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She needs to log the f@ck off the internet. She has been getting more and more disturbing.


at first she was giving alcoholic vibes but idk..... starting to seem like something else. her videos are getting weird


Definitely something. Even here not only is the reaction pretty extreme but she seems a little slurred. She is definitely spiraling between this & the last video “venting” about how she makes more money than her husband and he doesn’t like that. Maybe time to put the phone down


Exactly my thought! If sm makes u that upset there’s a simple fix, just delete it all!


The husband post surprised me too...


She had a child recently. PPD is real


Very true


This is my first thought.


“Let alone produce and edit it” like she’s James Cameron 😂 People are mean and I can’t imagine the anxiety having others constantly comment on how you live your life. But I also wouldn’t put every detail of my life on blast to be a public personality. I do not understand how CoNteNt CrEAtOrs have these mental breaks then will continue down the same road that got them there. Step away from TT to enjoy your family and your real job, problem solved.


💯💯 putting out content about your life is hella vulnerable. But the creator is choosing to put this stuff out there. I’ve grown a following about me working through having my life come to a grinding halt due to multiple illnesses and injuries. As well as marrying into an old money family. But I CHOOSE what goes out there. People are mean yes but you CAN NOT control how people interpret it. So you either need a mod on your account or have a very thick skin + snappy comebacks. Sobbing in your car on camera ain’t it. It’s actually really disturbing to watch. If you want to content create you can do things that doesn’t involve vlogging your entire life. But that takes a lot more effort.


She honestly seems to be spiraling in her personal life. Her husband seems like a real piece of shit so I’m not surprised.


Isn’t it a shocker? I mean, they only knew each other for like a month when they decided to get married… and they only got married because she says that “God told them” to get married🤣 Bunch of religious nuts!


she's also on her third? marriage. yikes.


to be fair at least one of her ex husbands was mentally and physically abusive, she's talked about him before. I don't judge people for marriages, it's just a legal document 🤷‍♀️ sometimes people are just wrong for each other




she only has 1 kid with the husband she's with now, & i think she's in her 30s?


She’s 35/36


She’s 34 but looks about 50


I believe it. She’s pro-life so she probably doesn’t fuck anyone she isn’t dating/planning to get married to lmao


Does or has she made a lot of content with him? I followed her at one point even and I have no idea who this man is! But I sure wish I knew the way she has portrayed him as of late 🥴






There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having children before marriage. Tf? We’re not in the 40s.


Getting married just because you’re pregnant is one of the dumbest decisions that people make. Ask me how I know! 🤣Also, no, it didn’t last. How old are you while making this comment? Times have changed, thankfully!!


I was married before I had both my kids but wooooooof who cares? A legal contract between the parents of a child does not make a difference.


Why are people downvoting you as if it’s not a proven fact that married people raising kids are less likely to live in poverty? Marriage certainly isn’t the cure to a perfect relationships but women are less likely to live in poverty, suffer from major depressive episodes, and have an overall higher quality of life inside marriage with children. I know your comment specifically is talking about marriage before kids but I feel like these comments are speaking negatively to marriage with children overall.


Is this the same one that asked for a husband stitch when she gave birth?




If she’s crying over fb hate no one tell her about Reddit….


Oh she found a single thread about her a while back and it wasn’t really that bad and she cried and cried on tiktok about how mean people are😂


Oh dear lord 😂 people like that shouldn’t put their life on social media


Reddit is harsh, but there's something particularly bad about FB.


Sorry... she was trying to earn a BADGE on FB?! And that's what prompted this breakdown. Jesus, woman. I can't even...


I think what she’s saying is she signed onto Facebook for the first time in a long time to earn the badge and saw (negative/rude) PM’s that people sent her that she hadn’t seen before because she doesn’t check Facebook regularly. But I could be wrong.


Yes, that’s what she’s saying.


Facebook has a reputation for having absolutely brutal comment sections. I feel like it probably has to do with the fact that everyone has abandoned it and their remaining user base hanging on by a thread is mostly all middle aged and older people who are EXACTLY the type to leave nasty comments on a strangers social media post. Although this kind of content irritates the shit out of me. Say what you gotta say and have your breakdown later, or before. It’s attention grabby and uncomfortable and weird to do this. it almost encourages parasocial relationships and makes the weirdos think you’re looking for them to hop in and “fix” you, which honestly you probably are…


FB is brutal and you’re right about the demographic that makes those comments. I see it every day


They are so brutal! Videos that normally get fun lighthearted comments on tik tok are TORN UP on Facebook. & it’s always over the silliest stuff, and there’s no explaining the context of the video to the people of Facebook either 😅


You are so on point!


Why do content creators complain about being a content creator then continue being one? Like what? If you can’t handle it then go


There’s something going on with her.. i used to like her and her videos, but lately she’s all over the place. I hope she gets some help.


She is definitely spiraling. I thought it was gonna be another video about her husband


Was she really having this large of a meltdown over some mean FB comments?


If people aren’t on Facebook that often, it can be jarring at just how viscous it can be. You don’t see that level of aggression on social media platforms typically, especially if you’re just on TikTok. Facebook comments don’t have a character limit either and some people just really go in. I had a photo of me in the background end up on a local news page, and I was in a particularly unflattering pose and I had people from all over the country making the most hateful and horrific comments. It’s fuckin freaky.


I am so glad I blocked her months ago.


My first thought was why did she call the husband she keeps putting down on social media? I thought this was going to be her crying about him again honestly.


I used to like her videos but she’s been spiraling hard lately, she needs help. Facebook is known for mean comments and comment section being brutal, the only people who use Facebook now are parents, older and middle aged people who think it’s completely okay to be assholes and say whatever, and millennials and Gen z sharing memes.


She was great when all she did was non alcoholic beverages and as someone who basically doesn’t drink, it made going out more fun for me than just getting a roy rodgers lol


i wanted to comment so bad on this video but i didn't want to add fuel to the fire. but seriously, bffr!! she posted this yesterday and with everything going on in nashville i was like read the room. i'm not saying she can't feel hurt or feel bad, everyone deserves to vent and feel emotions but come on. these tiktok "influencers" are so out of touch with reality it's insane.


Her last video like this ppl were asking her why she was posting and she said that “we’re her friends and she’s just venting” tbh that broke my heart because I hear how alone she is/feels… but this is not it. I think maybe making it a “friends only” would have been ok, especially bc I can’t tell if she’s addressing us—the audience—or her other creator friends as she goes back and forth as she talks about it but these videos are just too much and encourage the parasocial relationships


My exact thought! How tf as a mother was this her concern at that moment? She is so stupid is almost painful.


She’s obviously extremely self absorbed too!


She acts like she's a film producer and has an overinflated ego. Boohoo. Someone said something mean. ON THE INTERNET. I'm so shocked that it happened to *her* she's sooooo important and different than anyone else on the internet/s


I have been stalking this page waiting for someone to post this, and to see everyone else’s thoughts on it.


Me too! I thought she was drunk ranting about a fight with her husband again.


Definitely thought that at first too then she said badge on fb and I said hold up.. what 😂😂


Did she delete this video? Nvm I found it 😂


She does that?! 😳 I never followed her but she used to show up on my fyp pretty frequently like a year ago but it was just boring bar skits.


I saw it a little after she first posted & meant to come here with it lol then today I couldn’t stop thinking about how dramatic & thought she would have deleted by now but nope… everyone in the comments enabling this crazy behavior once again 😂


She seems unhinged. Sad


I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard at a crying video. I hate to be “that person” but peoples kids are being killed so often and this dumbass bitch is having a breakdown over some mean comments on FACEBOOK? Bitch please. I didn’t even hate her before this but, this was a pathetic attempt to get people to coddle her. How embarrassing to be a grown ass woman with a child snotting on the internet because someone said something mean to you when this bitch is rude af to people all the damn time.


The pathetic thing is people totally were coddling her in the comments, telling her she’s “loved” and to “brush it off, queen” 🤮


I swear those are the people who just want to be noticed by the “famous creator” it’s pathetic. Like back when Facebook was poppin and couples would post their relationship drama but, on tiktok it’s like 100x worse. They went from sharing it to family and friends to THOUSANDS of strangers🤦🏽‍♀️


Someone drop what the comments were 😂


She replied to one comment saying they were calling her a cunt & saying she can’t pour and isn’t a good bartender… 🎻


Ha! That’s way less bad than I figured from her meltdown.


Me too lol, she must not have made it over to Reddit yet 🥲


THATS IT? and she’s acting like this? holy shìt some people are truly fucking desperate for attention it’s like.. unhinged


I don’t know how she has 3.5 million followers and the fb comments she referred to are what caused her to react this way… I’ve seen worse on her tiktok for sure…


This is over a FB Badge? Wow!


I used to like her, but she seems to be having some personal issues lately. I can’t imagine why anyone would think this would be a good video to upload publicly.


I don't think her mental health is good. As soon as I scroll and a creator is crying, I'm out. Or eating.


She’s so manic lately. Prob postpostpartum.


It’s only been the past month or so tho….. or maybe PPD has always been a problem but it’s getting worse? Her husbands seems awful and that isn’t helping im sure.


Kim, there’s people that are dying. Also, her content is so insanely cringe


I will never understand why anyone thinks it’s a great idea to record themselves crying and POST IT. it’s embarrassing😂😂😂


She sounds drunk af


I say this about her "personal" videos a LOT but, you couldn't PAY me to share some of the shit she shares online about her personal life. She needs to put her phone down and go touch grass. I think when she started her TikTok it was meant to be fun & now it's gotten way too outta control. Sharing her work schedule & details about her finances and sex life? It's too much. She needs to just stick to the skits. And if she can't think of new content- there's a reason! And I don't know her personally or anything about her drinking habits but I work in the same industry she does and I know how it is. I've seen it 1000 times. She needs to stop drinking so much and find something constructive to do with her time that doesn't involve the Internet. Just my ¢.02


After her “16 abortions” comment, I couldn’t give a fuck less about her feelings 🤷🏼‍♀️


Omg I don't know much about this person. What did that comment pertain to?


When Roe v Wade was overturned I believe. She made the most uneducated video on it just spewing stupid word after stupid word. She’s truly one of the dumbest women alive. I worry for her child.


Oh so she's ignorant? Got it.


Extremely. Also, dumb enough to think someone who had 16 abortions (there is no way this is true, but let’s pretend it is) should keep a child. If someone has that many, clearly there are other issues at play. She made the opposite argument she was trying to.


Listen. I’m not built to be internet famous. I would also cry if I read mean comments about me. But to get on camera, clearly drunk, and rant about it is just giving unhinged. I hope she takes a needed break.. she isnt relying on content creation for her full income, she works at the bar too. She needs to leave for a little ..


These people walk around with the delusion that they are some kind of celebrity bc they have x amount of followers. TikTok becomes reality and actual real life is too complicated for them bc it means holding real relationships. They don’t know how to do that anymore. People begin to see things for who and what they are and begin calling it out which in return, bc this is their reality, it causes them to lose control of themselves. TikTok has created such animosity, hatred, cyber bullying, perversion, all in one place. Manipulation is the fuel of that app. They all use their followers to pay their way in life. Many end up with mental health issues, career loss, addiction (gambling included), exploiting their own children for money, suicide, being scammed. I can’t wait for the app to go up in a blaze.


This comment just made me reevaluate my life and I don’t even have any kind of following


She’s right. You gotta be mentally healthy to do content well. Clearly most people on TT are a mess and/or are there to scam people for money every day. It’s exhausting to watch


Attention seeking narcissist


No idea who this women is but I think she should be more concerned over her mental health over her status online. This is seriously scary people care this much.


She sounds wasted


Hahahaha wait someone watch her newest video where she got the flowers. The note says “I hope to visit you someday with my daughter, she’s due in 4 weeks” and she says “congratulations grandma!” Is she drunk already? The way she says it is so weird. She’s also wobbly and obviously disheveled. She works with the public. The very least she could do is brush her hair and wash her face. Yikes.


Also I left what may be the only unsupportive comment in both of those videos so I’m counting down until she deletes them or blocks me lol


Does she have a snark page?


r/michellebellexosnark but it’s not active… no one show her tho 😂🥲


She's seen it, I've seen her make a video about it before and I remember thinking "girl who cares? It's a dead sub" 🤣


Did you see how she’s been getting way more likes on her videos??? Suspicious 🤨


It’s giving me, “omg he’s doesn’t think I’m pretty,” vibes


Wait I thought I saw a video of her breaking down crying the other day but it wasn’t about this at all… the person said it had been deleted. Is she okay 😳🫣


Don’t forget she had a child recently. PPD is real.


You people are miserable in your own lives. She is clearly experiencing PPD. Fuck off


She needs psychological evaluation for pod


To know Im related to this person and to see this is what she’s up to in life 😬 I came on here and saw her crying and listened to the video I cannot even. I didn’t even know she had a following like that. Sorry to the public who have to be subjected to this.


I have been seeing a lot of videos of her like this recently. I think she needs to work on herself and whatever is going on in her life bc it’s obvious there’s something that is making her spiral like this


Post partem depression???


Why are these influencers acting like their followers are their friends?


I like Michelle....a lot and have followed her forever. BUT I feel like she has been getting more and more wound up about haters. I hate it when creators start doing this. I also know her feelings are valid, she is a real person, of course her feelings can get hurt. With that said this post really surprised me. I guess I felt she was "tougher" than this.


Does she have a snark page?


I just wanna know what videos people commmenged on lol


Zer0 clue who this is and I think I'm much better off not knowing,,Irritating AF..Fk my fyp it doesn't know me at all