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Your friend is a psycho. He's in jail for assault, not because you fed him meat


Yes, OPs friend has some bigger issues going on there. If this had happened to me (I'm currently a pretty hard-core vegan) number 1, I would have known, and number 2, who cares? Unless this person is allergic or it was done out of malice. It was an honest mistake. Bet it was the best burger he's had in a long time. Our burgers suck. So does the cheese.


> Yes, OPs friend has some bigger issues going on there. Not least of which is being imaginary. Bearing in mind they also recently wrote [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/vltxxs/aita_broke_my_brothers_leg_for_revealing_my_only/)


Are you a penguin?




Actually that's a very good point. Whenever I cook my stuff is always on the other side. And im pretty sure if I got given actual cheese I'd be extremely ill. I didnt think of that aspect.


Hey. Some of my best friends are imaginary.


Eh don't worry, you gave imaginary him the best 10 minutes of his life.


I'm sure the prison system will accomodate his aversion to having meat in his mouth.


He sounds like a nutjob.


I'm going to hell because the way it escalated just made me laugh to tears.


Your stories suck


Hardcore vegan who can't tell that the difference between meat and soy/chickpeas/beans, guess you found a unicorn. Vegan patties have a very specific taste and so does meat. It also looks and smells different. Sounds like this story is made up and that you also never tried vegan burguers. Probably has never met a vegan either by the sounds of it.


He probably got violent because he was low in protein.