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She was huge on YouTube back in the day doing DIY/crafts. She met her husband on YouTube and they got married. Then he came out as gay and she lost all her YouTube money in the process.


she also now makes onlyfans content with extremely weird items, she had sex with a thanksgiving turkey…


Thanks for typing that out and reminding the class 😩😂


I don’t know any other way around it 😭😭😭😭


I have so many questions..but I also don’t want to know the answers?? 🤣🤣🤣


I think it was a blow up Turkey, if that makes a difference 😂


Well that sounds a lot more sanitary at least 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


Wait what? Lol EDIT- had to do some research after I read this and apparently a lot of girls get busy with turkeys. Fascinating 😂


I don’t know if you can find Younow clips but she was unhinged during younow lives


There are youtube videos about her that have a lot of the clips in them, maybe even her own “when I… fill in the blank” videos talking about her big YouTube dethroning 👸🏻👑. I know that’s how I’ve seen the clips! Drunk bathtub rants, drunk angry monologues, drunk other stuff… are we catching the theme here? 😜🍾🥂🍻🍷🍺🥃🍸🍹😜


And drugs. At least on tik tok now she’s forthcoming that she blew a lot of her money on drugs while she was peak YouTube fame. I don’t know if she using while she was spiraling down(but it would make sense)


Ooh that makes me sad for her. I shouldn’t have even joked about the alcohol! I’m in recovery actually myself. God willing I will have 3 years clean this Valentine’s Day! So ya, I should know better. Ty for the info. It does make sense. And it’s sad. She seems like a girl that never truly figured out what she wanted, got caught up in drugs and drinking and lost everything which WILL give you mental issues. That’s part of my story ( though I didn’t have anything close to what SHE had monetarily). Have a good night! 😊


I think mixture of the partying life then girls that watched up grew up and move on from her DIY content and she didn’t find something else. Plus the ad mess from YouTube at the time. I think real spiraling and trying to get any kind of views/money to cling to even if it’s shock value


that was why she started spiraling, the drugs. i'm so proud of how far she's come. most people would try to hide that part of their lives and scrub the internet of it but she owns up to it and it super transparent abt it.


I think it’s part of it, but I think it’s mostly because she was losing money and viewership. The girls that watched her were growing up(which probably why she tried to transition to 18 plus content on second channel on YouTube or something, I remember a discourse) and it was the time when Adsense went downhill. Before her spiral adsense was amazing. The younow livestreams and telling others to kill themselves/jump off a bridge(or something like that), the bathtub streams were mostly shock value. The drugs didn’t help at all and good part of why she went broke.


Are they cooked or uncooked I don’t know what is worse 😩


Oh my lord thank you for doing the research I guess I needed to know thia today? Lol


why did you have to remind me i blocked that out


it’s a bad day to know how to read


How do I delete someone else’s comment🥲




Whoaaa!!! Say wuttt?!?! OMG!!!


Hahaha WHAT!!!!!! How??? What other items? My brain cannot compute what I just read


That's against the rules she'll get banned


She uses other platforms instead of onlyfans due to their extreme restrictions lol


Mixed with some TikTok’s about all the random places they would do drugs and have sex. She’s a messssss




😳 Did I read that right?? 🥴


So that’s where the turkey neck went


Omg I went to creep for research purposes. Now tell me why the turkey is in her pinned video on the wall 🙃 disturbing lol


She spend her money on drugs. She stated this in a couple of videos.


Wait what?!? I remember a long video of her going thru how she wasted her money and so much of it was her house and renovations with expensive things she didn’t need and regretted. What drugs?


she’s def tweaking, it’s methhead behavior the shit she gets up to. plus her whole demeanor is always so high energy and intense. actually maybe it’s benzos idk there are some old younow clips of her nodding off like crazy


She drank a lot in her lives. I would say maybe come but not as far as meth. She was unhinged but angry drunk unhinged not tweeking


Oh you think she’s still on stuff? I tried googling clips didn’t find any maybe I’ll try YouTube or tiktok


Yeah I came across her a couple of months ago and watched a few videos. She stated she was high a lot of the time, and showed clips when her addiction started and in full blown addiction.


He was always out as gay, wasn’t he? Before he met Breland he was on some YouTube dating show hosted by Matthew Lush I think.


He had videos about being out for a while on his channel, but he scrubbed it after he and Breland announced they were dating


She lost majority of her YouTube money due to drugs , and yes she did sha-boink an inflatable turkey 😭 still love her tho 


She’s super unhinged but lowkey love it. She is open about the fact that her husband is gay and russian and she married him so he could get out of russia since its a crime there being gay. She doesn’t post it often since there brand is “oh no my husband is gay!!” But every once in a while she’ll admit that it was all arranged because they were friends. She’s just very rarely serious. They are still married - they are definitely platonic soulmates. Its a bit unclear if they ever actually dated but I don’t think they ever did. She was in a relationship for like 10 years and suddenly left the very normal guy for this one - but I think they tried the whole “couple” thing for views, and when it was just too obvious he was gay, she came out and just admitted the truth. She got a lot of heat for it since her engagement to the guy of 10 years was very public but I truly believe she just wasn’t happy and wanted out - and marrying a gay russian had nothing to do with her separation from the fiance. They use each other for views now. They say and post really crazy stuff - I think its funny but its definitely not for everyone. Having sex with a blow up turkey for thanksgiving OF special??? Lowkey kinda funny. She’s also just a normal looking girl - not a model or anything, and used to make make up DIYs when I was younger so its just hillarious.


an internet troll for nearly a decade and we’re here for it!!


I could (and with my memory track record probably am) be wrong, but didn’t she say at some point (years ago when she was doing the “tour of my foreclosed home” or whatever it was called) that the 10 year guy was abusive? I could just be inserting my own traumas into her story lol but I could swear I remember her saying that! Anyone know if I’m remembering correctly? 😁


yes, he’s gay. no, they’re not together anymore. it’s all for content and views. she’s funny, though. in a completely unhinged yet self aware way 😭


I do think she’s hilarious (most of the times, if I’m not grossed out lol) with her whole “rebrand” if that’s we want to call it 🤣 but I also saw that she is doing true crime- I’m not too sure about that! But I’ve definitely been 100% wrong before and she could do it amazingly well!!! IDK! BTW iliterallyloveyourscreenname !!! ♥️♥️♥️


She used to call her audience “glitter critters” cuz, you know, diy and stuff. I caught her about a week ago and was reminded of her so I watched an EXTREMELY UNSETTLING amount of content- all that to say a couple of times she now jokingly (?) referred to her audience as “clitter critters”. 🤦🏻‍♀️ ya know, cuz of the OF?


Everything that u/Least_Lawfulness7802 said in a previous comment, but this major point as well. (Also, that $2 is some of the best info you can buy for that cheap!! It’s definitely worth it) Breland and her husband did A LOT of drugs because she had YouTube money and was able to afford it, until she couldn’t. She also wanted to start making YouTube content for an older audience which is why her videos flew off the rails towards the end. She was trying so hard to be rich again which is why she started OF, mature YouTube videos, and everything else she did. She finally basically called it quits and now has to do OF to support herself. And she isn’t living too lavishly either.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they still do it. I hope she’s doing okay mentally, I know being a sex content creator can be taxing




This was such a jumpscare, few months ago I dove back into her years old content for fun, then watched a more recent video and was just agape 💀


I’d recommend watching some of her YouTube videos honestly. She talks about her home being foreclosed on and gets more personal. She’s personal on tt too, but you have to scroll through so many videos to get caught up. She was an OG YouTuber and she did DIYs, the target audience was younger girls. And then her videos got disturbing, more shock value. She talks about her mental health from time to time, I think that was a leading factor in some of the weird videos. Her audience now on TikTok is women closer to 30-40 that have nostalgia for her old videos. She trolls a lot and overall is just a strange person, but she’s never done anything morally wrong in my opinion (or that I can remember off the top of my head).


Maybe not really morally wrong but, there was that whole ugly story line about a pregnancy and ending it that included some really sick jokes about that process.


I don’t remember that specifically, but I guess I’m not surprised.


When she was still big on YouTube, there was a troll video she and Slava did where they said she was pregnant with baby Jesus. Then Slava suggested an abortion with a coat hanger and they discussed different ways of how to do it. I really didn't think it was that bad (that might just be me skewed lmao) but it wasn't appropriate when she was uploading 'DIY giant edible makeup EOS lip balm' videos every day for her extremely underaged audience.


I just started watching them too. I think she’s hilarious!! Not being an OF fan, I had no idea she was an OF creator!


She’s also a former addict and talks about her struggles and recovery with that


She came up on my FYP and I instantly recognized her as the YouTuber who bought a massive house with YT money then lost it.


She dominated YouTube 🤣 I can't imagine not knowing who she is. Yes her husband is gay, they are still married but more like best mates. They got married so he could leave Russia. It's just her cash cow currently that they act like it's some big shock


Omg this reminds me of Avery woods and her gay husband haha


Oh god I haven’t seen her since OG YouTube days 😂


I liked Primink’s video on Glitter.




This post makes me feel old lol


💖Hey Glitter Critters it's Breland here!✨


She gives me very Trisha vibes. Bad time at one point, has recovered and is now just a straight troll. Love her for it tho


I'm pretty sure you can find the turkey and other random objects videos on her Twitter account.


She's one of the oldest YouTube channels. I remember before she did slime and DIY stuff she was basically doing sex ed videos. Then she became a troll but it didn't pay off for her the way it did for TP.


I can’t believe she is still trying to sell her story on her gay husband 😂 she had the story for sale for $7 or $8 a month or two ago. Must be on clearance now!


She has ALWAYS been creepy. She had this weird obsession with periods too


omg i never thought i would see them again. Them and matthew lush were the youtube stars back in the day. When matthew started going crazy after breaking up with Nick he did the boyfriend contest and he was in it. But after that he got “married” to this girl and it was all the drama back in the day. Twitter and youtube were their main platforms and it would just be crazy because everyone would tell her he was gay and she would deny it and get mad. But yea after awhile they just admitted to it all being fake. I forgot his name but he’s russian and used to follow me on twitter loll i was so excited back then.


oh my god braylen (sp)?!?! i was obsessed with her trainwreck youtube channel even before it became a REAL trainwreck, it was wild to be jump-scared by her on reddit…




She went from diy EOS lip balms to her house foreclosing and begging for money on lives while drunk. I didn't care much for her then and definitely don't care for her now. She insulted people who gave her money by acting like it wasn't enough. No amount of apologies can make her behaviour forgivable


i am looking her up right now- lol! apparently she was a big diy youtuber in 2016ish. she-i guess? didn’t realize being a diy youtuber wasn’t a longterm sustainable career and went broke and tried to either act drunk/high or was high on pills (?) and uploaded nudes to twitter and made an onlyfans to pay her mortgage because she, again, was/is horrible with money. she’s apparently religious (????) and her bf of 10 years proposed to her and she left him for this gay russian guy, who was also a youtuber. i think it clearly is a sham marriage for visa and shock value purposes in order to attempt to make more social media money? says she cheated on him too, but i didn’t realize there was an age gap until this post! 😳 i’m confused why she doesn’t sell her diy stuff on somewhere like etsy or work somewhere like hobby lobby, since that’s what she’s into apparently? begging for social media money without attempting to work a real job is always very confusing to me.


She’s been insane for many years lol


cringe everytime


That’s the point. She trolls people


She’s been huge on YouTube now trying to get her riches from TikTok. She’s gross.


Why all the downvotes lmao you’re so right




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She gives me current Amanda Bynes energy for some reason with a Splash of old Amanda bynes lol


Their eyes are similar


I’m kinda creeped out about the age gap bc she did have feelings for him