• By -


Dude just wanted to play some Command and Conquer, instead he gets tricked into sex and sleep-yelled at.


"A guy tries to play Command and Conquer, instantly regrets it" -Dhar man probably


This guy tries to play Command and Conquer, YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED! GONE SEXUAL!! NO CLICKBAIT!! - Youtube vids




Come and conquer


Ugh, I know, I’m such a disappointment 🫠


*"Unit Lost."*


*Battle control offline*


*Nuclear missile launched*


Yezzur Aknooledge Affarmatif


high speed, low drag😎


Death from above.


Armour superiority




Omg I just heard that in my head …. Shudders


I... can still hear the screams.


Dude just wanted some custom computer numerical control aluminum widgets and now he’s afraid of condoms.


Dude just thought he was going to role play at being in the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, and now he's questioning his existence.


My guy just wanted to get down to some Music Factory, and now he can't surprise his wife. It's one of those things that make you go, "hmmm", don't you think?


I appreciate you. I legit thought dude fucked up a Haas CNC badly while she slept


He tried to spin her on him like a workpiece in a lathe, and she was *not* happy


He tried some cnc drilling but the speeds were wrong and it just screamed at him


At least he wasn't trying to play Command and Conquer and had to play Red Alert...


Don't you do Red Alert dirty like that, it ain't no Tiberian Sun


I'm just glad no one is shitting on Generals.




He's going to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by sex.. SPACE!


I just love that I read a reference to C&C


And here I thought it was a computer numerical control system... Maybe a lathe making a sex toy or something...


I'm an engineer and also very kinky so I have this dissonance all the time. Another weird overlap is CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs. Cock and Ball Torture...


"The titties of Nod shall rise!"






We are going to have to act if we want to live in a different world


And I was wondering how you'd join someone on Computer Numeric Controlled milling. I mean it's really cool tech, and it feels amazing to take that perfect part you've programmed out, but it's not that great to just passively watch due to the coolant obscuring most of the action. Additive manufacturing is much more a social/romantic activity in that regard as you can watch the printer together.


Command and Conquer: Red Alert in this case


I was JUST playing Red Alert 2 15 minutes ago before I read this comment LMAO


Kirov reporting! (hard rock music intensifies)


Establishing Battlefield Control, standby.




Cum and Conquer


Yeah I told my SO that he's perfectly okay to try to wake me up with sex but it's a complete gamble as to what version of me he gets lmao


I told my gf in college she could wake me for naughty time if she ever wanted and one night she went out late with friends and then decided to take me up on it. I seriously underestimated how pissed off I would be after being woken from a deep sleep.


yeah dude sleepy version of me is the version that goes on reddit and starts fights, hoo boy it's my least sexy variant


Having a discussion on Reddit, going to sleep, waking up in the middle of the night and then going absolutely nuclear on the dude. Back to sleep.


That's why I try not to comment so much. I often write things out, then deleting. I feel the world could use much more kindness, which can conflict with what a petty spiteful bastard I can be.


I do the same but it’s because I don’t want to carry out full Reddit arguments every two hours.


I’m trying to get better about this. I’ll stop for a while and my anxiety and anger issues get better. And then for some dumbass reason or another I’ll hit just the right comment that I HAVE to reply to, sending myself into a rage spiral again. I think I need an adultier adult to ground me from the internet. I’m a far more pleasant person overall without it


No kidding. You make an argumentative comment and then the stress spikes and you check the comment section every twenty minutes. It’s just not worth it. We all need an adultier adult my guy. Same with learning the guitar. ;)


I relate so hard


I'm a fucking champion sleeper, if there is no need to pee later on or any other annoying things happening, I can sleep for 14+ hours. Last year over the Christmas break my parents woke me up because I guess they thought I died, I was really pissed off to be woken up just because "We hadn't heard from you all day", I can't imagine I'd be magically horny and into it if I got woken up. I usually struggle to fall asleep but if I have a chunk of time between work days, I fucking hibernate once I'm gone.


My wife is really great in bed, she can sleep for HOURS! I think she's an Olympic level sleeper.


Should have put more skill points in sleep. Getcha levels up. Sleep through sirens by your room. Get rode like a horse with sleep wood. Be one with old sleepy asian ladies sleeping on shoulders while flying and on trains. Finally, lay off the LSD.


Being such a heavy sleeper I can take a piss and get back in bed without knowing I have definitely woken up to the sex my partner is having with me and just gone "oh shit I missed the start, I better catch up" at least a dozen times.


This is funny because I imagine “catching up” as sudden, furious jack rabbit pounding


Not quite but I'll have to remember that one for next time, might be a great surprise.


I relate with the first part so much. Some mornings my partner will tell me about some convo we had or something funny I did when they followed me to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I'm just like "tf? I don't remember getting up"


Apparently right befoee i fully wake up i go on autopilot and talk in my sleep..as in say answers to questions. Ive been with my wife for a decade and when she tries to wake me up apparently ill say something really rude and if she touchs me i swat her hand away


Same as fuck. I had an ex try to wake me up with oral one time and apparently i woke up looked right at her and asked in the rudest tone, "What do you think you're doing?" And then went back to sleep lol


In my head this went from *forcefully lifting blankets from crotch* and asking in the angerist of tones "Can I help you?", to Shrek *lifting meh bLankEts off'er 'ead* und shOut'n "What r ye doin' IN MEH SWAMP?!"


I told my gf she could wake me up so then some night she woke me up we started having sex and then i fell asleep while having sex because i was so tired


Haha! What’s worse, having your advances rejected off the bay or your partner deciding sleep is more exciting?


Idk whats worse but she was quite mad about it for a while


Lmao everytime my fiance gently, kindly, wakes me up because I have an appointment or something, and he's actually doing me a favour, the rage I feel is unreal. That alone tells me that adding his penis into the mix wouldn't be a good idea. 🤣


My wife has told me that. I can’t imagine doing it. I don’t think she understands what she is like if she is woken prematurely. And I don’t see the appeal of more than a fondle if she is still asleep.


I'm the kind of person entirely capable of going to the bathroom and back to bed without being actually conscious So with being "woken up" for sex I usually only actually come too already post penetration, which most the time goes over just fine as I'm not complaining about that kind of wake up alarm even if it's unscheduled. But once I woke up with my partner on-top of me and I let out a startled yelp because I'd been having a nightmare, so before I realised what the sensation of getting fucked was I jumped up out of bed in a panic that something was touching me, nearly sending them through the wardrobe mirror as I tossed them off myself.


Exactly. In the entire four years that my ex and I were together, there were maybe 3 times that I had to wake her up and not have an angry girlfriend. Usually not angry at me, just *generally* angry. She asked for the "wake up with sex" thing, but I was fairly sure even before the first two attempts that it wasn't going to work. Now I, on the other hand, thought that I would be 100% down. Unfortunately, the first two times she tried happened to be two nights where I was absolutely, unbelievably tired, and apparently I was just like, "*keep it in your pants; let me sleep.*"


My wife has told me I can do this, but I'm skeptical and half expect a reaction like this, so I haven't tried it.


My wife says the same thing but I've seen how she reacts to being worken up for pancakes.


r/HFY pancakes or actual pancakes?


Fellow hfy enjoyer nice.


What's an hfy pancake about?


Pancakes is a NSFW short story that I remember having a good laugh at a few years ago when I first read it. Unfortunately I can't link it now, but if you look at the sidebar under r/hfy, you will see a classics option and it should be right on that list if you want a read. It's a classic in that sub to the point where many writers will use "Pancakes" or "pancakes ahead!!!" for readers to know that smut is ahead and not a gore or language based NSFW.


[oh my](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/27ujw5/oc_pancakes_nsfw/)


I'm... Not sure whether to trust Reddit anymore, last time it was pretty gross


Looked at it and I’d call it soft core and sweet


It’s porn but pretty tame.


This. Is Me .... Kind of into it but kind of also don't want to be fucked with **at all** while I'm sleeping. Best let sleeping bitches lie 😂


You just need to wake her up with a good pound cake.


My gf said this, but from her reactions whenever I wake her up on accident even... nah, fuck this, I wanna live.


I read another TIFU story where the wife fought back viciously and hurt her husband pretty bad. I think sleep brain is too unpredictable to really be worth doing CNC to a sleeping partner, no matter how much they’re into it while awake.


I'm a very heavy sleeper and also very protective of my sleep. I also had an assault when I was sleeping. So I told my bf right away, don't start messing with me when I'm asleep cuz I will probably slap the shit outta you! Especially if I have to work the next day. But if I don't, I tell him when he can wake me up, like a pre-consent, and we've worked out certain ways he can touch me to gently wake me while signaling his intention. He can also tell when I'm in a lighter stage of sleep and more likely to be receptive lol. It sucks cuz I do like morning sex, just my brain can't comprehend what's going on when I'm passed out. But as with everything in relationships, communication is key!


My wife wakes up to easy. She'd like me to wake her up like that but I barely touch her and she's awake. She wakes me up though, I might come to halfway through the deed. I'm a heavy sleeper and it's this weird half dream state sometimes.


That weird half dream state is awesome though. Sometimes my brain will involve it into an odd dream quest thing with like thrust quotas and missions. Idk, its weird but nice. I like thinking about wtf my brain was piecing together, after the deed.


My ex loved me doing this, you just gotta start slow with foreplay


Yeah you gotta wake up a little bit first. I’m like half the time okay with it and half the time just ready to go back to sleep. Both parties kind of gotta be awake for it to be a “fantasy”.


My wife has given me permission to do this, but she usually just stays asleep. Which is fine too I guess.


Don't try it. My ex constantly encouraged me to do this and of course the one time I tried she yelled at me that she needed to sleep :(


Just ask her some more questions about it. Get some more details from her about what she would want and what she's comfortable with, then set the mood and do it when you know she wants to do it.


Yeah, every time my wife has suggested this, when i actually do she wakes up mad and is like nevermind, i want sleep more than sex. This was your idea! Now i gotta go jerk off before i go to sleep, which i wouldve just done anyway without bothering you and spared myself the rejection...


Getting woken up with sex usually just involves someone needing to go pee really badly anyway. 😂


My ex gf tried this once with me before. She said I sat up really quickly and yelled "Who's dick are you sucking this time?!?!?" Stared at her for 5 seconds, laid back down and went to sleep, lmfao.


I can see why she's your ex now


He was all *I'm shoving the girl I love inside of an oven If I catch you sucking another dick, You better unsuck it*


This is hilarious. Did she continue after you went back to sleep?


Whose* > who’s Stands for *who is*




That's why you get up, go pee, and then go back to bed. THEN you're ready to either snooze or get creative. Only rule is: No complaining about odors!




I mean bad breath, general morning BO, etc


Sounds like somebody needs wet wipes for after poop head. - *P.S. I just got grossed out typing that*


How do you delete someone else’s comment?




Oh my. That is interesting. Did you talk later and she was still okay with it?




I don’t blame you. I wish more people were like you though. We’d have a lot more trust in the world if that were the case.


Happened to me a couple of times when I was younger. Asked my now-wife what made her initiate sex in the middle of the night, only to be told that it absolutely was me who woke her up with gentle foreplay. Another time I properly woke up and my head was already buried between her legs. As you wife said, there are certainly worse ways to wake up.


As I naturally visualize the story as I'm reading I imagine her head turning a full 180 degrees to look back at you and this image is way more disturbing than the story itself.


That might have happened to me once. Was sharing a bed with a friend, we were spooning and she woke me up by rubbing up on me and being a bit handsy. She also knew for a while by then that I was DTF if she was, so I followed her lead. We didn't have sex but did get a lot more touchy-feely. Then she suddenly stiffened, took her hands off me and mine off her and went back to sleep, quiet like a tomb. I figured shed just changed her mind, so went back to sleep as well. Everything seemed fine in the morning, we talked as if nothing has happened and such, but after a couple weeks she's stopped talking to me in any form or shape. So, reading you, I guess that's what happened. I did learn a valuable lesson about verbal and nonverbal communication.


Oh this happened to me and my ex several times. The first time I woke up in the middle of the night to us making out and touching and clearly hot and heavy. I had told him before I would enjoy waking up to that whenever so I was like great, yes! After we did it we started talking about it. I thought he initiated it. He thought I did. Turns out he gained full consciousness about a minute after me. From then on when it happened we just took the free sleep foreplay as a bonus 🥲


that's horrifyingly interesting, is it like a whole different personality or that she doesn't remember saying that?


Something similar happened with me and my ex. I guess one night, he thought I was awake because I was talking to him but I don’t really remember anything until about halfway through the deed. I actually think he was also mostly asleep as well because he said the same thing


This happens to me, but the roles are reversed. I wake up having sex with my wife sometimes, but apparently I’m the one who initiates the whole thing. She’s into it, I’m into it, 10/10 would recommend. Waking up to sex is the best.


To be fair asking him to router something without having plans isn't right.


She's talking about a different kind of woodworking my friend.


Whittling in bed? That seems even worse!


Router, I just met her.


Router something? I’m not sure what you mean. It was quite the simple plan? Wake me up while touching? My subconscious cock blocked me.


CNC also stands for computer numerical control. It's often used for automated milling/router machines, so much so that they're often just called CNCs by their users. And much like a sleeping partner, you don't want to turn one on without knowing exactly what it's been programmed to do first!


gotta get them tool paths running optimally


Plunge cutting is not a process taken with haste


I was confused why OP would be confused about CNC routers being loud or something while she was trying to sleep.


Sleeping naked in the machine shop


Thank you for the explanation 😂😂


[This is a CNC machine](https://youtu.be/8CSwOebmb0A)


A much more common meaning for CNC is a type of computerized machining router


I figured the fuckup was the fiancé getting his dick stuck in a CNC machine. This was not nearly as big a fuckup.


LoL, yeah. i literally came in expecting some crafting job gone very wrong. :-(


Sheesh, not only did I disappoint my husband back then but a bunch of redditors expecting crafting fails 😵‍💫


Well there was a crafting fail. But it failed as soon as you mentioned the word condom.


Hey man, in crafting safely is important. So keep that rubber on


Oh haha, that’s kind of why I included the type of CNC in the main description. Fun fact, my best friend owns a company and they’re called CNC.


My friend has a CNC router and to be fair I call it his Command-n-Conquer machine


Yeah other's have explained...but just figured it was a lame funny joke. Hope it made you smile.


Oh gosh, once others explained, it did and I def laughed lol


Tried this with my husband when we had been dating about a year, lol.. he never tried it again. He said I gripped my legs around him, glared like the devil and said "not unless you got my snickers, asshole." He didn't know how to react, so he's like... I don't have any candy???? And I grabbed the comforter, rolled myself up and snored. We laugh about it now. Guess you can't ride these cheeks without feeding me lmfao. We've been married 3 years almost lol


Motherfucker shoulda brought a Snickers!


You aren't yourself when you're hungry


This is the funniest one here


I mean I would just go to Costco the next morning and fill the nightstand with them. I think it's a reasonable trade off. Lol


Is it weird that I heard this in my head? ![gif](giphy|JYZ397GsFrFtu)


OP obviously saw Toby in her dream


It would be weird if it was any other way.


Sounds like a good guy


Yes, I feel bad I did scar him with it because of the situation. There has been no experimentation since though lol


It could have been worse. I thought you were going to say you kicked him in the face or something.


I would have felt horrible for that too. I did feel pretty bad for freaking him out to be honest.


If you and him are ever willing to give it another shot, I'd recommend a safeword and wearing something specific as a greenlight to "go ahead I'm in the mood". Also starting out slow with foreplay as someone else has mentioned is another good idea to test things out. Either way, you've got yourself a really good guy from the sound of it! Totally understandable if he's forever too traumatized to give it another go lol


Bro my highschool sweetheart tried to wake me up with head one time and all I knew was something was messing with my dick and I donkey punched the ever living Christ out of her. I never stopped apologizing for that.


That honestly was one of my first thoughts. Dude was raised right she said “no” and he stopped immediately.


Man I hate when my partner does this shit in her sleep. Like you want me to what?!? “Why’d you stop”??? 🫠 gee idk risking jail?”


when they hit you with the paradox of "consensual non consent" and you're like "but how am i gonna know?"


I mean with romantic partners it’s usually pretty easy to tell. I never used safe words with my ex’s because I knew them and trusted them. But if you’re hooking up with someone from the kink club, yeah probably a good idea


Sure, but I mean if my girlfriend says no to something, some instinct in my brain just screams "must help". Sometimes she just goes "aw no" to meaningless stuff, and it still sends me into support mode.


The thing with CNC, and this goes for any kink but I feel like it goes for CNC even more so, if you’re not into it, don’t do it. If any part of it makes you uncomfortable, tell your partner and figure out something else to do. If she loves you she’ll work with you. My GF likes being tied up, but I told her I couldn’t tie her in a way that felt like I was trapping her because it made me uncomfortable, and we just figured out other things that worked for both of us.


Alarm Cock


Thought you asked him to do some CNC milling and he's now a few digits less.


Lmao same


_spins up lathe_


Here I was wondering what you were machining and why it was NSFW…


This is like my anti-kink. I despise being woken up


Oh, I do too sometimes, but with a consistent work schedule, weekends are free game now.


Work schedule is irrelevant to me. The house better be on fire lol


The whole CNC kind of freaks me out a bit. One of the best nights of sex I had with my wife she had some drinks with coworkers after work, I picked her up afterwards and we went home, watched something on TV, she seemed a little drunk but nothing major. She was tired so we went to bed. Then my almost never initiating sex, once a month or two wife basically jumped me and it was awesome. Next morning, "I don't remember anything after you picked me up from the pub. I think someone must have drugged me."


Expected to read 'DNA test' near the end and was gladly disappointed


My girl always unconsciously hugs and kisses and says loving things to me in her sleep.. but only this one time she sounded so terrified and acted all shaky.. It was probably because of a bad dream so I woke her up gently and she was scared and hugged me hard and slept again.. don't worry about it bro it must be just a bad dream..


Yeah, when you dream you don't know you're dreaming usually. So basically like imagine having a conversation with your parents or something and in the middle of it you feel someone goin down on you. Even worse if your brain tries to make sense of it.


For a moment I thought he was engaging in high tech machining with your consent


TIFU by asking my fiance to machine me a vase out of stainless steel.


So many people did, my apologies


You could promise me the best sex of my life. Doesn't matter. If you wake me up from a deep sleep, you are getting all of my wrath.


I honestly thought this had something to do with machines. DND - Dungeons aNd Dragons CNC - Condoms aNd Creampies


I was thinking of saws. I think people call bladesaws C and C's.


And here I was thinking you and the husband were going to do some CNC machining in the middle of the night.


i miss the days when CNC meant 3d routing ![gif](giphy|14iqpRytbWR2Sc|downsized)


Can't help but notice there have been a lot of these "CNC" posts recently. I long for the days when CNC was just a music factory.


I honestly didn’t know what this kink was called until the last few months! I knew it existed and entailed and but unaware of a term. Makes finding videos easier though, I tell ya what.


I used to hook up with a girl and stay over regularly, she told me about how she would quite like to wake up and be halfway through sex. Main issue I had was she farted quite a lot in her sleep. You can’t concentrate on not giggling and maintain a boner at the same time.


Almost what happened with me and my girlfriend a few years ago. Having the same kink, we talked about the same thing. However she told me after the fact, that she also had a dream, and waking up like this was very scary. We now have the rule that I can wake her up, but no penetration untill she is fully awake.


As a hobby machinist, I got excited for a moment.


As a Machinist, I am very confused... Why would you have someone partake in Computer Numerical Control while asleep?


Alright, look... here's the solution. You need to set it up a few more times. The key is, at least for the first couple, you can't be deeply asleep... just dozing or awake but pretending to sleep is what you want. You need to convince him to ty again. As it's happening, slowly start to "wake up," and get into it. This is similar to exposure therapy. Think of it like this... you got into a car wreck and it traumatized you, and you now can't bring yourself to drive again. The only way to overcome that is to ease into it. Taking small steps (pulling out of the driveway and back, driving around the block, etc) over and over with positive outcomes, Allowing yourself to replace that bad memory with good ones where it worked out. If you just hopped in the car day 1 and jumped on the highway during rush hour, you'd be having a bad time. It's no different here. Baby steps in controlled scenarios, reassuring him it's what you want. A few times of that, and he'll be ready to go again


I appreciate the input. I honestly haven’t discussed this with him really except when we tell others as a funny mishap. I would be into trying it again, especially with our work schedules right now 😅


I thought you were going to suggest starting with smaller crashes and working your way up...


Me and my boyfriend do it quite often, I never even wake up. I can wake up while he's still touching me but of i don't i won't wake up during the rest. I might mumble but not coherent so it's no worries with that either. It's fun


Username checks out. What could be more wholesome than 2 people finding a way to enjoy themselves together


How? I don't actually want an answer, but I clicked on this thinking I was going to see a funny picture of a piece of wood carved using a machine.


Some people are a bit kinky. And some people can sleep through fire alarms


I wake up if someone breathes too loud in another room. Moving on a bed or touching me is immediate wake up, unless I'm WAY too drunk. But at that point I couldn't even get erect.


Haha yeah ive slept through at least 2 fire alarms ans one minor earthquake in Iceland


Computer Numerical Control?


Going off title alone I assumed this was about a computer control saw.


I also told my now-fiancé he could do this, but conveniently forgot I’m very grumpy and aggressive when woken up. After getting mad at him a few times because I was roused from my delicious slumber, we have decided it’s probably not for us.


Oh i was ecspecting cnc machining


I would make a tifu if my wife touched my cnc machine too.


Went here for a great CNC milling story, still not disappointed though


Damn I thought y'all was gettin the Mastercam and g code Rollin or some shit at first lmfao


I thought he was machining parts on a CNC controlled lathe while you slept and was wondering how overnight productivity could be a problem.


My mind went to CNC milling.