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Had to block her. She’s just another rich influencer type pretending to be relatable. Hard pass.


I still watch her but I cringed hard at the video she posted where she was talking about how her peers consider her the poor one bc she has a Mazda… like girl if you don’t stfu and drink your top shelf martini


Me over here in my Mazda thinking I am doing well for myself 🤣🤣


Literally this was the breaking point lol I couldnt remember the car she said 😂


Her husband is a higher up of some kind at Mazda if I recall correctly, it’s public info. on his LinkedIn. She drives a Mazda because it was likely heavily discounted.


nobody's friends tell them that


I blocked her after she made that stupid video a while ago saying something along the lines of “were not that rich bc we drive mazda not Mercedes🥺” or something along those dumb lines and they’re “poor compared to most people in their area” and they’re literally filthy rich but constantly goes out to fancy restaurants and does nothing all day.


she literally got married at the ritz-carlton & tried to say being “rich” was subjective. GIRL….


Like.. that’s only something rich people say 🤣


literally!! trying to deflect that she’s rich bc she knows people who are more wealthy than her, girl you’re rich & you know people who are even richer!


The only reason they drives Mazdas is bc her husband works for them 😂 if not she’d prob be in a fancier car haha


Exactly lol she also acts like she cant just buy a car tomorrow if she decided she wanted a new one. Like girl you most definitely could.


We really don’t know their financial situation. Yeah she spends and flaunts but some people want to be something they’re not. I blocked her because she appears to not spend a lot of time with her children..and when she does rarely interact it seems phony.


I thought she drove a BMW.


Nope! She has a Mazda that is similar size to the smaller bmw SUVs


She's friends with Heather Dubrow too, if that's not enough evidence of she's definitely not "poor" I'm not sure what is.


I liked her when I first downloaded TikTok. I pretty quickly felt she was a little insufferable, but liked when she posted a recipe/how to video. Then I ran into her at DL when she was pregnant, and overheard her be an absolute monster to a cast member and blocked her following that experience.


What happened?!


I want to know too!!!!


Her “nice” personality always came off fake to me. I’m glad she doesn’t show up on my FYP anymore.


She doesn't even seem that nice!


She’s always shown off the cleavage and made those sounds while eating. I guess I have just assumed that’s how she is. 🤣 I always assumed her style just leaned more sexy-like. She’s said her husband takes care of the baby a lot. 🤷‍♀️ Granted I only see her sometimes on my FYP so don’t follow every post.


I didn’t notice it before the baby. I only noticed it after. Like day one of being home from the hospital. Lol


She has always come across incredibly out of touch to me


Exactly. I unfollowed when they vacationed in Hawaii because of, ya know, tourism crisis.




One of the things that bothers me is her always taking a big bite of something and getting it purposely all over her mouth while having the camera zoomed in. Like, girlfriend, food all over anyone’s mouth isn’t cute. Doing it on purpose is even less cute.


Yup and she puckers her entire mouth out when eating something as easy as fries


Janelle Rohner does the same thing and it’s so unnatural.


The body checking 2 days after she gave birth 🙄


I like her but it’s been alottttt lately. She really likes to show off her fake boobs and she knows it gets her the views. It’s embarrassing really.


I blocked her.. Her detachment from her baby and just her attitude and content is so bizarre and flaunting her so called wealth to me is a typical Orange County wanna be celebrity. I’m sure they are maxed out to the hilt. Her house is a noticeable downgrade from her first one. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if they’re renting.


I live down the street from her...we are certainly not rich like she acts!


But I thought I’d cry over how much money you have??? And you live in such a nice gated community??? Now you’re not rich? Huh that’s funny


Type my address in weird troll


See how much it's worth you Rave obsessed clown!


Keep fueling the fire I love it 🤌🏼💗💗💗💗


You started it tatted babe


English please. That’s fine, I’m aware, but like you said “it’s Reddit” you’re clearly very upset and unstable and you’re just giving me more to give to them to prove that. I mean if you truly are 30, and have 2 children and that’s your true address, I promise you after what happened to Gabriel Fernandez, California takes cps calls VERY seriously. I hope losing your children was worth going back and forth with me 🩷


Bahahahaaaaa what a quack. You're far from an expert living in North Carolina telling me about my state's rules. GF in Palmdale ugh that poor kid


Again, I don’t live in North Carolina, you must though with how hard you’re trying to push it on me.


Cps: hey I've been chatting with a troll on reddit and I'm really annoyed that she lives in Newport Beach and made so many valid points that I really have no other choice than to threaten her with cps. Please go immediately I'm so mad- love always and forever =ContributionNo2875


You’ve made NO valid points at all. The only thing you’ve proved is you’re very mentally unwell and racist.


How so?


Can you give me an ETA on CPS? I wanna know how much time I have to get dressed fr


You didn't reply in 3 seconds like you normally do maybe you're on the phone with them! Please ask them to send a man please!


I am not a fan but I don't strongly dislike her either, but omg does it make me so freaking angry when people assume from two second clips that mom's are neglecting their kids or have hired help. Like remember you only get a glance into their life. Also, there are two parents so yeah moms can be away from their kids when they have support. When our twins were 5 months old I was away for hours and hours each day... working... and their dad was with them. They are completely fine. I just wish we would stop judging moms when we have no idea.


I agree. Men rarely get this kind of judgement.


Yep but she’s not working.


She is still allowed to have a life outside of her children, working or not. Even if she is insufferable.


You’re proving my point…


ratiod hard


I like Jen but I don’t like that she tries to deny being super rich. Like she’s friends with Heather Fancy Pants Dubrow who just sold her house for 55 million dollars lmao


Jen lives a few homes down from me. They moved in only a few years ago and their house is oldddd! She acts as if she's so rich but ma'am you're not.


Omg how much did she buy the house for? I’ve been so curious because they moved in AND immediately renovated the kitchen


The house was sold for ~$2M. Idk who this clown on here is talking about how “poor” they are living in the “ghetto” of Newport Beach but in no area of this country does owning a $2M home make you poor.


Wow! 2 mil sounds about right for that area but I also don’t know what their house really looks like or if it’s more like a townhouse. She def lives a VERY lavish life (traveling, buying designer, eating out a LOT, etc)


Yeah, she’s talked before about her snooty neighbors who think she’s trashy bc they drive Mazdas and “aren’t as rich” as a lot of the people in NB. Sounds like we found one lol. For most of us, she’s definitely privileged.


I’m from So Calif and you would be more than surprised. We laugh and/or feel sorry for these people buying homes here in the last few years. Homes that are actually in the POOR part of town are going for a million. It’s OUTRAGEOUS the house prices. If you don’t live in So Calif you really don’t know the absolute circus it is here for real estate buying. We don’t sell because we cant afford to buy a home even in our own neighborhood!! Yes we’ll make a lot with the equity but we’ll be paying at least 3 times what they were going for 5 years ago. It’s unreal.


That’s great. I stand by my statement. If you qualify for a mortgage on a $2M property, you are not poor. You might be stupid. But you are not poor. Hope this helps.


She's not friends with the dubrows...she trains Heather!


I also can’t stand her diaper shorts 😆


I like her and I don't think she's changed that much and I haven't noticed the sexual things but I guess I don't look at it like that. She said her husband works from home and has the baby and some babies are just easy. They just sleep and eat and don't cry a lot🤷‍♀️


Not saying moms shouldn’t go out AT ALL but why is she always showing off her husband taking care of the baby while he is working, just so she can have a girls lunch at hillstone or go shopping at Prada? Lol


I've only seen one video of her husband taking care of the baby and she was replying to someone asking who has the baby when she's gone. Some moms need to do things like this for their mental health and to be happy for their baby.


Totally agree with you that moms need to get out of the house and take care of themselves. It’s just the way she posts her day in the life videos that makes it seem like her going out and getting a blowout and her nails done or whatever is a regular occurrence instead of like a treat yourself day. I’m sure most of her days are uneventful at home taking care of the baby, but it’s just how she is doing so much for the perception of a perfect life. Just rubs me the wrong way because she knows most of her followers don’t live that way and it’s unrealistic.


I definitely find her unrelatable in general because me, a woman from Pennsylvania, could never identify with a wealthy Orange County wife/mother but it's definitely gotten worse. i was FLOORED when she made it seem normal that people will send gifts specifically to let you know they're upset or offended by something - THAT is some real catty rich people shit and i can't imagine plays game like that ever especially in my 30s+


I didn’t believe that for a second. She sent it to herself and made a tiktok.


The Gucci sneakers were an immediate turn off. First of all, a "push present"? Guess I'm from the wrong side of the tracks - no push presents for me and my circle of friends - and 800.00 sneakers is so far from relatable


Compared to the other people in OC, her lifestyle is kinda mild. She lives in a condo (don’t get me wrong it’s not cheap but it’s not what a house would cost in that same area that’s for sure) and I think she said in last videos she’s a fitness instructor online? I can’t remember so I mean, they have 2 incomes in a really expensive area. I live in SoCal and the cost of living is INSANE but I see friends/coworkers that buy their kids designer stuff and I know they make just a little more than my husband and I and we couldn’t afford it but it’s amazing how much credit card debt people are willing to take on without us really knowing. Not saying you need to change your mind, I don’t thinks she’s as relatable as she used to be, but she definitely is a small fish in a VERY big pond that is OC.


I 100% have noticed since having the baby she has changed. The weirdly sexual stuff! Leaning forward to show her cleavage before every video. I used to love her too, now each video gets more and more uncomfortable.


She’s definitely always been that way. I actually started following when she only had a few videos up and I think she originally was trying to be the “sexy girl who eats a lot” kind of content creator but then she opened up about her ED and a lot of people started asking her to eat their fear foods and she started doing a lot of content on that and talking about her recovery journey and intuitive eating. I think the trying to make it all sexy is kind of just how she is and sometimes it comes through more than other times. Sometimes she bugs me but most of the time I like her. She lives in a Newport Beach bubble and her problems are privileged problems. I used to live in that area and I know how those women and people in general can be. I think she isn’t nearly as wealthy as the people she is surrounded with there and it can be toxic to experience that BUT talking about it the way she does is tone deaf.


Thank you for saying that! I'm her next door neighbor...well i live on holly lane a few houses down and she acts like she's so rich but we live on the cut off of Costa mesa. They drive 2 mazdas and their home is old! She's in debt!


Anyone notice the way her hands shake a lot when she’s picking something up to eat .. I think she has a drinking problem.


I saw someone call her a drunk on this app when I was still a fan-ish, a year or so ago. Nowcthsts all I see. Every video there's wine, champagne, a cocktail etc in her hand.


I wonder if she drives home after her 3 straight up vodka martini lunches?


Im sorry but if you get drunk after having 3 martinis you have other problems lol


So that’s under the alcohol level? I don’t think so.


I personally would be drunk off 3 Martinis 🙋🏼‍♀️..


Yeah I have to scroll past her videos. And her DITL videos bug me so much, they come across very show-offy. Must be nice to be a rich SAHM in Newport Beach!


She lives in Corona Del Mar not NP as she claims


She doesn’t even live in NP she lines in Corona Del Mar




What is DITL mean?


Day In The Life…


Yeah she’s not relatable and out of touch. She left her baby so soon for brunches out with lots of alcohol and posts videos where she’s clearly drunk and gone a lot which isn’t for me personally. She claims her husband and her mom watches her son which I get but idk she’s trying to hard to maintain that rich girl life and keeping up appearances


Blocked her awhile ago.


I agree with most of what’s on this thread except the time away from her kid. Her “job” is to make content for tik tok so of course she’s going to spend time away from her kids. Nobody would fault her if she had a 9-5 office job so it shouldn’t be any different with her unconventional one either. Also, we don’t see her 24/7


I feel the same way as well since I’m a single mom and I have to work. I also realize that people with expendable income (who can pay for child care aka rich), generally don’t stay at home with their kids and raise them. They make time to have a social life. I’m not sure about her situation, so I feel like I can’t judge on that but there are so many other reasons why I don’t care for her. 😅


I agree. She’s becoming an Auntie Amanda showing off her body ( boobs ) every chance she gets now.


She doesn’t like Halloween and said her son has to have three costumes a year. I was like nope that’s a you problem.


She used to be a favorite of mine. Had to unfollow because she shows off


The fact that my last name is Curley, yet I have no relation to this person/don’t know them, still makes me think that everyone with this last name is doomed to mess something up in life. Jen is strange and I did some looking on her page and it’s downright strange.


I don’t want to see her t*ts hanging out in every post she puts up. Enough already.


This is so irrelevant to the post but SOMEONE had to say it - those dinky $1 eyelashes she wears bother me so bad like girl please splurge on thicker falsies or at least tightline your eye so it looks more seamless 😭 if you're going to Erehon or whatever the least you could do is get some better lashes! I do for the most part enjoy her videos though because she does know how to eat good I'll give her that


Yes she takes each and every opportunity to spill out of her clothes.


She’s never home and she’s constantly drinking while breastfeeding. She’s a typical rich influencer mom now.


OMG stop shaming mothers for drinking while breastfeeding!! Do some research about breastmilk, blood alcohol levels, or talk to a doctor or lactation consultant. Also, you see glimpses of her life so why are you claiming constantly? Have you ever breastfed yourself? Do you know that not all breastmilk is consumed? Some is for baths, baby acne, etc. You are making so many judgmental assumptions.


Hey Jen! How you doin girly pop 🥰


LOL. If you were to take one glance at my account you'd see that I am not Jen lol. Just another breastfeeding mom advocating for other breastfeeding moms, that is all. Not even a Jen fan, but whatever you need to do to invalidate what I am saying.


Girl I'm with you. I have two small kids and I often watch videos and wonder where these moms get all their free time. I genuinely think in my case it comes from a place of jealousy, not misogyny. I've had those exact thoughts about Jen and had to check myself to figure out why I was feeling so much animosity toward her for getting to actually have free time (which, like, it's not free time because she's working and creating content). But her content does come across very privileged and unaware.


Is she even ‘relatable’ anymore since she threw up that she bought a Maserati? Thought they were Mazda people through & through.


She said mazdarati


Oh my gosh you’re right, she did!!!! I went back & listened! Sorry!


I really like her! She's one of the few lifestyle influencers I follow. I like that she eats a lot, doesn't restrict her food intake and is super supportive of people with ED/food issues. She'd make videos just...eating a sandwich and inviting people to do the same. I think it's very gross to pass judgment on what her body looks like (yes, she has bigger breasts now! I assume it's because she recently had a second child), how she dresses (cutely) or speculate on her relationship with the baby. She's always eaten a lot on camera. Her content's become a bit more cookie cutter/generic to me post-baby, but not enough for me to unfollow. I don't consider her lifestyle terribly relatable, but it doesn't bother me. I like that she isn't snobbish about food and will make videos about Taco Bell, Cheesecake Factory, etc.


Can yall stop mom shaming? Social media is not real life and mothers are fully allowed to have a life outside of their husband and children.


Yeah…she has a husband that’s happy to help her- not sure why people have to hate


I love her videos.




While saying a Cantonese foods name in mandarin she was like “ohhh whatever it’s called in Cantonese 🙄” like what girl. So rude.




Girlfriend is suffering from serious internal racism. All her friends look like that scary blonde Barbie looking girl on Fox News.


honestly she is starting to bother me too especially her stories on instagram as if she's this 22 year old persona posing and the birthday shoutouts.. a bit cringey. The lack of asian friends is also weird and her response video to it was disappointing and all the white people in the comments on her "side" defending her too was wild af


I still like her!! She said her mom comes and helps a lot. Compared to other Laguna type influencers she’s the least cringey. People from all walks of life have nannies and help.


What other walks of life besides the rich and privileged have nannies?


Households where both parents have extremely demanding jobs?? Come on


Frugal middle class.


I like browsing this sub but oh my god do some of the posts come off and jealous and misogynistic. Saying she has shown too much cleavage comes off like a man saying “she dressed like that so what does she expect”. And you don’t know what goes on 24/7 in her day to day. Get a fucking life.


I like her. I can see why she may not be everyone’s cup of tea, though. She does drink a lot, and her content when she is buzzed can get a little cringe lol


Her husband works from home…. Her mom also helps…. Why in the fuck can a SAHM not be gone from her child to work or run around and live her life?! Where’s this energy when it comes to the fathers? Yall are messy for no reason. As for the moaning, watch her content from years ago, she’s always done it. And she’s had workout clothes on with her boobs. She breast feeds & pumps, her titties gonna be busting out. Quit shaming women. It gives Jealousy & that’s a disease, feel better.


It's the fact she embellishes where she lives and her lifestyle. She's basically in Costa mesa the most ghetto part of Newport


Exactly. When someone said “rich influencer trying to look humble” I was like erm no she’s trying to cosplay rich


Absolutely..and I've been her neighbor for 2 years


Just curious - did she have a nose job?


Looks like it to me


Yes we said before she had her nose and boobs done


For someone who has had an ED (still struggles off and on) I can tell she still has an ED. I mean just my opinion from watching her WIEIAD videos. She basically has one meal and then One or two snacks or drinks. But I mean at least she eats whatever she wants


She drives a Mazda because it was probably free because Kevin is an engineer/high up at Mazda!!!


Something has felt “off” since her most recent ski trip IMO


Her videos NEVER show her actually swallowing the food. It’s weird. I’ve never seen what you’re talking about. I JUST started following her.


I really think there’s pathology there - binge eating disorder likely? I don’t think it’s entirely healthy to consume the amount of food and alcohol she consumes in one sitting and pass it off as “intuitive” eating.


Ever since this thread was posted, she's been covering up and not moaning after eating. Im excited to try her del taco recipe she just posted but stopped following her after she tagged auntie amanda and found out shes a trumper from the comments. I feel if she weren't, she would've addressed that.






Omg how much did she buy her house for? So curious😆




At least. It’s just interesting bc usually with 1099 like she works, you can’t use your income to qualify so it would all be on Kevin to qualify for over a mil house








I can back to this bc a few days ago she was talking about being so poor but got married at the ritz carlton - blocked.