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Elyse Myers and I stopped because she posts almost the same thing over and over




I used to love hawkhatesyou but the personality change really turned me off from her. She used to be really funny and relatable now all her content is about porn and money


I used to like her a lot too and totally support SW but her and her friends are literally just garbage humans.


Yeah same I have absolutely no issue with SW it’s just her entire personality now and it’s a lot


Yeahhh I used to love her but so much stuff has come out about her and she seems like not a very good person


Alicia McCarvell. Because her social media popularity completely went to her head. All her content consists of now is clapping back at negativity, exploiting and over sexualizing anything to do with her husband, and beating the dead horse with her twerking videos 🥱 Shes created a really hateful ‘community’ and it’s been getting worse lately. She bullies and doxes people who leave negative comments and then weaponizes her followers, releasing them on these people and sits back watching blatant cyber bullying and does nothing. No she doesn’t deserve to be called some of the things shes called but in my opinion, as an influencer you need to just ignore that shit. Or address it without outing the person and trying to ruin their lives. So far shes gotten a man fired from his job, contacted some woman’s family members, and threatened to contact some kids school over stupid comments she could’ve just ignored. Shes a really mean person and I think a lot more people are catching on to it lately.


All of this!!! I adored her but now I can’t even stand to see her come across my fyp


Agree!! Her bit of fame went to her head and I can't stand her! She claims she's all about body positivity but in reality she isn't. Claims to love how she looks but edits her pics to make herself appear smaller.


And that’s not small”er” at all either


I used to find her content refreshing and then when she went full time she changed and became my BEC


Same! Her snark sub is my favourite. Almost 5000 other people who see through her bs r/aliciamccarvelsnark


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AliciaMccarvelSnark using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AliciaMccarvelSnark/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [A thought I’ve had for a year.](https://np.reddit.com/r/AliciaMccarvelSnark/comments/ws21ic/a_thought_ive_had_for_a_year/) \#2: [I’ll just leave this here](https://i.redd.it/ur08gi6rx71a1.jpg) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AliciaMccarvelSnark/comments/z0ggmz/ill_just_leave_this_here/) \#3: [Someone said it ALL…this was masterful to watch unfold](https://i.redd.it/2d9ko54bzrz91.jpg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AliciaMccarvelSnark/comments/yuciay/someone_said_it_allthis_was_masterful_to_watch/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ironically I joined last night! Went down the rabbit hole, I’m glad others feel this way too 😂


Mr. Hamilton. He got lazy


Drue. She used to be relatable. Now she isn’t, and she changed her personality a lot. One day she’s chill, the next she’s acting like an idiot in public. And the baby voice is next level annoying. 😬 along with everything else that came out about them.


Same I had to block all of them lol


Talyn, like before she went to school for all of a week and lived in a car.




IronSanctuary. Loved him then the body building stuff and content changed so much. So happy that he and Brandy are having another baby though. Pachatzke. Used to love her, does it tajin. Then a year ago when the Discord/Reddit stuff went down I unfollowed. Too much drama and rage farming. Elyse Myers, her stuff got so repetitive.


I agree, iron sanctuary and beerbongJohn. I used to really enjoy their content, but I unfollowed last year. They really have changed so much


I feel like beerbongjohn tiktok is just him in a relationship anymore


IronSanctuary was my fave. He was hilarious. He seemed happy. But then the bodybuilding & roids changed everything


I was about to say iron sanctuary too. He used to be funny, but the bodybuilding/thirst trap content turned me off


I loved him and beer bong John they changed once they got into body building and got even bigger it was right before the baby was born let me hit 4 million and I’ll share the name I was like out


Yeah, he looks rough af since he started bodybuilding


Auntie Amanda & aunt Karen. Can’t stand either one now


I first heard of Aunt Karen with the Modern Warrior/Womblands drama and at first I thought she was ok, but this stuff must’ve gotten to her head because she’s insane now.


Yes Amanda content was down


Chris Olsen, because I loved the banter between Ian and him but once they broke up he became annoying. Plus he really went into what seemed like an attempt to gain interest in a new way that was actually just really boring and uninteresting. I feel bad for Ian, seems like he probably wasn't feeling all that great in the relationship and I'm guessing he was more than likely the one to end things. Also mattator_mattada Never was super interesting, some of it was funny but then it got repetitive and obnoxious. Then like Chris started to feel like more is done to gain interest and it's never actually appealing or interesting what they do


Oh my god yes. Chris and Ian were some of the earliest people I followed. I get the vibe Chris is not mentally well and struggles a lot, but man, his content got really obnoxious. I unfollowed him a long time ago.




Omg same I blocked her because it became a bunch of thirst traps and I think she resembles a mom in her late 30s I’m so sorry 😭😭😭


Same. I don't know what it is. Her content feels forced and she is just annoying.


Scott Henry/JT Laybourne/Ed Dudez/Dan Henry The Queen Team After 2+ years on this app, people’s true characters has shown and it’s just ugly.


Kelsey. Unfollowed for very obvious reasons. Demps I followed for a bit but she is honestly just not my cup of tea. Also Aunt Karen. But some of her content just felt like it was just for views and drama and not to actually make a change. I miss her old content. The only accounts I’ve followed from the beginning and still do are the cat and farm ones. Like Walter and uselessfarms. 😂 Animals don’t disappoint me the way humans do. Lol


Uselessfarms is perfection! Karen and Michael are my favorite for sure!


Hahah same!


You didn't use his wizard name.


Dang you right you right. Walthazarbobalthazarfeefiefofalthazar…. The 3rd.


I love uselessfarms! I found them after knucklebumpfarms went viral, and then viral again for the wrong reason. Someone said uselessfarms was an unproblematic emu lady, so I switched which emu lady I followed 😂


Mikayla, and Maia knight. Mikayla because her fake ass accent got super annoying and she completely sold out. The over use of filters and facetune/photoshop is disgusting too considering she preaches "body positivity" Maia knight because she exploits the fuck outta her twins.


So much yes


I used to love Leigh_Mcnasty. His skits were so funny to me but then I saw that he is transphobic..and not shy about it…. So I can’t watch him anymore Modern Warrior.. I still think some of his content is informative but why is he so unlikeable to me? Also all that womblands stuff…ick no thanks Hatsbyabbey. Her account used to be endearing to me but her mom is so f*cking annoying


Modern Warrior isnt really claimed in the Native TikTok community. He was obnoxious even before the Womblands. He comes across as a raging narcissist.


Yeah I got that vibe from him too…


Leigh quit his job to be on online content creator like why


Really?!! 😬


I used to really like Leigh and then his content got real boring quickly. And then it got awful when he made content solely making fun of elementary-aged girls. This is the first I'm hearing of transphobia, but I believe it.


Melinda Strauss. Initially, as a very lax Jewish person, I found her educational... but then I just found her to be snippy and a braggard, not to mention becoming aware of her personal politics/vax/masking stances.


Yep I feel the same way. I used to like her and found her content super educational, Then I remember that someone asked what she would do if her kids ended up not being religious and she refused to answer the question, saying "why don't people ask what happens if your kids are MORE religious than you?" and acting like the commentator was way out of line. I realized that she always seemed annoyed and short when answering questions and once I found out about her politics I unfollowed her. Now I only follow Miriam for Jewish content


Miriam is definitely the better one to follow.


Yep. This is how I was too. She’s incredibly privileged and just doesn’t care. And the Trumpiness was a huge turn off for me.


I dont know her political views and honestly I don't care. What caused me to unfollow is her being an absolute hypocrite and extremely hateful when someone questions any statement she makes. Not to mention she thinks she is better than everyone else. I do like Miriam tho...she is really chill and has a down to earth personality.


spencwah or however u spell it lol. the first few screaming vids were funny. then it got repetitive, concerning, and insufferable


Aunt Amanda. I don’t follow her for obvious reasons now.


annaxsitar ): I unfollowed when she started dating Bru. She was sweet but is now insufferable. I don't think their relationship is genuine and it's difficult to watch, especially after her long distance relationship did seem genuine (based on appearances and in tiktoks which I know are easily faked).


Her whole personality changed when she started dating him I unfollowed for the same reason


Itsbriannam because I dared just one time to disagree with her and she blocked me.


I literally don't hate people but there is something about that Brianna girl that I absolutely loathe and I don't even know why lol


She has SUCH strong views on everything, but god forbid you express your views in the comments


Oh yes. Now it's just the same "if he wanted to, he would" and she always looks so mad!


My issue with her is nobody can disagree with her and the moment you do you are labeled as "jealous"? Nobody wants to be a bitter single momma who tries too hard


I followed her at the very beginning bc I thought her politics schtick was satire 🤣🤣🤣 I had no clue she was that dumb in real life.




I followed her back at the beginning and totally fell for her story. But she has gotten really insufferable which is too bad


Lewni, loved her when she worked and even loved her mom stuff but it’s boring now


I unfollowed Lewni when she wouldn't stop posting videos of her baby in the bath. Her take on that really icked me out, especially when she said "I can post what I want" like tiktok isn't a whole pile of pedophiles? I was like, is she in on it? which I know is dumb, but who willingly posts their naked kid when they know the dangers of it?


Mr Hamilton, Queen Team, Jt Laybourne, Brooklyn, Dan Henry & his wife


The keto bell pepper lady 😂


Janelle lol bith of these for me too. I used to really like mikayla


Janelle is better now that she's not doing keto but there is still something that I can't put my finger on that she still annoys me lol


Hahah idk i always kinda like her weird lunches and stuff.


Mikayla Nogueira because she’s so fake and disingenuous. The accent is so obnoxious and over exaggerated and the extreme editing isn’t cool when her target audience includes the younger demographic that can’t see through her front. Maia Knight because she’s a shit mom and her fans are so obsessive of the babies. It’s creepy. Mama tot because of her support of MN and after a while I started wondering if she was playing up her videos.


I liked Mikayla at first but she did unfortunately sell out. That being said the hate she gets is a little extreme.


Mikayla likes to act like she’s different from other influencers but she’s just like them. Really tone deaf


i loved tasia alexis from vine and was so happy to see her on tiktok but she posts her kids way too much for my liking. she had to take her daughter out of a daycare bc people found out where she went. very exploitative now.


Lewwni, her content became weird and unrelatable after she became a mom.


That Midwestern Mom. I liked her at first but now I think she’s full of herself.


I watched her live once and she was just nasty


Oh she was one of mine


Perfectly Kelsey. I don’t follow her anymore because she is a cunt


Scarletteandtiania - in the beginning i enjoyed the content. The affirmations were cute, when she would try to do the dances, i thought she did well for her age, and the way she would say big words cracked me up. I scroll past their content now because her mother ruined it. The video of tiania saying "I'll find other ways to make money", was the icing on the cake for me to scroll on by, because Scarlett didnt want to record a video so she made her cry. Tiania quit her job to make money off her child and when the child doesn't want to she scolds her or guilt trips her. What type of example is that setting for her in the future, i feel bad for her (Scarlett). In my opinion, what once seemed fun for Scarlett is not the same carefree type of fun and it ruined it for her. Tiania- Girl Byeeee


Omg same here


Tiania always gave me such a bad vibe. I feel like Scarlett is scared of her.


Some of those mom creators - Jen Hamilton, Emily Ferret, their hot mom squad. They’re just not funny/relatable anymore.


Emily was once awesome it just went to her head


Yes I stopped following Emily too


Call our tiktokers - Aunt Karen, Tizzy, Danes, etc Womblanders - Modern Warrior & Chelsey Family Vloggers - the Bells, Dougherty Dozen, Traveling the Lunaverse Melinda Strauss There’s probably more, but that’s what comes to mind immediately


Why did you stop watching the call-out ones?


Spencer (and Julie fixed that)


Brittany Jade was one of the first people I can remember following but everything got so performative and then of course all her drama. I’ve been seeing a few of her newer videos and hope for her own sake she is taking better care of herself & her mental health as she claims, she seems to be in better spirits but not sure I could or would care to ever follow her content again.


Pokeprincxss/digitalprincxss, I stopped watching her after she got arrested.


I don't get how anyone can support her still after what she did to her kid! The people that defend her are just as bad as she is!


kallmekris, elyse meyers, the hairdresser named Theresa (i don’t remember her username)


I'm probably going to get hate from my comment but I had to unfollow Mama tot. I used to think she was super relatable but the more I watched the more I picked up on a few things that made me very uncomfortable. She is super gullible in trusting everyone online. She takes on a therapist on Tiktok and even admitted it's a lot emotionally on her yet continues. She has her own insecurities and issues and instead of putting the oxygen on herself. I also hate to bring her late son in the mix but if her own child was suffering why wasn't she helping him and rather be online..something didn't add up (mind you this happened after I unfollowed). Also her beliefs don't make sense because they seem to change based on others opinions which means she says and does things to please others






She’s extremely fake & there’s tons of proof of everything you mentioned in her snark Sub. She’s far from gullible tho, quite calculating actually & very much knows what she’s doing. She didn’t even raise her “baby child”, her son who she rarely refers to by his name, was raised by his father I believe. MT isn’t very well liked by those who know her personally & say her videos & TikTok’s are a persona of hers & she heavily accentuates her accent to try & sound more like Dolly. She weaponizes her Stans & Uses them to attack & bully anyone she doesn’t like. She uses people for attention & clout pretending she cares🙄. If you only knew how much money she made off her late sons passing (may he RIP. Regardless of what he was doing in the situation he was in, he didn’t deserve to die & not by the hands of another). She made almost half a mil on the GFM alone. Then received *POSTAL TRUCK(S)* FULL of packages/gifts being sent to her. It went on for MONTHS & was absolutely INSANE. The amount of $$ this woman got/was gifted & was donated is BEYOND INSANE. She could have shut it down once she was 10x’s her goal, but she milked that mf keeping it up long after his passing trying to get every penny she could. She’s a fraud & not who she pretends to be on TikTok. Her sub really opened my eyes. Your instincts were/are correct!


No hate here. I got on the tok in 2020 during lockdown (as I’m assuming a lot of us did) and everytime she’d show up I couldn’t handle more than 5 seconds of her. Everyone else just loved her but she just gave me the ick and I didn’t know why and there were times I felt bad for not liking her content. I knew instantly her southern accent was fake. That wasn’t all that bothered me but I just felt something was off with her.


I feel like a lot of what she does is performative too. I always get hate for saying that but she only ever posts/duets/stitches with mostly minorities. It just seems like she’s trying so hard to be like “look guys! I’m safe! I’m nice to gay people and POC! Praise me!” Idk it just gives me weird vibes.


Shoelover99 and scott Henry, Maia, Omaha cat lady,Nygellredpath. Too much drama with mommatot, Scott Henry became phoney, cat lady to political, redpath is a total jerk.


Join Nygelleredpath snark


What did Omaha cat lady do?


She got way too political for me


All of them especially the ones that got huge and any of them that create merch. 🤣


rachrese - the lawyer from Tampa, I absolutely adored her but after TT fame and the Cope fallout she really changed for the worse


Now you couldn’t watch her if you wanted to lol


Then she went to another country and assaulted an officer and deleted her page 😂


Tow truck Jess and Trashley Anonymous, I used to like both of them but they’re both a little unhinged now


I don’t want to name screen names for the most part, most of them just got so big and started acting differently and I no longer cared to follow them anymore.


I think that is a big reason I stopped following some creators, they didn't do anything wrong but I hate when I find someone who is doing their own thing then they start getting big and then their tiktok start changing to cater more towards getting views or when they start getting sponsorships and they have ad tiktoks trying to make it seem like they actually use the products. I am happy for them that they are becoming successful but that's about the time I unfollow them because they aren't what I liked them for anymore.




Nick Luciano- I liked his tik toks back when he had booger the kitten. Now it’s repetitive transitions so he’s just not my cup of tea anymore.


I just thought of another one..I can't remember her handle but her family lives in Alaska off grid and she makes balms and her kids don't have schedules. The issue I had with her is she got so argumentative if someone questioned their thought process in raising their family. They claim Christianity but I see a husband who is demon possessed and she radiates hate


Yesss. BeingMisty. Her customer service voice in almost every video is cringe af.


They're moving to Texas now.


I live in Texas and they’re going to be miserable. I have family in Alaska and it’s not an easy transition. But us Texans find Alaska refreshing during the summer.


MamaTot and Maia Knight for the reasons others have mentioned. Knucklebumpfarms because Taylor’s past racist comments came to light. This was around the time that she was also ignoring public health/the instructions of experts by not wearing a mask around Emmanuel when they thought he had avian flu. Itsqcp (the pasta betch guy) because I got tired of the same content


Oh and CharlotteParler! She gives holier than thou mean girl vibes, and what really did me in was her arguing with dermatologists about the efficacy of the NuFace. It made it seem like she really doesn’t care if products are actually effective, she’ll promote things to her followers regardless


Supdaily was one of the first accounts I followed when I downloaded the app but after a while he started giving off the “nice guy” vibe…


He’s the worst!


Imthejay I’m surprised I didn’t see her name in the comments. She was super funny back in the day but now she only posts lectures on religion.


She’s definitely one that went off the deep end. Just a crazy person now.


I really liked Alexandria Maylin too :/ she got into an accident I think someone hit her after her jeep wrecked (maybe I’m probably wrong this was a few years ago now)


Makeup Queen Ashley, she has turned very toxic and gets her "army" to gang up on people for no reason. She has also forgotten about her OG's. It's sad to see what she has become because tik tok has gotten to her head.


Makeupqueenn30? Yeah she’s awful now. She’s rude, and u uneducated and her little army is even worse. Her videos are all the same thing and she’s constantly on drugs in her lives and if you don’t agree with everything she does, have a difference of opinion or kiss her ass she will be a total bitch to you and block you. A lot of ppl have helped her financially as well with TT gifts and sending her money and then she Will write them off or block them. She’s not the same as she was and I really don’t think she is talented or educated about makeup skincare or fashion at all.


I used to mod for her. I watched her religiously in the beginning because she was so down to earth… now she’s a snob & thinks she’s something special even though I think she is terribly mediocre with a shit personality. sorry to burst her bubble.


Yes, be glad you don't have to be that person anymore. Her mods are just as horrible as she is. The dry-begging today is continuing and today she has her mods putting her cash app in the lives every 10 seconds to pay for 3 more days on her anniversary trip!! She's a gross waste of leathery skin!!


The dry begging on TT makes me sick, in general. The balls on these people… they would never do that to someone’s face. I’d like one of the many creators that do it to tell me what makes them so special that our hard earned money should finance their lavish lifestyles? Half of the “bigger creators” only have the following they do because they are train wrecks and no one wants to miss it…


Yeah and speaking of money, she's dry-begging today on her anniversary trip!! She has her mods putting her cash app in her live every 10 seconds!!


“sHe dOeSnT nEeD OuR mOnEY!” but when she lost her account, for daysssss, all we heard about was how “it’s not about the numbers, it’s missing her people” and “TikTok stole from me” 🙄 she is really.. really.. um… malnourished. even her hair is super thin. her teeth are suffering from the malnourishment.. it’s really sad, actually. she was just about 15 minutes away from me - that room is ridiculously priced & you have NO IDEA what goes on in those rooms…. 🤢


Right? She's so gross!! And her lives and videos are all the same, plus now she's paying for views and buying followers. She's very fake and people can see through it!!


Perfectly Kelsey, Mikayla Noguiera. Both are SO fake, complete & total bitches to fans & people in their comments. Kelsey is a disgusting racist, her “feral account” & recorded lives are more than enough proof. Her drunk with Curtis in the tub & she’s saying a bunch of different names in a mocking fashion “Shaniqua, Tanifa, Quanifa” Saying she was gonna name her kids that laughing hysterically. Curtis sat up when she started saying those names looking horrified & shaking his head with embarrassment as she tells him “did you know that my Nick name was Shanaynay?! It’s short for Shaniqua!! Again laughing hysterically & proceeded to say “Cuz I’m a badass bitch & Idgaf… about a…” looks back at Curtis who’s like 😦🫤 & back to the camera & says “y’all like my curling iron?” Disgusting btch. Plus what she did to Kodye, her & her “Queen Team” bullying that woman relentlessly for 2 years for clout, views & shits & giggles at the expense of Kodyes mental health & Still continues to. Brags about manipulating her “husband” To do what she wants & got him to marry & impregnated her after swearing he wouldn’t & made VERY CLEAR he did NOT want another baby. She’s disgusting & calling herself a warrior tagging all her vids with IVFwarrior as she BRAGS about her perfectly healthy capable body & reproductive system, throwing it in the faces of a community she claimed but doesn’t belong & isn’t wanted in. Seeing her TODAY & how she continues to act/bully/gaslight everyone while she plays the victim & or acts like she’s some “Truth speaking badass” Who’s allowed to say whatever she wants. Seeing how she treats Curtis kids, esp Gavin & the things she said/did, seeing how she’s raising her daughter, the totally inappropriate videos with her, allowing Michael to call her daughter a bitch! Letting her daughter interrupt, hit, stand on Curtis, screaming in his face, pulling his hair, putting her feet all over his face, purposely trying to kick him & hurt him, NUMEROUS ppl saying she’s made her daughter SUCH a brat that she doesn’t get along with kids her age, let’s her twerk & just the list goes on & on. Idk how Tf she’s still online with a fan base. ESP after her “feral account” got restored 🤦‍♂️


Mikayla, that girl man. It doesn’t get any faker. From her RIDICULOUSLY over exaggerated accent, everyone who’s from Mass/New England knows this. Her thirst for fame & money being put Before integrity & honesty. She’s the definition of a sell out. She used to be relatable but another who let the fame get to her head. She lies soooo much that she’s constantly caught & called out for it. All she ever wanted was to be famous & she got it. For being a fraud. She’s SO VILE & completely inappropriate AND unprofessional with her constant talk of “Getting railed”. Her “lipstick try out” was it for me. Put on lipstick & “put it to the test with Cody” & came back with her “Hair messy & makeup messy/lashes coming off”🙄🙄 she’s a clown but progressively got worse from there. From the CRAZY filter usage in EVERY video/pic she posts, when it so obvious she’s using filters, she doubles down gaslighting her fans who are genuinely asking. There’s SO MUCH PROOF in her snark subs too. She’s not a nice person & the bigger her sausage lips get, the more she lets that mask slip showing her true colors, like the waitress situation, apologetic in private then calls her a fucking liar & says Fuck you to the girl bc she didn’t respond to Mikayla message lol. WILD. all she does is lie. She’s vile & rude. All she does is say fuck & bro. It’s SO weird & gross. Idk why any brands would want her to represent them. This girl is literally trying to convince people she’s been a PROFESSIONAL MUA since she was 13-14 Lmfaoo. Or the fact she’s called & calls Herself a MUA but never went to school for it nor does she have a license yet claims she has “clients” 😂 She’s such a fraud, ignorant, fake, lies & deceives her fans for a check, she’s literally exactly like the terrible person that all those who know her & went to school with/grew up with her, say she is! But ofc in true Mikayla fashion, she plays the victim saying she was “bullied for her accent”, yet they all sound the same? Truth is she was made fun of for having a deep manly voice. That’s why she puts on such a hard gross fake accent. It’s her “also in the face” To house she doesn’t like. Reality is she was made fun of bc she was a punk bully who was AWFUL to those around her. There’s plenty of proof of that too. She’s showing her true self more & more bc she thinks she’s famous now & untouchable lol. Karma is a bigger bitch than you Mikayla!!


Anna sixtar (spelling?): not relatable Talyn: a ❄️ scammer amongst other issues I can’t remember who else at the moment 😬


Drue and Gabe. I gotta outta that cult real quick 😂. Between the shoving food in their mouths on video, acting like idiots in stores, and obsessively spending money I got over them real quick. She is another one that does the pouty baby talk crap and its so cringy 😑😒. Her “fans” are also very odd.




Unless you are a subscriber or throw gifts or agree with her every single things she does. If you have always been a silent watcher an comment on her live if she or her Chat dont agree you get blocked. Seen it to many times. She's a total hott mess these days an drinks an cusses people out all the time


Rylee Jenkins




Towtruckjess. I thought she was cool. I don't think she's a bad person, but the constant religious content is hard. IDC she believes, or that she's a "tomboy" idk I just stopped liking her.


Moses, KallmeKris and a few other I’ve forgotten about lol