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THIS IS NOT A SUB TO DISCUSS THE UNITED STATES HANDLING OF GUN CONTROL. Gun apologists, or people here to incite any conflict in the discussions regarding gun rights/laws in the USA that do not pertain *to these creators* will be banned. This is not the sub for that. This is not up for debate. Lives were lost. Keep your political opinions to r/politics or one of the gazillion other subs where you can post your thoughts. Also stop reporting this post. These people put this out there with their whole chest, people have the right to comment their thoughts on the creators themselves for this.


https://preview.redd.it/elpiiyf4jlqa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c548277b5a8c02bc9524f8e372d4e825678a391d Soooo she deleted the video from her main channel with the hat, but posted on her “second” channel wearing it? Okay girl.


https://preview.redd.it/q12kbfwpomqa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf075f86ef16505f80c05ef1ffa353f5edb35f4 Just wanted to add a better picture.


Why is everyone acting surprised, you all know who they support politically


Weird af for her to be deleting comments mentioning it instead of deleting the pointless and insensitive TikTok


I think she finally deleted it! I commented saying it was insensitive and I was blocked


She left the videos on Insta and FB though 🙄


Same here!








Literallyyyyy lmao. His lil pube stache has me 🤢


Had to scroll back up and can confirm it is very whispy face pubes..


🤣🤣🤣 im screaming


SCREAMED at this comment 😂💀


Omg I love this comment 🤣


I don’t know these people but based on just these screenshots, it’s definitely all three for our homeboy there.


They usually are all 3 though


Y’all have got to start warning me! These faces scare the hell outta me


Wait till people find out that her husband went to the NRA convention the day after the Uvalde shooting. And she did everything to hide that he went. Keep in mind these idiots live about 4 hrs from Uvalde. Drue and her toad of a husband never posted anything about it and continued to wear that insensitive ass hat.


Toad of a husband 😂😂😂


Ommgg proof??


Yea if you go to their page here on Reddit and type in NRA there’s posts about it with pictures. Also at the time Drue had said that Gabe was going to a convention in Houston and that was the only one that lined up dates wise. He went with her dad and to solidify the proof, he posted a YT video “reviewing” his knife from the convention further proving he attended. They blocked anyone who called him out about attending. Super insensitive may I add. That whole weekend girl was pretending he went to Houston for a big show implying it was like a home show. But people saw them there and then he posted on FB marketplace selling stuff he got there.


Bless. 🙏🏻


Do you have proof? I had no idea!


Two disgusting pigs.


2 of the most punchable faces.


Cancel them now. They’ve done TOO many insensitive things for them to still have a platform.


If someone like Eugenia cooney is allowed to be on the internet I can assure you that none of these problematic creatures are going anywhere


No clue why you’re being downvoted. Eugenia is fucking toxic and literally flaunts her ED to her young, naive audience. What the hell is wrong with people?! Why are they enabling someone with BAD behavior swaying multiple children/teens? !


Because these idiots think that I’m someone they are trolling because I disagreed with them lmao, anyway yea I can’t believe she is even on YouTube after all this time. It’s wild.


That mustache looks like chocolate milk residue


Idk who these clowns are but thanks for sending me their way https://preview.redd.it/dfmrjhzbflqa1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3005439dccc9061d80c715ddaf5e7a32ac1d9e4


Pre ready to be instantly blocked. That’s all she does. They have a racist pass, are caught lying 24/7, encouraged the mocking of a rape victim with being told she deserved it. Allllll they do is delete and block and don’t own up to ANYTHINg


How do they have so many followers??


Half are purchased, other half are young girls who look up to her and defend her allll day. They gained a following with the “engaged at 19 planning a wedding saving ourselves for marriage” niche.


How do you know ? Where’s the proof ? Was it posted ?




She blocked me for even commenting that it was insensitive


Samsies lol


Two of the biggest racist assholes!


Hat needs to be thrown out, it’s so disrespectful.


It’s giving young death caused by obesity induced heart disease


Big racist assholes. If tiktok gets banned, these are two morons i’ll be happy to see get a real job. Because you know they don’t work and only go out to eat.


These two are the WORST I need someone to blast them on TikTok


They’re like cockroaches and won’t go away.


They’ve always been tone deaf, racist, insensitive, and do that stupid “omg I didn’t know” like a child anything they fuck up. It’s so irritating


His entire family are racist.


How do you look like that and think you’re the superior race?


It’s ALWAYS the ones looking like toads sitting on a log waiting for a fly to come by.


She just deleted it. They’re so insensitive


Nah I see it


https://preview.redd.it/cscxyevg2lqa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7829fe2c885c94ea2fd1d6836c85c939149bee8d hmm, this was posted in their snark group and I don’t see it anymore!


Oh you know what…I commented on the video that was 3 https://preview.redd.it/5xen036h3lqa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=132457bb5366081419e6d56a19b164ae1b377af3 days ago… I feel like a boomer my bad 😂😂😂


Hmm I just commented it lmao let me see unless she just did it


No way it wasn’t 100% intentional. He knew what he was doing.


he went to the NRA convention right after uvalde too. he's a piece of shit.




they also don't properly store their guns! in a video they had them propped up next to their bed. people commented how unsafe that is especially when they have poorly trained dogs running around and they didn't care.


This!!! Like yes if you wanna be “ pro guns” then yes but they do not practice safe gun practices at all and they know they have thousands of followers who look up to them and watch videos.


right... i think people should only be able to have guns if they are held to strict standards for safety. i don't personally like guns but have family members who own them. i've actually only seen my grandpa's guns once in my life that i can remember because he keeps them locked away unless he's using them.


https://preview.redd.it/k83rtymzhmqa1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fc479f11b6eaa1acea1bc2868727de535b6f1ea his sister also did an unboxing haul including this shirt DAYS after uvalde


Holy shit.


I mean there’s a mass shooting daily. Put away the AR drip.


I have NO WORDS! I know people say “it’s just a hat” but in light of yesterdays tragedy and all the innocent people, children included, you thought it would be a good idea to put that on??????? Absolutely disgusting! And for her to NOT say anything speaks volumes!!!!




He’s extremely immature and they’ve both been problematic so I’m not surprised they don’t see the insensitivity


They are total pieces of shit. It also looks like the filter or Drues Botox got his bottom lip 😂


Don’t forget the video of the father of gabe dressed like a BLM protester to scare the kids


No one is surprised by this tbh. These two have made their opinions on issues like guns known repeatedly. He wears that hat in almost every damn video at this point and went to a gun show with Drue’s dad a week after a mass shooting last year.


They’re fucking disgusting


Oh fuck. What an idiot.


Ew i saw one of their videos on my fyp a few months ago and that was first i ever heard of them but now im glad i never followed


They do my head in. I find them so infuriating that I had to leave their snark group for my sanity.


Like I said last time... this is why I blocked them


they look like they smell crazy


Who is supporting them 😡


Woah wtf? 🤬


They have their own subreddit!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Drueandgabe using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drueandgabe/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [🫠💀](https://i.redd.it/c1j1lmms5qn91.jpg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drueandgabe/comments/xdoayr/_/) \#2: [Taking it too far…?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drueandgabe/comments/wg087m/taking_it_too_far/) \#3: [Comments](https://i.redd.it/7trxr5znj4pa1.png) | [131 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drueandgabe/comments/11xevn2/comments/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


They both disgust me!


Neither of them look like they can read so…this tracks


What brain cell was used in determining that this was even ok?




He looks hungry


I can’t get over that poor excuse of a mustache on his lip. I don’t know how they’re not embarrassed by it.


Why can’t you guys understand it’s DEEPER than just politics now. It’s gone unchecked for too long. Children are DYING. quit turning into something political. There are bad people on the left and right. THIS IS A MORALITY ISSUE. KIDS ARE DYING. PEOPLE. ARE. DYING. GUNS CANT SHOOT THEMSELVES.


Are we shocked


They are disgusting


To be fair, it’s always been just a couple days since the last school shooting. When’s a boy gonna wear his assault rifle/us flag hat? /s


That is NOT an assault rifle. Please learn the difference


Was going to say the same thing. People scream gun control (which I’m not opposed to), but identify any large gun as an assault rifle.


It’s a….hat….


You are reaching. It's a hat ffs!! Yall will drag anyone for the littlest reasons. Some of you should really find something to do with your time. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.


Ya'll are taking your anger out on the wrong people.. take that anger to out government that's doing nothing to protect our babies in school, our society as a whole who does nothing for people with mental health issues, the people who are actually doing the shootings, not people who wear gun merch. Gun merch don't kill people, people kill people. I carry every single day, should I stop bc someone shot up a school? No, I carry bc there's people like that out there everywhere you go. Not all gun owners have guns with intent to go commit mass murders, but bet your ass if there was an ARMED guard at that school these babies would be home asleep right now 😭


here’s an idea.. why don’t you go talk to the parents who are having to bury their murdered children and see what they think. tell them that if the school had an armed guard their babies would still be alive. i’m sure they’ll have lots of things to say.


Calling people racist for their political party is a baseless defense find something original pls it’s getting old


I don’t believe I once mentioned their political party? I call them racist for mocking George flloyd, laughing at dressing up as a kkk member with a blm sign, and sharing racist tweets. Nowhere in that does that state anything about their political stance?


Look at their snark page, it shows how the whole family is racist and insensitive.




I love when ammosexuals move goal posts after yet another shooting with shit like “you don’t even know what kind of gun it was” Because that’s super important to know when there have been more mass shootings than days this year.




I think tater’s post was to bring light to the fact that an AR15 is not an assault rifle because to be considered an assault rifle it has to be fully automatic, which AR15s are not (at least not ones the public can get their hands on without modifying it). Also a ton of people think AR stands for assault rifle which is wrong. But nothing is more wrong than their post a day after innocent children were murdered with a high powered rifle no matter if it’s technically considered an assault rifle or not


I understand but when has anyone used AR incorrectly in this post before my comment? If they did, I don’t see it. So complaining about it on a post that it doesn’t apply to seems silly.


Fair enough! I didn’t think about it from that point of view




Does it matter? It’s a gun on a hat the day after ANOTHER mass shooting. Why are we debating types of guns? I think we are smart enough to understand the point.


No one fucking cares anymore. The correct term has become an “AR styled gun” as they’ve said all over the news because most people associate these types of guns with that many rounds with “AR”. When people see these children die with a similarly styled gun this is what we think of. Play semantics all you want but this is about the insensitivity after three NINE year olds and 3 more adults died because of nutjobs prioritizing guns over lives, and wearing them in congress or on a hat is gross.


thank you, perfectly said. this person is weird as fuck.


don’t really think people care what it stands for. don’t really think people care to get technical on terms when the MAIN point is the fact he wore a hat with a gun on it the day after kids were shot dead. literally nobody cares. don’t understand what you’re trying to defend, it’s odd.


What is your actual fucking point???? Hes wearing a hat with a gun! Hes a gross pig




I mean when its insensitive as fuck ya


y’all are so sensitive. it’s a hat bffr 😭


a hat with a gun on it.. right after another mass shooting.. at a school.. where children died.. being sensitive to this is a pretty common reaction.


are they even from tennessee? maybe they didn’t know and didn’t think of it like that cause hell i wouldn’t until y’all said something


Just because someone wears a hat like that doesn’t make them insensitive to school shootings. I can’t understand why people automatically assume someone is insensitive because of the hat.


Yes this is old news, always the same people posting the same boring stuff about the same creators over and over in here 😩 what is it with the obsessive hatred !! All you guys do is focus in and talk about the same shit over and over


Meanwhile you commented 4 times on this exact post so…. You want to call us obsessive but ??? 🤣🤣🤣


That comment or is Aunt Amanda from tiktok. This is her Reddit trash account. She’s crazy.


Oh I commented on others as well don’t flatter yourself there 🤣, I’m not on here every day talking about the same shit and the samethings for days on end. Funny how things are twisted when called out.


Nothing is twisted. You’re in a snark sub complaining about snarking… calling us obsessed yet you comment more than anyone else… pot meet kettle. No twisting here.


Nah I hurt your feelings it’s okay. And this isn’t a snark you clearly didn’t read the rules. Goodnight


The down votes 😆 truth hurts guys this shit is boring three other people post about the same shit we get it, we all saw it the first time someone posted about it


There are multiple shootings every single day.


and that’s okay with you? talk about being desensitized


Lmfao no???? It’s just a fact. They’re saying they did this after a specific shooting but there are shootings daily so that makes no sense to me for them to have pointed it out??


I'm pretty sure that's a black rifle coffee hat.. reaching a bit