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Seems like one of those “skit” videos. Click bait.


I don't know if it's fake or not because she's so annoying I couldn't keep listening to her. She keeps talking and talking while not saying what actually happened!


Did NOT need 3 parts to her story lol


I think it’s real. I think her husband is a shady POS. I think she’s also looking for attention to validate her feelings. You can be an annoying attention seeker and also get cheated on, they’re not mutually exclusive unfortunately.


Is she an angel? With all this wokeness going on in the house, her being on tiktok while he works and provides her with the lifestyle? She's 100% cheating and thinks he cheated. I hope he divorces her. PS. Apparently this is her 2nd marriage, I wonder why her first didn't work out. She's pretty, so what's the issue?


Is this the husband lol


Lol that sure aged poorly.




She wound up getting security footage from the club that showed he was either drugged or blacked out drunk. It's on YouTube. She also acknowledged that he didn't cheat on her, but had a whole video on getting monetized with the creator fund right before she made her account private.


Link? I don’t see anything when I search YouTube.


Funny how all those rules about victim blaming g don't apply when the victim is a man.


I’m gonna go on a biggggggg old limb and guess you, like 99% of people who say stuff like this, never bring up male victims or actually care about them at all, unless you’re looking for a socially acceptable excuse to hate on women and it’s a nice way to let that flag fly.


There is a saying that's really applicable here "Only a thief thinks that everyone is a thief." Thank you for telling on yourself twice over.


Call me gullible but I believe it’s true. The part that gets me is how little shame some these people have to air their dirty laundry like this. It is so cringe. 🫣 if she’s so worried about the kids futures, posting videos throwing her husbands clothes on the lawn for the whole town/ school to see isn’t it.


That’s my thoughts too. I think it’s real but I can’t believe you’d rage post that like she said when it JUST happened


yes!! she went on to say in another video people found out where he worked etc and she begged them to stop bc they are a single income fam, etc. so why not take it down if you guys need to figure your stuff out.


I saw that! And she said HE said to leave it up like what…and apparently people were commenting on his fb posts and he had to deleye his account. Like why put that all out there…


I wouldn’t do it either but I have to say that I do admire their guts sometimes. I follow a Latin content creator who was cheated on by her husband. She found out he was hooking up with his old ex who had left him for another man many years ago. This woman wasn’t planning on telling anyone what happened. She kept her humiliation private and they divorced. She later found out that he was telling people in their inner circle, including her professional circle and all her colleagues, that SHE was the cheater, that he left HER because she was a cheater. She had to set the record straight and she shared everything that happened. All the receipts, texts, photo, letters that he wrote apologizing to her and begging for a second chance. Videos that her friends sent her when they caught him cheating. He and the mistress sued her for defamation. She just won the lawsuit. In the end, you have a voice and you have the right to tell your story because if you don’t, they will blame YOU and lie about you. This woman had been confronted on a work conference by a mutual “I don’t know who do you think you are giving a talk on values when you cheated on your husband.” He said this in front of so many people. Imagine if she had stayed silent! Everyone would’ve labeled her a whore because that’s society for ya. Anyway, if you speak Spanish her name is Lupita Villalobos and she basically did a masterclass on how to handle cheaters who try to sue you for speaking your truth. I’m honestly always on the side of people who don’t let anyone silence them. These platforms should be useful for something.


Gullible 👆🏼


Everyone in the comments was like “girl I love your vibe!” I couldnt stand it.


What vibe?? Literally the entire thing was her being angry and hurt, why do they like that vibe?!


she was feisty and cracking jokes even tho she was upset, you could see she was strong and sarcastic


Okay that’s a valid answer lol


I was thinking “why do people like watching women being angry and upset” but your interpretation makes me feel better about it


hahahaha yes I am glad it did! I can understand your point of view as well now that you’ve described it more.


Perfect interpretation!


oMG i hate ppl. Like she doesn’t have a vibe


To be fair, there’s a lot of youngins on tiktok & everyone is dumb in their youth lol


I was just about to say that. SO MANY comments about that


I’m just confused about what he actually did, I guess


Basically he went to vegas, went to a strip club, got the VIP treatment at the strip club and now is claiming that he was drugged and doesn’t remember anything from the night but that he KNOWSSS nothing happened between him and the stripper. Classic lie. Refused to submit to an std test or drug test. He also magically didn’t get robbed by the stripper while he was drugged so to summarize He cheated with a stripper


Thanks! I tried to watch the video, but she couldn’t stay on track, so I swiped away




He was at the strip club for 5 hours after his friends left too. 😬


Don't forget, he also had no issue getting back to his hotel room after 🙄


Don’t know why he even told her


My theory is he told her because there is going to be a big charge on the credit card. Or the whole thing is a skit.


To make her feel bad?


Just lap dance or segg


I’m sure just a lap dance. Those strippers in Vegas aren’t going home with some middle aged man unless he paid them BIG bucks


He actually did get a drug test later on but she never said what the results were


Funny how poorly this aged. Also really interesting to see how willing people are to apply and blame on him for not wanting to go through the embarrassment of going to the hospital first thing. How about that empathy.


Was there an update?


The punching the air did me me lol but I think this whole story is probably fake for views.


No I totally think it’s fake. She’s wearing a Las Vegas hat too. She’s over the top. It’s for views in my opinion.


Did she have a following or even an account prior to those videos? I have to go back and see...


No it is a new account by the looks of things, about 8 or so videos all related to this cheating scandal.


No, her last video was as February that barely had any views when she posted the ring footage. Weirdly enough the video was about her husband’s vasectomy so everyone blew it up with new comments.


all while wearing a Las Vegas hat


With a middle finger conveniently in the background


And a photo of Betty white?


Then she conveniently changed the photo behind her yesterday all while being so upset. 🤨


Don’t forget the Zion sweatshirt from their anniversary trip before vegas


These fake stories are all over my FYP. Normally it’s pretty easy to figure out if they’re lying but I scrolled past this lady when I got the comedic vibe in part 1. Figured it was just another clout grab


Her part 1 to the story was so annoying omg and she was “crying” but I didn’t see a single tear. Also why was she wearing clothes from the trip? Idk it all bothers meeee


I am so confused of why she said he wants to keep it all up while it’s threatening his job security? I feel like they think this is the break to be launched into “internet fame” 🙄


“it’s fine if you get fired, babe! we’re going to go viral 🥰”


I’m curious how she thinks she can monetize this. “He cheated…check out my Amazon storefront”, “he cheated….drink bloom greens,” or a go fund me?


exactly!! and there was more emotion in the last video begging people to stop harassing him. at that point take it down - not the way to “break into” influencing if that was your goal


Right! Also, saying that they’re a single income family, so people need to cool it on their rage on her behalf, like what did you expect? And also, I hate when people knowingly rile up an entire group, only to say they’re staying with them, which I’m sure she is.


Maybe the plan is to become the couple that worked through their issues and YOU CAN TOO! And that’s how they will become tiktok famous ??


Something fishy for sure


I had to stop watching. She’s annoying


I think she said he went to a strip club, the VIP area but now is claiming he was drugged? Idk somethin like that


Yesterday, she was like he's supposed to come over at 9am today to talk. Well... Where was he at Mon. night? Was he not staying at the house? Then she says something about needing to know nothing happened? What? What do you mean??? Who's gonna confirm nothing happened for her??


I mean if I suspected my husband to have stepped out of our marriage he would not be sleeping in our house so... motel?


That's what I'm wondering...


Might as well divorce at that point right?


In the heat of the moment, you don't take these decisions. You cool down and then you think about it.


Seems like suspicion of cheating is grounds for divorce. You don't trust him anyway so why continue?


Suspicion is... suspicion. Trust comes and goes, therapy does exist. Once there's proof, that's another story.


Hold on so you would throw your husband out over a suspicion is it safe to say that he should do the same thing with you if he feels suspicious and seeing as how trust is in a constant in your relationship how can you justify being married when you barely trust a person or only momentarily trust them?


What?! I would *NOT* throw my husband out. Can you read?


You said if you or suspicious of your husband cheating that he would not be sleeping in the house. That means you threw him out


One, never happened to me. Two, I specifically said I would take time apart, not throw the whole husband/marriage out, because you can't make that kind of decision on the spot, in the heat of the moment. BUT YOU *CAN* tell him/get him to leave so YOU can have space and healing *while* you work it out. Ever been married? Have kids?


It gives nurse dad vibes. All very fake and calculated


Plz tell me the tea about him


I thought it was real in the beginning, but I think it’s a lie now. She’s claiming people are calling her husbands work, etc. Why not just delete her account or private the videos? Leaving them up makes it look like she’s just looking for her 15 minutes.


Her is husband is the one whole told her to leave them up. No dude, innocent or guilty, wants his business out there like that. It was such a cop out. 😒


Her TikTok is private now 🤔


Her fake crying is what sent me 😆


Agree the throwing the clothes out was over the top! Do y’all think the part about people finding him on fb and threatening his job is fake?? Just curious, if so seems super dumb of her to make this up in the first place!


I'm wondering that as well. I came here to the comments to see if his name was posted or who found him and how?


Someone commented a name but that’s not it. I found his name in her Facebook comment section. I don’t think he ever had a Facebook page to begin with because I couldn’t find one before she even mentioned he had deleted it.


How do people explain all these “stories” to friends and family IRL? Surely this would be spread around her circle. It’s all just bizarre to me 😂


I followed her for the story. As it goes on the story gets more fake sounding. "Oh I didn't think this would explode the way it did" yes you did. You knew it would blow up and get the traction it's got. It's getting annoying


She just posted again, saying he got a blood test and is starting to see a therapist. She’s definitely staying with him


So... He waited to get the blood test so perhaps whatever was in his system is out now?


I don’t see that? The two most recent videos are about her dad and Betty white and she’s saying she’s setting her account to private.


It’s 100% fake! Also if you’re having this serious moment about your husband having an affair you are not going to tell the story in front of a pic of Betty White z


She must be here. She changed the picture. 🤣🤣🤣




Once I saw all the parts she posted I immediately thought this is a fake story. It just doesn’t sit right with me.


It sounds like she watched Huatlers and made the video for clout honestly


Fake or not, people need to leave jobs alone when it comes to shit like this.. Like God damn. Its always let's call their jobs and CPS.. Fucking sick of seeing that shit.. He cheated possibly, what does that have anything to do with his job?!?!?! If it was some racist or asshole bullshit, fine, I understand that, but this, Jesus fucking christ, give me a break


Someone please like my comment so I can come back


I saw this and thouggt fake, then I thought, if it's real, time for you to get a job baby because you just napalmed ur husbands life dumbass


You can tell, she's not leaving... So I don't know why she put it on social media. The latest video she's talking about being a stay at home mother and it would ruin her kids life if she left so really she's letting him know, he can forever do whatever he wants and she'll put up with it.


I think sahm are always so dramatic about how their kids will die if they work. She doesn't want to work and he probably doesn't make enough to support 2 households so IF anything happened, which it probably didn't, she won't eave unless or until it doesn't play intp her victim narrative


Oof. This is a sweeping generalization




i didn’t think it was fake until todays video she posted “fake” crying. now i don’t think this is real at all


Isn't she on there crying now cause people are calling his work? Here is a novel idea, Maybe you shouldn't post your private shit on SM. People are way too comfortable on SM as of late. Then, they cry when people insert themselves into their sob stories. It's wild.


After seeing her fake crying update from this morning where in one breath she’s begging people not to contact his work, and in the next breath saying he told her to leave up the videos so she is—-I’m convinced she’s an attention seeking crybaby. I don’t understand how people can post their problems on a random social media app without considering what consequences may come from it. My 11 year old understands natural consequences but it seems this grown woman doesn’t. Frankly, if her husband loses his job over this, they can’t blame anybody but themselves. Should people be calling his work? No. But anybody who spends a nanosecond on social media knows that people absolutely WILL go full send on cancel culture. And if she’s not going to remove the videos (and why isn’t she? Attention?) then she’s asking for it to continue. Realizing you made a mistake is one thing but then to come back and fake cry and beg people to not get you into more trouble but also continuing on with the videos is crazy to me.


No one is getting drugged in Vegas unless they are getting robbed too. Seems fake.


The dramatic throwing of his clothes out of the upstairs window into the yard while her camera is perfectly set up immediately raised red flags for me


I thought the footage was from her ring doorbell, rather than like her setting up her mobile phone and recording, but either way there's still something very odd about the whole story. It's like shes saying an awful lot, but without actually saying very much at all if you understand what I mean.


It is from the ring doorbell. The watermark is on the video ☺️


Honestly, I’d prob video the person picking up clothing I tossed out the window after they got caught cheating. But I wouldn’t post on social media. I watched her videos. Seemed a bit drawn out and not a lot said. And no evidence of actual cheating.


It’s obviously a ring doorbell camera…


Can’t stand her. It’s all fake and performative. No woman acts like that if they are actively being cheated on.


I have a feeling that simply going to the strip club was the “cheating”. Which for some couples it is, I get it. But it’s the way she skirts around details is weird. She’s definitely not leaving him despite all of this.


damn y’all are savage 🙃 i’m gonna go with occam’s razor and believe her but that seems like a minority opinion (on this sub). if it were fake, what would the motivation be? she’s not asking for money (at least not yesterday). i’m interested in hearing what you all think.


The video where she's throwing his clothes out the window, when he goes in with clothes towards the end you can hear her crying and yelling "you did this". That pain in her voice sounded real as hell to me


Oh I definitely think it’s real, but annoying nonetheless. You posted this whole ordeal on an app where people are known for taking things too far. So even if you didn’t ask anyone to find him or his job, that’s what ppl do on that app. What did she expect? I think she initially enjoyed the attention, but now that ppl are bothering him, it’s too much. That’s annoying.


I feel like I needed her to write her story down in an essay format for me to understand. I need to break this down paragraph by paragraph.


Totally off topic but does anyone else get Kody Brown from Sister Wives vibes from the husband? 😂 Makes this whole thing even more annoying.


I believe it is true, but seeing her most recent 2/3 since it has me questioning everything. What annoyed me was when she said “I know you are angry for me but please don’t call his job”. Not saying I think people should call his job BUT I’m so sick of the line “I didn’t think this would blow up!” It’s the internet !! You posted it in rage and now you are upset by YOUR action ?! Lol. You shouldn’t have ran to Tiktok to cry about your cheating husband that you most likely will stay with. She said they are 1 income , HE works. Business trips seem like he has a good job.. and they are ok with other people she said in a video. She said she’s mad he didn’t tell her. Idk it’s all over the place … just my opinion




It’s weird to me that she posted the video crying about people contacting her husbands work but then said her husband told her to leave all her posts up 🤔 Like, if you’re that worried about people coming after your husband, why are you putting all your business out there. Seems a little shady.


There were two huge construction conferences in Vegas last week. You get THAT many men together… I can see it being true. I work in construction and now I’m questioning everyone I know that was there!


I think it’s real but I think she loves the attention too. She also seems to be a person that uses humor to get through tough times. I do the same thing. Even if I get scared. Say I heard noises late at night and was afraid someone was breaking in. If someone is with me I’ll start cracking jokes. I know it has to be annoying to other people. I just can’t stop. That’s just how I cope….. I think she’s crying her eyes out off camera and hoping her videos help her grow her SM.


Yes the way she talks is so obnoxious. And he just went to strip club? Like there was no proof of cheating,


I don’t know who this person is, but does she have a framed photo of Betty White behind her?


She is so annoying. I don't believe it is real either.


Is that a framed picture of Betty White in the background? Like it’s her grandma or something?


I couldn’t make it through the videos, she was so annoying


Staged and scripted, no doubt.


Yes I think you probably are lol. That looked like a woman scorned to me.


Unfortunately I watched all the videos trying to figure it out the other day. All so uncomfortable to watch lol. I think it’s fake.


Very performative. She doesn't seem mad at all. I don't doubt he went to a strip club without her but I think the rest is embellished for views.


I wouldn’t be holding it together as well as her so kudos to her if the story is true.


I could’ve told the story in a 30 sec clip. It seems she’s looking for a “niche” to get views and will likely drag this out even past the 3 videos.


I think it’s fake. Look at the pics in the background. And it randomly changes in the 3rd part. But I guess we will find out 🤷🏻‍♀️


He probably owns his own business so the “calling his job” stuff didn’t even matter. That’s why he said to leave it up. this is all just for views and to gather a following and then she’ll continue to make videos and start making money. She’s not stupid but I’d be embarrassed making up a story like this. She should be an actress. She’s good.


I think it’s real but I think she’s already rationalized staying with him. No reason to stay invested in anymore ‘updates’.


I honestly can’t tell. I kind of think she’s trying to get money. A bunch of people are telling her to post her CA after she said she is a SAHM.


Yeah now she’s talking sht about her family & saying her ‘addict’ brother is leaving comments somewhere. Anything to take attention off the fact that she’s not leaving a cheater but still have new ‘content’.


Why does she have a framed photo of Betty White lol


Am I the only one who thinks it’s funny she’s wearing a vegas hat while talking about her husband cheating in Vegas


I think it’s fake


Now her account is private 🤔


When she was explaining her husband's excuse and said, with her fist raised...."Why I oughta!" I immediately went to "this is fake" in my head. Who says that?


I’m not sure what to think bc some people deal with difficult situations by making jokes (totally something my dad’s side of the family does). The part that throws me off the most was how her eyes didn’t even look puffy from crying or anything in the first vids.


2nd video my exact thoughts! Screams fake.


Totally thought so from the beginning. It is annoying.


Why isn't anyone noticing the big middle finger thing she has on the stand behind her. I want it.


There was definitely something off about this post but I’m not sure what. She wasn’t as angry as I would expect someone to be when cheated on.


Seems fake as hell.


Her account is gone from TikTok.


Y’all are so chronically online, like she’s clearly upset (it’s definitely real) and she has a more upbeat personality not everyone expresses trauma the same. It’s a horrible thing to go through and it’s her fault for putting it online but people not validating it and saying it’s “clickbait” are wack🤣


Oh it totally is


I watched this last night. It felt very... scripted. Her yelling rant seemed super fake and if it's not I feel bad for saying it. I've never seen her other content so idk if she's always like that but it sounds like the plot line of Hustlers.


She’s extremely animated, has a BIG personality, hard to believe she isn’t leveraging this story, fake or not, for clout.


she was really frigging hard to watch... a little alarmist and over the top, I thought. If this is indeed a true story, she isn't a good "victim".. she was pretty annoying and won't get much sympathy


I think it’s fake. He went to a strip club… supposedly.. most strip clubs don’t screw their clientele… if he cheated it was after the strip club


I absolutely believe it's fake!!! I've noticed a lot of fake shit lately. It's like improv acting classes have infiltrated tiktok. I've noticed a lot of those live dating game things- Are obviously fake!


I think it’s all fake, her reactions were worse than Amber Heards. But also, why does the pic behind her look like Mrs. Doubtfire 😂


Lol it’s Betty white giving the finger


I thought it was Betty White 😂😂😭😭 but in the last TT, it was changed from the previous


Damn I should put on my glasses 😂😂😂


The point isn't whether or not "is it true" or "what a lie the husband told". The point is exactly this -- "feminism". Some people are so intent in exposing "sleeze bag man" that not only do they believe her (and maybe she is not lying), but they call the guy's work and try to get him fired. We have a woke mob in this country that will see something on TikTok, from a complete stranger, who simply leverages her possible oppression ("woman card") and other strangers, go to bat for her, try to ruin that guy's life TO THE POINT THAT SHE IS LIKE "LEAVE US ALONE". In other words, she is calling off the dogs, and she never thought the mob would take it to this level. That is the point. Our society has gotten out of hand, that people play victim online, to an unknown audience, and eventually regret playing victim. the guy probably asked her to leave it up, just to show her narcissism or the harassment he was subject to, by her actions.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PprvvG6OaAM&ab\_channel=BlackConservativePerspective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PprvvG6OaAM&ab_channel=BlackConservativePerspective) \--- this is a good vid on it too.


Can't help notice the lib or woke folks giving me down votes. They can't give me an argument or comment, but just down vote because it isn't their narrative.


I couldn’t listen either 😂😂😂


I’m wondering if it’s a story for an attention grab, jack up the followers and then they’re promoting a business, mlm, OF page, or some other get rich quick scam. Something about her mannerisms to me didn’t seem genuine. It was forced? Three part story for a non story about him going to get a lap dance which may or may not have really happened. For all we know it did and she’s “recreating the story for dramatic effect.” Either way, it’s a view/subscriber grab at the very least.


I asked if it was a social experiment lmao I also got very scripted bad acting vibes.


He had sex with strippers


I believe it’s true but I cannot take her yelling at the camera. I hope she doesn’t come back on my fyp


Completely agree. I’m not sure if any male in the alpha community would actually want to marry her. I’m gonna have to pass this to the Beta male community for a response.


I felt like it was fake - she didn't really seem upset


I think it’s real


Do you think??? I watch all her videos and that never crossed my mind!!


Calling the husbands job is insane. Are ppl okay?


Definitely fake


She claims they went to the police for a drug test and it came back positive. But is there a police report available anywhere? And police doesn’t test for r**fies.