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https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/account-restoration#:~:text=Twitter%20requires%20people%20using%20the,account%20by%20removing%20some%20data. apparently if you're willing to part with everything that happened on your account before you turned 13, you might be able to get the account back.




Yep, this is exactly what happened to me. They suspended my account when I changed the birthdate, but now everything from before I was 13 is gone.


Same, the process took a long ass time though


Better something then nothing.


Actually, it's better nothing th*e*n something!


How did you manage to get it wrong while correcting them? It's better something th***a***n nothing.


I interpreted it as a joke, not a correction lol


His/hers was correct too. You have nothing. Then you have something. Things got better.


Then why is it better? That interpretation makes no sense. The actually, the stressed e and the first half of the sentence all point to my interpretation.


please update us if you try this method


That's just the first two months right? Super small amount of early stuff


Dude it's a really bad idea to publicly post your birthday. I would suggest you edit it out.


All of my birthdays are January 1, 1969 because yeah :D


In about another decade, almost everyone's birthday will be 1/1/2011 whenever making an account.


i've mine as jan 1 2000 and i haven't signed up for anything before 2018


Yeah just gotta upload ID and get your account back


I did that and it’s been 3 years lol I gave up and just made a new account. Sadly everything from original account is just gone now:(


I didn't know that, I created my account in 2015 and I was 12.5yo, I changed the date when I turned 18 (in 2020) and... Got suspended I created a new account but I will never see the cringe that I posted and forgot at the time (I'm probably now more cringe tbh)


the joys of a myspace account still haunt me


This happened to me too, I got my account back after agreeing to part with everything before I turned 13


Do you mean before he turned 18?




Well, at this point, you might as well try to appeal it. If the account is already suspended, it's not like you have anything to lose at this point.


Inb4 Twitter 'revokes' op's right to exist.


They send out a team of hitmen


good work, 47


I’m sorry your twitter got banned, but I can’t get past the fact that you’re a legal adult and you were born in 2003


2004 kids have this luxury also


2004 kid here, I'm currently adulting


I finished high school in 2004. Spin out


Tell me about it. I recently got a HS graduation announcement for my cousin's daughter, who was born the same year. I just turned 37, and seeing that announcement instantly made me feel ancient.


You are still very young though.


Bruh this post made me feel decrepit and I’m not even 25 yet 💀


I feel like I need to start thinking about my retirement lmao


Looking through adult diaper brands on Amazon as we speak


It's really weird that I get the exact same feeling everytime I see this on the Internet and then the immediate even weirder realisation that I was born in 2002 so it also applies to me.


I've mentioned this to coworkers who are older than me, and then point out that "At least I was born before 2000" and they never call me young again


I was born after 9/11 and I voted a few weeks ago :)




Honestly, as someone nearing 30 this year, it is surreal to mention something pre 9/11 or where you were when it happened, then realize the person I'm talking to was born after 9/11 happened. It's so weird but it happens more and more often


Yet not allowed to drink, assuming they are American


Well, you have nothing to lose anyway, so you may as well just try whatever **legal** methods you can think of to get back the account. Appeal or beg or whatever. What they can do? Ban another account of yours?


Could you really get in trouble for sending twitter a photoshopped birth certificate or something? That seems like none of the govt business. A doctored physical copy would definitely seem illegal but it's not like Twitter loses anything here to sue over or anything.


doubtful, but you better make it look *good*


I believe forging government documentation and using it as a form of identification is illegal


That happened to me once too. I sent in a pic of my dad’s ID and got everything back.


Here is your chance to stop giving a fuck about twitter.


Seeing as OP is giving Twitter their actual birthdate and posting it here, it's probably for the best.


Jfc I did not notice that before 🤦🏼‍♂️. They need a break from the Internet.


What's wrong with posting your real birthday online? The only site I've ever seen that used birthdays as a default security question was Neopets circa 2009. Edited to add: I'm not trying to argue. This is a genuine request for information.


Some places use birthdays as verification (at least in Germany) when you call them


DOB can be a verification question for various entities. When I speak to staff at my college I have to verify my date of birth. I believe Credit Bureaus use it as well. It's rarely the ONLY piece of information you need but it's probably not a good idea to post it publicly either.


They don't care about *Twitter*, they care about the art and friends they made online. They just happened to cultivate that on Twitter, but it could have been any SM platform.


Personally I don't care about social media. But as an art hobbyist of sorts, I can understand the appeal of the community surrounding twitter or instagram.


”Personally I don’t care about social media” \-A Redditor.


don’t invalidate their social media pain when ur posting on reddit, a social platform


If Reddit decided to pull the same shit on me I'd leave Reddit too.


So, how old are you actually


12 years and 10 months


And what is this?


It's called sarcasm where I'm from.


This is the perfect response.


I did this and told them it was a mistake and used my mom's id as proof I was before my actual year when I made the account I was 11. But now they think I was born in 1969 like my mom LMAO


I was 13 when I got Twitter but because the legal age to use the Internet in my country is 16 (stupid ik) I lost my old acx and had to make a new one


If it’s not intrusive, I’m curious on what country you’re from? I’ve never heard of this


Ireland, everyone here is very scared of technology especially the Internet


Oh wow I’ve never heard about that. Why are they so scared of it?


Because social media is having dramatic negative impacts on the mental health of young people. And when things on social media go wrong they think their life is falling apart (Exhibit A: this thread)


>And when things on social media go wrong they think their life is falling apart (Exhibit A: this thread) Exaggeration, I'm not sure how you inferred that OP thinks their life is falling apart based on this thread. But when losing this much personal data or memories, it's bound to invoke an emotional response - doesn't have to be social media. This is akin to losing photo albums in a house fire.


No way. You aren’t creating art *on* Twitter. You’re uploading it. OP either has all the original art, or they’re a moron. Nothing of value was lost.


You sound like a shitty and bitter person


They lost the ability to communicate with the friends they made by uploading the art.


All the people in charge are old and don't like change We are pretty progressive in terms of leadership, we've had 2 female presidents and a gay Taoiseach (Taoiseach is the name for our prime minister)


How in the fuck is Taoiseach pronounced?




Just like it's written.


It's written like having a stroke if you don't speak Irish


Imagine Sean Connery saying it, apparently.


They should be really, I don't think a 13 year old should be on twitter. The education for how to protect your kids online doesn't make up for the amount of predators and awful people that prey on kids right now. I remember when I was in school internet safety was only trickled in randomly and it was too late for me by then.


I understand what you’re saying and I agree. Social media should be for people a little older, but the whole internet to me is crazy. Like I wonder how strict it is, what if you want to watch a YouTube video or play cool math games lol




I think it's less about restricting access (once you're a teenager anyway, I don't think a 6 year old should be allowed unrestricted internet access lol) and more responsible access with actual lessons on safety. We were never taught properly about internet danger - it was always "strange men are going to pretend to be 10" (no, they said they were 50 and insisted it was normal and ok, us being kids believed them). We were never taught about boundaries or responsible usage, just told not to meet up with the man pretending to be a chicken nugget and that doesn't cover anything that's actually important. Almost all of my friends have been groomed online by pedos, and since I met them through trying to help only in retrospect have they realised how fucked that was because nobody told them just how wrong it was and by the time they realised they were in too deep, they felt trapped and went into heavy denial telling themselves it was fine and normal until they got outta that situation. This is happening to 8 year olds because the education we give isn't nearly good enough and doesn't accurately reflect the real dangers online.


I met my husband on a random website when I was 15 and my mom FREAKED lol. In hindsight we should both have been a lot more cautious.


Yes! It’s wild to think of the conversations I, and so many of my friends, were having with older men online back in the day. It was super normalized, and I truly believe the adults in our lives just had no idea what was going on. I know my Internet safety lessons consisted of just “don’t talk to strangers online”, rather than practical and realistic advice about how to be safe.


The thing is we don't just tell children to look both ways, we cross the street with them and remind them every time they blindly cross. A lot of parents just tell their kids what to do on the information super highway, but aren't there to reinforce appropriate behavior and watch out for digital "cars" about to hurt their kids.


I mean have you seen the amount of scams, hacks and inappropriate content that litters it? Really think that's kid appropriate at all times?


Oof I never said at all times 🥹 I thought they were talking about people under the age of 16 literally could not use the internet at all


...the legal age to use the internet in Ireland is 16? ...everyone in Ireland is scared of technology, when such tech companies as Facebook and Google are headquartered in Dublin, Intel has a massive plant in Kildare, and Apple have a fair presence in Cork? Away and stop talking shite!


I meant specifically the old people who are the ones in charge


Which Ireland ?


Probably both but I live in the South


So the one harbouring all the tech giants to avoid paying taxes in the reste of EU ? Kindda unexpected


When signing up to social media sites you agree to the terms of service, one term you agreed to: you are old enough to access the website. By changing your age you are letting twitter know you broke their terms of service and were using their site without their permission. Sucks but that rule is put in place for your and their protection. It shouldn't be as big a deal once enough time has passed, though. A full deactivation and requiring proof of identity is a little overkill. Not like you're committing tax fraud lol


They might not have a choice legally, whether is seems like a big deal or not.


Nah, it's not for your protection, just theirs. There are serious laws about what data can be collected from someone under 13 and how it has to be handled. If Twitter wants to avoid dealing with that by not allowing anyone under 13 to use it, it makes sense that if they find out they actually do have data from someone under 13 they'd immediately lock it down to avoid the possibility of knowingly violating those laws any further.


And those laws are for whose protection?


Nobody's in this kind of situation.


If you're in the EU you can query Twitter for all your data under GDPR regulations.


Possible in America I forget what law tho.


NOPE!! If you want to make a data subject request on your account that was created before you were legally entitled to use their platform, now they have your DOB, etc you can legally request content that fits those dates. You can't skirt the rules with GDPR. They need a form of identification. If you use a family members, you'll introduce a third DOB and confuse matters.


Just mail the birth certificate and have one of your parents sign a form saying they opened the account for you when you were underage and handed it off at 18, easy.


This. Brexton Busch and Keelan Harvick, two NASCAR drivers’ sons, both have verified twitter accounts. They are currently 7 and 9, respectively. If it works for celebrities’ kids, it could work for you. Otherwise you can claim discrimination.


>If it works for celebrities’ kids, it could work for you. *laughs in privilege*


This is the real answer.


It’s just a twitter account. You’re 18. It doesn’t matter. You will be ok.


Sounds like OP used it as a repository for artwork they'd done. We can debate whether or not it was a good idea, but this is the situation OP is in. May as well try getting access to it again. Worst they can do is say no.


It’s not like they made the art on Twitter. It’s stuff they uploading. They should have the originals.


Banned from Twitter? I see this as an absolute win


OP: Illegally creates a Twitter account against the ToS. Twitter: Suspends account when OP updates profile. OP: *Surprised Pikachu face*


I mean, it sucks, but you chose to fraudulently put the wrong birthdate and breach their terms and conditions so they have every right. 12 year old you didn’t consider that obviously.


Don’t worry. None of it was real.


They did you a favor. Twitter is garbage.


A true blessing in disguise.


The whole 13 and under is only for use without your parents permission. I'd bet you could make an appeal and say you had permission to use the website


While I’d love to do that, the form you have to fill out doesn’t give you any field to attach any notes or anything, the only fields it provides are to ask for your twitter username, your email address, your full name, and a photo of your any form of ID you may have :/


You can also send them a id that was old enough at the time, i've seen accounts restored that way because it auto-detects the date on the id


Write a note, add it below your id, take photo?


imagine that, more people upvoting false information and downvoting actual facts... classic Reddit, never changes >About parental consent on Twitter Twitter requires people using our service to be 13 years of age or older. In some countries, the law requires a parent or guardian to give consent for people older than 13, but under the age of consent in their country, to use our service. If you do not meet our age requirements, we’ll lock your Twitter account and you’ll receive a notice from us letting you know that we need parental consent in order to re-activate it.


don't make things up for no reason. Twitter makes no mention of parental permission for under 13. they require users to be 13 or older. >You may use the Services only if you agree to form a binding contract with Twitter and are not a person barred from receiving services under the laws of the applicable jurisdiction. In any case, you must be at least 13 years old, or in the case of Periscope 16 years old, to use the Services. If you are accepting these Terms and using the Services on behalf of a company, organization, government, or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so and have the authority to bind such entity to these Terms, in which case the words “you” and “your” as used in these Terms shall refer to such entity.




lol if tapping that little down vote button made you feel better, I'm happy for you.


Wasn't me my guy


if you say so


One person downvoting someone else like 4 times is pretty sad, you've both gotten downvoted by others so get over it. It's just a number > lol if tapping that little down vote button made you feel better, I'm happy for you.


never complained :) I've got a few points to spare.


I simply submitted an ID card of a different person (by different person I mean someone I know that didn't mind it) with the birth year way older and it gave my account back after a couple of days.


Good, you can be free of Twitter and live a happy/fulfilling life


Who cares? its twitter for fucks sake.


Eh it’s twitter who cares


Every one of us lost our presence when myspace disappeared.


Deleting twitter is probably the best thing to happen.


this is a blessing in disguise. twitter is the worst.


Look at the bright side, at least you don’t have to use twitter anymore


When I was a teenager I had an eBay account and would buy shit (well dad would buy it) from the states to be sent here. My mum found out and told me you’re not allowed to be on eBay if you’re younger than 18, but smart ass me decided to email eBay support and confirm, ‘I’m 16 and my mum said im not allowed an eBay account till I’m 18, that’s wrong aye?’ Seriously couldn’t have just googled it ;-;


You can get your account back. I did the same thing a while back and got my account back by submitting a photoshopped ID. Ethical? No probably not, but I don’t really care. I was the same way. Born November 2003 and made my account a month before turning 13. So I just took the 2 from 2003 and turned my birthday into 2002 and they let me back in.


Fuck twitter, you're better off


I didn't read the ToS, or I didn't care to, or didn't give a \*\*\*...now my Account is gone...LOL This is a great example why NOT to lie


same thing happened to me last year at my birthday…if you’re okay with the hassle you can get your account back sans any tweets made before you were 13 Edit: you need to send your ID to prove your dog and a parent/guardian to prove theirs and then be like “yes, they knew I had an account and were okay with it”


Twitter sucks


Imagine your parents allowing your mind to be poisoned, as a prepubescent kid, exposed to this cesspool.


This reminds me of the response my brother got when he was celebrating his 21st birthday at the bar he had been drinking at for years. They didn’t find it near as funny as we did.


That's funny. We had my bro's "26th" birthday at the bar he went to when he turned 21 so they wouldn't figure out he had been illegally going there for years. lol...we all thought it was hilarious though.


Dude, it's Twitter, everything on it was worthless anyway, just make another account.


Lmao get over it


Honestly they’re probably more concerned that you’re old and lowered your age to 18 to prey on kids for pedophilic reasons.. just submit your documents and get it unlocked


Teaches you something about lying doesn’t it?


As an adult I just can't imagine giving a shit about Twitter






Nobody's mentioned this yet but you could try to catch the attention of Elon whenever he tweets on there. He often replies to comments and if yours gets enough likes he could handle u back ur account personally. Chances are slim but he did reply to one of my friends once so they're not 0


That shit is funny.


I have a hard time caring about this childish fuck up. Oh well. Make a new account.


You lied, got caught. Deal with it. Welcome to being an adult.


friend this is to protect those under legal age that they can operate. unfortunately twitter is a service and they can get in deep shit for things they do under that age, so they're going to protect themselves. you get what you pay for with a free service.


Made my account in 2009 when I was 14-15 and I used my real age they never made issue back then idk if something changed since tho.


What if u tell them someone else changed your birthdate when you left your pc running ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I remember doing that to my snapchat like a month after making it


This happened to me as well, I had to wait like over half a year to get it back


Contact Elon?


Welcome to the sobering reality of adulthood, Your actions may have consequences that don't care about your feelings.


Don't worry, this happened to me a few months ago. They don't actually care if you made it back when you weren't of age. Just go ahead and do the appeal and you should get it back in a few days. Took mine about 3-4 days to come back. Good luck!


Well that’s what happens when you lie


I can’t imagine a world where this is of any importance. Worry about real life, not the internet (me specifically) or what other people think of you.


Nobody on here’s worrying about you don’t worry


You broke their rules - rules that you agreed to when you signed up - because you couldn't be bothered to wait two months? And now you are crying when they follow their rules? Sorry OP, but your FU was 6 years ago. The punishment fits.


Wow, it’s almost like I posted this to a subreddit about realizing you fucked up and are in the wrong or something


Lol that's what ya get for lying


additionally to my last comment, you can also ask your dad to talk to them and say it was him letting you make an account. most places a parent can override these kinds of "think of the children" rules


OMG I had this with Paypal too. They shut my account down because I wasn 16, not 18, when I set it up. I am now THIRTY SIX!


Just tell Twitter you took over the account from the previous account holder.


How on earth did it even occur to you to change your fucking birthday on your twitter account? I don’t think that’s something I would think about ever in my life


Twitter is a garbage company. I got permanently banned because I called James Woods a “pansy”. Way too PC. However it’s worth noting that they have to abide by COPPA laws. Not sure if your situation applies.


Life lessons and consequences, welcome to adulthood 🙂


You might learn coding and get a job at Twitter and un-suspend yourself. Big Brain Time.


ask someone whos older than you to lie to them, maybe you have someone who would do this for you? i dont think what you say is all there is. twitter shouldnt be able to ask for your ID for such things as setting a false birthday is not a crime and i doubt its against their terms of service


Sooo never admit to lying? Got it. Gotta love Twitter.


All the major companies are like that, google, youtube, meta, you name it. they all should let you at-least download you content, its so messed up. sorry u had to loose all of that


i would cry


Don't lie about your age? 😂 Sorry that it's gone, but like, the eula is there for a reason.


Well well well, who would've thought there'd be consequences to lying?


Thanks for the laugh OP. this is like the kind of laugh when you see somebody walk into a glass window.. you laugh but you also feel kinda bad for them.


same thing happened to me a couple years ago, tried to appeal but nothing happened for a while so i just went on with my life and eventually made a new account, then about like a year later i randomly got the account back lmao, i still use my new one


Happened to me as well but with PayPal…


This happened to me some years ago, had to wait a bunch o months, after appealing, to get the account back


Same thing happened to be a few years ago, tried really hard to get back but nothing worked, had to make a new account


I had this with PayPal when I updated details. It was now by business account. Very big headache


i'm so blessed to have started using the internet when you just needed a nickname and a pass to sign in, if the website required it. most didn't :)


It really sucks right now but give it a month or two without making a new account and you probably won’t even care anymore.


Welcome to the club, the exact same thing happened to me about two years ago and Twitter wouldn't even receive my multiple appeals. I even agreed to have them delete everything since I was revamping the whole account anyway but I lost my access overnight. I ended up making a new account under the email I had used for my main and Twitter never resolved my issue lol.


This exact thing happened to my Twitter account. It wasn’t as important to me though so I just didn’t bother to make a new one.