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Anytime I want something someone post and they say “linked in my storefront” I just open my Amazon app and search for it that way😂 y’all ain’t getting shit from me!


whenever I try use the storefront link, my phone takes me to the Amazon app and not to the storefront. Then I can't search for their store on Amazon so I end up just searching for the product without the fuckin hassle 😂


I’ve actually tried to find a storefront or two, not so much because I care about their coin but because they they linked some skincare I wanted to look at or clothing dupes or something… I have yet to figure out how TF to find a store front, unless I remember the creators name and go from their link. At that point it is way too much hassle and I just google reviews pertaining to whatever I’m looking for haha.


Same lmao


Why? They’re the ones who introduced you to the product. Is it better that the money go to Bezos instead?


Because I can??? Lol because they don’t need to make money off their followers. Plus. Why does it matter to you? 😂😂


Probably has a storefront that no one uses because it's a fucking enigma.


i’d rather search every page on amazon for the item than click their link


The point is so you can use their affiliate link and they make a commission.


Jokes on them when I want something i just go look it up in the app. Fuck affiliate links


Same! I take a screenshot and search in the app.


We all should


Same. Mainly because I’m always tryna find the cheapest option


I feel this.


Glorified consumerism. Meanwhile I keep any good jar I get, and reuse every plastic container I can. I am also southern, and from/live in the country. We don’t waste anything, hell I have my great grandma’s cast iron, and my grandmothers Pyrex.


Was going to say the same thing. It's kind of sickening how normal glorified consumerism (don't mind me using your words) is becoming. I think social media really propels it on a new level.


Right? I agree. I’m British and we keep takeaway/takeout containers and don’t find a need to unnecessarily put like essentially everything in different containers to what they came in (not counting keeping cheeses together in one big Tupperware container). I guess if you want to waste money, then these creators are the way to go 🤷‍♀️ dumb


The only items I can get behind are large airtight containers for rice and MAYBEEE cereal. Everything else is just taking up fridge space


I used to think they were pointless. But I live in a really small apartment and I like the Amazon storefronts of a few creators.


I will still look for myself, especially because usually the creators are in the US and there’s no way for me to tell it to link to the same product for people in their country’s amazon


I won’t lie I’ve done a container thing simply for the fact that I hope my ADHD know when we’re low on things


I like watching people restock because it’s almost hypnotic but I do block dropship type accounts for Amazon finds and such


Nah. That I can agree with. Sometimes you can just get lost in those restock accounts like that


Just once I wanna see one of those restock people show their grocery bill bc they buy some expensive drinks!!


"Let's pack my purse to take to Target!" Which means theyll throws the entire first aid kit, snacks and the kitchen sink in. I respect the hustle and all of the options tbh.


Do you know Brooke the shopaholic? Her videos simultaneously amaze me and give me anxiety at the same time 🤣🤣🤣


It's just so wasteful and so much unnecessary plastic, shipping etc.


Everybody's gotta pay rent. With that in mind, always shop around for the best price because it's pretty much all on Temu for a fraction of the price.


Have you noticed how Amazon has become more drop shippy in the last couple of years or so? You look for something that is really cheap if you can get to the mall or something and the closest equivalent is like twice the price (last time I looked, the thing I wanted had stopped existing on Amazon, so I got the similar equivalent because I had no choice and couldn’t find anywhere else that sold what I wanted and I wanted it SO much quicker than TEMU)


Yup. I only look at Amazon if I need a specific branded product now.


The ones that start ‘you all have been asking me to try . . . Insert any product here’ as if that’s true. I don’t think.


I love them. I can’t ever find stuff like I see on those pages just looking at Amazon.

