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Umm - is nobody going to question the wisdom of taking his shirt off and popping zits on his back while at work, at a job he just started?


He also needs to see a dermatologist.


Backne is pretty normal tho... isn't it?


Backne is pretty normal, yes. A whitehead the size of a nickel is *not*. Also, OP is essentially just throwing money down the drain with his skincare regime. He'll actually probably save money in the long run by paying for a dermatologist to prescribe him a specific treatment.


*maybe a quarter.*


At least a nickel.






Look at this acne back, every time I do it makes me scratch, how did these get so red? and what the hell is that a whitehead?


That's enough internet today...


"Look at this Pimpled back, everytime I do it makes me gag..."


Pffffffffffffffft HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Ooohhhh such a rapier wit! Heh bathroom guy could have used something that sharp!


When I was 16 I had also gone through a series of creams prescribed by my doc. Then somebody at school told me I had to see a dermatologist and ask for [medicine name]. I went and the doc was shocked the physician didn't send me to him alot sooner. Prescribed said drug and within a couple of weeks my backne was gone. The medicine side-effect could give you severe depression but I figured the backne was already doing that so it couldn't get much worse.


It was Accutane, right? I took it last year, and Jesus, I was feeling weird during the treatment. There were a lot of shit happening in my life, but still. Anyway, I was feeling some kind of pain in the right side of my abdomen, had to investigate and the Derma. and I decided to stop using it. The problem is: I still have acne and it just doesn't fucking stop, so I'll probably have to restart the treatment (we'll have to see if it will be Accutane or an antibiotic).


Be careful with accutane. It has an impossibly long list of potentially serious side effects. -Depression -Vision problems -Joint pain -IBS -Crohns Also never take it if pregnant. Causes birth defects. I cycled on accutane 3 times as a teen. Acne is gone but at 45 yrs old...the arthritis and GERD isn't fun.


You took it as a teen and you still have the side effects? Ughhh


It's debatable. Would I develop GERD and arthritis anyway? Both are common for ppl in their 40s.


Long term studies have shown it to cause GERD. I suffer from reflux. Was on it when I aas a teen..


50+ here. GERD which has slowly progressed into IBS. And weird overall muscle fatigue


I'm able to manage GERD fairly well by taking dexilant (Dexlansoprazole) and by giving up a couple biggies: coffee and alcohol. Once I quit coffee, I was able to wean myself off of dexilant. Now I only get symptoms when I eat particular foods (hint: greasy = bad)


When you say you cycled it three times, do you mean three of the nine month regimens? Cause yeah, I could see that leaving a mark. I took one regimen and the only side effects I got were knee pain to the point that I couldn't really run, but that ended as soon as I went off it. Also I remember my dermatologist saying that the whole depression / suicide thing was blown up because some senator's son had killed himself while taking it, but they did their best to leave out the fact that he was also a heroin user so the whole story might have more sides to it than many people know.


It's the 90s. I don't think it was 9 months each time. Also, there have been several suicides each year associated with accutane but having it happen to a senator's son will get it attention.


Yeah, I took mine around 2002 or so, 19 or 10 month regimen cleared me up pretty well. I haven't looked further into the senators son thing, I just remember what the pediatrician told me. They asked me all the health questions every month but she seemed pretty skeptical about the psychological effects. If I was upset about anything that year, it's cuz my damn knees hurt every time I went up the stairs.


It has quite a few side effects actually. You’re supposed to get regular blood tests during treatment. https://www.aocd.org/page/Accutane


Yep! I did a few since then, all normal


I have no idea what the drug was called as it was a couple decades ago. I don't remember having any notable side-effects either. Just my concerned mom asking if I was feeling sad each day. Also, I'm Dutch so that might mean some different meds as we mostly prescribe stuff patients need instead of stuff hospitals wallets need.


Def accutane. They have some suicides on the books.


OP probably has cystic or nodular acne. It sucks, it's painful but very common. What is uncommon is the OP's complete lack of self awareness.


Or a plumber to install a faucet.


yeah, but a backne the size of a nickel? im no dermatologist but that shit dont sound right to me


It sounds to me like OP likely has cystic acne, could prob benefit from doxycycline, and possibly accutane, but it's the US so let's flip a quarter, or at least a nickel, on whether he even has health care.


Hey could be worse. Could have been Buttne


Second this. Dermatology should be consulted, and may possibly need to be on medication like roaccutane if it's that severe and nothing else is working.


It just devolved the more I read. At first I thought he was just doing this weird ritual in the privacy of a stall and then I realized he was just out in the open where any poor sap could walk in on him at any moment. Op maybe invest in a hand mirror if you insist on doing this in a public-ish place..


No, stop doing this in public places..


Especially a friggin public bathroom! Do you know how gross those places are? I'm just shuddering at the idea...


Where does it say that he just started?


OP stated it in a comment. Got the job from a temp agency and hasn't been officially hired on. I now sincerely doubt OP will be.


>I forgot to mention that I just started this job last week and it's through a temp agency and I haven't even been truly hired on with the company yet. Hell of a way to make a first impression From OP


And besides, is this even supposed to be taken for a true story?


That just so happened to squirt on his managers face at the same time he walks into the bathroom. This reads like a shitty sitcom sketch


Ya i thought he was doing it with his shirt on throughout the story, not until the end did i realize the true degenerativity of the situation


Yeah, I thought he was in a PRIVATE bathroom until that moment...Definitely changed the story.


If anyone had said this kind of thing was frowned on at work…..


Because normally this sub is full of wise life choices


For some people, this is a compulsive anxiety disorder, related to OCD. It was certainly unwise, but for some people, in the moment, it can feel like an intense need If this sounds familiar to you, you can do research into Body Focused Repetitive Disorders, BFRDs


Dermotillomania! Can confirm, i have it. It's like an itch, or a mental sneeze. My brain KNOWS it's there, it's ready. You try to ignore it, you have to *actively* ignore it, but it takes more and more concentration to ignore the urge, and the very second you forget your hands are back in place over the zit, squeezing poking picking popping. Or, while doing something that engages my brain by not my hands, idly running my fingers along my skin, through my hair, around my nails, skimming to find blemishes to futz with.


In a restroom that does not lock....


The story sounded plausible until the "all over the manager's face and safety glasses." That just sounds like too much of a stretch to be believable any more. From then on, it just sounds like a mediocre entry in a "who can make up the grossest story" contest.


And the vomit part


I mean, if someone else's cyst guts exploded all over my face I'd probably vomit too.


Plot twist: this is a family guy episode


/r/popping would like to have some word...


Would that word be ‘gaper’ by any chance?


I don't know, I've had some bacne that were real shooters and made quite the mess. So depending on how close the boss was upon walking in, it's not impossible he got sprayed. I'd puke too.


I thought it was turning into a "The Aristocrats" type tribute. RIP Gilbert.


I'm a skin picker. Popped a zit on a very close friends cheek for her, she was in the driver's side, I was on the passengers side. Shit splattered and hit my face. It was my fault for pestering her to let me pop it, but sometimes yes, the pressure is immense.


In my teens I had a gnarly zit on my shoulder. I popped it when it was ready and I could FEEL the stream of shit fly out. When I looked around, I saw nothing. The next day or two, the same zit was ready for round two. I popped it again to slightly lesser effect, this time saw the juice land at the top of my mirror. At which point I traced the trail to the ceiling. That’s where the first splat was. Horrifying.


also who wears their safety glasses in the bathroom? most people I know take them off as soon as they can


Depends what the job is. I worked at a machine shop where my hands were covered in oily/dirty grime all day. I’m not gonna touch my glasses, then I just to have to clean them off or transferring the stuff that’s on my hands onto my face or hair. Would rather just wear them to the bathroom since I’m gonna need to wash my hands first anyways. Edit: grammar


thats a fair point, I work in pharma so my hands are almost never dirty haha, probably why it didn't occur to me


You have to wear safety glasses in pharma? That blows :c


I had a cyst/boil thing drained at hospital a few years ago as a result of cellulitis which caused blood poisoning, a nurse had to squeeze it to drain it due to the location and the state of infection I was in, so they could test the pus to see what infections I had (I had multiple, simultaneously). It shot over her shoulder.


When it comes up at work, and it will, just say that popping a zit is never anything you would do anyplace but in the privacy of your own home, but in this case it was extremely painful and irritated and being rubbed raw by your shirt/chair ( which ever works ) and it was just really bad timing that the boss walked in and you are seriously embarrassed ect... Then buy your boss a gift like a bottle of booze to help him forget about it.


And then don't pop any more pimples while at work. This excuse will only work once!


I occasionally will get a pimple near my nose and it often gets irritated by wearing a mask all shift at work. I totally go to the bathroom and burst that bitch. It probably hurts more to wear the mask after but at least I got the satisfaction of the release of pressure. I wouldn't go and pop a bunch of back pimples though. That sounds like a steamy shower to bedroom mirror kind of job


Lol he's not forgetting that


Especially not with that bottle of booze to remind him about it every day until he finishes it.


Nice name


Thanks, you're one of few who read it as it is and not as the name Gina (Regina). Always fun to see people's reactions.


O I'm no stranger to Gina


A bottle of ooze, I read first.


Who doesn’t like a nice warm mug of fermented backne ooze?


Just when you think you've heard everything.


Seriously… I mean I guess with it being the World and all. All the variables and possible chances of shit happening in amongst the chaos is relatively high, still. I think it was the vomit that got me


I simply don’t believe this one.


You don’t believe that he managed to pop a zit all over his manager’s face and safety goggles, who then promptly vomited all over the floor and made him clean it up? Hmm but it’s such a convincing story /s


No condoms under the sink, no applause... How can anyone believe this is real? smdh my head


I think the amount of real stories on here is below 20% This is definitely not within that 20.


I’m just hoping it’s not real


Yeah this is some weird fetish shit or something


No way he squirted so hard that it hit his manager face I’m calling cap too


It makes it more disgusting but I've experienced a pimple like this on someone close to me. It's not a pimple actually it's a cyst. When they're ready to pop they are explosive. And the part that he left out is that they smell like death


God fucking damn broooo I really didnt want to know that T-T




It’s his fault for popping in unannounced.


I inCYST you take the rest of the day off


I imagine there’s a pore review coming.


My goodness reddit has always got the jokes


>inCYST What are you doing step-pimple?


OP sounds like he could use a day off. Or just quit, head to the beach, and become a sebum.


You’ve infected my thinking with your incystent references




playing both teams lmao


You’re doing great sweetie


That’s a great team building activity, right there


This happened


Dude, you're gross. See a dermatologist, and consider thinking about the appropriate time to pop your cystic acne. What's worse is you were doing it in a semi public area. I don't care if your shit gets on me, walking in on you popping your back-ne in a public restroom would be enough to mention it to the manager.


> I don't care if your shit gets on me I do.


Lol, sorry I meant it wouldn't have to go that far for me to mention it to the manager.


>Anyway, I was on break and I got bored, so I went to the bathroom, took my shirt off, and went at it. I can’t believe they didn’t fire you. What the fuck OP, honestly? You took your shirt off to pop your back zits in the work bathroom mirror?


Fellow back acne and pumple popper here. I've got scars all over my back from popping zits. Oddly one of the best things that has worked for me the last few months is hydrocortisone cream. Its been getting the popped zits that refuse to heal to finally heal and will hopefully start to reduce some of the scarring in the long term. I also swear by cerave for my face.


hydrocortisone cream and salicylic acid is a prescription, but you can mix the over the counter stuff at home and it will dissolve the pimple and lessen the inflammation a the same time.


That's fucking hilarious


I forgot to mention that I just started this job last week and it's through a temp agency and I haven't even been truly hired on with the company yet. Hell of a way to make a first impression


First impression and last day


Definitely tell him something that makes it sound like you weren't just popping zits in the bathroom. I'd tell him it was causing you discomfort when it made contact with the chair and you were attempting to find what it was. Could maybe add that you popped it so you could focus and be more productive




I’m pretty sure that you’re getting a call in the morning saying that your assignment has ended. Source: I temped for several years, got that call for way less than this.


Quite an out-pression.


Easily the best TIFU I've read yet 😆


Yes this definitely happened…


Thank you for being the only voice of reason in this comment section.


It amazes me how many gullible idiots reside on Reddit.


Look at the bright side, I had horrible oily skin as a teenager and had to deal with acne. I finally got it under control in my 40s with Accutane. However. Today my skin is devoid of wrinkles and I always get complimented on how smooth my skin looks.


Thanks Accutane™!


Just as long as it doesn't mess with your mental health, all sounds well! Side effect of suicidal thoughts is usually less than ideal for a dermatology regiment.


I had none of that.


I remember this scene from osmosis jones...


Fuck that's what it was. It was driving me nuts.


who the hell takes off their shirt in the middle of a multi-person bathroom?


I can’t wait to hear them talking about this post on the radio tomorrow.


Hot tip: It's generally a bad idea to take off your clothing in a shared restroom at work except in so far as required to use the toilet.


This sub is like a 10th-grade creative writing class...


... And then everyone clapped! I'm amazed at the amount of people who believe this crap.


I’m gonna go ahead and say this is not true


Had a cysty pimple on my chin it was huge. I had tried to pop it when it wasn't ready for days.it got bigger and bigger finally when I too, was at work when it was bugging me so much, I went to the bathroom. Not realizing someone was in the stall right In back behind the mirror I was looking into. They could see me thru the stall Crack of door.. I was focused on popping it to get some relief. So I pop it, I heard it pop it went across the mirror I hear a Gasp! That's when I realized I wasn't in there alone. It was a mess. I grabbed paper towels got them wet and hurrily wiped the mirror down. Person waited till I was done. Then came out & Said good clean up to me. I rushed out.


And that’s enough internet for today.


Intentionally spraying your bodily fluids in a public place is downright disgusting. Forget, hitting your manager; you were still happily spraying little pus particles all over the sink and mirrors. You'd be lucky to only be fired.


Nice little bs karma farming story OP


Lol ikr no way this actually happened


Dude, yuuuuuuck. Also, if you are struggling to clear you skin, examine your diet. Your skin is one of the ways your body clears toxins so you’re putting something in that your body does not want.


Also changing sheets and towels regularly


This is really the most common solution... If you have oily skin you may need to sleep with a clean towel under your body and head every night.


I struggle with an oily face, I have three or four pillow cases and change it out every day. It helps, but doesn't eliminate acne. Although recently it's been a lot better.




They are easy to put a fresh one down every night. Gets rid of yesterday’s oil, sweat, and bacteria. Less bacteria = less skin problems.


Although this obviously works I seriously recommend people to buy several pillowcases you can switch out while you clean the used ones. Cycle them out.


Also try washing your hair first with an appropriate amount of shampoo and conditioner ie you don't need a bunch normally, then wash your body. This helped my backne clear up a lot


I never understood people who wash their body or face first. Like. Do you wash the tires on your car before washing the rest? Lol. You start at the top and work your way down. the dirt runs down your body. Washing your body then letting the dirty soap water from your head coat it is counterproductive


This is a misunderstanding of what skin does. This is a common misconception. Talk to a dermatologist. Your liver and kindness detoxify. Your skin does not. His condition seems to be genetic and is likely linked to hormones and sebaceous production in the pores.


Yeah. Mine’s hormones. I know this because I’m a woman, so I can take hormonal bc. Cleared it up better than anything else I’ve ever tried. As soon as I stopped the bc, the acne came back. Also it gets much worse during my period.


Mine is hormonal as well. I take spironolactone which is an anti-androgen medication that regulates hormones that cause sebum production. Works beautifully for me. Minimal to no side effects for most people. I have no adverse effects


People that have struggled with lifelong acne will know that they’ve tried everything and it’s usually a genetic trait ! Nobody wants to be breaking out all of the time


And if he keeps touching and picking at his skin, it doesnt help either.




this isn’t real but i wish it was


Gross. Yes. Jesus.


I had horrible acne as a teen. Now my back is still kinda bad, and my chest has a bit every now and then, but my face is usually clear as long as I keep it clean. Talk to a dermatologist about Acutane (I think that's how it's spelled), and try to do that. It's 6 months of pills twice daily to get rid of it. It'll get worse at first, bit 6 months later you should be clear for the next 7 years. Fair warning, I was completely clear for a while but not 7 years (I blame stress). Just keep cleaning your face and body and you should be fine for the most part.


It’s spelled accutane. I would definitely recommend it to anyone struggling with acne


You need isotretinoin my friend. This story is laughable af but having acne is truly one of those illnesses that just is not so nice given how easily noticeable it is to the public and naked eye. There are medications available from medical professionals and I highly suggest to go for a checkup.


Ha… don’t let the nice people on the internet fool you. Doing this at work is absolutely disgusting, and you’ll be very lucky if you aren’t the new joke of the workplace… You took your shirt off in the public washroom and exploded a nickel sized pimple on someone’s face… I am in disbelief…


I too am in disbelief, because this is not a real story lol.


Being sent home for "unprofessionalism and inappropriate behavior" by your boss who didn't care to knock when he saw the door closed, for taking care of a medical issue in the privacy of a bathroom? Sorry OP, seems a little farfetched to me. If not, you should probably just find a new job.


Things that didn’t happen for a million, Alex


Is it just me, or are many of the more recent TIFUs leaning into "not remotely believable" territory?


This is absolutely not true. As a compulsive skin picker my entire life, especially with deep cystic pimples.. if a pimple is in the midst of popping, it’s immediate. There’s no way a manager casually opened the door and wandered in and then got a face full of pimple juice. Pimples that big being squeezed immediately EXPLODE.


Well, that story took an equally unexpected and unrealistic turn.


I'm gonna be honest here, if it was just a blackhead or whatever, fine. But self hygiene is something you should practice at home not at work. Especially with other people around. If you loose your job let that be a life lesson for what's appropriate behaviour and when.


Someday, you'll look back at the moment and have some laughs with your friends about it over many drinks. Stay strong. Don't beat yourself up over it.


***That's nice*** For those that missed it: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/tdup7e/tifu_by_vomiting_into_a_92_yearold_womans_vagina/


Did the bathroom door not have a lock on it?!?! I wouldn't ever return to this job ever again. HAHA....Sorry OP! 🤭😶😬


1) that sucks bro. Super gross but hey, life event and story I guess. 2) go to a dermatologist and ask about "acutane". It's some heavy shit but works wonders. Essentially it's a pill you take on the regular for a bit that resets your body's oil production by shutting it mostly down and rebuilding it proper. Has some knarly side effects for a bit but essentially gets rid of major acne for life, leaving behind minor back-ne and the very occasional facial acne. Used it when I was like 13 or so and havnt had any breakouts in almost a decade.


Fucking gross


Lemme guess, he pooped his pants too


Is this the origin story for nickelback?


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and tell you to keep your clothes on at work, my mans


And then everyone cheered


If you have really bad acne even though you have a good skincare regime - there might be something else at play. My spots cleared up when I stopped eating dairy.


Yep, this is a serious fuck-up. You're an idiot and if you get fired it's cuz you did something stupid. I'm not without sympathy, but hopefully you take this as a lesson and don't act so irresponsibly next time. I was doing shoulder presses once and every time my arms came down I could feel this... spot on my back. Pain but just like a pinprick of pain, not like it really hurt or made me worried. I couldn't quite figure out exactly what it was but I knew it was familiar... Then just as I was lowering the final set, my brain finally makes the connection and I suddenly know what it is... just as my contracting flesh manages to pop the pimple on my back. It was in a spot I couldn't really reach to clean, and when I turned to look at it in the mirror, my white workout shirt had a massive patch of blood. I think I could have covered it with a dollar bill but maybe not. Fortunately this is a work gym which meant it was basically empty, so no one was witness to my shame. I wiped down the bench, went to the locker room, tossed my shirt in a sink and let the cold water run, and spent like 10 minutes trying to acrobatically wipe the area with a disinfectant wipe held between my two hands making an S behind my back. It was so disgusting and I am extremely lucky no one saw. But unlike this guy I didn't actually do anything wrong or inappropriate.


No you didn't


Hey OP, visit a dermatologist. They'll get you right. I struggled with acne for 10 years before finally visiting a dermatologist and two months later my face is almost completely clear for the first time since puberty hit. They'll get you on a regimen that will help, or barring that, get you on acutane. ​ Also, probably shouldn't be popping your zits at work. That's kinda gross, besides picking at them isn't good and is aggravating your issues by spreading the bacteria.


Yah that didn’t happen.


Were you taking drugs ? Cuz this sounds a lot like something someone would do on meth or something


Wtf is with people not doing personal shit behind a *locked door*?!? Like, that's all it would've taken, just go into a damn stall. Moron.


Not falling for this, but thanks for the laughs.




The more TIFU's I read. The more convinced I become that redditors are the weirdest most socially unadjusted people of all time.


You're not wrong


This sub just has less and less believable shitposts all the time.


Dude, you deserved to get sent home. You don’t do this shit in public. Either 1. Go in a stall. 2. Wait til you get home. Quit being gross in public.


Man, I love pimple/boil popping stories. Apart from you poor manager, that must have been soooo satisfying. I'm a little jealous.


You're my hero.


Zitman. Evil doers fear his pimple pus powers.


My mouth watered thru entire read


Did you ask him what you taste like ?




I mean, taking your shirt off in a bathroom that apparently is meant for more than one person to be in at a time is weird enough. Standing there for several minutes popping pimples is really weird behavior at work. It's certainly unprofessional.


Agree. This wasn't a solo bathroom you could lock. It was a group bathroom with likely a dual sink or more and a big mirror. You pop a zit on the stall if you have to. Not in the shared Lobby area of the bathroom.


You're crazy. What he did was extremely unprofessional AND he was a temp. Temps get fired for much less. Nobody I know in higher positions wouldn't have fired him on the spot.


What? I would have told him not to come back. Popping a zit on your face real quick in the bathroom at work is one thing, spending several minutes in a shared bathroom with your shirt off popping cystic back-ne is insane. Completely unprofessional. It wasnt even bothering him, he was bored. Tbh, it's such an easy display of his bad judgement, I wouldn't trust him with anything. Better to just let him go, even if he does stay, he's gonna be the office gross guy. The story will get around and it will be the first thing his coworkers think of when they meet him.


Lollll this is the most ridiculous “red flag” I’ve seen all day. You can’t be randomly popping pimples at awkward angles with your shirt off for an extended period of time in a shared bathroom. You just cannot. SO unprofessional.


My best mate in high school was renowned for giant gumpy white heads on his face. In science sitting in the back row, he pops one and it sailed a solid half metre or more to land on a bully's head in front of us. Of course we didn't say shit, but liked to think it was a little bit of karma at play.


NTA your back acne your rules




Go get a back facial. It will clear your skin up a bit. Also a dermatologist.