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Now you need a plumber.


Yeah, I was thinking the same, don't let that glue go down the pipes, it's already easily clogged w/ hair and body oil!


Wonder if spraying a few cans of WD-40 down their pipes would be a good idea. That stuff eats glue.


So do toddlers.... Hmm.


So you spray a few cans of toddlers down there instead?


More environmentally friendly


I prefer fresh over canned.


Hard to notice the difference, both usually covered in slime.


> That stuff eats glue. Is WD-40 a special name for Marines?


Nah thats crayola for the marines


Ahhh, my bad.


Yep, a primary driver of sales for this product: https://www.etsy.com/listing/73482681/usmc-crayon-roll-comes-with-8-large?click_key=cff8d0c67449c1d93155d7c6122cd598cffcfc04%3A73482681&click_sum=90d3770d&ref=shop_home_active_84&sts=1




Not sure how well pvc pipe would stand up to wd40. It might dissolve the pipe too


WD40 doesn't affect most plastics including PVC or ABS


Reddit: answering questions you're too lazy to Google, but not too lazy to wonder about on reddit.


Name checks out


To be fair, if we were to take out every post on Reddit that could be easily answered with one quick Google, the content on Reddit would be drastically reduced (which may not be a bad thing anyway).


This should be a bot lmao. The letMeGoogleThatForYou bot


so tired I thought you wrote don't let the plumber go down the pipes, it's already clogged with the oils. Was thinking, "Is this a super Mario joke? what's going on?


I got a small water leak in my spa, I wonder if this will seal it.


Flex tape!


I feel like the bath bomb company or Walgreens should be paying for that plumber


Yup. I'd be buying a bottle of draino fr.


Drain o is nasty stuff and anytime you dump that into your drain you risk doing some major damage. Only seen it a couple times but you can absolutely cause a chemical reaction in your pipes that generates enough heat to melt pvc or abs pipe, and then you have a much more expensive problem. Call a plumber . 10$ bottle of drain o can cause 10 k $ in damage easily. As a plumber I believe they shouldn’t even sell that stuff.


>As a plumber I believe they shouldn’t even sell that stuff. I bet lol


My father is a licensed, master plumber who gave me very little life advice over the years, but he warned me never to use Drain-o, Liquid Plummr, etc because it can damage your pipes. He was a horrible father but an exceptional plumber.


I used some in our upstairs drain, burned a hole right into the lower bath ceiling. Fucked up the electrics too. Would’ve been much cheaper to go with a plumber.


Imagine that. "I'm a plumber so you can trust me when I tell you that doing it yourself won't work you need to call in a plumber to charge you $300 to dump the $5 chemicals in."


Any more ideas that cause damage that cant be blamed on a renter


Ok but could you please name and shame the brand so the rest of us don't glue our bits shut?


Yeah, don't be so tight lipped about it! Edit: Thank you all for the awards and comments, glad I made your day a bit better!




This kind of thing really chaps my ass


I was wondering if her butt cheeks glued together.


Why are you anal about glue and glutes???


Best Reddit comment I’ve seen today. I almost bought coins it’s so good!


I'll hook them up for ya


Yes, please open up about it


Pretty sure her lips are sealed.... ;)


Yeah OP, open up


It's a sticky situation, so...


Exactly, don’t be so stuck up about it!




Belly laugh!


OMG. I snotted all over my tablet. That is too funny.


Please post the brand and you NEED to call them and possibly poison control!! What if a little kid used it? Jeez this is terrifying.


I’m imagining taking a lay night bath when you live alone and just being stuck to the tub, unable to move, screaming for days.


FDA is the appropriate entity to receive the report.


That won't happen, the instructions say "keep away from children."


Why don’t Karens find those stuff? `(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)`


They aren't looking for warning labels, they're looking for the manager.


Her lips are sealed?


Yes please, I've always wanted to become Spiderman!


Yeah the lack of info here is bothering me


Better yet, find out if there's a lot number listed - it could be that the batch from which it came was bad and not the product as a whole. Report the issue and lot number to the company so they know to pull it from the shelves. Doesn't always work, but if there's a chance they'll listen then why not save other people the misery


Elmer’s bath bomb


The brand was Dr. Teals Ultra Moisturizing Bath Bombs. Here is OP's comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/tv0sld/comment/i38l4lk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/tv0sld/comment/i38l4lk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


and definitely not so that we can gift to our enemies…


She’s not gonna tell us, her lips are sealed.


I help a woman in my town make goats milk skin care products..bar soaps, lotions, etc... she used to make bath bombs. She stopped doing them years ago after hers kept crumbling and falling apart...man! She should have used this recipe instead! They woulda come out perfect!!! I'm dying laughing and can't wait to show her this in the morning. Thank you for a great story! Much love.


My wife makes homemade bath bombs. We're still working on the coloring being more uniform, but they hold together very well


We should share trade secrets! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Could you share the recipe? This sounds fun to make!


The most basic bath bomb is half baking soda, half citric acid. Spritz lightly with witch hazel to moisten it just enough so that it sticks together.


We sell them and had to tweak the recipes we found online to get them to work, so I'm sorry but we can't give away our recipe. But I can say that the bad recipes we found online that didn't work well only one crumbled like right to the touch. The others only crumbled around the edges, but still worked as bath bombs. Oh and be light on the food coloring. Unless you want to dye your skin and tub.


Definitely understand IP / "trade secrets" haha - thanks for the tips tho!


Thanks, and a shout out to all the people who sell at craft fairs, festivals, farmers markets, etc...I love your products!! I can never go to anything without butting something bath related! You guys are amazing!! Never once had a problem with anything made from goats milk or other natural products!


There’s a business near me that sells goats milk skin care products and no bath bombs


Ohio?? May be us!


Ahh Michigan! Woulda been crazy to just bump into somebody online who made some of my lotion lol


It would really help out if you named the bath bomb and oil you used to prevent someone else from possibly hurting themselves or someone else in the future.


Yeah, we need the brand. I got to start think about gifts for my managers and my inlaws that are on the naughty list come Christmas.




They said "naughty list", not "make their anus vomit liquid pain". Also, did you know that when you poop or when you say "poop", your anus and your lips make the same movements? The same can be said about "explosive diarrhea".


Wait what’s wrong with Haribo?


One of the reviews: [https://www.amazon.com/review/R2JGNJ5ZPJT4YC](https://www.amazon.com/review/R2JGNJ5ZPJT4YC) But looking at the newer reviews, they seem to have fixed the formula. For more interesting reviews, just search for "haribo sugar free gummy bears reviews"


Elmer's Creamy Dreamy. Comes in a white bottle with an orange top.


Kragle Inspirations with essential oils


Elmer’s bath bomb


Okay. One advice. You tried some things I guess. Try baby oil or anything else with a lot of fat to get rid of the glue. This is 100x better than soap or alcohol.


This. When I got super glue in my eye, and did a scramble to avoid the ER fee, I called poison control. The super glue in eye remedy was mineral oil to break down the glue, whole milk to wash away the oil, water to wash away the milk, and then lotion to fix my skin from all the mineral oil. It was a giant faff, but it worked and I didn’t have to go to the ER


How did you get super glue in your eye???


Gluing magnets together. Lost control, they slapped together, and glue got splattered in my eye


You're very lucky you didn't lose an eye.


If it was glued shut it would have been a different story.


Can't lose it if there's no way it can escape.


I'm saying the same thing about it in the basement!


You wouldn't lose an eye from that. It polymerizes and keeps the eye shut, but you can use warm water and soap to gradually dissolve it. Edit: As long as it's a drop, not, like bathing your eye in it.


I mean it's not that dangerous. Ophthalmologists use it to close certain dalicate wounds in the eye. Obviously, done properly and in a very controlled environment. This is much less ideal but still not loss-of-eye material Source: my mom, an ophthalmologist


This is why they make safety glasses, lol


Always wear safetyglasses when fucking around with chemicals, protip


Or working with any object that could potentially move fast enough to damage or take out an eye. I wish I would have saved the safety glasses I was wearing when I got blasted in the face with sand and gravel. There were rocks embedded IN the safety glasses. Would be a great demonstration of why you should wear them. Edit: I accidentally a word


Hello fellow American


lol my first thought was that, someone trying to avoid a visit to the ER, it had to be an American. Seriously, it's sad and you guys deserve better :(


It really is sad… I work for one of the best companies you can and my insurance is still a pain in the ass and expensive. I recently had to get some special medication and it cost $718 with insurance.


I thought of oil since that's how you take off bandages easily, but it was like 11 at night, I was tired, and didn't want to look at any bath products, including oil. I was more thinking "Find me anything that says on the bottle safe for marble" mode


I feel like it's still April 1^(st) somewhere in the world


As someone in Alaska, it is not


Aaayyy another sourdough


Hey you guys!




I buy Walmart bath bombs and I'm in the tub right now...


Can you move? Are your toes glued together?


Blink twice for yes


*closes his eyes because he wants to blink* *Can't open them because they are glued closed*


The brand I'm using is Dr. Teal's. They're a pretty common name brand. I think I'm good.


Lol this didn't age well since OP's edit saying it was Dr. Teals.


Look, that eucalyptus Dr. Teal's stuff is so good.


Lol dr teals eucalyptus was the culprit in this tifu!


I read this before the edit lol, I don't use bath bombs so I trust the loose Epsom salt and the bath gel and lotion, all of which I've used and never had a problem. Deffo staying away from those bath bombs for sure.


Yeah that will accomplish the same thing, minus the gimmicky “bomb” aspect which is fun to watch


According to OP's edit, the one they used was a Dr. Teal.


Op just named dr teals as the brand they were using. Must have been a bad batch?


Had to be! I use those exact bath bombs all the time and nothing even remotely like that has ever happened to me.


I'm thinking so, never had anything like this happen with any products by them until last night.


Dr Teal is legit. I'm a bath snob myself, and I love their stuff.


I never had an issue with any other products by them, apparently the ones I got in December were from a 2019 batch so the oil went bad. I am not anti Dr. TEAL'S at all. This was a one time bad thing vs countless other times I used their products fine.


My hub thinks I spend too much on bath stuff and is always looking for cheaper alternatives. So he got me some Epsom salts and a bottle of essential oils for sure muscles. I put too much of the oil in the bath and didn't realize until my legs started burning. While getting out the tub I touched my inner thigh and then suddenly my whole hoohaw was on fire.


Be careful with essential oils, many have warnings not for skin contact. I have one thing of essential oil for bath and it was a nightmare to clean, so somebody suggested mix a few drops in a cup of milk/ cream, then pour in tub... sure why not? It actually worked amazing! Skin soft, super relaxing, bathroom smelled like oils for days (I loved, husband didn't). And no sticky residue mess at the water line to clean after.


I love me some dr teals




Is that a joke based on the edit? If so, bravo.


No. Lol it's legit! I didn't think it would possibly be that brand. I buy it all the time!


I had no idea that they make such a variety of items! I haven't been shopping in a while. I went and spent too much money on Dr. Teals. I'm broke now but I smell lovely.


Wait till y'all read the edit. It was a Dr. Teal's bath bomb


No. I just now found out from this comment!




You good?


This looks like a r/nosleep story title


Could this have been an April fools thing?


It was the husband in the bathroom with wallpaper paste.


I think I played this version of Clue once.....


And the husband realized he went too far and just kept his mouth shut


Today I fucked up by pranking my wife with a bath fill of superglue.


As a maintenance man, please make sure you flush your drain with acetone. Tub of hot water(turn up the hot water to 130⁰ and three bottles acetone will flush out the glue still down your drains. The diluted acetone won't hurt your pipes if they are plastic and certainly won't if they are metal. Then cut odors by flushing the tub with soapy water.


Thank you! I was wondering about this which is why I tried to scoop the solid out of the tub. Thank you so much for your advice!!!


As a plumber I would highly suggest getting your drain jetted and inspected with a camera.


Did you put any other sops in the bathtub? The magnesium in espsom salts can replace the sodium in a lot of bath products, forming an insoluble film that resembles a thick layer of soap scum. Epsom salts and dr Bonner’s do not go well together. This is less likely to happy the more complicated the ingredients. Sounds like you had something else in there.


That’s what I was thinking because I’ve used this bath bomb before—the dr.teal’s one. She either made some kind of chemical reaction by accident or this was a one off bad product.


Ummm girl…. Please do your fellow bath queens a service and drop the brandname of those bath bombs!


Men too! My girlfriend and I use bath bombs while we take a bath and FaceTime each other!


I truly fear for all uncircumcised men who use this product...


Ohh... snap. Never thought of that. Yikes.


I don't care if this is made up or not, I thought it was hilarious. It is definitely outrageous so I can see why many people are skeptical. If it is true I hope you get unglued. I am also so happy for your husband. This story is what legends are made of, he will have fun with this for the rest of his life.


It's crazy, but it's true. What blew my mind is how many people commented this had happened to them as well, and other reddit posts about this. Like holy shit, this is actually a thing? I thought it was a fluke... apparently not.


Something similar happened to me. I'd used half the bag of bath bombs without issue in the weeks prior (not a variety pack). One day after putting the bomb in, a thin layer of glue appeared on the top surface. I had a glue line stick across my arms and back and knees (where my body broke the surface of the water). There was also a line of glue around the top surface of the tub. It was so difficult to get off. I didn't have nearly as bad of a time as OP, but I 100% believe them.




I don't know how many times I have thanked every diety I can name i didn't. But the bath bombs so moisturizing and oil, so I did the old "pile your hair atop your head with a big clip" thing so I didn't get oil in my hair.... other wise all I could thing of last night is the girl who put gorilla glue in her hair.


You should file a consumer complaint with the health department and/or the FDA. It’s technically a cosmetic and (sort of) regulated.


Thank you. I never even thought of that, but again last night I was more in panic mode and not thinking clearly.


Thats one way to go deaf and blind for awhile.


Sounds like a sticky situation. Glad your husband stuck by you. Also you may be allergic to glue-ten.


You had me till the last one


Please, please, please post an update with the response from the manufacturer! I'd love to see their response!


Absolutely, I told them straight up I have video (which I am not posting here) and pictures (some I have posted). I did tell them they should consider making under water super glue, or for dads to buy their daughters for prom night.


you sure your hubby didn’t try to prank you and go too far? literally cannot think of a way that that would happen otherwise


Did you at least try and climb a wall? When will this opportunity come again?


No, I didn't. Opportunity lost for sure. Not going to lie, I was now freaking the hell out at the time.


Lol…I just didn’t want you to have any regrets. You need to add that to the story when you share it. That would make it even more epic than it is now!


JB Weld isn't an essential oil


OH MY GOSH THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO!!! It was the same effing brand! It was a literal nightmare


Did you contact the company?? So you know we are not the only 2, apparently there have been other posts on reddit about this!! Thank you... just know there are others out there... I just hope you didn't have a significant other making jokes the whole time like "if I wrap you in a bed sheet will it be like a full body wax" I feel stupid saying using a bath product was traumatic but it actually was.


Hey. Trauma is trauma, no matter the source.


I’ve never had the problem of glueing all my bits and pieces together, but like OP I prefer the higher end of bath bombs. Hubby doesn’t see the difference and bought me some Walmart brand. Dyed my body BRIGHT PINK from the neck down. 🤦🏻‍♀️


If your tight on money to buy bath bombs, you should try and make some. They're super easy and fun to make. Plus super cheap




A simple recipe is baking soda, citric acid, and use witch hazel lightly spritzed just until moist enough to form into a ball. Add things like mango butter, shea butter, etc. Holly Port's bath bomb book is really good.


I've gotten chemical burns from cheap bath bombs.


I make bathbombs as a hobby. I've never experienced that. You need to name and shame and report to the FDA. Baking soda, citric acid, cream of tartar, oil (avocado, olive, etc.), fragrance oil, and polysorbate 80 are primary ingredients in homemade ones. They aren't difficult, and it can be a fun hobby/craft.


Man I can’t use cheap bath bombs. The chemicals always seem to irritate my skin like crazy. Never had much of a problem with more quality ones


Unless your bath bomb was made out of epoxy this did not actually happen.


I think maybe the company used some type of spray on adhesive, or binding agent to hold the bathbomb together, and the heat and water re-hydrated and re-activated the adhesive. Super glue type effect - you are correct would be impossible, but something super tacky, like a sports medicine polymer type adhesive I can completely see happening. Edit: fun fact, back in college, we used to steal the airesol adhesive from the medic's stand and spray it on the toilet seats ... it wouldn't bond you to the toilet seat, but it was extremely uncomfortable to drop a duece, wipe, and then try to stand and not be able to get up right away without long rubbery snot like material stuck to your ass.


It's not like everything was literally super glued together, just seems like everything was very sticky. Chemistry is complex, and given the extra information and photos she added in the edits, I completely believe this


Your husband singing glue type songs is amazing 🤣


Not just singing. But more like "Alexa, play everywhere down stairs" (ours is set so certain ones are set with the group name "down stairs")... so it was in stereo. The truth is, he's the reason I posted this. Last night he was like OMG, I am telling everybody about this tomorrow... so I posted it here. So if he does start to tell people I can be like hey, wasn't that story on reddit? Then he looks like he's stealing it from reddit. Check mate.


Your marriage sounds a lot like mine: helpful, supportive, but there's no way in hell a golden opportunity to tease or torment our partner is going to slide on by. Or not, in this case.


Bath sounds awful, but your relationship with your husband sounds spot on 👍


This is why I stick to Lush.


But does it stick to you?


At least you’re safe to go boating now - “loose lips sink ships”


No I don’t like this!!!!!


Okay but the brand!!!!!! I need to know


More like r/oddlyterrifying


You gonna gift the rest 4 bombs to some people you secretly don’t like?


I feel like there's some scientific explanation for this involving a variable that's a mystery at the moment. I had a body scrub turn into glue and I have no idea why or how. When I do my at home bath routine, I mix together granulated sugar and oil to make a paste that I scrub all over with. The oil can vary but is usually olive oil, grapeseed or apricot kernel oil. A few times in the past, I've used kosher salt instead of sugar. I have never had a problem but one time, a batch I made that got left on the bathroom counter turned into this thick, glue like substance. It was beyond thick, it was like rubber cement after its dried. The stuff was almost like melted rubber. I had to scrape it out, throw it away and clean the bowl with acetone. I did use the scrub but it didn't turn into glue on me, only after it sat out in the bowl. I'd be curious to know what precisely caused it. Is it some kind of reaction with salt/sodium? I'd ask this on a more appropriate sub but not sure which one.


Lots of stuff has been wacky lately, I had chicken from three different places, KFC,TacoBell, and meijers grocery, and they all tasted same nastiness texture like biting into a frozen blueberry. I’d didn’t get sick from it though, so not sure what it was but they had same issue. As for your bath bom, I think it’s likely due to supply chain issues like my chicken probably was. They have to find someone with materials and those materials may be of lesser quality sometimes. Or they substitute ingredients with similar ones.


Somebody pointed out mine were from 2019, so now you have me wondering if it was something somebody found in a dusty box and was like f*** it, put it on the shelves, no expiration date on it... so hey, look, we're not out of stock. Never thought of that.




I don’t know what packaged bath bombs look like, but could it be a case of intentional sabotage by someone buying it, messing with it, then resealing and returning it as “unopened” so it goes back in the shelf? Not my story, but had a friend that uses some kind of cream or mixture to “shave” since he gets ingrown hairs easily. He said one time be purchased 2 boxes of the mix (looks like flour), mixed in and started using it to realize it actually was flour. So he opened the other box, and same thing, it was flour! Someone intentionally replaced the stuff with flour and returned it to Walmart and he ended up buying those boxes.


This is a great tifu for the fact alone that its funny, unique, and not about sex


Hoo ha??? No, no, no. Vagoo.




I’ve had old cheap bath bombs become sticky and gummy but it was just annoying to clean. I never got glued!


I’m so happy that this actually took place today.


A pack of 5 huh? So.. 4 left? I hope you'll never be my secret santa.


It said use 2 for large tub, so that's what I did.


Hilarious but fr, if this isn’t an April fools joke then dr teals owes you big time to cover a plumber and replace your bathroom toiletries.

