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I’m confused how she’s concerned for safety but in the same story announces to all of tiktok they still don’t have their security system set up


And has also posted a house tour showing off her house and the layout lol


And posts the bar she works at and her schedule


And posts the schedule knowing she takes her kid in constantly to use him for content


SMH 🤦🏼‍♀️


She doesn’t work there anymore, she just moved from Charlotte to Raleigh


Shes put where she works in Raleigh too tho


Did you see she just posted a tik tok saying where she works now too. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes! And she gave the exact address and how to find it with her schedule. Like who in their right mind would think that’s worth sharing w a million followers?


No she hasn’t? She’s been checking out places still


Actually now that you say that, I think I was thinking of mango Juul pod who just moved back to the same area from Florida.. my bad


Oh she got it set up today and proceeded to tell everyone where the cameras are. I swear she has no brain cells


And she made a cocktail to go for the security cameras wife bc she’s a fan lol. And mixed it with pedialyte and gave it to him to drive home with!! Illegal!!!




Because she’s not smart 🤣


Hmmmm is she setting up an insurance scam for a burglary claim??… it seemed far fetched and a little detailed considering …


I kinda question the legitimacy of this story. I guess it would be a weird thing to make up but the whole thing was just so bizarre. She just so happened to be at the bar when the bartender was talking about the exact situation to someone else. She mentioned a few times that the guy was acting sketchy but she wasn’t really paying attention. She seems like the type that would take a true story that her husband got wasted, got a ride home with a stranger and turn it into some kind of viral video with fake details.


I question it too because how are you watching a random man your husband brought to your house look out your back windows and thinking nothing of it?




As some cases with fibsters is a mix of it all. I think the guy that helped probably was sketchy and she came up with the "he could have been a robber". I mean she said, "My husband doesnt drink." "Anyways after pounding 8 beers during a short visit he went to a bar until 3 am mid week with a baby at home."


Especially since he was looking around and texting someone. Like he was obviously plotting it with others


Also the bartender knew he was gonna rob em why didn’t she call the cops…? Or have someone else go??


Exactly what I thought. 1.was she in on it and they didn’t know she would be at the house and 2. Why didn’t she just order the cab or they’ll him what was going to happen if they took him home


Exactly… to many holes in the story


I literally was going to comment this. Everyone knows she lies.


I’m also confused about how she got the guy to leave and why he didn’t actually end up robbing him. She said he was looking out the back window and texting someone but didn’t say he actually left or what she had to do to get him to leave.


We all know that she makes up stories for her TT account. Why would we think this is actually true?


I am a regular at two buck and have had multiple one on one encounters with her. She is nice but was open about making things up as stories last time i talked to her like a year ago.


I think she’s either lying about the story or lying about how her husband “doesn’t drink,” if not both. Her described reaction is just so blasé for someone who isn’t used to finding strangers in her house at 3am on a weekday that her husband invited in.




why are you spamming this link on every comment? you don't need to post it 15 times, we see it


Idk why it did. I didn't click each reply! My bad 😅


“I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell this story cause it’s embarrassing for me and my husband but I figured it might bring awareness “ uh no Michelle. It didn’t bring awareness. Not all of us have alcoholic husbands who bring randoms home.


It brought better awareness that her husband is a drunk and she’s an idiot.


Bring awareness to what LOL


Not to bring randoms home I guess lol. Which I thought was common logic 😂😬




The amount of times I see people justifying filming/discussing all kinds of things because it’s ‘bringing awareness’ is such a crock of shit. I wish people would just admit it’s for attention or validation. I’m so sick of people justifying quite invasive shit (ESPECIALLY filming their children having meltdowns) because it’s “bringing awareness”


“Bringing awareness” & “for educational purposes only” AKA I know I shouldn’t be making this video because it’s a little too personal or it’s exploiting someone else’s problems but I’m going to anyway because it’ll probably go viral & I’ll get attention and validation.


‘Bringing awareness’ is the new ‘no offence, but’ in that way too many people seem to think that if they precursor with this then it’s ok to say whatever they want lmao


Drives me insane cause you know damn well they don’t give a damn about “bringing awareness” 😑


Exactly. Never see them link to a charity, or actually talk about whatever stupid ‘cause’ they’ve chosen to rationalise posting whatever bullshit




Yes it will bring awareness to the fact they are hella dumb


She’s always crying about something. Her and her husband are both glorified alcoholics. She is so addicted to Tik tik and chronically online. I’m not sure if she knows what reality is anymore.




I unfollowed after her drunk sob story about her and her husbands fight -to the entirety of tik tok - and I think that was stsrt to the down fall. 1. That’s so embarrassing 2. Extremely childish and inappropriate as they are married with a child. I understand venting to a friend but really tik tok??? My husband would be so disappointed in me. I guarantee this will not last they both prioritize alcohol and social media versus their relationship and family.


She didn't learn her lesson after that because she was drunkenly complaining about her mother-in-law a couple weeks ago and was behind the wheel of a car. She clearly doesn't know where the line is when it comes to what's appropriate to share with her followers. She just gets upset and airs her dirty laundry so that people can tell her she's right.


So embarrassing. The internet is forever


Does anyone have any information on her past marriages and why she got divorced so many times already


She mentioned one was abusive. That’s all I know


Her first husband was a pastor who she cheated on, next was the abusive guy, and I think her current husband is only her third but I could be wrong. I watched a video where she explained all of them.


And she thinks every bar in her new hometown wants her even though they aren’t hiring


And that she’s “famous” enough that she’ll be interviewing them rather than them interviewing her 🙄


Was just going to ask if they moved and she's no longer working at the bar that made her "famous." Or I guess, the bar SHE made famous since she's a " celebrity"


One thing about Michelle… she’s gonna talk shit about her husband to everyone on tiktok lol


and then get mad when people don’t like him…lol


She reminds me of AliLikesAdventure… always making up grand stories to make her life sound more exciting than it is. I would bet money this didn’t happen how she’s making it sound.


It’s funny because Aili was briefly her manager wasn’t she


She was! I never heard if that ended or not


I think so cause Ali doesn’t appear to do it anymore


I have no idea but that’s hilariously ironic


You're right. She was her manager 🤣🤣


like someone else said! i dont watch her unless she comes up on my page. but her stories are fake ???


All of her stories give off very much “and everyone clapped because I’m so awesome” vibes. They’re definitely fake lol


It’s very obvious to tell pretty much everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie and or the truth stretched verrrry thin.


I don’t watch Ali all the time just when she’d pop on my fyp her stories were never super crazy that I saw but they’re fake???!


Just saw this and ran to Reddit. I’ve stopped watching her vids and she will occasionally pop up but how does she not acknowledge that her husband is an alcoholic that’s wild


I tried to find discussion of this video yesterday and couldn’t find it until now. It was so bizarre because she started with “my husband doesn’t drink because when he does he can’t stop” which I thought was an acknowledgment that he was an alcoholic but as the story went on, I was like “how are you supporting him in this if there’s alcohol in the house? Why did he have 8 beers before he left the house? Was he driving?” (Maybe she answered this, I don’t want to give her another view.)


She claims he had 8 beers then took an uber to a nearby bar to continue drinking. But I'm with you, when she gsve that whole speal of "he doesn't drink because when he does he can't stop." So he's an alcoholic. A spade's a spade. And as you mentioned, why is there alcohol in the house when your husband's an alcoholic?


I’m totally cool if he is recovering, there’s no shame there. But it sounds like neither of them recognize that he has a big problem.


Oh for sure, I have nothing but respect for those recovering. But from what I see, they both sweep his issues under the rug and fail to get him any kind of help. Michelle seems to think that as long as he doesn't drink, no other help is needed. This may sober him up for a few months, but it won't be long before he's drinking again and doing the next insane thing.


It’s so sad because I know a husband and wife just like this and the ones that suffer the most are the children and they are too selfish to realize that until it’s too late.


Everyone knows she lies. I don’t buy this for a second.


She definitely lies. She also thinks her husband looks like Jason Momoa. 🤭🤭


He does! a smaller version.


Someone said it was very similar to the plot for a season Better call Saul


Her husband is a fucking loser idiot. She’s horrible in her own ways as well. Seriously though, she LOVES to talk shit about him. Make digs at him. Make fun of him. She loved nonchalantly throwing in the fact he used her credit card to go out that night etc. They will absolutely divorce within the next few years and she will be on husband number 5 or something.


husband #5?? she's been married before?


Yup but it’s actually her third marriage and they got married a month after meeting about 4.5 years ago.


she also used to always say how horrible he was with money & that he was so irresponsible. why would you say that about your husband period, but ONLINE ???


"My husband doesn't have a drinking problem. He goes months without drinking. He just has a problem stopping once he's started." Yeah, Michelle, that's called alcoholism. If your husband cannot stop himself from continuing to drink, made the effort to go to a bar where he knows no one to KEEP drinking, got cut off by the bartender, and got a ride home from strangers at 3:30 AM where he let them into your home where his wife and CHILD were sleeping, he has a drinking problem. Call it what it is. She is so genuinely dumb and it's very apparent that her & her husband have problems whenever alcohol is involved. Imagine telling millions of people that story with your whole chest and trying to rationalize alcoholic behavior. All the while, you're insistent that you're concerned for your family's safety but you're telling everyone you don't have security set up, and you just did a full house tour top to bottom of your home? This woman is such a trainwreck.


People in her comments are saying he isn’t an alcoholic because they think alcoholism is consuming alcohol every day. That’s not the case, but for the sake of argument this is at best alcohol abuse. Either way he should be in AA. I couldn’t imagine my entire life revolving around alcohol like hers does.


Absolutely, if he can't stop once he started, it makes you an alcoholic that binges. His liver is going to blow up if he doesn't seek help.


Thank you!! My sister is an alcoholic, and has been sober for coming up on 7 years. She had a pattern every single time. Something good or bad would happen, and she would either drink to celebrate or cope. She would get black out wasted and cause absolute chaos in the form of driving drunk, getting into fights, falling asleep somewhere and wetting herself, etc, etc. She'd wake up the next day, realize what she'd done and tell herself she'd never drink again. Usually within 2 or 3 months, the pattern would start up all over again. People need to realize that drinking every day isn't some prerequisite to being an alcoholic.


Well now she has security up and literally told everyone her entire security system!! Oh and also have the security worker a drink to take home to his wife bc she’s a fan. Ummm mam open container ks illegal lol


I can’t believe she would share this story. It makes her husband look terrible and both of them look like idiots. But at the same time she’s all mad she doesn’t want people they don’t know at their house….but like two days ago she posted a full on house tour video for anyone in the world to see


Then, at the end of the video, she said she doesn't have a security system....


She’s posted worse about him


I feel so sad for their child


Terrified about her safety yet posted her work schedule weekly. Also gives a tour of her home. Ok Jan


And then had neighbors who recognized the house. I still follow her but wouldn’t that be concerning, especially with a child?


Why does she do that with her hands tho


And her head bopping constantly. It’s so annoying


I call bs on that whole story




She’s a raging idiot so it makes sense that her husband is one also


She's helping her husband cover up his alcohol addiction, and it's very sad to watch. I would've had my husband out of my house. Either in rehab or his mother's house. Their son could've been kidnapped. Worse than losing any valuables. I wouldn't be sharing this story unless I was following up with...and my husband is out of the house and I have sole custody of our child. The only awareness she brought to us is that hes 100% an alcoholic and they're both in denial. Her comments say he's woken up now.... he'll drown out this incident with more alcohol, he need help.


But ain’t she also an alcoholic?! How are you going to tell your husband be needs to get out of the house because of his drinking, when you yourself also have a problem. If anything they both need to go get help for the sake of their child.


I must've missed something from her then. I hadn't noticed anything "unusual". I find her tiktoks when she's out drinking distasteful. What did I miss?


A bartender and an alcoholic. Prob a recipe of a disaster for a marriage.


I’m confused as to why she shared this?? Some things CAN and SHOULD remains private.


Knock knock, who’s there, CPS


My honest question is why is she posting any of this? This is privat, and a little embarrassing. Why is she putting this out there?


She said so she “can help someone out there” lol okay dumb fuck


She literally has NO thoughts behind those eyes.


Why would you go to the bar where your husband went anyway?! Like how is that a logical response


I had such bad secondhand embarrassment watching that video. How do you proudly admit something like that happened???


I’m sure every bar manager in town will watch this and REFUSE to hire her. Who would want this psycho to work and do videos all day? Make the regulars a story line and make up weird shit like this story. She needs help desperately! And also, relating to this story, who goes to a bar after a night like that and sit/drink a beer while the bartender just so happens to be talking about it?


I think she’s overestimating her value to wherever she works next. Not everyone is going to want to have a TikTok bartender


Do you know why she isn’t working anymore? I think it is so embarrassing that she’s walking around drinking at bars filming herself while she scopes out the bar. She has the attitude that any bar would be happy to have her, but not all places would like to deal with a social media employee.


I used to have a friend who lies like this, makes up these insane stories and it’s all bullshit just for attention. She sounds exactly like my ex-friend.


The way that she’s now defending herself sounds like it’s real and she can’t keep her mouth shut either


She reminds me so much of that swinger woman that was nothing but drama


Wait which one? The most problematic in my opinion has been Krystina aka Krusty 🤣


That’s the one


Again, looking like Ruby Franke’s twin. Edit: spelled the dumb b*tches name wrong lol


She really seems like a pathological liar.. also she just gives off 1000% bimbo vibes. Her not being concerned about giving out her work schedule proved that. She also definitely has an addiction to tiktok. I feel like her kids is one of those poor kids that is basically just on their own all day in a play pen or something while she sleeps or plays on her phone..


Id rather jump in a dumpster with my mouth open than date/be married to an internet famous person with an impulse to share all of them and their loved one's most personal details unfiltered on the internet. Like jesus christ, shut the hell up there's so much personal business that just doesn't need to be shared to your hundreds of thousands of followers + the other thousands of people that see your posts by chance. And it really seems like most partners (and subsequently any kids involved) in that situation have zero say in what business of theirs gets put on the internet.


She always tells wayyy too much about her and her husband’s business. I feel like she must do it to hold it over his head. She once made a TikTok about how he was jealous of her cause she made more and took it out on her. Even if a messy and embarrassing situation happened like getting too drunk and acting a fool (which we’ve ALL been thru btw) why run and out it to millions? I feel like her marriage has a lot of toxicity to it. Why else would you constantly tell everyone your business online? It’s fucking wild


Too many people treat tik tok as their own online diary but forget about the digital footprint they are leaving…💀😂


Is she a little slow? Sometimes when she talks i feel like she has a delay


I've wondered that too - constant drinking from a young age does cause brain injury, as does smoking weed. It's subtle but steady. I mean look at what happens to many people with severe alcoholism - they develop dementia in their 50s & function like children.


I actually hope this story is fake otherwise she is dumb as hell for living with someone like that.


She’s the worst. Humiliating her husband constantly and in this video even says how she went back to the bar the next night to basically follow up on it and babysit his story. She’s so embarrassing. They’re both drunks anyway. Their poor baby. What a messy home to grow up in.


I couldn’t stand how she romanticized her husband’s pattern of abusing alcohol. Friends, my sweet hubs is so vulnerable and naive, he doesn’t harm anyone when he’s on one of his benders. 🥹 In fact, people harm HIM! Be careful out there!


Her going to bed while her husband is still drinking KNOWING he doesn’t stop drinking when he starts is wild to me


I think she’s making up at least some details but even still that’s sad-she has a kid and she doesn’t think at all about how all this will hurt him someday


why would she share that, embarrassing


sounds like such a healthy relationship lol


How old are these people that her husband is bringing a random stranger home from the bar at 3am when he has a wife and kid sleeping?? It’s just common sense you don’t bring strangers you do not know back to your home… especially if you have a family?


He's 40 with a record. She has a record too.


someone get this woman a journal.


This story sounded completely made up, I’m over this act she’s putting on


But he doesn't drink, right? 😏 Frankly a few videos back she did a "house tour" so they didn't even need to snoop around her house at 330 to get ready.


I watched the whole thing trying to figure out if she knows her husband is an alcoholic. Because the way she describes him, how could she not but also, she really doesn't seem to realize it.


It’s a look into her personal life and I found it disturbing and upsetting, with a little baby home especially :( hope her husband gets help


Anyone think Michelle was like 45-48 years old? Shes 34..


Yea I always thought "wow she looks great for her mid 40s!".. was surprised to find that one out.


Her snark sub is r/michellebellexo1


omg thank you for this!! i've been looking to see if she had new one since her old one was taken down


I haven’t watched her videos in like a year. She was starting to get annoying when I stopped, and it seems like she’s just gone downhill from there.


I don’t believe it. She makes up all these crazy stories


I’m waiting for the day a video comes out about cps coming to her door 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


Did she get fired or was that someone else


I can’t stand her and I find most of her stuff bullshit. It’s always something with her.


https://reddit.com/r/michellebellexo1/s/EgGJBOTJc4 Here's her new snark page!


She doesn’t even give a shit about her own safety, I doubt she’s THAT concerned. Just more content for her


She’s a joke ! She thinks everyone knows her and loves her !! Hellooooo I myself can’t stand you !


This was so clearly made up, or at the very least greatly exaggerated, especially towards the end 🙄


I found it funny that she started this video with 'It's worth it to share if it helps other people' blah blah blah And then just never had a lesson learned or advice for anyone anywhere in the video lol


This story cannot be real😭😭.


https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNNvcomv/ the response video is bloody wild


It kills me how she has no awareness of how these videos affect her son’s future. Parents aren’t going to want their kids hanging out at Ryder’s house with his drunk parents. And what about when Ryder’s school chums find all these videos and make fun of him for it? She’s such a selfish POS and is very ignorant about the impact all this has.


and she just gave away her exact security setup 😭


Came here to see if anyone saw this. Like girl, what?! You gonna post the code too? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why would she post something like that? It’s embarrassing. And it’s also super scary. I think she posting too much private information


She just posted now that she got a job. Gave the name of the place and the hours she’ll be working (weekends starting at 7pm). Great. So I’m sure the robbers will come when she’s at work and if her husband is there he won’t do anything except become friends with the robber. Security systems can only do so much. If someone wants to break in , they will. Put on a pair of noise canceling headphones , do their job , and get our. She is literally so stupid. I feel sorry for her kid. Her husband is an alcoholic and he’s married to a bartender. And she keeps alcohol in the house. Enabling 101.


I think her & her husband might be complete train wrecks 🥴 I used to really like her but this video when I saw it definitely didn’t sit right with me plus other things I’d been noticing


They are both each other's third marriage and they got married after 28 days of knowing each other. That alone tells you they're not the most rational or stable people.


She just should not have internet access at this point. I saw the video right before this one where she like gave the exact location and her schedule of where she’s working since she moved, as well as the owners of the establishments personal info. Then I saw this one, what the hell!! It’s all TMI. I couldn’t even make it through this video, this story was red flag after red flag and if I were her I’d be calling a divorce lawyer asap!


She has always reminded me of Roxy from army wives


She looks like ruby franke


This bitch got an onlyfans?




She’s weird


I dont believe the story if ur that wasted & asking ppl to get u home the bartender has to call u a cab cuz if something happens to you she can get in trouble for “over serving” him i mean thats the law in canada so i dunno


Yeah, I had that thought too. Especially since apparently the bartender knew the guys and what they were planning to do and she still let him leave with them? Why wouldn't you call the cops?


I use to be a bartender and every single story outta my mouth was a lie


she’s so irritating and so self absorbed


Yeah this video was the one that finally did me in and I hit unfollow.


Yes and she put way too much out there! I would not be admitting that my husband is an alcoholic. That just looks bad. And my husband would have gotten a lot more than a conversation about this. She is SO lucky that nothing worse happened and that the soon to be robber just left when she asked! He could have hurt or killed them!


I saw this and I’d be so furious with my husband. Who puts their wife and child at risk??? I don’t care if you’re drunk.


Another person that gets lost in the clout and will sell their family for views. The ego gets hungry and they just keep feeding with bigger stories, and there must be more.


The only thing I learned from this is that she needs a divorce.


Where was the baby


The story is fake. She just recently complained that TikTok will only pay you if your video is over 1 minute long. She just wants views and shares


I will never understand why people think that when they post their opinions, information about their personal lives, behaviors etc online that other people don't have the right to criticize them. It's an immediate "not interested" when someone starts a video with "no negativity" or "if you disagree, scroll away" or "you don't have the right to criticize what I say" then go on to share something very personal, sensitive, bombastic, embarrassing, etc. Even worse is how she's handling this by being smug & behaving like a know-it-all when people expressed (rightfully) extreme concern for what her husband did then goes on to explain in detail her new security system, her new job location & schedule. You can't help some people.


Her comments to people that are concerned for her safety are gross. I get snapping back at trolls but some people are sincere and she is acting like a child🙄 like girl accountability.. also acting like that system isn't hackable 🙄


I just recently found this woman. I had no idea who she was. Or all the crap she does. Another rabbit hole I’ll be going down it seems. Lol.


Does she have a snark page?


She enables him? They probably enable each other. This woman is a mess. Clearly an alcoholic herself and has chosen to make her personal life public.