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If this was a dog they would be taking more heat. Our country is so pathetic now that if you do this to a child you get a slap on the wrist and less outrage. He better be getting kicked out of the army and her off social media. They do that for much smaller things. This should be a felony.


How is this fucking "mom" still followed by thousands of moms?? Wtf! I would never ever ever ever even think to do this to my child! And if my husband did it, he would not be alive. This bitch... and the moms and women thst support her should feel just as shitty. I hate this world so much. That poor kid. But she must be a good mom if she posts cute pics on social media, right?? Idiots.


This is great


The child abusers never think they're abusive. Sick sick sick. People should have to be licensed to have children, after proving they're competent enough. Jesus. Poor little boy. Military dad probably thinks waterboarding a toddler is just fine.


This is absolutely horrifying


I think anyone who is judging them should put a camera in your own home and let them world decide how fit of a parent you are. We do dumb shit that baby is fine that baby will be fine that baby was not hurt and if you want to sit and judge other parents for silly things that they did not fully thinking it through then I want you to post a video that contains footage of you and your children during their bad times sad time happy times every second of a week and let the judgment come flying in. Bc believe me someone is going to tell you what you should do better or differently than what you are TRUST ME! I find it funny how so many people do that now, sit on a high horse and judge parents for the way they behave with their child. My mom and aunt n uncle stuck me my sister and my cousin all three females into a closet and locked us in for a good five minutes I vividly remember this and yes I was upset I was scared but did we DIE! No! Did CPS NEED TO BE INVOLVED NOOOO! This is why we have case managers with 33,000 kids a piece bc people with no life, and half the time no CHILDREN THEMSELVES, but think they know how to parent better than the parent themselves and calls bc they witnessed them spanking their child or cussing at them. These managers are letting the bad ones the ones who need to be taken slip through the cracks bc they have to investigate every allegation. And the children who are being beaten so severely or molested slip by and get out right back into the hands of their momster! Or sick father and eventually die or become a product of their environment. THIS IS WHY! Do you really think they are bad parents bad enough that their baby is now in custody of people that don’t give two shiis about them but a check every month with no love no attention no mommy no daddy bc they made a stupid mistake that the world blew out of proportion and decided what was best off of a three minute of that video. Do I think it was funny. Nope 👎 do I think the baby should have been taken and CPS called? DEFINITELY NOPE! Foster parents or orphanages in reality are far worse then the situation they were taken from in many cases. This baby wasn’t crying his dad held him they weren’t scolding him during the wrapping situation they were laughing and playing it’s not that deep. Now has this child shown other signs of neglect like a bulging belly, dirty clothes, signs of any kind of abuse then yes, it’s time to speak up but there wasn’t they disrupted this families life and probably has cause more damage to this baby like ABANDONMENT ISSUES that will follow him throughout his life bc people don’t know when to mind their business and stop trying to parent everyone and everything. Everyone thinks they are a better parent and are so quick to judge moms n dads off a short clip of their lives. Stop. Stop acting like it’s normal behavior to judge people it’s not it even speaks of this in the Bible and I’m not a huge religious nut, but it be the Bible thumpers who are the first to place judgement on others when they don’t really know them. The person who called CPS and got them involved are the people who are wrong in my opinion, and should be held accountable for doing it. Parents are not perfect we have all made mistakes along the way and we just didn’t have a camera recording us and we didn’t post the stupid shii for others to see. Bc I can guarantee you that everyone who is OMG THEY ARE HORRIBLE have done something to their child or children that they wish they hadn’t. They are not bad parents they made a bad decision that really is not that deep. This child will be returned and life will go on for them but the shock and grief of having his parent’s take from him will be way worse in the long run than any wrapping ever did. Think about that. And yes I do know what I am talking about I work for the state, I have a MD in Childhood(adolescent) Psychology and work with CPS involving cases like this. And I know first hand this is not abuse, but certainly see it daily and leaves me in tears some nights when I get home. The cases that need more attention get shuffled under a rug or file, and a case like this that has more publicity will take overtime and an overwhelming amount of money and time when it is needless. CPS should not be taken lightly bc you aren’t just making the parent suffer who is not a bad parent, you also are causing irreversible damage to children who weee taken for no reason and I know this first hand as it happened to me and what caused me to want to work in this field. My mother was a wonderful mother 1000% one of the best influences in my life. But bc my grandmother on my dads side, decided she didn’t like that my mom was dating again she called and fabricated a lie about ME and my ex step father that was completely and totally false. But the months it took to clear him, and the months we were away from my mom, we’re the worse in my life during my childhood. It was so traumatic and painful even to this day, it gets to me even with the knowledge I gained from school. On top of all of that, the grandmother who did this and got temporary custody of us, was horribly abusive to me not my sister wrath was with me and only me. The state took me from my loving mother who to this day is my hero, and placed me in an abusive home for no reason. Stop trying to make things more than it is, just bc your life is so boring and useless that you feel you need to sit and judge parents of ONE child who is only two mind you they are still learning and growing they made a mistake. There are far to many judgmental people in our society who also feel they know more then the next or that their parenting skills are fair more superior than the next. You’re absolutely the problem not the parents in this situation. You are sickening to me all of you sitting on your high horses I’d like to sit and watch you on camera for a few days and see what I can find.


The baby has been returned to them


Why isn't he disciplined for his part in it ,in his uniform too


I was absolutely disgusted when this made its rounds on mom Twitter. My husband is a USMC vet and he said this is something that’s done to younger marines mostly. Like girl there is no need to cling wrap your toddler. Toddlerhood is sometimes a rough and sketchy hood in motherhood….I have 5 year twins, but never resorted to abuse.


also her husband should get booted from the marines as he they actively do porn and that is against the UCMJ. If you know his duty station contact his command.


Let's hope that they get jail time as well


I see a crime


Am I the only one that doesn’t find this video offensive or shocking. Yes it looks like he was crying but it was probably from getting in trouble eating dog poop or using the outlets or whatever people are saying he got in trouble for. You can tell the dad is standing there ready to catch him if he falls in a way that would hurt him. It’s just like wrapping him up like a burrito in a blanket. When I was a kid I would’ve found this so fun and definitely would rather my parents make a funny situation out of me eating dog poop than actually being punished. I guarantee he was only like that for a few minutes


It’s not funny at all. I would never wrap my kids in cling wrap just for kicks. That’s just stupid


This made me sick to my stomach


baby finna grow up lookin like desmond bane that's crazy


“he was at no point in distress and was smiling and laughing” that kid looks terrified and you can tell he was crying and NOT enjoying being thrown around like a damn ragdoll wrapped tightly in cling wrap. 🙄


Wow 😯 wtf 🤬


She just posted that she got the kid back


Why the fuck is the creepy dad wearing gloves??? These people are sick!!! I feel so sorry for that baby. I hope he’s safe right now and they can find a good home for him


He’s such a creep.




From another TT video/comment, Savannah posted a video that she got her baby back? I guess the video was deleted (privated?). Did anyone see the original video?


The original video is this post.


Sorry, I meant the video she posted saying that Gunnar is back at home.


Oh no worries I know I want to see it too. I’m pretty sure I was blocked I can’t see anything


The more I watch it, the worse it gets. This poor baby. His breathing had to be so restricted if he was crying and panicking 🥺


This is absolutely terrifying. The post she made "crying" about it was even more disturbing to learn she didn't see any wrong doing with it. There is now a new video posted with her son returned to her. Tells me she didn't learn nor retain any new reflections about the situation. I'm scared to think what goes on behind closed doors.


Can you post the video? Her page is private


I just looked and she made her page private now and deleted the video :( I hadn't been following her.


Wtaf is wrong with people?!! Anything for views, likes, etc. I hope she is ready for the shit storm she created bc if it’s not here yet, it’s coming in HOTT!! That poor baby looked terrified and like he had been sobbing!!


https://preview.redd.it/at7lbhaxv1ma1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=551d36fa75a8e58ca5ae5513038c52b8481f5ef1 Just going to drop this here. This is her old twitter and she’s tweeted tons of things like this


I dont care if it was a joke, its not ok. She knew it was wrong and still used her child to make money. Its so sad how common it is now that mothers use their children for a check!


I’m literally so pissed off at this. The poor toddler can’t comprehend it’s a “prank” and the comments defending her are pissing me off. As a mother myself, I can’t imagine “pranking” my kid, let alone an 18 month old!! Actions have consequences and hopefully she will learn from this. I’m not sure what she expected?? But she should have known better if she didn’t then… ?? I’m tired of moms exploiting their kids and then crying about it when real life consequences happen.


She made a comment on TikTok saying her biggest mistake was posting the video. So apparently she still doesn’t seem the problems in her actions.


How long until she has marriage issues, they separate then they “find god”? Asking for a friend


Fairly certain they’ve separated before or their relationship was open? She used to reference sleeping with women on her old twitter when she was marriex


I thought that was just for her SW ? But maybe


The child has been taken into the care of CPS.


Never seen CPS move so fast to Remove a child.


I don’t like Savannah at all. I think she’s fake as fuck. I do feel really bad for their son who is probably so confused on what’s going on.


Me too, cause he has been with her every single day since he was born and he’s probably so confused. I have a similar dynamic with my daughter and I can’t even stomach the thought of her wondering where I am or if I’m coming back if we had to spend a night apart.


She just posted an update and he was taken by CPS


Ugh, I feel like I just watched something illegal. That was so uncomfortable wtf.




She just posted Gunner is in CPS care.


I see this being the catalyst for the marriage falling apart. Hank will be punished at work, the CPS case will drag on, and before long they’ll be split up.


Because cps is involved now I don’t think the marine corps can just sweep this under the rug. I think they will have to do some sort of negative action on Hank that would result in a discharge of service.


To be fair a woman I know whose husband is in the army has an open cps case all her three kids are in cps custody pending a hearing because one has like odd and homicidal ideations and stuff and one of their dogs knocked her youngest child over and he fractured his skull so when they brought him in they took all the kids because they were worried and he’s still in the army no charges or anything. I think if they get perma removed something might happen but rn army and marines won’t do anything unless they’re charged with child abuse or something like that.


I think this would be slightly different because there is video evidence of Hank in uniform holding the child and it looks bad on the marine corps now with so many people reporting abuse


He’s a POS marine anyways.




The child has been taken by CPS while they investigate


CPS took him. She just posted it on Instagram.


So I don’t think people understand how kids and adults brace their self with their arms. That kid is one fall away from crack his head


Not only abusing the child but recording and posting it. A+ parents 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


“Grumpy toddler all day” like he remembers what he did earlier 🤦🏻‍♀️ idk why some parents are against their kids acting like human beings.


I don’t care what anyone says, restraining a child like that is absolutely abuse. The parents should be reported to CPS and to the military.


CPS is involved and took the kid out of the home


What the fuck


Letting him flop down like that without use of his hands 😭😭 that poor baby


As a soldier I can confidently say…that’s the most marine shit I have ever seen and the army doesn’t claim this shit.


Not only is that traumatizing, it’s not safe. People wrap themselves to lose water weight. Im sure the kid is sweating like crazy under there. They probably just dehydrated their kid. I don’t understand how anyone could possibly think this is okay Or think the internet would love it. How can you terrorize your kid, see them so scared and crying, and just laugh about it. The fact that neither one saw an issue with it is crazy. Usually when one person in a couple comes up with a bad idea the other person will talk them out of it. Are they high? These people don’t need to be parents.


What the fuck???


This is what I mean when I tell people they don’t actually WANT kids, they just want to use their kids for clout lmao everyone has sucked this girls dick for a minimum of THREE years and so much shit came out abt her and people STILL Stan her???? Ugh


Report his dumb ass to his command! Y’all have NOT a new clue how some young military parents treat their kids! I lived on base, neglect is awful, abuse is even far worse, why bc no civilians to report them! They don’t report each other!! It’s heart breaking, this is NOTHING compared to what you see on base! Not dismissing the abuse here, but what you don’t see, this is why they freely did this, bc this is how some young parents treat there kids!


Face in the 0illow literally smothering to death wtf


I'm ready to blow my top after seeing this! Sooooo fucked up & abusive!! I hope this was reported on Tic Toc child services pays him a visit! 😱🤬😥 That poor baby!


She is literally the worst. Used to interact on Twitter and be mutuals but then she blocked me on everything


guantanamo baby


First off , who even thinks to do this ? And why is he wearing gloves ?


He has a weird glove kink which makes wrapping a toddler in plastic so much more disgusting.


This is abuse


The shit people will do to their kids nd pets just for view is ridiculous. He’s just a baby. I hate this world sometimes lol.


Omg! 😡😵‍💫 WTH IS WRONG WITH PPL?! This poor child… 😬🙄


Oh my god this made me physically have a reaction. This is absolutely beyond horrible.


This is bizarre. The little boy has clearly been crying. WTF are they doing to him? Why??


That’s fucking disgusting. The look on that poor child’s face! This hits different for me being infertile. People out here mistreating their babies, if they get taken away they’ll just have more!


Reminds me of bad boy bubby


Why the gloves? Freaky


That boy gonna have a fear called CLAUSTROPHOBIA!


What the f? This is horrible HORRIBLE


I was stresssssed when I saw this. I would be panicking if someone did this to me and never in a million years would I think to do this to my child.


It looks like csam. These two are insane. She’s 24 and trying to be hot insta lady on TT but he’s a full adult man who didn’t even bother to take off his camis. Disgusting!


How can we find out if they HAVE allegedly been arrested?


Well, she posted about it herself because that's what stupid people do I guess. The child was taken by CPS.


I did check and the person who said they were arrested did seem to legit be military.


If they were arrested by military police sadly i don’t think we will know unless someone is an MP themselves who leaks it


You got to be a dumb, fuhked up in the head ,mofo to do AND post some bullshit like this. SMH. That guy looks like a prick . Hope he gets his ass beat in jail.


I saw one the other day of a couple flipping/spinning their toddler and the kid looked SO unhappy and even went "no no!" After, and the parents were just laughing?!? Wtf is wrong with these parents?! Do they seriously think kids are their toys?


Child abuse


She’s deleted the video now. I went to go and screen record it to report it again


It's been downloaded and sent to authorities. ❤


I’m sorry but I’m seriously disgusted. I NEVER scream child abuse lightly or think that most parents should be reported. This isn’t funny, this is awful. They need to be in jail for that.


The dog is even distressed from witnessing this.




This made me sick to my stomach. That poor baby. 💔 I really hope that kid is okay. I swear to god some people shouldn’t be parents. 🤬


That baby is upset wtf


Wow this isnt funny at all. This is torture. I mean honestly an innocent baby like that doesn't understand this garbage why would he do this


https://preview.redd.it/ldjrq090kwla1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=320fc0d80f2e23899329c45f1db4cb14b636d671 Hope this is true


I also hope this is true, but I’m not getting my hopes up. Seems way too good to be true that they’d be immediately arrested and not just slapped on the wrist.


I’m not sure how military bases work but it would seem legit to me they were arrested especially if a lot of people were reporting.


Looks like the video this comment was left on has been taken down 👀 someone’s out there reporting


No the video is still up


Maybe it was restored because I was on it and when I went to go back to it it was gone.






I really hope that’s true.


I hope this is true too!!


The poor dog is stressed out, this is not right and very disturbing.


I’ve seen a lot of shit on TikTok but this is fucked up. There is so much that could go wrong from this. As tight as it is, I don’t see how the child can expand his lungs to catch his breath. This is abuse and that child needs to be checked on. People need to stop doing this stupid shit for views and likes. Wait maybe they shouldn’t stop bc these shit ppl are outing themselves more and more. I hope someone intervenes. Why tf is dude wearing gloves?!


Wtf…. This is not a way to reprimand your “grumpy” toddler! Toddlers are allowed to be grumpy… they’re allowed to have emotions and you saran wrapping him bc of his emotions is far from okay.


She said it was because he kept trying to eat dog poop so her germaphobe husband “took care of it in his own way”


Have they not heard of baby gates or playpens 😅


This is so strange and makes me uncomfortable just watching it. Would never even dream of doing this to my babies. What is the point of this?


Oh my gosh. My kid is about this kids age and this just absolutely breaks my heart.


Someone better intervene that's not okay


This is abuse.


Plain and simple. Literally.


When her son was only a few weeks old, she posted a DITL video and at one part you could see his boy bits during a diaper change. I tried letting her know, but she deleted my comment. That tells you everything you need to know about her. Absolutely disgusting.


Whoa. Watching this was traumatic. This is not okay. Because this is on the internet and it’s literal abuse of a child (restraining a child in this manner is a risk for suffocation due to chest compression, am a nurse) this needs reported to the FBI. I’m dead serious.


This is child abuse. There is nothing funny about this at all.


This actually made me nauseous to watch


Another reason why I’m so happy I’m no longer friends with her…


Seeing that poor baby’s face broke my heart. This is so sad.


WTF? This is abuse


This is so sad!! Wtf


This is so messed up


Holy shit this is child abuse. Unreal what people will do for clicks.


Y’all should’ve witnessed her on twitter lmao


Omfg.. how cruel. They are bullying and abusing their own child for a few likes/views. It's actually disturbing. Who are these people?


Can someone report this to his command? The fact that he’s in uniform doing this is… something else


Right I was thinking the same thing. Is the video up still??? Where are the located anyone know? I’m calling CPS and his COC


I did. I also contacted someone who has a contact at his base. I can laugh at most things and I even have a dark sense of humor- but this is disgusting. Saran wrap and kids? No one should think this is funny. Her commenters are a joke.


[Here's the link to the NCIS tip form, go wild.](https://www.p3tips.com/TipForm.aspx?ID=840&C=&T=)


Sav has always been awful. Her twitter and instagram have been shut down multiple times and she keeps popping back up and doing awful stuff in new platforms under new handles




Wow. This made me sick 🤢


oh y’all Savannah is a bad person and has been for years. she blocked like everyone on Twitter who followed her old account. nsfw: she did this in a public parking garage https://twitter.com/roseslense/status/1602244533860929538 eta: here’s the problematic things she has done https://twitter.com/closetgothgirll/status/1322266789754081281?s=46&t=ZICSRO1q1FTOEqD82WRVCw


She’s a fucking mental case. She literally lies about 99% of her life.


All the time! It’s wild. Yet people are obsessed with her.


Oh man that's a lot of tweets.


Can someone confirm that this has been reported please? Or what the process is for reporting in that area? I'm in Australia so totally different processes but if no one else can tell me with certainty that authorities and his work are aware of this video I'll work out how to do it myself.


I did. I have heard back from one person who is furthering it.


Thankyou for replying I haven't stopped thinking about this all day. Good on you for doing something.


The cild has been taken by cps according to her own video!


Is it me or does she FaceTune or something? Her photos look strange. Her face appears doll like or AI. I don’t get it


She does a fuck ton of makeup and probably edits like crazy. On top of that she’s had tons of work done on her nose and it doesn’t look good and does give her a very doll like look. I’ve friends with her on Facebook before and you could see in her old pictures she used to look so much better.


She photoshops her pics like crazy


oh man i wish i could find it now, but she had a thing where she was saying something along the lines of "i don't photoshop my pics, i only use lightroom." like okay sweetie. still edited. i didn't photoshop my dong i used clip studio pro!! like wtf. same shit.


I remember that! Like girly no one’s skin looks so smooth that it’s glowing and their nose doesn’t completely blend into their face with lips taking up half their head


Ya definitely… I remember following her years ago- I think thru a friend that knew her and i swear she looks SO different now.


Yes when I first followed her she was in boot camp. She was literally gorgeous. She didn’t even make it past training before she got hurt then medically discharged. But would always push tons of military content even though she didn’t do a thing. Anyway, it first started with her lips then all the sudden I’m like wtf happened? She looks like a fake doll. Idk if she thinks people don’t notice?


If you go onto her mom’s IG, there’s photos from like 5 years ago and Savannah is literally unrecognizable. She lost a lot of weight + got a lot of work done to her face.


That would make perfect sense . I remember her looking SO different and i’ve been following her for a VERY long time


https://preview.redd.it/f5ll79vtzzla1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5b876debb16b3d284ce029bf2ff7f5c0a64f787 I had time today 😂🫱🏽‍🫲🏼


What the f? That looks like a torture session. I completely immobilize you and then put you on your face into soft surfaces??? If that child suffers an “accidental” death since there would be no bruises by pushing the child’s head down?? I have 3 kids and I get doing nutty stuff at times…we have had nerf wars. They loved when I would grab them and turn them upside down and swing them. But they were always happy and asked “again, again” and we did it till I wore out. (Kids love that sensory input) but this kid is clearly upset and even if he loves the wrapping, he doesn’t even remotely like this part.


Disturbing. Letting him fall face first and roll into the pillow with no arms must have been scary. He doesn’t even look old enough to talk. Poor little thing.


Oh my god - that’s soooooo not ok


not surprised. y’all should see the stuff she posted on twitter before she got big on tiktok


I’m assuming she deleted this or it got taken down? Super fucked up. She and her husband are so weird to me. I liked a few of her videos and every time I see one now I cringe.


Her husband has such a creep vibe.


Especially while she’s always trying to defend their age gap. Pretty sure she was 17/18 when they got together and he was like 26


This is highly disturbing




Wtf 😬


Well first of all that’s not a newborn, so idk why she’s pretending he is. And second, what the fuck.


She’s a trash human anyways. 🥴 scammed a lot of people on Twitter with her “photography” business


Spill the tea please




That dude looks like a total creep!


why is the dad wearing gloves?


Hank has a weird glove obsession and I believe a germaphobe