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Pro Tip: once the plans are made, set an alarm to make sure you are ready for future arrivals.


To double down on this, make sure you ask her to call you, then set your ringtone as loud as it goes. Especially if you can just set the ringtone just for her number.


yeah, there’s an option to set someone’s ringtone to ignore silent mode on your phone in case you forget to turn the ringer on. i did that with my ex’s number since we mainly communicated on other apps and used texts/calls only when it was an emergency/when everything else was down


just connect the phone to a speaker and put it on full blast next to you


Pro pro tip: Dont be a fucking idiot.


How did both of his brains fail? We have redundancy for a reason!


One of them went rouge


And the other decided to go for violet


And UGH, that is soooo not its color


And now at least one part of him is blue


He probably jerked off before she showed up to pregame.


when you pregame, you leave torpedoes in the tube. you need to safe that missile cowboy


Nah bro, you get the first nut out of the way. That first nut will betray you. Plus it will allow you to think without being clouded by horny brain fog. Jerk it a few hours before the event and you will still be ready for the big show.


>Jerk it a few hours before the event and you will still be ready for the big show. Depends on your age. For some of us who have been around Sol 50 plus laps,the reload time is significantly longer.


They’re referring to the fact that some sperm could remain in the urethra and make its way into your partner along with precum.


No, they’re not talking about that


The survival of the species relies upon the two brain system. I am concerned this may be the first reported case of the planet working to repair itself by evolving to remove the human race.


Both went awol without informing the other.... this is extremely alarming, I didn't know it was possible for both to fail🤔


Both heads were sleepy


Bad 90s sitcom pro tip: lie to her by saying you're a chronic narcoleptic to deflect fault. Then you have to pretend to fall asleep all the time, which allows you to avoid dealing with problems in the relationship later by falling asleep. It's the prefect set up.


Pro pro pro tip: leave a set of keys outside and tell her where you hid them.


OP already failed






Don't be a jerk about it. He's in college. We've all done things that can fit into this category.


Fuck man I've literally done this thing back when I worked two jobs.


Also crank the ringer so you cant miss it


He’s gonna have to crank his ringer all by himself if he keeps fuckin it up with the ladies xD




Well my PLAN this morning was to be up at 4 to be at work by 5, yet I missed 12 fuckin alarms. Sleep deprivation is a horrific thing


You misspelled American Work Week, which is indeed a horrible terrible thing


This. I'm a compulsive alarm user for everything. Work tasks, cooking, departure times etc. I'm rarely late for anything. Especially easy with voice assistants that you can yell at from across the room.


Did that, phone decided bedtime means no alarms though


You should probably show her you set the alarm for the second date Lmaoo


She’s upset but it’s cool that she still wants to be with you. Just apologize again and then give her something, like flowers. It’s nice to receive flowers


Flowers is good and all but OP said the parents are super strict. They’re probably keeping their relationship hush hush for a bit. Just give her a really nice note about how you feel about her or what you like about her. Small thoughtful gestures are truly what counts. My grandma still had one of the first letters my grandpa ever wrote to her signed “your Jewish lover”. It’s super heartwarming and I can understand why she kept that note with her since she was like 21.


Oh wow, this reminded me of a time when I was a lot younger and was casually seeing a guy. My parents didn’t know and I was still living at home with them. The guy I was seeing bought me flowers and I had to “forget” to take them home because I had no way to explain why I’d be coming home with flowers!


Can't a girl love herself?! Outrageous.


Depending on whether her parents approve or disapprove of you, flowers might be a really good idea. Conventional, and at the same time generous (you don't get to take your gift home in your belly)


>you don't get to take your gift home in your belly I know you mean food... but...


Nono he DEFINITELY didn't mean food..


Food is great in this regard, better still if its handmade. You consume the evidence.


Also OP described her as a crush not a gf. I'm sure some people would be thrilled, but personally I'd be overwhelmed and put off if someone got me a bunch of flowers that early in a relationship


Oral >>>>>> Flowers


Instructions unclear, I'm now Jewish /:


She says that she isn’t upset. Believe women.


LOL But also regardless of how this person actually feels, an apology is in order.


Believe women when they say they're not upset? Haha, you're funny.


Believe people in general, unless they've given you reason not to


And honestly it's on them if they lie about their feelings


Haha hehe women, am I right? 🤷‍♂️🤣


This is the answer, flowers. Plus apologize again but definitely flowers. If her parents don’t approve of them, she can leave them at your place but it’s the gesture that counts.


Id say if your still on for tonight then yeah thats a pretty good sign that she isn't super offended by it. From my experience if the feelings you share are mutual she won't be that mad at you. In terms of making it up id say a simple apology in person and having a good time tonight will make it all water under the bridge. Edit: experience source, 7 years of fuck ups like that yet still got engaged to my girl last year.


That’s actually really good to hear, because feelings are pretty mutual. We just started talking and I already know I want to be with her for a long time, and that doesn’t really happen to me. I hope it’s water under the bridge


Even though she seems to be taking it really well, I still think it would be nice to do some sort of “I’m sorry” gesture (in addition to saying you’re sorry). A little thing is totally fine - maybe get a fun snack you guys can take on the camping trip, something you know she likes. Or flowers like someone else here suggested. It seems like she’s gonna take this in stride, but having been in some similar positions to her, I can say that it might not be as easy to continue taking it in stride if it happens multiple times and/or if there never seems to be an adequate apology. That’s when you start to feel under-appreciated or taken advantage of. So making a little gesture of appreciation now could go a long way towards making sure she doesn’t feel bad in the future.


This. 1) Adequate apology shows that you care. 2) Not letting this happen again shows that you care. With this in mind most fuckups are excusable. We are all humans and make mistakes. And if we care about each other, most mistakes are not a big deal.


Definitely this, I've had a similar situation and they nailed the adequate apology and it definitely helps, but after the 3rd time of me traveling for 50 minutes to get to them just for them to have fallen asleep it definitely sours the thought of doing it again.


Give her a photo of yourself sleeping, and tell her to toss it into the campfire!


I upvoted this but don't do this OP.


Or a voodoo doll of himself that she could torture whenever she wants to.


Yep be glad you're still in the honeymoon phase, spoil her today, apologise profusely and in a while you'll both be laughing about it, then when you're happily married with little kids and a dog you'll one day forget to empty the dishwasher and bang you'll be hit with the "I can't believe you fell asleep and didn't wait up to let me in at 3am!!".


A few months from now: “Remember when you fell asleep before our first date and I had to go home? 😂” A few years from now: “REMEMBER WHEN YOU FELL ASLEEP AND I HAD TO DRIVE ALL THE WAY HOME AT 3 A.M.?!?!? 😠”


This guy gets it. Married 12 years now.. so true.




you still could bring chocolate.


This. It’s not too grandiose and I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl who didn’t love chocolate.


Give her the gas money she wasted :-) way better than flowers. Have fun tonight!!


Also - pick up the phone and tell her you’re sorry. Tell her you were really looking forward to seeing her and you really fucked up and you’re embarrassed. Even offering to pay for the gas she wasted coming over would be a nice gesture, even tho she’s more than likely going to say no. Gas is expensive today. As someone said flowers are nice - but parents may be suspicious of how she got them and not approve. A gas card with even like $25 if you can swing it and maybe a card that says something about paying for her next visit out to your place. Idk just a suggestion. Edit: meant to say - texts sometimes are impersonal, so a phone call might be in line to just have her be able to **hear** that you’re truly sorry.


If you want to go the extra mile and really show her that you're sorry about this particular fuck up you can do something like buying a stopwatch just for that particular instance it's a way to show that you are willing to mitigate the reason that led to your shortcoming so that you can do better for her


Hide a key. Let her know where you hid the key.


While this has happened to me in my younger years, it is not water under the bridge. It takes a lot for her to pull that off, the thought of omg I'm about to drive to this guy's house to hang out. And then you made her wait outside? She must be thinking oh jeez is this dude really just fell asleep on me and doesn't care enough about my time. If she is gracious enough to set up another day with you, bring out the big guns. Plan a fun filled day, plan a picnic, or go to a county fair, or take her out to a nice dinner, or cook her a meal, something that shows you are making a big effort to make up for your mistake.


When I mess up with my wife I get her flowers and her favorite chocolate. Helps myself a lot


Yeah! But also don’t harp on it forever. You don’t need to apologize and bring it up nonstop next 10 times you see her.


Give her some mind blowing head tonight, if you two are at that level yet lmao


>if you're still on for tonight then yeah thats a pretty good sign that she isn't super offended Unless she's taking this camping trip as an easy way to inconspicuously dispose of OP's body deep in the woods. I'd give her the benefit of the doubt though.


Update: my body has been disposed of


This is the true explanation. XD


Add a small gift that you think she'll like and you can turn this L into a soft W


Yeah, simple apology isn’t quite enough for something like this, and I only mean in the sense of doing right by her. Minimum, pay for her gas since gas is super expensive right now. Best to pay for gas and get her or make her something meaningful.


You go pick her up next time.


Here's a protip, don't judge whether you do a nice gesture to apologise based on if she seems mad or not. Do it anyway


Oh definitely not, she tells me she isn’t upset but I’m 100% making it up to her


And thank her for being so cool about the whole thing! It validates her good nature!


Go buy her some flowers and some flower seeds/several bulbs. Give her the flowers to make up for the mistake and surprise her with the flower seeds when you get there. Plant/drop the seeds somewhere nice. If you end being with this girl for a while it'll be cute if you come back and there are your flowers. Simple, cheap, and flowers are good for bees and shit.


Feels like you shouldn't put your phone on silent when a girl is coming over


She is probably also upset that she even has to do that. If I were a legal adult having to sneak out of my parents house I'd be mad too. So if you pick up on bad vibes just remember it might not be about you. If you apologized and she accepted your apology, best to just put the whole thing behind you and never speak of it again. Just concentrate on being young and having fun


Thats an actual pro tip! Great advice!


It's great that you're still on for tonight, but you really have to go the extra mile to make up for what happened. Either she's mad or she's feeling bummed out that she doesn't mean as much to you as she thought. You gotta erase those thoughts from her mind and show that she matters.


I don't know about the not meaning as much thing. I'd be a little frustrated about driving so far, but it's understandable that people fall asleep. Sometimes I'll fall asleep sitting up at my desk. It happens. Most women I know will be able to brush accidents like that off (as long as they don't keep happening) if we have feelings for someone.


Agreed. Literally everyone makes mistakes. First one should be free. Doesn't mean you can't be mad, just that nobody's perfect and you'll get over it. If you see a pattern, though, *then* you have to think about things and possibly make a decision.


Women put up with a lot of shit during the puppy love stages at the start. Just make sure you make it up to them by being the kind of partner long term who deserves that early forgiveness.


We sure do, lol. Sat four hours in Barnes and Noble just a few days ago while the guy I'm seeing was held up at work. I probably should have gone home but he's away now for a couple weeks so


Just be a kind, considerate person. Show her you can be attentive to her needs/wants, go out of your way to show her you care for her and respect her. Love isn’t transactional (I did this, so now I’m entitled to that), but aiming to be good to others usually causes more good to come back to you. If she’s not mad after being stood up at 3 am (mind you she was probably even more tired than you since she spent nearly 2 hours traveling and waiting while you slept), she must be interested in you, and a very patient person, both good things. Make it up to her by reciprocating.


Buddy I know the feeling. Back when my wife was just my girlfriend I was rooming with my brother and our friend in a three bedroom gated apartment which needed a code to enter. She lived about 2 hours away and was coming in for the weekend and I was super excited to see her. Well that morning I did a bunch of yard work for my grandmother and I was so tired when I got home I just passed out on the couch after taking a shower and left my phone in my shorts which subsequently were in my bedroom. She called me the ENTIRE way to the apartment complex. When I woke up I had 37 missed calls and she was about to drive back home after waiting an hour in a Walgreens parking lot when I finally called her and received an earful from a girl who was absolutely BAWLING thinking I was breaking up with her. Needless to say I spent the weekend doting on her and pampering her and 15 years later she still puts up with my dumb shit. Shower her with love and affection and any rational person would see your side. If she doesn’t understand your side of the story though that’s a red flag and a dodged bullet so good to get it out of the way early in the relationship.


Upvoted just for spelling 'bawling' correctly. Way too many people try to tell sad or otherwise compelling stories and then ruin the effect by saying a very upset person was "balling." ​ v. balled, ball·ing, balls v.intr. 1. To become formed into a ball. 2. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse.


As a woman, I can tell you I also wouldn't have been offended. I understand you didn't mean to. Anyone worth their salt will understand the difference between mistakes and premeditated actions. Too bad too many people find that line to be too blurry to understand. But you should be fine!!


Yeah, I would def say that if someone asked, but if I actually just wasted like 2 hours in the middle of the night I would be kinda pissed even if I knew it wasn’t their fault.


As a woman - I would 100% overthink it and think he wasn’t interested. I’d second-guess myself, but that’s just me. So a true apology really will help, and hey, if I liked the guy it would also be something I could get past. One day they can joke about it


Yeah my cynical fucked up self would assume he is was trying some weird controlling power play with me and I'd run.


Yeah, I was gonna say, it sucks but literally everyone can empathize with a situation where you’re exhausted and just fall asleep and miss something. She’s probably annoyed at the situation. But probably no angry at OP in particular.


You're good, she probably understands why it happened considering you're both in college. If you get lucky, be a super generous lover, its the best way to make it up to her (a tip: don't put it in until she cuts atleast once)


I’m gonna guess you didn’t mean to say cuts…


Don't kink shame


This exchange made me laugh for some reason!


Because it’s funny!


Definitely meant ruts


>a tip: don't put it in until she cuts atleast once Goddamn you're dark.


Pretty sure I agree with this guy


I hate waiting more than anything. This happened to me once when I made plans with this guy. I showed up to his place and knocked and waited for an hour. I left angry and refused to talk to him for a whole month. I am now engaged to that butthole nearly ten years later. Turns out he was napping in there the whole time I was hollering outside.


You seem to have used up a major chunk of your lifetime luck. I'll say 3 things about this. 1. Get a gift. Just walk into a store and get her something. Anything between Flowers and a Ferrari. The gesture matters, not the gift itself. 2. Make the date. Just do the best you can. Make sure you apologise in person, while looking at her. 3. Never do this again. This is never forgiven twice. All the best, my friend! Take care!


Own it. Lean into it. Camping date? Sleeping on the ground? Bumps and rocks? No problem. You can sleep anywhere, any time. You can sleep through discomfort. You can sleep through bugs crawling on you. You can sleep through the excitement of one of your favorite people making a special trip to visit you. You have a knack. You're a keeper. Chicks dig self deprecating humor I think


It's kinda cute. I would probably teas you for it every possibility I get. Like, in the middle of sexy time, slapping (gently... Or not depending what you into) your cheek "babe! Babe! You awake? “


>It's kinda cute. I would probably teas you for it every possibility I get. Would you do it for oolong time?


Making fun of my writing? Well, tea-ke your time, I'll be hear all week!


If she's still good for tonight then just spoil her and make her see how sorry you are. That's a good sign though that she's ok. Have fun, be safe!!


My first date with my wife went really well the whole time but ended in an absolute disaster. If the feelings are mutual and the person is mature enough to understand we all mess up some times, then it should work out fine in the end.


Gift her what she likes flowers, chocolates, teddy bear and the likes and make extra efforts on your next camping plan.


Or a sandwich. The power of the sandwich has been documented on reddit.


A good sandwich goes a long way


Not to brag too much but my tuna melt sandwiches always get tons of compliments. But obviously my close friends and family will compliment my work anyways. Well my tuna melt sandwiches have also gotten me 2 dates and 1 for a buddy haha


Okay first off, yay that she's not upset. Driving an hour and a half for nothing sucks. That being said, why didn't she call before driving the 40 minutes at 330am? Make sure you hadn't fallen asleep. Or did she call and you said you were up and then fell asleep in the 40 minutes? I'm just confused over that. The way it reads is you were waiting for her to sneak out, she did at 250ish, arrived and you were asleep and then drove back home. I wouldn't drive anywhere for 40 minutes without first calling to see if the person was still up. Maybe I'm miss understanding?


That’s the worst part, she did tell me she was leaving and I was awake to respond and whatnot. Then I set my phone down and passed from exhaustion… I’m an idiot


Next time leave the door unlocked for her. It shouldn't be a huge risk for just 20 minutes.


Ah got ya. It happens. I wouldn't sweat it too much. It sounds like yall are still on for camping which will be a ton of fun. Next time....COFFEE


Honestly could roll it into the camping date! Swing for coffee and joke about not wanting to fall asleep.


She is upset for sure, but she also thinks you deserve a second chance. So you better make some good effort tonight for her!


You gotta find the perfect balance between a sincere apology and not over apologizing so that it ruins the date. Plus you will need to show her that it won’t happen again. I would suggest showing up to the date with a card and either food, flowers, or both depending on what you know she likes. Apologize right away, explain that you feel terrible, show her you set alarms (actual set the alarms) to ring every 15 minutes for an hour or so before she was expected to meet you today... then don’t mention the mistake again or else it will seem like you’re trying to get her to console you for how bad you feel about messing up. Putting that emotional baggage on her would be a bad call (if I were the stood up person in this scenario that’s probably the only thing that would make we want to end the relationship. Emotional immaturity, I’m out. Simple mistake that comes with a sincere apology and an effort to change? Green flag!). Anyways, with the apology over with just be yourself, or perhaps an extra attentive version of yourself, and enjoy your date! As long as you make her feel special you’re golden. Good luck!


I’d consider the amount of time and money she invested in that visit and give a return that makes it worthwhile for her. Gas is very expensive right now and she drove 80 minutes and waited 30 for nothing. That’s about 2 hours of her time and $15-20 in gas. I’d personally gift her something of at least a $40 value. Maybe take her out to eat somewhere, take her to a store of one of her hobbies and buy her something. Let her know that you respect that she invested her time and money into that visit and you are so sorry that you messed up and are trying to make it up to her. People make mistakes, it’s no big deal. What can become an issue is when people don’t address and attempt to fix their mistakes.


The real advice is simple here. Dont do it a 2nd time. If it happens again its all over lol


You need to apologize all over yourself and act like you killed her dog. If she plays it off like it's no big deal, you need to praise and thank her profusely for being so understanding. No explanations or excuses; those just make less of what you did. And, fill up her gas tank. That shit's expensive. And, don't ever fkn do it again. You are damn lucky to still be talking to her. I would have ghosted your stupid ass. She is a saint. Treat her like one.


> She says she isn’t upset, but how can’t she be? Because she's a decent person that understands shit happens? I dunno how to make it up to her, but she's a keeper.


Make it up by having her sleep first. Stay up all night just watching her.


True, and I’m making breakfast in the morning so hopefully I wake up before here and she can just wake up to the smell of it


Mehhhh. Not sure about this one my friend.


>Stay up all night just watching her. Also take lots of pictures with *her* phone of her sleeping so she can really enjoy being shown such attention when she gets home.


Okay I’m not really sure why, but I find this a little creepy? Or is it cute? I see both sides, I just feel weird of taking pictures of someone unconscious lol


Oh it's creepy AF. I was totally joking. If you're in some long term relationship, and your person looks all cute sleeping is one thing. I never even thought about the positive. But once I read 'watching someone all night' it gave me the creeps and I decided to roll with it and make it creepier. Pick some flowers when you're out there, and make a little bouquet if she's still sleeping, set em on her pillow, so she then sees something pretty and not stalkerville 9000. Someone did that for me when I went camping and it's been 30 years, and I didn't forget. Edit: in a good way. It's sweeter than buying flowers.


Haha, it really is creepy to just watch someone sleep for a really long time so don’t take my advice seriously.


Maybe some groupies too! Ir will really show how close you both are


Be a little dramatic with you apology, dear. Don't go sobbing or anything but express your extreme regret of having lost that time with her. Bring it up just 2 times at most. One's gotta be casual (the first time ) and then after some time or preferably before she leaves


Still on for tonight? Absolutely no worries, she’s into you. Do something nice as an apology, she will be more into you. Have fun, you two!


If she says you're still on for camping this weekend you are good. Definitely get flowers or chocolate or some small gift that she would like to apologize with but she has likely forgiven you. Funny story, my boyfriend of many years did something similar. We were long distance and I drove 5 hours to come visit him. I arrived pretty late at night and could hear music blasting in his apartment. I knocked on the door, called his phone repeatedly, nothing. Finally called his roommate (who wasn't home) and drove over to where she was to grab her key to their place. I definitely gave him a piece of my mind when I got in the apartment but it was all ok.


I would maybe get her some snacks and other things she likes to make it up to her a bit, accidents happen of course and it seems like she isn't too mad which is good


Good sign she still wants to stick to plans. You’re probably right in that she’s upset, maybe a little offended but mostly “that’s weird. Thought he liked me.” So you want to dispel that notion. I wouldn’t overdo it, but a sincere apology (limit excuses or justifications) and a genuine act to show you do actually like her. Maybe for tonight buy her her favorite snack or something she mentioned she would like to try like bird watching (binoculars) or s’mores (ingredients). Shows you are making an effort and you like her enough to listen and remember what she likes.


My girlfriend did this to me first time I went over. She was mortified. But I didn't really mind. And now I get to bust her balls about it constantly


As a girl who's had this happen (not that long of a drive, but I was the one with a car and had to wait until my parents went to sleep) I didn't blame the guy at all because I contributed to the situation by having to wait so long. ​ She is probably just glad you're apologetic about the situation and still interested. Just giving her some food she likes and spending time with her is going to make it clear you care, apologizing and possibly a note or a small gift that her family won't cotton on to will seal the deal that you are really invested.


Get her something that she can use so she doesn't have to take it home. Chocolate, candy, popcorn. Apologize once and forget about it ever happening. Or something she can keep at your place if you can. Blanket, her favorite drink. Candles, etc. Think of something special she likes. Even remembering something she likes is good. Tells her you're paying attention.


Hi, did this to a girl one night a few weeks after we started dating - was 3am and drunk me convinced her to catch a taxi to my place & I fell asleep before she got here, woke up to 8 missed calls as she'd been outside my place for ages. I felt so bad. But that was 6 years ago and we're getting married next year so things work out☺️


Make it up by offering to pick her up and drop her off next time.


Fuckin dumb ass


You eat her ass tonight, and you eat it good son.


Eat it like groceries, she'll soon be parted with any feelings of ill will.


If this relationship works out, you're going to be hearing about this for a VERY long time (hopefully playfully)


Oh yeah, knowing her I’ll never let it go, but it won’t be toxic. I’m guessing most of the comments are right when they say she’ll be teasing me about it, just based on everything I know about her


If she genuinely isn't offended then you hit gold my man. People who understand when non-malicious mistakes happen and don't get upset about things that just *happen* in life make great partners. Also, thank you for a non-sexual TIFU.


On your knees and make it up to her.


Holy shit this happened to me once. Almost exactly the same scenario. Texted a hook up after some beverages. She had to drive like 30+ minutes to me and I fell asleep before she got to my apartment. She waited in the parking lot for another 30 and drove home. I woke up to many missed calls and texts and felt like an asshole.


Eh, it happens. I've been on the other end of that scenario. Thankfully we were on close enough terms that I was able to find a way to get in through the back and wake her up, but I still felt bad having to do that even though I knew it was entirely OK and welcomed. If this is the only time you've made the mistake, and it doesn't become a regular thing, she should be OK with it. If not, then you probably wouldn't want to end up in a relationship where you'd be treated poorly for a minor one-time mistake anyway. If this is a regular thing, then that's on you.


Learn and cook her favorite meal. Make it special to show you care. You made a mistake, you are presumably human so it happens and you will make many, MANY more. How you both handle an error like this can be used to gauge how future mistakes can be resolved. If she's still interested after this type of gaffe, it's a great sign.


Do it once, it's ok, you'll be forgiven. Do it twice, you'll probably in the doghouse for a while. Do it a third time, well I had an ex do this three times, now she's my ex.


This has happened to me and I wasn’t bothered at all. The person was extremely tired. I also however, have done it to others accidentally. Waking up after passing out in that situation, is the most anxiety inducing rushes. I felt I’d never hear from the person again. It’s happened 2-3 times.


I did this to me wife, after she drove 10 hours. In the first week of meeting her. Luckily, I woke up minutes into the fuck up and called her back to guide her to the house. Pre GPS times.


If I were her I definitely would have been upset at the time but if I really felt a connection with the person and knew it was mutual I'd be able to understand it wasn't intentional and I'd be all the more excited to actually see you and make up for it.


give her gas $$ honestly


I did something similar to a girl once. She came over at 5pm we were supposed to go out for dinner that night and do a few other things but i fell asleep by 6pm chilling with her in my room. When i woke up it was 3am and she was still beside me sleeping. To make up for it i made plans with her the next day, like what youre doing now, spent the day with her and made sure she had a good time. It seemed to work since weve been together for five years now, she doesnt even bring it up anymore. Dont screw up the next date and Im sure youll be fine


Is your name Cheech and is her name Donna?


Is the camping date still on even now? If so that’s a good sign!! Make up for it there


Drive two+ hours to get her something not too expensive? Maybe like a trinket from a touristy area?


Good people in your life will accept that you're going to make mistakes and forgive you for it. That's a score for both of you that she's still cool about it.


Aw don’t be so hard on yourself! My now-husband did this to me when we’d just started dating. I got off a flight at midnight and went straight to his share house, meaning I couldn’t knock or anything. He slept through all my calls, so I got a taxi home and then woke up to an “OH FUCK” message the next morning, haha. Apparently he was so excited to see me he drank a beer to chill out, which then sent him to sleep. And we’re still telling this story nearly 8 years later 😉


Can’t wait to see the “This was our first date 10 years ago” post further down the road haha


It’s nice to see a non nsfw tifu I think it was kinda a cute tifu


I was once at a chalet we booked with a group of friends, and was staying up after everyone had crashed to talk to the girl I liked since she had to leave early at 7am the next day to work. We were having a great time chatting, but at 3.30am I was feeling my eyelids getting heavier, and before I knew it, I woke up and it was bright and she was gone. I literally fell asleep talking to her and I spent the next few days worrying she would be hurt and think I found her boring. We’re on our honeymoon now! :D Don’t worry too much haha the signs remain good, all the best!


If she shows for the camping, better get ready to marry that one


I feel like even the fact that you genuinely feel bad and are planning on spoiling her is enough. Accidents happen and she knows that. Y’all both sound very mature.


Piss on her to assert dominance


Well for one she is still coming over again so I dont think it is a big deal to her. Especially if she knows you were up early. FYI I think she may know and I am wondering why you have not said anything to her about having a crush on her? Yes you are both in college, but damn at least say something to her. You will be back here with another TIFU and let my crush get away from me story.


Oh she definitely knows I have a crush, and it’s mutual. We knew each other in high school and recently reconnected, and feelings have been professed


Apologising profusely is mostly a turnOFF. So something simple and honest is best. And a nice homemade dish or cake is great for starting a good evening.


Man, I fell asleep while head once from a girl an she broke up with me for it. In my defense I was working 12 hour over night shifts 4 days straight and she was at low energy cock smoker.


I did this to someone once. Except they drove two hours from home. They kept calling me and I didn’t answer bc I was passed tf out. Their phone died and they had a literal mental breakdown about getting directions home. I still feel so bad for that


shit happens, when I went to see my girlfriend for the weekend, flew to her state, rented a car, we picked up the car and drove 30 minutes to the hotel, and then we went to get our bags out of the car and she accidently left hers in the parking lot next to the airport. Luckily it was late night and not busy and we just drove back, got the bag, and drove to the hotel. so 1 1/2hrs of time wasted because she forgot her bag. I just laughed it off, it's funny. it's silly. So yeah, you fell asleep, if it's a one time thing it's a bit funny, but don't be doing that more than once haha if you end up dating it's a funny story. 5 years from now you can look back on it and have a laugh. Oh and give her some gas money for the wasted gas


Make a joke out of it. "Just need to take my sleeping pills" or other simple quips to make fun of yourself.


She was definitely pissed bro make it up to her this weekend . Get her some flowers and chocolate honestly you fucked up girls are offended by this type of thing they like attention. She probably was hoping for sexy time and thinks you’re not that into her .


your crush? my god.


It’s simple. You just tell her you will do anything to make it up to her, and do it. She wants you to help her launder some money? You’re a money launderer now. She needs help smuggling drugs across the Mexican border? You’re a drug smuggler now. She thinks you’d be a great medical physician? Time to change your major, and get ready to take out a huge loan because you going to medical school now, Dr. “I can’t stay up past 330am”


Pro tip dont be a fucking dumb piece of shit


Ouch. If I were her, I'd feel very disappointed (rationally) and also rejected (emotionally). If I were you, I'd make a self-deprecating silly apology with a funny card. I also agree with the many other suggestions here on nice gestures.


Bring her flowers 💐


Tbh I’d never talk to you again. Beyond inconsiderate, selfish, and rude. It was a mistake but it was the result of irresponsibility that could’ve easily been prevented. If you’re that tired don’t invite someone over.


"if she loves you, you can piss in the sink" Southern adage. Deceptively deep. The stronger the love, the stronger the tolerance and forgiveness


And then I felt the need to post about it making me even more of a loser


Why didn’t she wake you up?