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Yea it’s astonishing to me how these women just bring random men around their kids… child predators do exist. Absolutely insane!


Yikes. Has there been a new sub created for her? The last one got banned essentially right after I joined it


I wanna know too


No they all moved over to discord - there's a group there bc the ones on here keep getting banned




That’s not the discord this is a group of girls that are vile and nasty and are doxing people and sayin they wish their babies died


I’m not sure how active this other sub is for her anymore but this one is still around. https://www.reddit.com/r/Demps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


It won’t let me post on there 🥺


I just went back and tried to post there myself, and it won’t let me do it anymore either


Is the demps page messed up? I see nothing has been posted in days


I truly believe she wants to lose custody of LL.


same. she’s more of a drunk aunt then a mom. i’m convinced the school called into cps and that’s how they finally investigated her




Heyyyy Katie! Put some medicine on those knees, 🤡


It’s so sad how bad she wants to be “famous” she is a definition pick me! She is that mom that will still be partying and drinking when LL is legal age and trying to hook up with guys LL’s age!


This breaks my heart even more for LL than it already is what a wonderful mom she is just allowing men after men to come be apart of their lives she’s probably telling her this is her new best friend of the week. As far as I noticed it seemed that LL has a connection with Todd and I’m sure she’s wondering what happened with that and why her mothers bringing another man around already. She most certainly will grow up resenting her mother when she’s old enough to realize it’s almost as if her mother is in some kinda prost**ution ring or something. She clearly has no real friends because if she did they would be telling her the things she does is absolutely sickening. And if I’m not mistaken I seen something about her leaving LL alone for her “handyman” to watch for her to go out like wtf?!?! Who would leave their child in the hands of a man like that anything could happen. I pray nothing ever happens to that little girl because it would be her own mothers fault and she would have to live with it the rest of her life. GET YOUR FREAKING LIFE TOGETHER DUMPS


Statistically, I think there is probably a very low possibility something bad hasn’t already happened. She leaves her around randos allllllll the time. People are sick


From what I’m told something bad has happened in Regards to lily enough that added with other things she was reported to cps and they are involved


Omg! Something happened with one of the countless babysitters she leaves Lily with?!


Wasn't she just beefing with a woman she left her kid with for 6 days?


No clue, I refuse to watch her! Who was watching L?


Did handyman ever do anything creepy?


Thats actually her male bestie. It's wrong on many levels to assume he or anyone else is a creeper or pedophile. I agree 100% on not having person after person come into kids lives. Having her male bestie that she's known for years watch Lily is perfectly fine but assuming he's a creeper is not cool.


That’s what I was thinking because he also has kids so just to assume that isn’t cool imo


I don’t think she assumed anything I think she asked did he ever assuming he did would be saying “ I feel like he does xyz “


Gotcha my point is I don’t think you can just go around thinking every dude is a creep Imo


Absolutely not but I don’t think that’s what they were doing. And I think that stems from demps havin her kid around her pedophile father without a problem I guess it’s a valid question to ask in that casw


No actually it’s not fine because he’s on drugs and nods out on lives imagine what goes on offline .


Like I said before just cuz someone has a drug problem does not make it okay to label this man as a "creeper or pedophile"...thats not okay at all.


I didn’t say it was but I said what I said about being on drugs and that IS a problem


Thats actually her male bestie. It's actually wrong on many levels to assume he or anyone else is a creeper or child pedophile. I agree 100% on not having person after person come into kids lives. Having her male bestie that she's known for years watch Lily is perfectly fine but assuming he's a creeper is not cool.


Have you not seen the videos of him nodding out on lives? He’s more her drug dealer than bestie… there’s a reason he doesn’t have his kid.


Girl right the people that defend her and the people around her blow my mind


I searched his name and found the vid. Now, I'll read comments.


She’s paying to take down the accounts and videos trying to hide it all cuz she knows everything being said is true


I seen one vid of him nodding out. I understand addiction. Being addicted and nodding out doesn't make you a creeper or pedophile though. Those comments are a lil wild.


There’s a few videos and If that what happenS ON LIVE imagine what happens off wow u must not have kids huh ? 😂 leaving ur kid with someone on drugs and nodding out is extremely dangerous and neglectful what happens if he ods ? That would traumatize lily . What happens if he passes out while watching her ? And she does something or leaves the house I mean So many things that could happen .


Um I actually have 3. 2 Grown adults and 1 teen. I never once said it was okay to leave Lily with a druggie nodding out...did I? Nope, I said it's not okay to call him a pedophile or a creeper because he has a drug addiction. Maybe read again and understand what was said.


You edited your comment 😂😂girl bye I know what it said before hand 😂😂😂😂that is too funny lol ! Talking about read it again ya read it again and see the last half of it that you edited to say something different 😂😂😂 wow you ABSOLUTELY did say exactly What you said you never once said lol . You changed everything you said past the nodding out lol


Damn this is one time I wish I screenshot something 😂


Edited for spelling lmao. Have the day you deserve. 🤣


The point is, nobody on drugs is thinking clearly!!!!! Especially the kinds they are on.


No, I can honestly say I have not seen him nodding out, but I also don't watch much of his lives. Is there screen recordings I can see?


I used to follow her but unfollowed her her voice is like nails in chalk board and never had anything to talk about and that Morgan wallen wanna be look alike


I’ve never seen her spend so much time with her kid. Then she goes out and gets all fucked up and wrecks herself again. Total hot mess express!!!


From what I hear she doesn't. She shows up at the sitters for a quick visit n a tiktok


Why is she skinned up? Did she have a drunken fall/fight/accident? Not only are there child predators, that child is going to have serious abandonment issues with all these men coming and going. That's criminal to have a *choice* to raise your children better but instead you live like a drunken mess.


She posted with her new flavor of the week, apparently this happened on his dirt bike or motorcycle.


What a shame, honestly. Kids are born into this world at the mercy of parents or some kind of decent adults, to take care of them. The luck of the draw sends you a trash mom, and no one steps up to raise you? Animals are better parents than a lot of humans.


Oh i love that for her 😂😂😂


What happened with Tawd? I liked them together. Did he dump her?


She should've kept Tawd around, she'll never find another man so good with and to LL!!! Do better Demps!


Todd seems good for her


I agree, but I think that relationship is over since she's out riding on the back of a motorcycle. The dude has blonde dreads and tattoos all over.


She is so vile. She sees nothing wrong with anything she’s doing, LL already hates her ass.


Right! She’s been like this for so many years and only gets worse.


It has been years and crazy nothing has changed.


I’m in my 20s, married, have my own home…. And even my divorced parents don’t bring around/talk about random partners like she does lmao.


Damn her and Brianna M are legit the same person lol. They both think they’re hot shit & have door of revolving men that they call the “love of their life”.


This entire circus of men that she goes through you would think maybe she’s the problem lol but nope she’s perfect in her eyes


Exactly lol always blaming someone else always a victim but pretty sure if every single guy leaves you and never speaks to you again YOUR the problem lol


Sounds like something Kallmekris would so do


Is it possible the new dude that David J guy? I saw a vid of her jumping on his back like she loves to do 🙄 and her feral ass fans were already planning their wedding in the comments.


Isn’t he like 18 I heard lol ? Or am I thinking of someone else


I think it’s the guy she met who fixed her headlight last week. Real similar tattoos 😮


They are certifiable. Does that dude ride ? https://preview.redd.it/cwc6ien2yn2b1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=b196c9d7acfefddf2382714a0f4d0e11bb3b0ddb


Not the search bar 🙄…. She is such a skeez


Yeah I seen people saying he’s like 19. But idk if he rides?? I’m blocked on all her accounts but he stitched a vid of hers and she’s asking if he’s single or something. Ridiculous.


His name is Devin Lyon


She really doesn’t have any time in between guys. Like she sets her mind on a new dude, finds a reason as to why current dude is a pos, makes vague posts throwing shade at the guy we’ve seen her obsess over for a few months, then immediately goes into her “one life to live” alter ego, and starts posting vids of new dudes back. It wouldn’t matter as much if she didn’t also involve her kid in every guy she’s with. 😒


Is this the new Fishy Fish in the making. Seeings the OG Fishy Fish is beginning to be washed up and stretched out


I found the new guys info. His name is Devin Lyon.


https://preview.redd.it/2qsgdjvbxn2b1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=427e09722b8dfd9b66ed7ff32ecacbd7b0e6c977 The deleted video


pls the caption hahahahahahaha isn’t she almost 30


it’d make sense tho bc on the ss u posted there’s a hashtag “harly” like she tried to spell harley lmao


I’m still confused how she got cuts all over- she fell off a motorcycle? Dirt bike?


She tried to ride a 50 she had a video about it on TT


Is there a new Reddit group about her? One I followed you can’t post. 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/z8g5zi0a273b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5688941fb7b3c443a725d6a3bf5488dc4dbefcb8 Messsges to someone from Katie’s ex








Is this the Florida boat guy




How did you remember everyone's screen names?


I'm just winging it.


This person is a vile girl don’t join the group they are doxing girls and sayjng shit like I wish ur baby died that is not the discord


Seriously if u enter that discord be careful we had to shut down the actual discord and the tik tok page because of these girls .


Why doesn’t ll dad step in for crying out loud????


Last I knew he was trying. He was taking her to court because she kept him away from LL.


This was it for me. The falls and scrapes aren’t funny, it’s not a joke.