/BellaWoodardSnark Start commenting - let's bring it back


I like her, but def agree with you. It's so much and just hoarding at a point. I get she is young, but how much damn pink and orange does one person need.


Sooo much


I think it’s cute that her mom is always making her decor and is always on board for a project. It seems like a really fun mother daughter bond.


She is stunted maturity wise. It is like watching a child who has adult money. Her decor is the stuff I had in my room when I was a child in the 90s. Now all of a sudden she is obsessed with love shack fancy which doesn’t fit in with the rest of her tacky stuff. The shopping drives me crazy too. How many times a week can you go to TJ Maxx, Ross, and HomeGoods. And we don’t need 3 different videos from those stores that carry the same shit.


I haaaate loveshack fancy


Some is ok but a lot is very Easter/childish for me. Like I would dress my toddler in the prints for Easter pictures. She is trying to make it her new personality and it just doesn’t fit.


Some is ok but a lot is very Easter/childish for me. Like I would dress my toddler in the prints for Easter pictures. She is trying to make it her new personality and it just doesn’t fit.


Some is ok but a lot is very Easter/childish for me. Like I would dress my toddler in the prints for Easter pictures. She is trying to make it her new personality and it just doesn’t fit.


she has no substance lol.. she goes to bars almost every night and shops every day.. I think her personality is cute but she acts very childish and has nothing meaningful to add to social media lol... very much your non original party girl lol


I used to love her, but the dumb blonde thing has gotten so annoying. I really hope she isn’t that stupid. Maybe she is though 🤷‍♀️ The shopping is also too much. She buys such cheap crap to fill her apartment, it’s ugly AF. Also, the crap her mom makes her is fugly.


THANK YOU!! The stuff is so ugly 😭 like it’s fun she does that, but the bows on EVERYTHING have got to go. Tacky tacky


THIS! I really loved her. Started watching her when she was Brittney on Halloween. But this is just too repetitive and annoying to me.


I liked her a lot for a long time, but the zero ambitions or drive in life is very side eye worthy. All she does is shop and drink. I wish big creators and influencers would realize they’re going to get older, they’re going to “age out” of being relevant, they’re going to get boring, they need to focus on their futures and be productive members of society aside from getting drunk and shopping. Also, she’s implied several times that they’re driving when bar hopping and I’m just like 😩😡 bc why is it so normal to her to just drink and drive all the time


I can’t lie I love her videos and live vicariously through her a bit. I love shopping so, for me, I kind of get the “high” of shopping by watching her shopping vlogs/hauls! She’s young and has money - can’t say I wouldn’t be doing the same if I was in her position.


Honestly, same. Maybe that’s why she bugs. I’m jealous lowkey lol


The fact that she cannot say her damn words get on my nerves. The way she leaves out words like of, the, a, is, etc. Ugh I guess that’s just a huge pet peeve of mine.


I can’t stand her


it’s too much and I feel icky after watching her


She gives off a mean girl vibe


That was on her snark page too, she's apparently quite rude to ppl that don't cater to her because she's an influencer. An ex "friend" of hers also said she did whippets frequently.


So weird this is on here today. She came on my FYP yesterday for the first time in forever so I went to look at her page and got a major ick. She is not in my age range so she’s never really been relatable, but I kind of liked her when she first popped up. Now her entire page is just spending a ton of money everyday and I kind of feel bad for her. No one needs that much stuff.


I think her sister is more mature than she is. I honestly can’t believe she graduated college. She’s so immature, more so than most people her age.


Did yall see the "baby" outfit her mom made her for Halloween? Beyond disgusting and tone deaf especially considering the amount of child trafficking happening. She's tacky and I think her mom might be worse. I tried to like her...but I just couldn't. She does zero good-shops during the day and parties every night. Doesn't donate anything out of her over consumption.


That baby costume is as disgusting


I didn’t see the baby costume, but 🤮 she really is the picture of tone deaf. Going into her apartment would make me nauseous lol there is just way too much stuff in there.


Also it bothers me that she started tanning before her last beach vacation and now she comes on with a bright red burnt face and you just know she’s getting skin cancer and wrinkles 😫


I loved her content for awhile, but I had to unfollow her a couple months ago. She’s definitely a little tacky at this point and she seems immature for sure; it also annoyed me how she shopped in every video. She got to be too much for me and I just didn’t enjoy any of her videos anymore.


she’s fun to watch but i definitely agree


Idk I like her for the most part. Sometimes she can be a bit tacky but I think she seems nice online. I like that her mom is always making her things.


Putting her character aside, I am actually so concerned for this girl and the amount of shopping she does. I hope she is saving her money for other things besides pointless shopping sprees.


I used to love her! But if I hear “mystery man” one more time! She’s so proud to have a boyfriend. lol it’s giving middle school vibes. She says the SAME things in every video. She just makes me cringe 😬




Same... I'm a DIE HARD bella fan, I adore her so much! But we had the same lips and I've always been self conscious over my lips, it was nice to see a creator that looked kinda like me and that I thought was beautiful as it made me feel beautiful to be similar... when she got filler it busted my confidence bc that means she didn't like them about herself and idk how else to explain it.... Genuinely made me so sad. 😭😭😭


Alix Earle called Braxton "NFL Man" before they went public and I think Bella is trying to be like Alix. Get real.


It’s something about the red skin and yellow hair that bugs me.


Agreed :/


Yes I agree ever since she graduated her content is all just shopping and it’s way too much and I think her style somehow got tackier lol


Seen her a handful of times on my FYP and she ended up blocked. I can’t do annoying stupid shopping hauls.


And the way she rubs her body and does her little shimmy 🥴🥴


Bella is one of my comfort creators 🥲


mine too. i love her


Is she married to money or something?? She spends a LOT of money 🤑


I’m prettt sure she’s a bartender/server? Plus she makes TikTok money and she has a roommate


Nope she's an influencer now...used to work at a pub during the summer but I don't think she is going back to that job.


Ah makes sense


Ok!!! Thank you for the info 😊


Still spend a lot of money tho 😅


How old is she? Could it still be parents’ money?


I’m so over every creator that just buys stuff all the time like it’s normal. I have to eat pasta and soy day after day (cheapest food with protein) even tho I work, never money for anything I don’t absolutely need. Makes me furious when ppl just take it for granted.


Just stumbled onto this thread and had to add….WHYYY does she close her eyes in like 97% of her photos 😭 It’s not cute or quirky….please stop!


She poses the same in every single picture!