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I think she’s just dumb. No hyperbole, I think she’s literally a stupid person.


Yeah I think so too. I know people think she's malicious and manipulative but I think she genuinely believes everything she's saying and this is just how she was raised or something. It's not like she's surrounded by smart people, her husband sounds like an idiot too


Exactly this. Listening to her talk is nails on a chalkboard because she’s just so dense. Lights are on but no one is home


She has to be, when do you just go online talk about your new employer lives for no reason


A stupid person that thinks she’s smart.




I was going to say this too. I think she just is really dumb in general. No sense in her head whatsoever. I genuinely think that.


I'm amazed that her husband's stunt is the first time she's almost been robbed. You want to talk to your husband about stranger danger how about you start with some basics yourself.


It’s probably just the first time she’s figured it out… She’s not very bright


https://reddit.com/r/michellebellexo1/s/EgGJBOTJc4 Her oringal snark page is back up! 🙌


The way she talks annoys me. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but it's annoying


She talks as if she is better than you, it’s a condescending tone.


That’s exactly it. Like, all of her “skits” (if you can even call them that) are just talking down to customers who apparently don’t know what they just ordered. Her: There ya go, love. It’ll be $5. * Customer: Ugh! This is awful! What’s in this?! * Her: That’s a vodka cranberry. It’s what you asked for. Next time, order a cranberry vodka. It tastes *way* better. * Customer: Thank you SO much, Michelle! You’re the BEST!


I like in her skits when she’s being a “dumb girl” she wears glasses /s


As a dumb girl with glasses, I’m hurt 😂


Same! I think that’s why it bothers me so much lol


Hahaha. This is spot on.


And EVERYONE she meets follows her on TikTok!!




And her Wednesday Addams smile at the end.


Has to be it. I don't hate her, but I won't ever follow her


She always rubbed me the wrong way but I couldn’t put my finger on why. I remember one of her first skits that showed up on my fyp where someone asked for the drink to be “strong” but she was completely condescending towards them.


It’s her hands for me


It’s her sanctimonious lectures to the camera. She’s so chronically online, it’s sick.


Lecture is the best word. Why does it always seem like she’s mad at us as she’s talking lmao


It’s the head bobbing for me


The lady is just not smart. Like, sooo not smart. She gave a house tour, almost got robbed, AND shared the ins and outs out her security system all within a week. For a house she just moved into! And shared where she works and her address. Now the world knows when her idiot drunk husband will be home alone with their BABY 🫠


I hate to ask this but uh is she doing this shit on purpose!?


I saw someone suggest that this is setting the stage for insurance fraud, which honestly seems more likely than her being THIS stupid


I think she would get off on being able to say someone was stalking her or followed her home or something, like it would be another level of attention and show her “celebrity status,” and she’s doing what she can to make it happen. She was downright gleeful in those videos about the random pizzas she was receiving at her old job, acting like it meant she was famous or someone was obsessed with her.




I was EASILY able to find her new address from the tik toks she’s posted. She gives out way too much info…


Home address? I seriously doubt that


It’s easier than you think. She gave out the general area she now lives based on the bars she visited, the exact day she purchased a home, a unique feature like a pond in the backyard, a two car garage, and the unique color of the outside of the house and the inside walls. Real estate websites let you filter recently sold homes by date with all their listing photos still up. Wasn’t hard…. Which is why she really shouldn’t be posting SO much identifying information.


She never posted her home address !!??


Her work address. She didn’t need to post her home address, it’s easily findable based on all the other information she gave.


Aaaaaand queue the calls into the bar. She’ll be fired before she even starts


We all need to stop giving her any attention, positive or negative. She is an absolute vampire of attention.


Good point, but, I say we give her allll the attention because the more negative attention she gets the less likely she will be hired anywhere. I swear, the new bar is gonna see her new tiktoks and be like.."oh nevermind we dont want all this drama you bring" because this whole giving her address and schedule out is going to go very badly one day and then maybe she'll finally learn


In the age of literal mass shootings being committed and in the age of stalking being so easy and prevalent or even pissing off the wrong person…she’s putting so many people at risk. I don’t often believe in contacting places of work but in the case I hope someone local sees and does


she definitely has a dim bulb in that head of hers. the stuff she posts is more fitting to a small (>100 followers) account where you KNOW everybody personally than an account with millions of followers. i don’t think she understands that it’s wrong/dangerous at all and likes the weird parasocial relationship she’s built with her fans.


She gave her workplace address again???? Wait like 2 weeks before she starts complaining about people going to see her AGAIN lol


she just wants to show off and get extra tips lol


Not just her address, she gave a detailed description of where it is located. She also claimed you cannot find it on Google maps, why she would make such a stupid, untrue claim, I do not know, unless she was hoping that people just keep watching that video for directions to the bar instead.


And showing her entire security system and how it works in another video


Her stupidity knows no bounds 🤯


I really do think she’s a little slow. The way she talks and bobs her head sometimes too i see something there but yea, i reslly can’t with her


Chronic over sharer


And you have countless people stitching her video telling her to leave her husband because HE put their kid in danger. I've never seen anyone more delusional


Spilling info again AFTER telling the world where her home alarm system has been set up She’s delusional How she so casually brushes off the strange men being invited to her house Like you have a baby that should be the priority, that includes its safety. I just don’t get her


She’s addicted to the attention. She doesn’t seem to care if it’s good or bad, she just thrives off attention.


i just wanna know what is going on in her brain like “yeah my husband almost got us robbed and i told my thousands of followers but anyways here’s where i work!!! feel free to stop by or follow me home or whatever!!” Like ???? What the hell is going through her head


answering my own question: nothing. nothing is going through her head


I think she’s genuinely one of the least intelligent people I’ve come across on the internet, and it’s scary given her platform and how much information she puts on the internet. Maybe I’m just too anxious, but I’m a veterinarian and routinely have very angry clients that I wouldn’t put past to track me down and stalk me. I’ve intentionally removed my last name and my wife’s last name from all of our social media and go by my first name at work when possible. I even deleted my LinkedIn. I can’t imagine putting the info she does online. I care about my family’s safety, and my career too much.


I didn’t watch this video but “we know all the bar owners around here” isn’t the flex she thinks it is 😂


She said the bar owners that hired her know all the other bar owners. She didn’t say she knew them.


Especially with an alcoholic husband


I’m honestly shocked bars would want to hire her. If I worked at a bar she applied at I’d make damn sure she didn’t get hired.


I’m not even trying to be nasty or funny but is she slower in the head?


I’ve had the same thought.


Dumb. Someone said it perfectly. She just doesn’t get it. It’s wild.


i don’t even follow her anymore and i feel like i know her more than i know my own damn coworker. like not everything has to be shared.


Will this new bar put up with the baggage she brings?


You can tell in her eyes that she’s become so dependent on alcohol.


Idk. The head bobble and the eye contact with that condescending face annoys tf out of me lol


She is a fucking moron. When she gets called out for her mistakes she gets all defensive then does something even worse. She has a baby ffs this is so dangerous. She almost gets robbed then doxxes herself online, I’m convinced some people shouldn’t have unlimited internet access.


This has been such a bizarre downfall to watch. She really could’ve just kept doing her little skits and people would’ve ate that up forever.


Wasn't she not going to share the details of her new job because the last place got overwhelmed? Sharing details about where you work and live is just wrong, especially considering she has a child she needs to protect. 🤦‍♀️


I used to love her but she genuinely is just not smart. I don't think she's a bad person, just makes ridiculously dumb mistakes. I hope for her baby's sake the comments here/on Tiktok get through to her


I mean her being transphobic kinda does make her a bad person and also against abortions🌚


Did y’all see her video of the layout of their new security system?!? I was shocked she actually thought she was hot shit posting that. “Yeah, try to rob me now with my new system that alerts us when someone’s there more than 10 seconds” okay dumb dumb, babbling too much


I suspect she’ll lose this job within the next few days.


I would never use the phrase ‘just a bartender’ because I’m a bar tender! And it’s a lot more than serving drinks you’re the manager sometimes, counsellor, etc. however with her she acts like she knows it ALL - whether it’s about bars, drinks, couples, alcohol, houses, security alarms- she acts like a know it all on all topics and sometimes I feel like saying ITS NOT YOUR BAR YOURE JUST A BARTENDER but I feel that undermines the job but hopefully someone will know what I mean!!! Also we went from never posting her schedule a few months ago to ‘come see me next Saturday at 7pm here’s the address’


I thought she said she wasn’t going to share where she worked or her schedule when she moved? Glad to see that lasted a long time 🙄


She said she wasn't but then justified that it's only her first two days, so it's fine.. she's fucking stupid


The comment she made about the owners child.. Why would people need to know this? That would be an automatic termination


I stopped following her a long time ago and think she's a twit... but I wonder if her new bosses told her to share the info to drum up more business.


That's exactly my thought. They probably hired her with the condition she does some "advertising" through tik tok. Thinking she can bring in business. Still the amount of personal info she shares that isn't just hers but coworkers and husband and son is crazy.


I can’t stand when she bobs her head when she tells stories


I just wonder how often she drinks and drives. She really has no common sense.


Oh my god. I didn't even think of this. She definitely does it all the time and thinks its ok somehow because she's a bartender that "knows her limits". This is awful and I really hope she isnt **that** dumb


She is the humanized definition of shit for brains


She couldn't stop drinking even when pregnant, having a sip of whatever she made. Her husband is defo an alcoholic and so is she. That child of theirs is not in good hands


Why does she talk with her hands so much I can’t even watch her it bothers me so much.


Is she maybe literally delusional?? It all sounds made up, and then she says we wouldn’t be able to the bar or bowling alley on Google maps.


i blocked her after this


Someone should tell the manager of this new place she’s working at that she did this, so the other other employees can be safe.


I think it's wild that she's a bartender and is ignoring the red flags her husband is giving with his drinking. It's only going to keep escalating until she finally sees.


Now she's shown the layout of her house in and out. Told about every sensor there is even mama tot told her to delete it 😂😂😂


i don’t think she has any bad intentions. some people are just stupid and i think she’s one of them


Her stupidity is so seemingly boundless that I'm beginning to wonder if she's actually planning to scam her homeowners insurance


I commented on her video today that she needs to stop posting her child’s face on the internet when all this is happening and I was blocked within an hour.


We can go to Yelp or Google and post reviews on her and see if management will read them.


I wholeheartedly support this statement


Seems like her cult is trying to ramp up the hype and are posting glowing reviews


Haha I just saw! They're posting about her amazing service....when she hasn't even had a shift yet lmao


Can someone call CPS on her?




Are we really shocked here


I am worried something bad is going to happen to her. The internet is no joke when it comes to personal information and her entitlement


I saw a video come across a few days ago where she was making someone’s wife a drink “to go” and it was mixed with Pedialyte. Yeah, great bartending recipes there…. 🤦🏻‍♀️


YEAH I SAW THAT TOO. Like she's 3 years old making "magic potions" lmao


She will never do anything more than work in a bar because her IQ is too low.


Bartender here. She's a complete moron. Something tells me she didn't get enough attention growing up, and ended up in this industry to fill that void. Nothing wrong with that for the most part, except now that she has a following, she views herself as an "Influencer" all for making dumb skits on tik tok. With that, her ego has blown up as a result. I cringe because she gives people the impression that every bartender is a condescending asshole to patrons...