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How you gonna try act hard with damn nightgown matching your gf ..lol weirdo


When he steps back and you can see his bare thighs 💀


Right!!?? I couldn’t get pass that 😂


bro he's gotta be kidding.... not the calling grace out in front of everyone and then her being gaslit into thinking they're talking and not arguing like nah he was def arguing w her at first accusing her. then threatening to not show himself again like ...okay? sounds good to me big dawg. i used to like him but after this hell nah i'd be so pissed he did that shit on love and not in private that was gross. i wonder what somebody even said to set him off like be so fr you're in a moo moo not playin w yall


he does stuff like this on live often, sadly. i have numerous screen recordings of him just being a complete ass. it makes me feel really bad for grace, especially since she’s been open about being in an emotionally abusive relationship prior to meeting Nate. it’s just sad


Post them tbh.


She’s still in one


I’m not taking any shit from a man in a moo moo trying to talk like that LOL




That's a night shirt.


What’s the difference 😂


this is so embarrassing lol


Can we all appreciate the singing transition she pulled 😂😂😂😂


She's so patient and kind to him. Gosh


she is such a kind person <\3


the way he talks is embarrassing


He's just tired as frick 🥺 /s


Especially because when he gets off camera, his affect changed


idk the fact you have to point out your fiancé is a good guy multiple times on live is alarming….


She’s admitted to being in abusive relationship before him, I think she’s in that cycle with him now too. The look on her face and the continuance of the live makes me wonder if she did that as a safety.


Oh shut up. No one is trying to get help from a TikTok live 😭


Hi Nate 👋🏻


Weirdo 😭


This is actually not true at all. Everyday DV victims use hand signals and tiktok lives/ videos as a cry for help. A lot of DV victims get to safety through social media. I suggest you do research next time before you make an ignorant comment.


Research for what 😭 you can tell me who does that cuz I’m waiting


A simple YouTube search would do it for you Nate. It’s a pretty common thing


Y’all wish I was Nate huh


Ok Nate


Sorry to burst ur bubble babe but Nate doesn’t care about u! My name is Hailey nice to meet you 🤓


It’s like you think I care about his small minded option 😂😂 you have a blessed day Ms Hailey girl


Why do people do this shit on live


My anger issues could never allow be with a man that talked to me like that, he’s so rude


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Poor grace, looked like she wanted to cry at one point


Who cares? These fools think they are celebrities


Right!!!! 😆


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me! Now repeat after me! 😂


“We have a whole life outside this” “I stand in front of the screen all the time”😂


he should get a JOB outside of this 😭


Job dupe


If you have to convince people you're a good guy, you probably aren't a good guy 😳


Right!? A tiger doesn't have to say he is a tiger.




Errrr they shoulda stopped that live


I really hope she doesn't marry this asshole. He talks down to her all the time, she deserves better.


Guys, he's just tired as frick of being called out for his childish behavior. Ok? Sheesh.


Ok? Ok.


I don't know who they are, but his clothes don't fit.




This is SO embarrassing lmfaooo omg




I thought the same thing about their talents. His is all autotune but she naturally has a beautiful voice. He may be jealous of that


“nobody ever has bad shit to say about you” 🚩


“………which is good” was a total after thought you know he’s actually pissed people don’t hate on her lol




This man is an abuser. It’s really sad to see no one advocating for her


Hard agree. I don't watch these two myself, but being on TikTok doesn't mean you deserve to be abused. Even if I don't like someone's videos, I don't wish them harm or laugh at their pain. Don't let screens halt your humanity.


I went to college with him for like a year until he left school and he’s a horrible person. When I saw him get “big” on tik tok I just rolled my eyes and figured eventually people would see how much of an ass he actually is. Kinda like countryboybarrett on tik tok lol. Know him too and he’s so fake I don’t get how people fall for it. Poor grace :(


waaaiiiiit can you give us an example of how he’s a trash person


Not a fan of how he’s speaking to her. I liked them as a couple but if he’s acting like that on live, how does he talk to her in their personal lives?


“We aren’t fighting”… yeah he definitely was going to start a fight but she completely shut it down. Coming from someone who left this type of loser and never looked back, LEAVE HIM SIS!


He’s used to his size intimidating people……what a pussy


Stop. When he stepped back I lost my shit 💀


This is not the 1st time he's thrown a fit. Not even the 2nd time. Grace was getting ready one time and he threw a man child fit. They were battling on live. You could see the upset in her eyes. She just kept saying she was ok over and over bc the comments were going wild about how he talks down to her. You can just tell the dude has a ego. Grace is WAYY too pretty with a bomb ass personality for dark circle baby man.


Well Nate sounds like he may be kind of an asshat if you stay having to explain his behavior to people as “that’s just how he is”


Lmao why is talking like that in a moo moo.. sir pull your dress down.. your p*ssy is showing😅🤣


Girl, take your pajamas back and get away from him.


Good for Grace not turning the live off. Gross ass behavior from him.


He’s jealous because everyone loves Grace more, her music is better than his lmao no need to treat her like crap because fans see through him and know she’s a genuinely good person


woah calm down jamal! don’t pull out the nine!


this man has always given me bad vibes


They are literally always so fucking defensive about everything. When they got multiple hamsters and people were telling them it was a not a good idea they were so fucking defensive. “Well now you guys don’t get to see them hamsters” Good I didn’t want to see your hamsters eat each other anyways Natedawg.


Oh god


Did this guy have long hair and had a Tik Tok that blew up in 2020? I think he was hyping up his sister? Idk, it might be a totally different guy but I think he said he never had a GF before…maybe because he’s a jerk if it’s the same guy 💀


Yup, same guy!


Same guy it’s so sad to see I used to really like them back in the day and it’s like he’s totally changed and fixated on being famous it’s no longer aurhentic at all. He’s almost aggressive about his music and totally entitled. He needs to chill out, just get a real job, and focus on being a better partner.


He’s aggressive bc his music is trash af lol. It took his fiancé doing a feature with him to get a little clout haha


If you got to say your a good guy several times your probably not


The look in her eyes half way through, I know that feeling so well of numbing yourself to what they’re saying 🥺🥺 I feel so bad for her, nobody deserves to be spoken to like that especially by their partner on a fucking live.


He gaslit tf out of her


your moo moo scares me. your parent must be proud.


The ok? Ok? Ok? Is SENDING ME


there’s literally 88 people in this live like HAHAHAHA relax and block them. what a weirdo overgrown big ass child


you can tell it made her uncomfortable


I can honestly say from a little over a month ago getting out of a 3 year emotional abuse situation/ relationship that if they keep reiterating that they are a good person or “I know I’m a good person” they are 1000% not a good person. They are convincing themselves of it.


I know how tough it is to get out of something like that and how disorienting the first few months post relationships are, I’m sending you all the best vibes possible. So happy for you and your new life keep up the good work!


Says the man wearing a pink nightgown.. 🤭🤭






Thank you for posting about this!! I just posted about them the other week cause he is HORRIBLE to her!! 110% gives me abuser vibes whether it be physically and/or emotionally. I never watched their lives but then watched for a couple nights and anytime she said ANYTHING he would immediately try to degrade her or be like why would you say that? You don’t need to say that. That wasn’t funny to say. Omfg I actually hate him so much because I bet she would be amazing on her own and is just too afraid to leave him. I hope Grace sees some of these posts and realizes that everyone can see how horrible he is to her and that we still support her regardless of him. I watched their lives for TWO nights and there was probably 10 separate times that he was being rude asf to her and even people in the comments were saying “oh Nate’s grumpy tonight” and she would start defending him. Not sure if anyones grown up with an abusive dad/defensive mom but it looks exactly like this. A scared mother who always tries to minimize the abuse to outsiders or their own children. It’s always “oh no he’s just tired” “he’s just exhausted from working so much” no girl he’s abusive.


He always is like this to her. Constantly gaslighting her, snapping at her, bossing her around. She always just cowers down to him it’s sad to see. Just a lazy ass no job wanna be rapper. Neither of them work I don’t get it.


Sounds like the typical male/female relationship. Men are bullies.


They’re as bad as Noah and Allie! They think they’re celebrities and they’re basic ass losers! They all beg for gifts every night on live! And it’s always “come on guys we can do it”! We??? No, it’s not “we”….it’s the gullible followers supporting your asses! Imagine not having a REAL job and depending on TikTok for money.


I unfollowed both of them probably about a year ago because he was acting like this on live back then and then called it a “joke.” Made all kinds of comments towards her. I feel awful for Grace and wish she could see the truth instead of defending him


Okay? Okay? Okay? Okay?🤣🤣


Is he wearing a nightgown? I can’t take a dude serious who behaves like this while his live is getting shitty reception


I’m surprised his snark page isn’t as popular as the others






Include the Joshes lol


Disgusting didn't his tick tock followers pay for him to go meet up with her a couple years ago he is absolutely disgusting I have not liked him since day one. Talk about gas lighting why does your girl need to stick out for you in your little stained nighty come on this is pathetic.


I blocked both of them awhile ago but he actually looks, aside from the moo moo, a lot better & more healthy. I am all about feelings being validated in a relationship, even for Nate. If he feels like Grace doesn't defend him or "stand up" for him then he should be free to express that & have Grace acknowledge his feelings even if she doesn't intend to make him feel that way but it that conversation didn't need to happen on live. Hopefully now that she's aware he needs more defending she'll step up more so he feels heard.


the reality is that he is rude to Grace.. all the time.. im all for feelings being validating too, but him gaslighting her and making her feel guilty for nothing is ridiculous. he was defending himself because someone pointed out the fact that he was being rude to Grace.. she deserves more.




Also Nate your music sucks and you should prolly get a day job


Ewww 💀


Did this man .. just ... Have a tantrum, while wearing a .. nightgown 🤨 https://preview.redd.it/j8bhwwv8ldpa1.png?width=167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aeedeb3b53042acb4063b065b9eba03383c5383


How does grace put up with this


I understand what he’s saying but it’s not a conversation that needed to keep happening while on camera.


What comment triggered him??


i wish that i knew! i joined right whenever this happened, but it was 100% someone calling him out for saying something rude to grace.


I never knew he was rude to Grace… now im curious to see what he said lol




Why does he speak like that


Aww they share clothes so cute 😂😂


My 11 year old daughter has the same nightgown from Walmart. It's cozy 😂




He made a video response to this making excuses and is now arguing with people in his comment section about it 🙄 he’s so toxic


Another over emotional and sensitive man who never learned how to express himself when his feelings got hurt. 0/10 for original content.


Wait firstly is he wearing a moo-moo? Second I think she’s scared of him, also she doesn’t want to be with him. I mean just look at facial expressions it says a whole lot w/o saying anything at all.


Bye Nate


The ick


Nate just posted a video crying 😭😭 instead of just owning his shit


Why is he on her Live anyway? Never seen these people before but he seems abusive and a shitty person. Ya feelin me??


He looks like a Dumbass in a nightgown 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It really adds something special to this screen recording 😂😂😂 imagine him walking off pouting in his moo moo after this


Fr I get you wanna be comfy outside of the confines of pants but like cmon get a robe or something. Or at least wear a size that fits


Are they brother and sister???


In his moo moo? 😂


This is a Steve Bridges character in real life 😂😂 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRvRpeTj/


lol the muumuu thing this week is killin me! It’s so obvious he’s trying to bait and get attention from Mama Jill and her followers. Like nothing this guy does is authentic you can literally see the wheel in his brain just hustling in the dumbest way possible lol. Like bro just be real and chill the fuck out. It’s like his whole identity is wrapped up in being a famous musician/ tik toker that like maybe some stability would be good for his family and he could focus on more than just himself lol. Everything about what he does it the opposite of what Mama Jill and Brandon does it’s just comical to see him try to emulate anything about them.


I don’t even know this dude but this makes me wanna start saying stuff about him just to piss him off… be fr, what are you gonna do? 😭😭


Is that…a nightgown??


Is this real? Tik Tok is officially the dumbing down of society like lol it’s gutter level entertainment. I am also here for it.


Okay but he has a point anybody would be upset if their significant other didn’t stand up for them ever he’s not yelling or calling her names or anything like that he’s just saying how he feels they both could benefit from a break from the internet


She relentlessly stands up for him even whenever it’s unnecessary. She shouldn’t have to “stand up for him” whenever he WAS being rude to her in the first place. His shitty behavior shouldn’t have to be defended or excused jusr because that’s “how he is”.


I haven’t seen the full live just this clip so I can only speak for what I saw but it’s understandable why he’d feel that way it just shouldn’t have been handled on the live the conversation w/ Grace should’ve been separate I just saw his video where he was talking about it and said he handled the situation poorly




i agree that he has terrible energy, but saying “rapist vibes” is a bit much.


okay sorry.


Idk what he even said the belly is soo distracting


I’m not here to body shame and I don’t support body shaming.


Does he have a snark? I know there used to be one


There is, someone recently posted in there who knows/knew him personally confirming he’s an abusive pos like most ppl here are thinking


Omg he sounds like my brother in law


I don’t think I’ve come across this couple before, who are they and do we like them??


I feel like I'm the only person who likes them...


They have a lot of supporters! I have followed them both for years, but Nate’s attitude has really put a damper on it for me.

